Oops; there goes another top Russian General

So all those Ukrainian deaths are just a rumor?
Read my lips :)

I personally know of no one suffering nor anyone that has died because of this war.
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Read my lips :)

I personally know of no one suffering nor anyone that has died because of this war.
So they are just faceless humans not worth of your empathy? You just disqualified yourself as a member of the human race.
So they are just faceless humans not worth of your empathy? You just disqualified yourself as a member of the human race.

"In the mean time Putin is having the last laugh on the American consumer ....
This war has killed Americans through impoverishment."

I personally know of no one suffering nor anyone that has died because of this war.

"In the mean time Putin is having the last laugh on the American consumer ....
This war has killed Americans through impoverishment."

I personally know of no one suffering nor anyone that has died because of this war.
Yes we are paying the price for a war that could have been prevented.
Not sure why I'm supposed to care about dead soldiers much less celebrate it.

Russia is not our enemy. Our own corrupt government is more of a threat to us than any soldier around the globe is.

Enough war mongering
Says Biden when blaming Russia in order to hide him and his cronies bull shite, so we know why the American consumer suffers greatly after Trump, and it wasn't because of Russia Russia Russia. It was because of Biden Biden Biden.
Our participation, and money, and arming them, is based on what Russia would find that Obama and Biden have been doing there.
Yes we are paying the price for a war that could have been prevented.
Prevented yes, but they just had to have Biden in there because of all their stupid bull shite, now hundred's of thousands are dead. Blood is on the Democrat's hands for all their stupidity.
two things I will give credit to Trump for
1. No war
2. wanting to end this war

Why any of you find humor in death from this war speaks volumes to the sickness in your head.

No one asked the Russians / this Russian General to be in Ukraine.

I have no sympathy for an invader who has overseen the horrific murder of women and children, children stolen and taken back to Russia, and such massive destruction of another people's country.

I hope they put his head on a pike as a warning to other murderous invaders.

No one asked the Russians / this Russian General to be in Ukraine.

I have no sympathy for an invader who has overseen the horrific murder of women and children, children stolen and taken back to Russia, and such massive destruction of another people's country.

I hope they put his head on a pike as a warning to other murderous invaders.

War is Hell, and no one should be quickly guided to it.
If you've watched my posts carefully you'll notice that I've never done that. Presidents don't have much to do with the cost of living or with the value of the currency. Though they usually get blamed for everything that happens while they are in office.

While I agree to some extent, both Obama and Biden dragged their feet in standing up to Russian imperialism. They could have shut down both Russian land grabs in a month or two, but instead have dragged the Ukrainian invasion out for years now. Both had the Presidential power as heads of their Party to send Putin back to his dachas in a very short time, and refused to do so.
Then, you watch too much TV?
Your posts are so weak you shouldn't even attempt them. Go get some coffee, wake up, get tbe creative juices going this morning, then come back and try again.
While I agree to some extent, both Obama and Biden dragged their feet in standing up to Russian imperialism. They could have shut down both Russian land grabs in a month or two, but instead have dragged the Ukrainian invasion out for years now. Both had the Presidential power as heads of their Party to send Putin back to his dachas in a very short time, and refused to do so.
We’ve already seen how well NATO troops do in battles against goat herders in flip flops in Afghanistan.
In my personal opinion, NATO are pathetic cowards, who can only fight by using someone else’s hands, as they’ve done in Ukraine.
We’ve already seen how well NATO troops do in battles against goat herders in flip flops in Afghanistan.
In my personal opinion, NATO are pathetic cowards, who can only fight by using someone else’s hands, as they’ve done in Ukraine.

lol Russians ran from everybody, so your blathering is just silly.
LOL... The back and forth here is entertaining for sure.... I'm only talking about the exchanges between y'all, and not on the war itself.

The war is definitely not entertaining, but rather sad when looking at it.

Let me ask this question - Does Russia according to the west, uhhh basically have absolutely no one that supports them in the most of the world right now ?

What did Russia do since it fought back the Nazis of world war two, otherwise that could have made the world or the west hate it so bad ? Was it the arms race to the top ??

We have many countries in this world, and all have sinned greatly against one or the other at different time's throughout history, but are they (any of them), hated today as bad as Russia is or is Russia actually hated that bad in the world ??

Name the thing's that have turned Russia into the butt hole of the world, otherwise even after it's wins against NAZI Germany in the 40s ???? What happened to that pitiful Russia that was being slaughtered by the Nazis ?? Did it harden them worse than they'd ever been before, and this was due to the vulnerability it showed early on against the NAZIS during world war ll ??

Was the wall between the east and the west in Berlin a serious point of contention that has led to the intense hatred of Russia prior to our modern day issues being seen today ??

Even though Russia caved to the west on the wall, otherwise the act that ultimately led to the fall of the Soviet Union, did we lose track of the progress that was made then, and therefore did we fall back into a previous way of thinking that Russia will be enemy #1 as long as it is so different than us in many ways ??? Does Russia seek to remain globalist free when it comes to it's communities and market places after all this ??

What's Russia's long term goals as a Nation ?

Will Russia remain a pariah to the west, and therefore Russia will be isolated from participating in the global community with the west because it doesn't play well with other's ???

Has the United States given up on Russia, otherwise on it ever being a friendly in the global market place or on the UN security council etc ?? Does it think this way since it hasn't been friendly with it's neighbor Ukraine or does it go back as far as the Berlin Wall or before ??

Many thoughts and questions, but has the bear somehow been loosed upon it's prey (Ukraine), otherwise the one that it so eagerly wants to destroy now ??? Who poked the bear and woke him up ????????

Sure would be nice if a documentary were released telling how the whole thing went down, otherwise show a straight line of history in which would show us if the west has always hated Russia even though it feared Russia because of it's nukes dating back to the cold war.
two things I will give credit to Trump for
1. No war
2. wanting to end this war

Why any of you find humor in death from this war speaks volumes to the sickness in your head.
If only Obama could have just kept his tentacles out of Ukraine there wouldn't be all this need to remove them.

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