"Open Letter to Feminist Trolls"

I have a different opinion. I think feminists have been tricked by men to get rid of their fetuses, be responsible for birth control so men don't have to do it, and men have gotten women to put out more.

Very true although I think that the most hurtful in terms of both the pain inflicted and the duality of that pain is not the overt sexists that are here. On one hand, I think it is an act (or at least hope that it is) and it's something that is so outlandish, it isn't taken seriously. On the other hand, what really is effective in both hurting a woman's feelings as well as damaging political aspirations of those who think like them is the latent sexism that I see here; material that is so brain-dead that it is programmed from an early age and is not even amplified; sexism for these folks is a way of life.

During the Hobby Lobby victory celebration, one of these guys said something to the effect that women "still had 16 choices of birth control that Hobby Lobby covers" as if birth control was not prescribed, was a one-size fits all proposition, and a woman was settling for Advil that was covered by the insurance but was upset that Motrin was not covered. For those of you who do not know; they are both ibuprofen, the same active ingredient. This moron didn't know that there are different pills with different hormones, different dosages, had different contraindications, etc... A woman hearing the "You've got 16 choices" BS must be just shaking her head in disbelief at the aloofness. One would hope that the majority of supreme court justices didn't have such a latent view on medicine. I'm sure their clerks provided them with both sides and they made their choices based on their feelings; at least I hope they did.

The only thing sadder is the women here (if they are really women) like [MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] who have been beaten down so much by the patriarchal society, she is a now a willing accomplice.

Interesting opinion.

Men are Evil Sex Geniuses

Modern feminist women have lost their feminine qualities and have devolved into psychotic caricatures of what a real woman should be. . :cool:

The feminist brand has very little credibility. Even women who accept some of their tenants of feminism hate the label because they know the leaders of the movement are caricatures, man hating lesbians with no social skills and a chip on their shoulder.

The good news, I think there is a trend rejecting feminism and moving towards traditional gender roles. More women are starting to stay at home and reject the notion that fulfillment only comes through working for a company in the 9 to 5 grind(run by a man that doesn't care for them, just his bottom line) and stay at home taking care of their families and being taken financially by a man who loves them.

More women staying home with young kids

From your source....

The findings suggest that some mothers, particularly those who don't have a college degree, also may be weighing the costs of child care against their own stagnating wages and deciding "it makes more economic sense to stay home," the survey's authors say.
She's attractive. Hope some guy or guys are enjoying mutually beneficial sexual encounters with her.

Ya---she could pull of the sexy teacher routine with those glasses.:eusa_dance:

Clueless Post of the Day right there.

"Because men permit it". :lmao: Full of yourself much?

Couldn't possibly exist from women standing up for themselves; couldn't possibly be women refusing to genuflect to patronizing little boy syndromes engorged on their own self-importance. Couldn't possibly be that they're more independent than a pet. No way.

Couldn't possibly be the approval and encouragement of those of us who aren't threatened by women or the idea of equality.

Yeah, you go with that.

According to current statistics, I believe women are in general more highly educated than men. Women are surpassing men in earning college and university degress, in earning graduate degrees, etc. This has been happening over the past 2 or 3 decades. Won't be long now, fellas, we wimmin gonna take over the world!! :D And the men will be just muscular has beens and sex toys. :badgrin:

However, men have the power to take it back, if they wanted to.
They won't, but they could.


Obviously they don't have the power; if they did, they would have taken it back already.

Your claim they don't want to take it back is BS. It's evident in this thread and in every other discussion about 'feminism' that most men do not like the idea of women having more power than they do. Your claim is the type of lame thing people say when they don't really have the power or ability to do what they actually want to do. Like some fool telling a bigger guy "I could beat the shit out of you if I wanted to, but I just don't want to." Men no longer have the power to take back anything. It is not about physically over powering women anymore; it is about having the intellectual capabilities and the strength of character to do so. As a social unit: men just don't have that power.
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According to current statistics, I believe women are in general more highly educated than men. Women are surpassing men in earning college and university degress, in earning graduate degrees, etc. This has been happening over the past 2 or 3 decades. Won't be long now, fellas, we wimmin gonna take over the world!! :D And the men will be just muscular has beens and sex toys. :badgrin:

However, men have the power to take it back, if they wanted to.
They won't, but they could.


Obviously they don't have the power; if they did, they would have taken it back already.

Your claim they don't want to take it back is BS. It's evident in this thread and in every other discussion about 'feminism' that most men do not like the idea of women having more power than they do. Your claim is the type of lame thing people say when they don't really have the power or ability to do what they actually want to do. Like some fool telling a bigger guy "I could beat the shit out of you if I wanted to, but I just don't want to." Men no longer have the power to take back anything. It is not about physically over powering women anymore; it is about having the intellectual capabilities and the strength of character to do so. As a social unit: men just don't have that power.

