"Open Letter to Feminist Trolls"

Why do you make so many assumptions? Samson and his ilk don't 'eat at' anyone. We are just making it clear that men who behave like that are not acceptable, that we know who they are and will call them on their behavior. Your saying there is something wrong with pointing out a jackass like that is completely hypocritical when you and everyone else point out the jackass behavior of others.

It's apparently okay for you to point out what a jackass you think some liberal is, but it isn't okay for a woman to point out what a misogynist she thinks some man is? Seriously?

Two women responding with postive reps within 5 minutes of my posting is not insignificant, btw.

So if I called you a bitch that would be perceive as misogynist bullying ? What if my sister called her boss a bitch ? Same thing ?

Samson does far more than using the 'b' word. You don't know what you are talking about: essentially, you are trying to defend behavior on his part of which you are completely unfamiliar: not too smart.

In anycase, I find this extremely tiresome. I have no energy or interest in explaining to you in detail his behavior. You haven't seen it or noticed it, obviously, and are assuming a great deal that isn't true. This conversation is not interesting. I've no intention of defending myself, especially with someone who is completely unfamiliar with the situation. Enough. I'm done.

My question had nothing to do with Sampson---It's a serious question. This misogynist bullying stuff is getting thrown around a lot these does just like homophobe was.
What a sad and depressing life you lead. Always having a chip on your shoulder, an inferiority complex, and hating men isn't emotionally or mentally healthy.
Esma shouldn't have an inferiority complex, women outnumber men in universities in civilized countries, plus, women have gotten us into wwwaaaayyyyy less wars than men have.
So if I called you a bitch that would be perceive as misogynist bullying ? What if my sister called her boss a bitch ? Same thing ?

Samson does far more than using the 'b' word. You don't know what you are talking about: essentially, you are trying to defend behavior on his part of which you are completely unfamiliar: not too smart.

In anycase, I find this extremely tiresome. I have no energy or interest in explaining to you in detail his behavior. You haven't seen it or noticed it, obviously, and are assuming a great deal that isn't true. This conversation is not interesting. I've no intention of defending myself, especially with someone who is completely unfamiliar with the situation. Enough. I'm done.

My question had nothing to do with Sampson---It's a serious question. This misogynist bullying stuff is getting thrown around a lot these does just like homophobe was.


Boring women and queers.


Attention whores

You are vicious toward women; I've seen you do your bit on here before, and not just with me. You are a fat headed bully who doesn't know much of anything but thinks he knows a lot. You're a loser; you must be because decent, intelligent men don't behave the way you do. I said vision and a paradigm shift would be necessary to understand my point: you have neither.

A lobotomy would be necessary to understand your absurdly illogical point.


Considering how entertaining the mentally challenged can be, you've even managed to make you own posts boring.

Stay Single.

When there's a choice between reading comprehension and self-delusion, Samson valiantly opts for the latter. I know this from experience. He'll graciously volunteer to misrepresent your posts to the fourth dementia. I see that hasn't changed.

I wouldn't rate Esse's thoughts as "posts."

But I can easily understand that your standards are lowered.
The feminist girl in the video just needs a strong man to give her a swift cuffing and a good roll in the the hay to adjust her attitude. .. :cool:

I'd have to agree with Sunni.. I don't get these women who love to play the macho lead?? Don't they realize what a little bit of the sweetest honey and charm can bring their way? Being feminine , soft and vulnerable - wanting and in need of a man who is "skillfully" dominant in every aspect of a relationship is incredibly liberating..
Which is not in anyway contradictory to what I posted. You, like so many men without any real depth or character, have no vision. That is one reason why you cannot take back power. You need a paradigm shift to understand that what those women said in the survey and what I am saying is not contradictory.

The only power you have is to come on here and call me names and to behave with vileness and baseness toward women.


Poor Essy: I have nothing against women.

It is YOU I find stupid.

I'll attempt, once again to charitably connect the dots:

You: they don't want to take it back is BS.

Forbes:staying home to raise children is a financial luxury they aspire to

Next would you like me to use crayons to draw you a picture.

You are vicious toward women; I've seen you do your bit on here before, and not just with me. You are a fat headed bully who doesn't know much of anything but thinks he knows a lot. You're a loser; you must be because decent, intelligent men don't behave the way you do. I said vision and a paradigm shift would be necessary to understand my point: you have neither.

:lol::lol: I've had it out with Mr.Know it All but I wouldn't describe him in the manner you just did.. you take this shit way too personally.. Remove the tampon up your rump and chill.. Enjoy the power exchange ;-)
The feminist girl in the video just needs a strong man to give her a swift cuffing and a good roll in the the hay to adjust her attitude. .. :cool:

I'd have to agree with Sunni.. I don't get these women who love to play the macho lead?? Don't they realize what a little bit of the sweetest honey and charm can bring their way? Being feminine , soft and vulnerable - wanting and in need of a man who is "skillfully" dominant in every aspect of a relationship is incredibly liberating..

They've been woefully led astray---either that or they're just eager for a spanking. It's that passive way they have of manipulating men into getting what they want.
The feminist girl in the video just needs a strong man to give her a swift cuffing and a good roll in the the hay to adjust her attitude. .. :cool:

I'd have to agree with Sunni.. I don't get these women who love to play the macho lead?? Don't they realize what a little bit of the sweetest honey and charm can bring their way? Being feminine , soft and vulnerable - wanting and in need of a man who is "skillfully" dominant in every aspect of a relationship is incredibly liberating..

They've been woefully led astray---either that or they're just eager for a spanking. It's that passive way they have of manipulating men into getting what they want.

