"Open Letter to Feminist Trolls"

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  • #83
The shrill harpy in the video is a perfect example of the man hating toxic women that men should avoid at all costs.

She is a product of the radical lezbo feminism that started in the 1960's.

Self-entitled and overbearing to the extreme.......trying to emasculate men is her hobby.

Any man who comes across one of these modern female monstrosities should run like they just stole something. ... :eek:

Absolute bullshit.

There is nothing in that video to suggest she hates men.
There is nothing in that video to suggest she is a lesbian.
There is nothing in that video to suggest she hates men.

But in your responses there is plenty of evidence that you hate women who think they are your equal. There is plenty to suggest that you think she should be subservient to you because you are male.

You are emasculating yourself by venting and showing your fear of women.
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  • #85
The claim was that she was trying to help guys and her intent is anything but. She delights in tearing down this massive " patriarchy " that men have created. What was the point of the video ? To tell us that those words are being used incorrectly ? That her feminist circles have "deconstructed" these words and they don't bother her anymore ?

The patriarchy should be torn down. Any system that treats women as less than men, has no business existing in our modern society.

And this patriarchy is going to be torn down by forbidding the use of certain words ?
Will women also be banned from using these words ?

Did she suggest banning any words? Or did she ridicule those who use those words to attempt to get her to shutup and accept that she is a second-class citizen, not worthy of equality?
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  • #86
Only emasculated metrosexual males buy into the man hating feminist crap the girl on the video was selling.

If she represents what is available in todays dating pool.

I can understand why so many young guys are switching teams and going homo. . :lol:

Man hating? Nothing in that video showed she hates men. Absolutely nothing.

Her point is to fight for equality. If you are against that, you show your fears and insecurities.

Why shouldn't women be treated as equal?? Can you answer that?
Only emasculated metrosexual males buy into the man hating feminist crap the girl on the video was selling.

If she represents what is available in todays dating pool.

I can understand why so many young guys are switching teams and going homo. . :lol:

Man hating? Nothing in that video showed she hates men. Absolutely nothing.

Her point is to fight for equality. If you are against that, you show your fears and insecurities.

Why shouldn't women be treated as equal?? Can you answer that?

Women are already free to use all the same words that men do.
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  • #88
She's attractive. Hope some guy or guys are enjoying mutually beneficial sexual encounters with her.
You sound like a freakin faggot. .. :cuckoo: :lol:

You are the one who said he understands why young men switch sides. Are you planning to do the same? You are the one who hates women. If anyone in this thread "sounds like a faggot" it would be you.
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  • #90
Only emasculated metrosexual males buy into the man hating feminist crap the girl on the video was selling.

If she represents what is available in todays dating pool.

I can understand why so many young guys are switching teams and going homo. . :lol:

Man hating? Nothing in that video showed she hates men. Absolutely nothing.

Her point is to fight for equality. If you are against that, you show your fears and insecurities.

Why shouldn't women be treated as equal?? Can you answer that?

Women are already free to use all the same words that men do.

I guess that is the first step? And surely you do not claim that women are treated equally across the board?
Man hating? Nothing in that video showed she hates men. Absolutely nothing.

Her point is to fight for equality. If you are against that, you show your fears and insecurities.

Why shouldn't women be treated as equal?? Can you answer that?

Women are already free to use all the same words that men do.

I guess that is the first step? And surely you do not claim that women are treated equally across the board?

The step has already been made-----women use those words. Women also have be named to extremely high positions of responsibility and power like the head of the IMF and Secretary of State. If men started sharing their stories of every time they were treated unfairly we would have a world of whiners. Can't women act individually or this the same as going to the bathroom ?
The words are last card words. It's actually pretty funny to watch. Hell, the minimizing here is pretty funny to watch.

Women use curse words, too.

The first thing that the misogynists want to do is to attack your sexuality. This is why the one of the first insults they attempt to hurl is lesbian. You know, because heterosexual women would recognize that even the littlest penis is almighty.

I used to get a kick out of some women that would flip out if someone hurled the word **** at them. It's the last card word. It would send those women into a rage.They would unthinkingly become uncontrollable and give you a good beat down.
So, basically you just gave someone power.
The words are last card words. It's actually pretty funny to watch. Hell, the minimizing here is pretty funny to watch.

Women use curse words, too.

The first thing that the misogynists want to do is to attack your sexuality. This is why the one of the first insults they attempt to hurl is lesbian. You know, because heterosexual women would recognize that even the littlest penis is almighty.

I used to get a kick out of some women that would flip out if someone hurled the word **** at them. It's the last card word. It would send those women into a rage.They would unthinkingly become uncontrollable and give you a good beat down.
So, basically you just gave someone power.

Is everyone who uses these words a misogynist ?
Oh gawd please noooooooooooooooooo grammar Nazi's !! There's nothing more repulsive than posters on message boards that correct other poster's grammar.

Nothing more repulsive? lol How about people claiming to know the answers and they haven't even worked out how to use their own language?

You're right of course, there are plenty of things much more repulsive. Take Obama for instance.

So yes, many things more repulsive. Grammar Nazis on message boards are on a very long list of other repulsive things.
The words are last card words. It's actually pretty funny to watch. Hell, the minimizing here is pretty funny to watch.