The only thing that's "evident" is your extraordinary gift for being consistently and grossly ignorant.

84% of working women told ForbesWoman and TheBump that staying home to raise children is a financial luxury they aspire to.

ForbesWoman And TheBump.Com 'Parenthood And Economy 2012' Survey Results - Forbes
However, men have the power to take it back, if they wanted to.
They won't, but they could.


Obviously they don't have the power; if they did, they would have taken it back already.

Your claim they don't want to take it back is BS. It's evident in this thread and in every other discussion about 'feminism' that most men do not like the idea of women having more power than they do. Your claim is the type of lame thing people say when they don't really have the power or ability to do what they actually want to do. Like some fool telling a bigger guy "I could beat the shit out of you if I wanted to, but I just don't want to." Men no longer have the power to take back anything. It is not about physically over powering women anymore; it is about having the intellectual capabilities and the strength of character to do so. As a social unit: men just don't have that power.

The only thing that's "evident" is your extraordinary gift for being consistently and grossly ignorant.

84% of working women told ForbesWoman and TheBump that staying home to raise children is a financial luxury they aspire to.

ForbesWoman And TheBump.Com 'Parenthood And Economy 2012' Survey Results - Forbes

Which is not in anyway contradictory to what I posted. You, like so many men without any real depth or character, have no vision. That is one reason why you cannot take back power. You need a paradigm shift to understand that what those women said in the survey and what I am saying is not contradictory.

The only power you have is to come on here and call me names and to behave with vileness and baseness toward women.


Obviously they don't have the power; if they did, they would have taken it back already.

Your claim they don't want to take it back is BS. It's evident in this thread and in every other discussion about 'feminism' that most men do not like the idea of women having more power than they do. Your claim is the type of lame thing people say when they don't really have the power or ability to do what they actually want to do. Like some fool telling a bigger guy "I could beat the shit out of you if I wanted to, but I just don't want to." Men no longer have the power to take back anything. It is not about physically over powering women anymore; it is about having the intellectual capabilities and the strength of character to do so. As a social unit: men just don't have that power.

The only thing that's "evident" is your extraordinary gift for being consistently and grossly ignorant.

84% of working women told ForbesWoman and TheBump that staying home to raise children is a financial luxury they aspire to.

ForbesWoman And TheBump.Com 'Parenthood And Economy 2012' Survey Results - Forbes

Which is not in anyway contradictory to what I posted. You, like so many men without any real depth or character, have no vision. That is one reason why you cannot take back power. You need a paradigm shift to understand that what those women said in the survey and what I am saying is not contradictory.

The only power you have is to come on here and call me names and to behave with vileness and baseness toward women.


Poor Essy: I have nothing against women.

It is YOU I find stupid.

I'll attempt, once again to charitably connect the dots:

You: they don't want to take it back is BS.

Forbes:staying home to raise children is a financial luxury they aspire to

Next would you like me to use crayons to draw you a picture.
Modern feminist women have lost their feminine qualities and have devolved into psychotic caricatures of what a real woman should be. . :cool:

The feminist brand has very little credibility. Even women who accept some of their tenants of feminism hate the label because they know the leaders of the movement are caricatures, man hating lesbians with no social skills and a chip on their shoulder.

The good news, I think there is a trend rejecting feminism and moving towards traditional gender roles. More women are starting to stay at home and reject the notion that fulfillment only comes through working for a company in the 9 to 5 grind(run by a man that doesn't care for them, just his bottom line) and stay at home taking care of their families and being taken financially by a man who loves them.

More women staying home with young kids

From your source....

The findings suggest that some mothers, particularly those who don't have a college degree, also may be weighing the costs of child care against their own stagnating wages and deciding "it makes more economic sense to stay home," the survey's authors say.

Your proving my point.

Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Eastern Europe aren't comprised of anarchic societies run by barbaric tribes and they reject most western cultural tenants including feminism. They are growing economically and demographically, in contrast to western societies. So I don't think it will take a societal collapse for a social readjustment of gender roles. It is already occurring, our economy is and living standard is declining, women are returning in larger numbers to domestic homemaker roles, and couples that are married(though that overall number is declining) are less likely to divorce than they were a decade or so ago.

And this idea of "strong independent women that don't need a man" doesn't really pan out. Women on average more dependent on government services than men, on average these services are primarily funded by the tax dollars of men. They are dependent on the physical and legal protection of our primarily male judicial/legal system and law enforcement. They are dependent financially on businesses and corporations primarily run by men for their living.

I have had this conversation with women. And I appreciated their honest answer(because they weren't lying man hating feminists). When I said, would you rather be financially dependent on your husband, a man who loves you, and stay home raising your children, or be dependent on a man that doesn't care for you, and could easily let you go to increase his bottom line. Everyone answered with the former, dependent on the husband.