:) I'm willing to wager that not many liberal women have experienced spankings or would even enjoy them? You could always start a poll and ask..:eusa_whistle: Of course not here..
The feminist girl in the video just needs a strong man to give her a swift cuffing and a good roll in the the hay to adjust her attitude. .. :cool:

I'd have to agree with Sunni.. I don't get these women who love to play the macho lead?? Don't they realize what a little bit of the sweetest honey and charm can bring their way? Being feminine , soft and vulnerable - wanting and in need of a man who is "skillfully" dominant in every aspect of a relationship is incredibly liberating..

Most women have figured out the simple formula you have described.

Then there's the Esmeralda- Type.

My Theory is they're so repulsive and boring that they've given up any hope that any human male on the planet would choose to ever have a relationship with them.


They're just to stupid to get it.

In Esse's case, its probably both.
The feminist girl in the video just needs a strong man to give her a swift cuffing and a good roll in the the hay to adjust her attitude. .. :cool:

I'd have to agree with Sunni.. I don't get these women who love to play the macho lead?? Don't they realize what a little bit of the sweetest honey and charm can bring their way? Being feminine , soft and vulnerable - wanting and in need of a man who is "skillfully" dominant in every aspect of a relationship is incredibly liberating..

Most women have figured out the simple formula you have described.

Then there's the Esmeralda- Type.

My Theory is they're so repulsive and boring that they've given up any hope that any human male on the planet would choose to ever have a relationship with them.


They're just to stupid to get it.

In Esse's case, its probably both.

Well the glasses chick wasn't all that repulsive but then again we didnt' see her whole body. Maybe just boring.
I'd have to agree with Sunni.. I don't get these women who love to play the macho lead?? Don't they realize what a little bit of the sweetest honey and charm can bring their way? Being feminine , soft and vulnerable - wanting and in need of a man who is "skillfully" dominant in every aspect of a relationship is incredibly liberating..

Most women have figured out the simple formula you have described.

Then there's the Esmeralda- Type.

My Theory is they're so repulsive and boring that they've given up any hope that any human male on the planet would choose to ever have a relationship with them.


They're just to stupid to get it.

In Esse's case, its probably both.

Well the glasses chick wasn't all that repulsive but then again we didnt' see her whole body. Maybe just boring.

We should probably watch the video again.......:eusa_shifty:

Just to make sure.
She is certainly not trying to belittle or hurt guys. She is responding to something we see all too often here.

mock-----she is mocking. Sure there are some people who cuss here. Men and Women. This is another silly language control attempt

She is mocking those who use these words to belittle her fight for gender equality. She isn't trying to control language. She is simply responding to language aimed at hurting her or trying to silence her.

WTF is this equality BS?? I certainly don't see any issue with being treating equally under the law.. Respect is earned and so is a step up in this world regarding a career. I don't want anything handed to me based upon my gender. If I don't earn it through merit, what the hell good is it? I am quite capable of taking care of myself. I don't need the scream of inequality. I am beautiful and soft.. intelligent and wild.. I can get just about anything I want from a man because I know how to use that feminine side.. and not for anything other than charming the man I'm interested in and captivating him.. Submission is a gift that is priceless and earned.. Being hard and angry will only get you so far as a woman.. It's one thing to come on this forum and have it out using words but altogether another to know your power as a woman. &#9829;
I saw this video and thought some people here could learn something from it.

And there is some NSFW language in it.


Well, I couldn't watch the whole thing


You are vicious toward women; I've seen you do your bit on here before, and not just with me. You are a fat headed bully who doesn't know much of anything but thinks he knows a lot. You're a loser; you must be because decent, intelligent men don't behave the way you do. I said vision and a paradigm shift would be necessary to understand my point: you have neither.

Sampson vicious ? naaaaaa He's an octopussy cat.

Oh, what I said is true alright. That's why two women pos repped me within 5 minutes of my posting that comment: we know who the misogynistic bullies are on here. We've witnessed or been the object of his misogynistic and vicious behavior. Two women, btw, whom I don't generally have contact with. Just other female beings on here who are familiar with his routine.

That's funny -- I got the same thing. :)
Sampson vicious ? naaaaaa He's an octopussy cat.

Oh, what I said is true alright. That's why two women pos repped me within 5 minutes of my posting that comment: we know who the misogynistic bullies are on here. We've witnessed or been the object of his misogynistic and vicious behavior. Two women, btw, whom I don't generally have contact with. Just other female beings on here who are familiar with his routine.

That's funny -- I got the same thing. :)

Ravi and Valerie are the same person.
Sampson vicious ? naaaaaa He's an octopussy cat.

Oh, what I said is true alright. That's why two women pos repped me within 5 minutes of my posting that comment: we know who the misogynistic bullies are on here. We've witnessed or been the object of his misogynistic and vicious behavior. Two women, btw, whom I don't generally have contact with. Just other female beings on here who are familiar with his routine.

That's funny -- I got the same thing. :)

Two NOW chicks repping you for being a good Metrosexual?
Oh, what I said is true alright. That's why two women pos repped me within 5 minutes of my posting that comment: we know who the misogynistic bullies are on here. We've witnessed or been the object of his misogynistic and vicious behavior. Two women, btw, whom I don't generally have contact with. Just other female beings on here who are familiar with his routine.

That's funny -- I got the same thing. :)

Two NOW chicks repping you for being a good Metrosexual?


Please.....don't harsh Pogo's little triumph.


Receiving rep from any chick on a message board is probably the best sex he has had.
That's funny -- I got the same thing. :)

Two NOW chicks repping you for being a good Metrosexual?


Please.....don't harsh Pogo's little triumph.


Receiving rep from any chick on a message board is probably the best sex he has had.

I just find it awfully convenient that two people here are repping him and sending him messages for the same thing? Really?? It's a juvenile post to begin with..

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