Women use curse words, too.

The first thing that the misogynists want to do is to attack your sexuality. This is why the one of the first insults they attempt to hurl is lesbian. You know, because heterosexual women would recognize that even the littlest penis is almighty.

I used to get a kick out of some women that would flip out if someone hurled the word **** at them. It's the last card word. It would send those women into a rage.They would unthinkingly become uncontrollable and give you a good beat down.
So, basically you just gave someone power.

Is everyone who uses these words a misogynist ?

Does everyone troll feminists?
The words are last card words. It's actually pretty funny to watch. Hell, the minimizing here is pretty funny to watch.

Women use curse words, too.

The first thing that the misogynists want to do is to attack your sexuality. This is why the one of the first insults they attempt to hurl is lesbian. You know, because heterosexual women would recognize that even the littlest penis is almighty.

I used to get a kick out of some women that would flip out if someone hurled the word **** at them. It's the last card word. It would send those women into a rage.They would unthinkingly become uncontrollable and give you a good beat down.
So, basically you just gave someone power.

Is everyone who uses these words a misogynist ?

Does everyone troll feminists?


Is everyone who uses these words a misogynist ?
Is everyone who uses these words a misogynist ?

Does everyone troll feminists?


Is everyone who uses these words a misogynist ?


Although you will find that with deconstruction of words there are attempts to alter the meanings of the words and you will find division here. Reclaiming a word.

Easiest way to 'splain it.
The N word. The ultimate last card word. One group takes the word and flips it. The original intent of the word loses it's power and now becomes a term of endearment that is only acceptable in a certain group. Then you have an entire different group that says, no way in hell will that ever, ever be acceptable.

Ok, check it out:


'****' Should Not Be a Bad Word
Does everyone troll feminists?


Is everyone who uses these words a misogynist ?


Although you will find that with deconstruction of words there are attempts to alter the meanings of the words and you will find division here. Reclaiming a word.

Easiest way to 'splain it.
The N word. The ultimate last card word. One group takes the word and flips it. The original intent of the word loses it's power and now becomes a term of endearment that is only acceptable in a certain group. Then you have an entire different group that says, no way in hell will that ever, ever be acceptable.

Ok, check it out:


'****' Should Not Be a Bad Word

Division is the result of feminists attempts to portray all men as misogynists. Dragging men down is not the way to achieve equality. The gal in the tape basically admits that there is more work to be down as she ends the clip. Three words which are used by both genders. Is she wanting these words outlawed ? She's claims they are not effective in putting women down anymore now that they have been decontrsucted---so what's the problem. I doubt that she is suggest people come up with more effective put downs.

Is everyone who uses these words a misogynist ?


Although you will find that with deconstruction of words there are attempts to alter the meanings of the words and you will find division here. Reclaiming a word.

Easiest way to 'splain it.
The N word. The ultimate last card word. One group takes the word and flips it. The original intent of the word loses it's power and now becomes a term of endearment that is only acceptable in a certain group. Then you have an entire different group that says, no way in hell will that ever, ever be acceptable.

Ok, check it out:


'****' Should Not Be a Bad Word

Division is the result of feminists attempts to portray all men as misogynists. Dragging men down is not the way to achieve equality. The gal in the tape basically admits that there is more work to be down as she ends the clip. Three words which are used by both genders. Is she wanting these words outlawed ? She's claims they are not effective in putting women down anymore now that they have been decontrsucted---so what's the problem. I doubt that she is suggest people come up with more effective put downs.

But they don't portray all men as misogynists. In fact, there is only one group of feminists that are separatists. I doubt very seriously that you have ever met one. They are a very tiny, tiny group. Hell, I've never met any separatists. Every once in awhile I come across an article about them but that is pretty much it.

But, she is telling people to come up with more effective put downs. Are you trolling feminists? Are those three words your argument? Then what does it matter to you?

Is everyone who uses these words a misogynist ?


Although you will find that with deconstruction of words there are attempts to alter the meanings of the words and you will find division here. Reclaiming a word.

Easiest way to 'splain it.
The N word. The ultimate last card word. One group takes the word and flips it. The original intent of the word loses it's power and now becomes a term of endearment that is only acceptable in a certain group. Then you have an entire different group that says, no way in hell will that ever, ever be acceptable.

Ok, check it out:


'****' Should Not Be a Bad Word

Division is the result of feminists attempts to portray all men as misogynists. Dragging men down is not the way to achieve equality. The gal in the tape basically admits that there is more work to be down as she ends the clip. Three words which are used by both genders. Is she wanting these words outlawed ? She's claims they are not effective in putting women down anymore now that they have been decontrsucted---so what's the problem. I doubt that she is suggest people come up with more effective put downs.

She is one woman; she doesn't speak for every women but only for herself. Anyone who would think she speaks for all women or for feminists in general would be very foolish. I found her to be very young and tiresome. She has some points, but I was annoyed by her presentation to the point I didn't finish watching the video.

To make a big deal out of this is silly. It is one very young woman's take on the use of language toward women, language that is found offensive and why it is found offensive, at least by this woman. The 'c' word is really the only one I take umbrage with; to me, it is tantamount to the 'n' word, and I find both utterly base and offensive.
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