The only reason feminism was permitted to enter our cultural zeitgeist is because it benefits corporations by driving down wages(increases the labor force) and benefits the government by increasing tax revenues.

It wasn't permitted because some whining lesbian professor with armpit hair protested about it.
And this idea of "strong independent women that don't need a man" doesn't really pan out. .....

The only reason feminism was permitted to enter our cultural zeitgeist is because it benefits corporations by driving down wages(increases the labor force) and benefits the government by increasing tax revenues.

It wasn't permitted because some whining lesbian professor with armpit hair protested about it.


You've met Esmerelda.
The only thing that's "evident" is your extraordinary gift for being consistently and grossly ignorant.

84% of working women told ForbesWoman and TheBump that staying home to raise children is a financial luxury they aspire to.

ForbesWoman And TheBump.Com 'Parenthood And Economy 2012' Survey Results - Forbes

Which is not in anyway contradictory to what I posted. You, like so many men without any real depth or character, have no vision. That is one reason why you cannot take back power. You need a paradigm shift to understand that what those women said in the survey and what I am saying is not contradictory.

The only power you have is to come on here and call me names and to behave with vileness and baseness toward women.


Poor Essy: I have nothing against women.

It is YOU I find stupid.

I'll attempt, once again to charitably connect the dots:

You: they don't want to take it back is BS.

Forbes:staying home to raise children is a financial luxury they aspire to

Next would you like me to use crayons to draw you a picture.

You are vicious toward women; I've seen you do your bit on here before, and not just with me. You are a fat headed bully who doesn't know much of anything but thinks he knows a lot. You're a loser; you must be because decent, intelligent men don't behave the way you do. I said vision and a paradigm shift would be necessary to understand my point: you have neither.
Which is not in anyway contradictory to what I posted. You, like so many men without any real depth or character, have no vision. That is one reason why you cannot take back power. You need a paradigm shift to understand that what those women said in the survey and what I am saying is not contradictory.

The only power you have is to come on here and call me names and to behave with vileness and baseness toward women.


Poor Essy: I have nothing against women.

It is YOU I find stupid.

I'll attempt, once again to charitably connect the dots:

You: they don't want to take it back is BS.

Forbes:staying home to raise children is a financial luxury they aspire to

Next would you like me to use crayons to draw you a picture.

You are vicious toward women; I've seen you do your bit on here before, and not just with me. You are a fat headed bully who doesn't know much of anything but thinks he knows a lot. You're a loser; you must be because decent, intelligent men don't behave the way you do. I said vision and a paradigm shift would be necessary to understand my point: you have neither.

A lobotomy would be necessary to understand your absurdly illogical point.


Considering how entertaining the mentally challenged can be, you've even managed to make you own posts boring.

Stay Single.
Which is not in anyway contradictory to what I posted. You, like so many men without any real depth or character, have no vision. That is one reason why you cannot take back power. You need a paradigm shift to understand that what those women said in the survey and what I am saying is not contradictory.

The only power you have is to come on here and call me names and to behave with vileness and baseness toward women.


Poor Essy: I have nothing against women.

It is YOU I find stupid.

I'll attempt, once again to charitably connect the dots:

You: they don't want to take it back is BS.

Forbes:staying home to raise children is a financial luxury they aspire to

Next would you like me to use crayons to draw you a picture.

You are vicious toward women; I've seen you do your bit on here before, and not just with me. You are a fat headed bully who doesn't know much of anything but thinks he knows a lot. You're a loser; you must be because decent, intelligent men don't behave the way you do. I said vision and a paradigm shift would be necessary to understand my point: you have neither.

Sampson vicious ? naaaaaa He's an octopussy cat.
Poor Essy: I have nothing against women.

It is YOU I find stupid.

I'll attempt, once again to charitably connect the dots:

You: they don't want to take it back is BS.

Forbes:staying home to raise children is a financial luxury they aspire to

Next would you like me to use crayons to draw you a picture.

You are vicious toward women; I've seen you do your bit on here before, and not just with me. You are a fat headed bully who doesn't know much of anything but thinks he knows a lot. You're a loser; you must be because decent, intelligent men don't behave the way you do. I said vision and a paradigm shift would be necessary to understand my point: you have neither.

A lobotomy would be necessary to understand your absurdly illogical point.


Considering how entertaining the mentally challenged can be, you've even managed to make you own posts boring.

Stay Single.

When there's a choice between reading comprehension and self-delusion, Samson valiantly opts for the latter. I know this from experience. He'll graciously volunteer to misrepresent your posts to the fourth dementia. I see that hasn't changed.

Poor Essy: I have nothing against women.

It is YOU I find stupid.

I'll attempt, once again to charitably connect the dots:

You: they don't want to take it back is BS.

Forbes:staying home to raise children is a financial luxury they aspire to

Next would you like me to use crayons to draw you a picture.

