Open season on our elections

Trump knows he can not win the 2020 election without the same kind of help he got from Russia in the 2016 election. That is why he is inviting Putin ro help him again.

OH NO!!!!! Camp said it was the ROOOOOSKIES!!! AARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHhhhhhh!
They interfered with our election in 2016. Donald Dork invited them to interfere in an interview showed to the world yesterday. He said it was OK to accept opposition research from foreign governments. Happens there is actually a federal law against doing that, but Donald is a dork, hence the name, Donald Dork.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! ROOOSKIES!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS THE ROOOOOSKIESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, back at the old bat cave i.e Hildebeast's lair, checks are being written for (snicker) "opposition research"
to pump the ROOOSKIES for information about Trump.......GTFO here with that weak ass shit of yours and grow a set, you limp-wristed, hand wringing pansy.
Good seeing you are back to your old self. Conspiracy theories laced with childish insults posts.

YOU are the one claiming that the ROOSKIES stole the election for Trump conspiracy theory, no???....what was it? Scalar weapons using mind control frequencies??? Why not just admit that the **** you backed for the commie party was a shitty candidate and move forward?
You seem to have a lot of stupidity, if it's not wilful, then you have no business commenting on this until you're better informed as to the meaning of "arm's length transactions".
There's that anger thing again. Have you tried Prozak? It might help.

You're still mischaractizing the Clinton Campaign's purchase of opposition research. Hillary didn't direct her lawyers to purchase dirt on Donald Trump from Russian nationals. She directed to lawyers to obtain opposition research on Donald Trump.

Really? Are you channeling Miss Cleo, or were you with the part of the Clinton campaign that engaged Perkins?

Her lawyers didn't direct Fusion GPS to obtain dirt on Donald Trump from Russian nationals. They directed Fusion GPS to obtain opposition research on Donald Trump.
Miss Cleo again?

In order for Hillary Clinton to make "a stawman purchase" she would have to have known who and where the opposition research was coming from and the direct her middlemen as to who to deal with. She gave no direction to her staff, nor did they provide any direction to her go-betweens.
Miss Cleo?

I don't suffer fools gladly. I have no patience with those who don't fact check or take the trouble to admit when they're wrong. You clearly are guilty of both. Start fact checking and you'll stop making a total fool of yourself.
Back atcha Sweetpea. If you have any links to back up any of your "facts" I will gladly grovel at your feet and proclaim you my queen.

Christopher Steele, the Man Behind the Trump Dossier
Another Media-Fueled Collusion Narrative Falls Apart

I cited a reliable source. You cited
Why is that men try to characterize any woman they can’t bully or who won’t accept their lies as “angry”.
Perhaps it might have something to do with your engaging in insults and name-calling rather than substantive discussion.

Anyone who continues to characterize a third party arms length purchase as sinister or equal to sitting down with Russian agents to get dirt on Hillary is either stupid or desperate.
Which are you?
Everything Hillary Clinton has ever done in her life has been investigated - multiple times, and each and every time she has been investigated, there has been no evidence of wrongdoing. Not, as in the case of Donald Trump "not enough evidence to convict", but "no evidence of wrong doing", and yet everything she has ever done has been documented, scrutinized by the media and Republicans, and investigated up the ying yang.

Seriously, if you were the Clintons and you knew the Judicial Watch, the entire Republican Party, a special prosecutor, and a whole bunch of people were looking for something, anything they could use to "lock her up", would you be breaking the law on a daily basis, and leaving a paper trail of bribery and corruption? And would someone have ratted them out by now. No one ever has. Other than Anita Broaddrick, not one person turned on Clinton, and they were all offered immunity to do so, and she had to do it or go to jail.

It took Donald Trump less than 6 months to land himself in trouble for corruption charges on his Inauguration Fund and golf club initiation fees, not to mention billing the SS for rooms and meals every weekend. The Clinton's survived 17 investigations without a single charge or a single claim of wrong doing.

Trump couldn't survive ONE investigation without committing impeachable offences.
You mean covered up by either Bill Clinton or Barak Obama.


Cankles McPutin is the most corrupt politician that ever lived. She is even worse than Waters, Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi or Schummer.

