"Open Letter to Feminist Trolls"

Oh gawd please noooooooooooooooooo grammar Nazi's !! There's nothing more repulsive than posters on message boards that correct other poster's grammar.

Where did anyone do that?

By the way, we never ever use an apostrophe to form a plural in English, so the only thing [Nazi's] can mean is "Nazi is". But that's not grammar, that's spelling.

Close but no cigar. Possessive remember? For example:

The NAZI's policy was...​

You are correct, sir. Impulsive of me. :thup:
The claim was that she was trying to help guys and her intent is anything but. She delights in tearing down this massive " patriarchy " that men have created. What was the point of the video ? To tell us that those words are being used incorrectly ? That her feminist circles have "deconstructed" these words and they don't bother her anymore ?

The patriarchy should be torn down. Any system that treats women as less than men, has no business existing in our modern society.

And this patriarchy is going to be torn down by forbidding the use of certain words ?
Will women also be banned from using these words ?

--- like... ironical? :rofl:
Trying to help guys that are rejected by every female they talk or email/chat with, doubt it will help.

As if she is trying to help guys :eusa_hand:

She is certainly not trying to belittle or hurt guys. She is responding to something we see all too often here.

Very true although I think that the most hurtful in terms of both the pain inflicted and the duality of that pain is not the overt sexists that are here. On one hand, I think it is an act (or at least hope that it is) and it's something that is so outlandish, it isn't taken seriously. On the other hand, what really is effective in both hurting a woman's feelings as well as damaging political aspirations of those who think like them is the latent sexism that I see here; material that is so brain-dead that it is programmed from an early age and is not even amplified; sexism for these folks is a way of life.

During the Hobby Lobby victory celebration, one of these guys said something to the effect that women "still had 16 choices of birth control that Hobby Lobby covers" as if birth control was not prescribed, was a one-size fits all proposition, and a woman was settling for Advil that was covered by the insurance but was upset that Motrin was not covered. For those of you who do not know; they are both ibuprofen, the same active ingredient. This moron didn't know that there are different pills with different hormones, different dosages, had different contraindications, etc... A woman hearing the "You've got 16 choices" BS must be just shaking her head in disbelief at the aloofness. One would hope that the majority of supreme court justices didn't have such a latent view on medicine. I'm sure their clerks provided them with both sides and they made their choices based on their feelings; at least I hope they did.

The only thing sadder is the women here (if they are really women) like [MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] who have been beaten down so much by the patriarchal society, she is a now a willing accomplice.
Oh gawd please noooooooooooooooooo grammar Nazi's !! There's nothing more repulsive than posters on message boards that correct other poster's grammar.

Nothing more repulsive? lol How about people claiming to know the answers and they haven't even worked out how to use their own language?

You're right of course, there are plenty of things much more repulsive. Take Obama for instance.

So yes, many things more repulsive. Grammar Nazis on message boards are on a very long list of other repulsive things.

Very good Grasshopper; you have learned your spelling lesson.

Now where did anyone bring up grammar?
My all time favorite word is whore. I use it as a term of endearment.

I also love to call men bitches. I think that's funny.
I have a different opinion. I think feminists have been tricked by men to get rid of their fetuses, be responsible for birth control so men don't have to do it, and men have gotten women to put out more.

As if she is trying to help guys :eusa_hand:

She is certainly not trying to belittle or hurt guys. She is responding to something we see all too often here.

Very true although I think that the most hurtful in terms of both the pain inflicted and the duality of that pain is not the overt sexists that are here. On one hand, I think it is an act (or at least hope that it is) and it's something that is so outlandish, it isn't taken seriously. On the other hand, what really is effective in both hurting a woman's feelings as well as damaging political aspirations of those who think like them is the latent sexism that I see here; material that is so brain-dead that it is programmed from an early age and is not even amplified; sexism for these folks is a way of life.

During the Hobby Lobby victory celebration, one of these guys said something to the effect that women "still had 16 choices of birth control that Hobby Lobby covers" as if birth control was not prescribed, was a one-size fits all proposition, and a woman was settling for Advil that was covered by the insurance but was upset that Motrin was not covered. For those of you who do not know; they are both ibuprofen, the same active ingredient. This moron didn't know that there are different pills with different hormones, different dosages, had different contraindications, etc... A woman hearing the "You've got 16 choices" BS must be just shaking her head in disbelief at the aloofness. One would hope that the majority of supreme court justices didn't have such a latent view on medicine. I'm sure their clerks provided them with both sides and they made their choices based on their feelings; at least I hope they did.

