"Open Letter to Feminist Trolls"

Urban Dictionary: metrosexual

You might be "metrosexual" if:

1. You just can't walk past a Banana Republic store without making a purchase.

2. You own 20 pairs of shoes, half a dozen pairs of sunglasses, just as many watches and you carry a man-purse.

3. You see a stylist instead of a barber, because barbers don't do highlights.

4. You can make her lamb shanks and risotto for dinner and Eggs Benedict for breakfast... all from scratch.

5. You only wear Calvin Klein boxer-briefs.

6. You shave more than just your face. You also exfoliate and moisturize.

7. You would never, ever own a pickup truck.

8. You can't imagine a day without hair styling products.

9. You'd rather drink wine than beer... but you'll find out what estate and vintage first.

10. Despite being flattered (even proud) that gay guys hit on you, you still find the thought of actually getting intimate with another man truly repulsive.

AKA A pussy

Damn. I failed all ten.

Now define "pussy".


I don't need to define anything.. Stop avoiding the question.. How do you defend a woman?

Oh but you do ---- you just used it.
To many men have bought into the feminist ideology thinking it would please their woman.

But all it has done is turn them into limp wristed metrosexual pansy's who give in to every insane demand their woman wants.

This in turn makes the woman frustrated because biologically she not happy being in the dominate position over her male companion. And the more the guy gives in to this type of woman. The more unhappy and shrewish she becomes.

A woman needs an strong male who will sometimes tell her 'No' and make her stand in the corner..... reward her when she is good.....and give her a spanking when she's bad.

And all of that bitter radical feminist nonsense will quickly disappear. .. :eusa_angel:

Did you co-author , "Fifty Shades of Mmmm?" ;-) (Gray)
Never read it......but maybe I should. ... :cool:
To many men have bought into the feminist ideology thinking it would please their woman.

But all it has done is turn them into limp wristed metrosexual pansy's who give in to every insane demand their woman wants.

This in turn makes the woman frustrated because biologically she not happy being in the dominate position over her male companion. And the more the guy gives in to this type of woman. The more unhappy and shrewish she becomes.

A woman needs an strong male who will sometimes tell her 'No' and make her stand in the corner..... reward her when she is good.....and give her a spanking when she's bad.

And all of that bitter radical feminist nonsense will quickly disappear. .. :eusa_angel:

I can't remember this much nervous testosteronic butthurt since the Sesame Street poster's thread on Liberal men being "feminine". :rofl:

Much gynofear I hear here.

It's hilarious. In a pathos kinda way.

No one is afraid of vaginas, though I am sure you are unfamiliar with them in person.

Feminists it seems are afraid of not being loved. To fall in love, one must be willing to be vulnerable and open. They don't want to be vulnerable or open to a man, they insist on being bitter and closed off under the guise of being a "strong woman" that "doesn't need a man". This way, they won't ever be rejected by a man due to their own personal shortcomings.

It really exposes their immaturity and childlike attitude to be honest.

If it massages your little boy ego to think that, by all means carrion.
I don't need to define anything.. Stop avoiding the question.. How do you defend a woman?

Oh but you do ---- you just used it.

So in other words you just made up the shit to make it look like all of these FemiDouches were sending out congrats to both you and your Butch.. Got it.

So in other words YOU invoked a term you can't define.

Wassamatta? Inconveeeeeeeeenient?

What in the fuck is a "Butch"? In its turn of course....
-- and why all the butthurt that somebody might rep me? What's it to ya?
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Oh but you do ---- you just used it.

So in other words you just made up the shit to make it look like all of these FemiDouches were sending out congrats to both you and your Butch.. Got it.

So in other words YOU invoked a term you can't define.

Wassamatta? Inconveeeeeeeeenient?

What in the fuck is a "Butch"?

Cut the crap and answer the question. I want to know what a Metrosexual such as yourself would describe or define defending a woman?
Feminists it seems are afraid of not being loved. .

Fear of Love?

I suppose. That's very charitable of you.

However, I give that theory a distant 4th place behind a woman being

A. Boring
B. Homely
C. Stupid
I don't think we are in disagreement, afraid of not being loved or liked by men due to personal flaws, namely being boring, hypersensitive, no personality, no sense of humor, ugly, or stupid. There are many potential flaws. :D
So in other words you just made up the shit to make it look like all of these FemiDouches were sending out congrats to both you and your Butch.. Got it.

So in other words YOU invoked a term you can't define.

Wassamatta? Inconveeeeeeeeenient?

What in the fuck is a "Butch"?

Cut the crap and answer the question. I want to know what a Metrosexual such as yourself would describe or define defending a woman?

That doesn't even make any sense. What in the wide world of fuck are you talking about? I don't even live in a city. Nowhere near.

Again, in its turn -- first up is your definition of "pussy". Stilllll waiting.
So in other words you just made up the shit to make it look like all of these FemiDouches were sending out congrats to both you and your Butch.. Got it.

So in other words YOU invoked a term you can't define.

Wassamatta? Inconveeeeeeeeenient?

What in the fuck is a "Butch"?

Cut the crap and answer the question. I want to know what a Metrosexual such as yourself would describe or define defending a woman?
He is just playing dumb to annoy you. He knows what metrosexual and butch mean, unless he has lived under a rock for decades. He doesn't want to answer the question because he knows it is absurd to say he is "defending women" by agreeing with man hating feminists on a message board.
So in other words you just made up the shit to make it look like all of these FemiDouches were sending out congrats to both you and your Butch.. Got it.

So in other words YOU invoked a term you can't define.

Wassamatta? Inconveeeeeeeeenient?

What in the fuck is a "Butch"?

Cut the crap and answer the question. I want to know what a Metrosexual such as yourself would describe or define defending a woman?

Hey Pogo, answer the lady, and I'll explain to you what a pussy is, then I'll pos rep you long and hard.

So in other words YOU invoked a term you can't define.

Wassamatta? Inconveeeeeeeeenient?

What in the fuck is a "Butch"?

Cut the crap and answer the question. I want to know what a Metrosexual such as yourself would describe or define defending a woman?

Hey Pogo, answer the lady, and I'll explain to you what a pussy is, then I'll pos rep you long and hard.


She has yet to ask me anything coherent. What the fuck is this "how to defend a woman" about?
[MENTION=42498]Esmeralda[/MENTION] Being Pogo is your White Knight, forgive the racist inference - can you give us a definition or give your boy Pogo permission to define what exactly constitutes defending a woman?
Cut the crap and answer the question. I want to know what a Metrosexual such as yourself would describe or define defending a woman?

Hey Pogo, answer the lady, and I'll explain to you what a pussy is, then I'll pos rep you long and hard.


She has yet to ask me anything coherent. What the fuck is this "how to defend a woman" about?
You brought it up, you claimed you were pos repped for "standing up for women". Or do you forget what you posted two pages ago?

I know, your bullshit piles up quickly from page to page so it might be a task to remember it all...
She has yet to ask me anything coherent. What the fuck is this "how to defend a woman" about?


Let me connect the dots for you:

You said:

I got repped by a woman for standing up for women.....

You were asked:

How does one stand up for a woman exactly? I'd like to hear this in your own words.

My offer for a slow, gentle pos rep is only good for your next post.
She has yet to ask me anything coherent. What the fuck is this "how to defend a woman" about?


Let me connect the dots for you:

You said:

I got repped by a woman for standing up for women.....

You were asked:

How does one stand up for a woman exactly? I'd like to hear this in your own words.

My offer for a slow, gentle pos rep is only good for your next post.

Standing up for a woman in this thread would be to point out that the men here are all retards, even though they probably already know it.

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