You are vicious toward women; I've seen you do your bit on here before, and not just with me. You are a fat headed bully who doesn't know much of anything but thinks he knows a lot. You're a loser; you must be because decent, intelligent men don't behave the way you do. I said vision and a paradigm shift would be necessary to understand my point: you have neither.

Sampson vicious ? naaaaaa He's an octopussy cat.

Oh, what I said is true alright. That's why two women pos repped me within 5 minutes of my posting that comment: we know who the misogynistic bullies are on here. We've witnessed or been the object of his misogynistic and vicious behavior. Two women, btw, whom I don't generally have contact with. Just other female beings on here who are familiar with his routine.
You are vicious toward women; I've seen you do your bit on here before, and not just with me. You are a fat headed bully who doesn't know much of anything but thinks he knows a lot. You're a loser; you must be because decent, intelligent men don't behave the way you do. I said vision and a paradigm shift would be necessary to understand my point: you have neither.

Sampson vicious ? naaaaaa He's an octopussy cat.

Oh, what I said is true alright. That's why two women pos repped me within 5 minutes of my posting that comment: we know who the misogynistic bullies are on here. We've witnessed or been the object of his misogynistic and vicious behavior. Two women, btw, whom I don't generally have contact with. Just other female beings on here who are familiar with his routine.

3 women ? hardly a mandate but if you say so. Maybe if ya'll learned some new techniques these "misogynist bullies " wouldn't eat at ya so badly.
Sampson vicious ? naaaaaa He's an octopussy cat.

Oh, what I said is true alright. That's why two women pos repped me within 5 minutes of my posting that comment: we know who the misogynistic bullies are on here. We've witnessed or been the object of his misogynistic and vicious behavior. Two women, btw, whom I don't generally have contact with. Just other female beings on here who are familiar with his routine.

3 women ? hardly a mandate but if you say so. Maybe if ya'll learned some new techniques these "misogynist bullies " wouldn't eat at ya so badly.

Why do you make so many assumptions? Samson and his ilk don't 'eat at' anyone. We are just making it clear that men who behave like that are not acceptable, that we know who they are and will call them on their behavior. Your saying there is something wrong with pointing out a jackass like that is completely hypocritical when you and everyone else point out the jackass behavior of others.

It's apparently okay for you to point out what a jackass you think some liberal is, but it isn't okay for a woman to point out what a misogynist she thinks some man is? Seriously?

Two women responding with postive reps within 5 minutes of my posting is not insignificant, btw.
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Oh, what I said is true alright. That's why two women pos repped me within 5 minutes of my posting that comment: we know who the misogynistic bullies are on here. We've witnessed or been the object of his misogynistic and vicious behavior. Two women, btw, whom I don't generally have contact with. Just other female beings on here who are familiar with his routine.

3 women ? hardly a mandate but if you say so. Maybe if ya'll learned some new techniques these "misogynist bullies " wouldn't eat at ya so badly.

Why do you make so many assumptions? Samson and his ilk don't 'eat at' anyone. We are just making it clear that men who behave like that are not acceptable, that we know who they are and will call them on their behavior. Your saying there is something wrong with pointing out a jackass like that is completely hypocritical when you and everyone else point out the jackass behavior of others.

It's apparently okay for you to point out what a jackass you think some liberal is, but it isn't okay for a woman to point out what a misogynist she thinks some man is? Seriously?

Two women responding with postive reps within 5 minutes of my posting is not insignificant, btw.

So if I called you a bitch that would be perceive as misogynist bullying ? What if my sister called her boss a bitch ? Same thing ?
3 women ? hardly a mandate but if you say so. Maybe if ya'll learned some new techniques these "misogynist bullies " wouldn't eat at ya so badly.

Why do you make so many assumptions? Samson and his ilk don't 'eat at' anyone. We are just making it clear that men who behave like that are not acceptable, that we know who they are and will call them on their behavior. Your saying there is something wrong with pointing out a jackass like that is completely hypocritical when you and everyone else point out the jackass behavior of others.

It's apparently okay for you to point out what a jackass you think some liberal is, but it isn't okay for a woman to point out what a misogynist she thinks some man is? Seriously?

Two women responding with postive reps within 5 minutes of my posting is not insignificant, btw.

So if I called you a bitch that would be perceive as misogynist bullying ? What if my sister called her boss a bitch ? Same thing ?

Samson does far more than using the 'b' word. You don't know what you are talking about: essentially, you are trying to defend behavior on his part of which you are completely unfamiliar: not too smart.

In anycase, I find this extremely tiresome. I have no energy or interest in explaining to you in detail his behavior. You haven't seen it or noticed it, obviously, and are assuming a great deal that isn't true. This conversation is not interesting. I've no intention of defending myself, especially with someone who is completely unfamiliar with the situation. Enough. I'm done.

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