The only thing sadder is the women here (if they are really women) like [MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] who have been beaten down so much by the patriarchal society, she is a now a willing accomplice.

Although you will find that with deconstruction of words there are attempts to alter the meanings of the words and you will find division here. Reclaiming a word.

Easiest way to 'splain it.
The N word. The ultimate last card word. One group takes the word and flips it. The original intent of the word loses it's power and now becomes a term of endearment that is only acceptable in a certain group. Then you have an entire different group that says, no way in hell will that ever, ever be acceptable.

Ok, check it out:


'****' Should Not Be a Bad Word

Division is the result of feminists attempts to portray all men as misogynists. Dragging men down is not the way to achieve equality. The gal in the tape basically admits that there is more work to be down as she ends the clip. Three words which are used by both genders. Is she wanting these words outlawed ? She's claims they are not effective in putting women down anymore now that they have been decontrsucted---so what's the problem. I doubt that she is suggest people come up with more effective put downs.

But they don't portray all men as misogynists. In fact, there is only one group of feminists that are separatists. I doubt very seriously that you have ever met one. They are a very tiny, tiny group. Hell, I've never met any separatists. Every once in awhile I come across an article about them but that is pretty much it.

But, she is telling people to come up with more effective put downs. Are you trolling feminists? Are those three words your argument? Then what does it matter to you?

The OP asked for opinions---I gave him mine. The three words were HER argument.
And you really think she wants more effective put downs ? Sorta counter productive isn't it ?
I have a different opinion. I think feminists have been tricked by men to get rid of their fetuses, be responsible for birth control so men don't have to do it, and men have gotten women to put out more.

She is certainly not trying to belittle or hurt guys. She is responding to something we see all too often here.

Very true although I think that the most hurtful in terms of both the pain inflicted and the duality of that pain is not the overt sexists that are here. On one hand, I think it is an act (or at least hope that it is) and it's something that is so outlandish, it isn't taken seriously. On the other hand, what really is effective in both hurting a woman's feelings as well as damaging political aspirations of those who think like them is the latent sexism that I see here; material that is so brain-dead that it is programmed from an early age and is not even amplified; sexism for these folks is a way of life.

During the Hobby Lobby victory celebration, one of these guys said something to the effect that women "still had 16 choices of birth control that Hobby Lobby covers" as if birth control was not prescribed, was a one-size fits all proposition, and a woman was settling for Advil that was covered by the insurance but was upset that Motrin was not covered. For those of you who do not know; they are both ibuprofen, the same active ingredient. This moron didn't know that there are different pills with different hormones, different dosages, had different contraindications, etc... A woman hearing the "You've got 16 choices" BS must be just shaking her head in disbelief at the aloofness. One would hope that the majority of supreme court justices didn't have such a latent view on medicine. I'm sure their clerks provided them with both sides and they made their choices based on their feelings; at least I hope they did.

The only thing sadder is the women here (if they are really women) like [MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] who have been beaten down so much by the patriarchal society, she is a now a willing accomplice.

That's almost conspiracy theory material.
I have a different opinion. I think feminists have been tricked by men to get rid of their fetuses, be responsible for birth control so men don't have to do it, and men have gotten women to put out more.

Very true although I think that the most hurtful in terms of both the pain inflicted and the duality of that pain is not the overt sexists that are here. On one hand, I think it is an act (or at least hope that it is) and it's something that is so outlandish, it isn't taken seriously. On the other hand, what really is effective in both hurting a woman's feelings as well as damaging political aspirations of those who think like them is the latent sexism that I see here; material that is so brain-dead that it is programmed from an early age and is not even amplified; sexism for these folks is a way of life.

During the Hobby Lobby victory celebration, one of these guys said something to the effect that women "still had 16 choices of birth control that Hobby Lobby covers" as if birth control was not prescribed, was a one-size fits all proposition, and a woman was settling for Advil that was covered by the insurance but was upset that Motrin was not covered. For those of you who do not know; they are both ibuprofen, the same active ingredient. This moron didn't know that there are different pills with different hormones, different dosages, had different contraindications, etc... A woman hearing the "You've got 16 choices" BS must be just shaking her head in disbelief at the aloofness. One would hope that the majority of supreme court justices didn't have such a latent view on medicine. I'm sure their clerks provided them with both sides and they made their choices based on their feelings; at least I hope they did.

The only thing sadder is the women here (if they are really women) like [MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] who have been beaten down so much by the patriarchal society, she is a now a willing accomplice.

That's almost conspiracy theory material.

