Oops; there goes another top Russian General

LOL... The back and forth here is entertaining for sure.... I'm only talking about the exchanges between y'all, and not on the war itself.

The war is definitely not entertaining, but rather sad when looking at it.

Let me ask this question - Does Russia according to the west, uhhh basically have absolutely no one that supports them in the most of the world right now ?

What did Russia do since it fought back the Nazis of world war two, otherwise that could have made the world or the west hate it so bad ? Was it the arms race to the top ??

We have many countries in this world, and all have sinned greatly against one or the other at different time's throughout history, but are they (any of them), hated today as bad as Russia is or is Russia actually hated that bad in the world ??

Name the thing's that have turned Russia into the butt hole of the world, otherwise even after it's wins against NAZI Germany in the 40s ???? What happened to that pitiful Russia that was being slaughtered by the Nazis ?? Did it harden them worse than they'd ever been before, and this was due to the vulnerability it showed early on against the NAZIS during world war ll ??

Was the wall between the east and the west in Berlin a serious point of contention that has led to the intense hatred of Russia prior to our modern day issues being seen today ??

Even though Russia caved to the west on the wall, otherwise the act that ultimately led to the fall of the Soviet Union, did we lose track of the progress that was made then, and therefore did we fall back into a previous way of thinking that Russia will be enemy #1 as long as it is so different than us in many ways ??? Does Russia seek to remain globalist free when it comes to it's communities and market places after all this ??

What's Russia's long term goals as a Nation ?

Will Russia remain a pariah to the west, and therefore Russia will be isolated from participating in the global community with the west because it doesn't play well with other's ???

Has the United States given up on Russia, otherwise on it ever being a friendly in the global market place or on the UN security council etc ?? Does it think this way since it hasn't been friendly with it's neighbor Ukraine or does it go back as far as the Berlin Wall or before ??

Many thoughts and questions, but has the bear somehow been loosed upon it's prey (Ukraine), otherwise the one that it so eagerly wants to destroy now ??? Who poked the bear and woke him up ????????

Sure would be nice if a documentary were released telling how the whole thing went down, otherwise show a straight line of history in which would show us if the west has always hated Russia even though it feared Russia because of it's nukes dating back to the cold war.
The only reason the West one of the wall to fall and the Soviet Union loan with it, well so they can take over and make a capitalist empire out of the territories that were lost. Capitalism has the potential to be just as evil as communism... And unfortunately is more successful at it BECAUSE of the capital. It was capitalism that saved Russia after the collapse of Communism there.

Oops; there goes another top Russian General​

Yeah, I'm betting they have a lot more of those where he came from!

All equally well qualified as bomb fodder.

Thing is that there is no end to Generals in the Slavic Nation. Putin will just promote someone else to take over. There is no beating Russia with Biden in charge because Biden isn't willing to negotiate a settlement. This war might have been over a year ago, billions saved, untold lives saved, if we just had a real president.
Thing is that there is no end to Generals in the Slavic Nation. Putin will just promote someone else to take over. There is no beating Russia with Biden in charge because Biden isn't willing to negotiate a settlement. This war might have been over a year ago, billions saved, untold lives saved, if we just had a real president.
But we have a demented front man instead.
What about that Manafort character? Anything?
Oh you mean the guy who was targeted by the DOJ for his undisclosed private investments, the same DOJ that lets Joe Biden and other Democrats get away with much worse stuff. What does he have to do with Ukrainian impostors who are funded and armed by U.S. Democrats to steal economic territory from Russia?
Oh you mean the guy who was targeted by the DOJ for his undisclosed private investments, the same DOJ that lets Joe Biden and other Democrats get away with much worse stuff. What does he have to do with Ukrainian impostors who are funded and armed by U.S. Democrats to steal economic territory from Russia?
did you know about this one?

Thing is that there is no end to Generals in the Slavic Nation. Putin will just promote someone else to take over. There is no beating Russia with Biden in charge because Biden isn't willing to negotiate a settlement. This war might have been over a year ago, billions saved, untold lives saved, if we just had a real president.
Sadly you are probably spot on, but the fundie bunch can't stand to be wrong.
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