A very diabolical plan indeed!
I have a different opinion. I think feminists have been tricked by men to get rid of their fetuses, be responsible for birth control so men don't have to do it, and men have gotten women to put out more.

That's almost conspiracy theory material.

A very diabolical plan indeed!

Bob, What did you do to get these poor women to have more sex ? You know how much they hate it.
This feminist subculture is merely representative of a society at the height of its decadence and opulence. A reflection of atomization and the breakdown of organic communities(thanks hyperindividualism and multiculturalism).

This woman is really just exposing herself as an emotionally broken person and really reflects the breakdown in relations between the sexes that had existed since the advent of the sexual revolution.

These kind of degenerate expressions of angst don't exist in organic/homogenous societies of scale.
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This feminist subculture is merely representative of a society at the height of its decadence and opulence. A reflection of atomization and the breakdown of organic communities(thanks hyperindividualism and multiculturalism).

This woman is really just exposing herself as an emotionally broken person and really reflects the breakdown in relations between the sexes that had existed since the advent of the sexual revolution.

These kind of degenerate expressions of angst don't exist in organic/homogenous societies of scale.

The problem with your pseudo-intellectual ideology is that the relations between the sexes prior to modern feminism was based on men's ability to physically overpower women. Women could not survive without men. This is no longer the case.
This feminist subculture is merely representative of a society at the height of its decadence and opulence. A reflection of atomization and the breakdown of organic communities(thanks hyperindividualism and multiculturalism).

This woman is really just exposing herself as an emotionally broken person and really reflects the breakdown in relations between the sexes that had existed since the advent of the sexual revolution.

These kind of degenerate expressions of angst don't exist in organic/homogenous societies of scale.

The problem with your pseudo-intellectual ideology is that the relations between the sexes prior to modern feminism was based on men's ability to physically overpower women. Women could not survive without men. This is no longer the case.

I don't see how this discounts my point. But yes, this is another point, feminism really only exists in societies with strong social safety nets/welfare states(US, UK, Scandinavia, Western Europe). However, these public welfare systems only exist because of a strong capitalist economic engine(run by men and funded primarily by male taxpayers).

The fact is, once the economic system enters decline, as jobs continue to become lower paying and less abundant, and austerity for the above programs looms, you will see fewer expressions of this aggressive and anti-social feminist activism.

It simple terms, feminism only exists at the moment because it is economically possible and men permit it.
This feminist subculture is merely representative of a society at the height of its decadence and opulence. A reflection of atomization and the breakdown of organic communities(thanks hyperindividualism and multiculturalism).

This woman is really just exposing herself as an emotionally broken person and really reflects the breakdown in relations between the sexes that had existed since the advent of the sexual revolution.

These kind of degenerate expressions of angst don't exist in organic/homogenous societies of scale.

The problem with your pseudo-intellectual ideology is that the relations between the sexes prior to modern feminism was based on men's ability to physically overpower women. Women could not survive without men. This is no longer the case.

I don't see how this discounts my point. But yes, this is another point, feminism really only exists in societies with strong social safety nets/welfare states(US, UK, Scandinavia, Western Europe). However, these public welfare systems only exist because of a strong capitalist economic engine(run by men and funded primarily by male taxpayers).

The fact is, once the economic system enters decline, as jobs continue to become lower paying and less abundant, and austerity for the above programs looms, you will see fewer expressions of this aggressive and anti-social feminist activism.

It simple terms, feminism only exists at the moment because it is economically possible and men permit it.

Clueless Post of the Day right there.

"Because men permit it". :lmao: Full of yourself much?

Couldn't possibly exist from women standing up for themselves; couldn't possibly be women refusing to genuflect to patronizing little boy syndromes engorged on their own self-importance. Couldn't possibly be that they're more independent than a pet. No way.

Couldn't possibly be the approval and encouragement of those of us who aren't threatened by women or the idea of equality.

Yeah, you go with that.
Modern feminist women have lost their feminine qualities and have devolved into psychotic caricatures of what a real woman should be. . :cool:

The feminist brand has very little credibility. Even women who accept some of their tenants of feminism hate the label because they know the leaders of the movement are caricatures, man hating lesbians with no social skills and a chip on their shoulder.

The good news, I think there is a trend rejecting feminism and moving towards traditional gender roles. More women are starting to stay at home and reject the notion that fulfillment only comes through working for a company in the 9 to 5 grind(run by a man that doesn't care for them, just his bottom line) and stay at home taking care of their families and being taken financially by a man who loves them.

More women staying home with young kids
The problem with your pseudo-intellectual ideology is that the relations between the sexes prior to modern feminism was based on men's ability to physically overpower women. Women could not survive without men. This is no longer the case.

I don't see how this discounts my point. But yes, this is another point, feminism really only exists in societies with strong social safety nets/welfare states(US, UK, Scandinavia, Western Europe). However, these public welfare systems only exist because of a strong capitalist economic engine(run by men and funded primarily by male taxpayers).

The fact is, once the economic system enters decline, as jobs continue to become lower paying and less abundant, and austerity for the above programs looms, you will see fewer expressions of this aggressive and anti-social feminist activism.

It simple terms, feminism only exists at the moment because it is economically possible and men permit it.

Clueless Post of the Day right there.

"Because men permit it". :lmao: Full of yourself much?

Couldn't possibly exist from women standing up for themselves; couldn't possibly be women refusing to genuflect to patronizing little boy syndromes engorged on their own self-importance. Couldn't possibly be that they're more independent than a pet. No way.

Couldn't possibly be the approval and encouragement of those of us who aren't threatened by women or the idea of equality.

Yeah, you go with that.
Men voted to give women suffrage, men make up most of the politicians today, and men make up the security and enforcement of the state. So yes, it is men protecting legal gains made by feminists.

Feminists should stop hating men so much and be more thankful.
Division is the result of feminists attempts to portray all men as misogynists. Dragging men down is not the way to achieve equality. The gal in the tape basically admits that there is more work to be down as she ends the clip. Three words which are used by both genders. Is she wanting these words outlawed ? She's claims they are not effective in putting women down anymore now that they have been decontrsucted---so what's the problem. I doubt that she is suggest people come up with more effective put downs.

But they don't portray all men as misogynists. In fact, there is only one group of feminists that are separatists. I doubt very seriously that you have ever met one. They are a very tiny, tiny group. Hell, I've never met any separatists. Every once in awhile I come across an article about them but that is pretty much it.

But, she is telling people to come up with more effective put downs. Are you trolling feminists? Are those three words your argument? Then what does it matter to you?

The OP asked for opinions---I gave him mine. The three words were HER argument.
And you really think she wants more effective put downs ? Sorta counter productive isn't it ?
Those are the most zing-you-got-me-but-not-really words used. Benny shot-insert a lesbian insult. Either you have an argument or you don't. So, the message is that everyone knows what is really meant when someone uses the language in that context. If you have someone that is utilizing those words in the form of an anti-feminist troll then the goal from that end was not to be productive to begin with.

I've been known to go off on mainstream US feminists. This is not a group that I identify with often. There is a special little online/news columnist elite squad that irritates the hell out of me. Further, I'm not a Fabello fan. When I feel like wading in the shit and someone says something ridiculous then I tell them so and why.

That said, there is a group of men on line that have gone so far as to make death threats, stalking, and rape threats. Really. The name of the game for these guys is to silence you. The same thing that you can see with the little multi ID sockfest that goes on here but those guys take it one step further. Like-contact the FBI further. They attack your blogs, posts, commentary and twitter accounts. You can tell when they make the rounds and this is when you see some lash out commentary.

I don't know if you are aware of the above.
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This feminist subculture is merely representative of a society at the height of its decadence and opulence. A reflection of atomization and the breakdown of organic communities(thanks hyperindividualism and multiculturalism).

This woman is really just exposing herself as an emotionally broken person and really reflects the breakdown in relations between the sexes that had existed since the advent of the sexual revolution.

These kind of degenerate expressions of angst don't exist in organic/homogenous societies of scale.

The problem with your pseudo-intellectual ideology is that the relations between the sexes prior to modern feminism was based on men's ability to physically overpower women. Women could not survive without men. This is no longer the case.

I don't see how this discounts my point. But yes, this is another point, feminism really only exists in societies with strong social safety nets/welfare states(US, UK, Scandinavia, Western Europe). However, these public welfare systems only exist because of a strong capitalist economic engine(run by men and funded primarily by male taxpayers).

The fact is, once the economic system enters decline, as jobs continue to become lower paying and less abundant, and austerity for the above programs looms, you will see fewer expressions of this aggressive and anti-social feminist activism.

It simple terms, feminism only exists at the moment because it is economically possible and men permit it.

That may have been how it started. But I do not see it reversing to any significant degree unless there is a complete societal collapse and we revert to barbaric tribes.

The fact that violence against women is no socially unacceptable to such a degree cannot be undone by economics alone.

And women have become a bigger and bigger part of the economic engine and paying more and more of the taxes.

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