On what evidence? The say so of the Republican Party?

The Republicans spent $100 million investigating the Clintons and the Obama's and they got was a lie about a blow job. They spent $20 million investigating Trump and got $40 million in fines, over 100 indictments, 7 guilty pleas, 6 cooperating witnesses and 20 spin-off-investigations.

How is it that no one has ever ratted out the Clintons or the Obamas. They couldn't turn on Trump fast enough but no one has ever turn
I take it this about the question George Stephanopoulos asked if so lets look at the full context.
Trump says he'd be open to taking info on 2020 opponents from foreign actors
I heard the whole clip The pos said he'd take info from foreign countries
The US takes intel from foreign nations daily. It either pans out. Or it doesn’t. Unfortunately for Hillary... She didn’t pan out...
The Russians didn't have any dirt on Trump. That's why Hillary had to pay somebody to invent some.
Trump embraced collusion after denying collusion The lowest of the low A republican But I repeat myself
So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.
So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.
BULL SHIT If that was Hillary in the WH saying she'd accept help from foreign countries republican AH's would string her up
Man does the butt hurt from the left ever let up. 24/7 crying is just unreal. Do they think anyone is listening anymore?
So in your mind no one should complain about this snake in our WH ? Just walk on by and let his BS rain down without answering ??
So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.
BULL SHIT If that was Hillary in the WH saying she'd accept help from foreign countries republican AH's would string her up

Yep, and Democrats would say nothing or that it is okay.
So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.
BULL SHIT If that was Hillary in the WH saying she'd accept help from foreign countries republican AH's would string her up
The dumb bitch did more than accept such “intel”... she paid a foreign entity to manufacture some. Fuck off off you hypocritical twat.
Man does the butt hurt from the left ever let up. 24/7 crying is just unreal. Do they think anyone is listening anymore?
So in your mind no one should complain about this snake in our WH ? Just walk on by and let his BS rain down without answering ??

Hell, I don't really give a damn anymore or take any of it seriously anymore. I was fed up with the Republicans on Benghazi, I didn't care what the truth was, I was over it all.

I'm tired of all of it as are most Americans. Today there is a thread where Trump spelled the country Wales, Whales, seriously? The other issue is Trump makes comments to piss the left off and they fall for it. We need a third party or a refreshing candidate for 2020 to change it up, however I already see that is not going to happen.
So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.
BULL SHIT If that was Hillary in the WH saying she'd accept help from foreign countries republican AH's would string her up

Yep, and Democrats would say nothing or that it is okay.
I'll say you're wrong BUT in any case she would never be that stupid to say that Only an idiot would

You are correct, she would do it and cover it up and when found out the Democrats would defend her. I have been a round way to long to know how it will play out. I see no difference in the party loyalists.
So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.
BULL SHIT If that was Hillary in the WH saying she'd accept help from foreign countries republican AH's would string her up
The dumb bitch did more than accept such “intel”... she paid a foreign entity to manufacture some. Fuck off off you hypocritical twat.
Liar, you schmuck
Eat shit. I’m not about to regale the common knowledge regarding the Steele Dossier, bought by Hillary’s lawyers Perkins Coiue, under the moniker opposition research, wherein a cheaply bought MI6 operative commissioned on behalf of Hillary, a bunch of made up bull shit, used to predicate the spying on a candidate, and his staff, who ultimately stomped that crooked bitch into the dirt. Because everyone already knows...
So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.
BULL SHIT If that was Hillary in the WH saying she'd accept help from foreign countries republican AH's would string her up

Yep, and Democrats would say nothing or that it is okay.
I'll say you're wrong BUT in any case she would never be that stupid to say that Only an idiot would

You are correct, she would do it and cover it up and when found out the Democrats would defend her. I have been a round way to long to know how it will play out. I see no difference in the party loyalists.
Some republicans did speak up on Nixon losing the presidency
The Deep State does not rat out their own.

They know where the bodies are buried.

You seem to have a lot of stupidity, if it's not wilful, then you have no business commenting on this until you're better informed as to the meaning of "arm's length transactions".
There's that anger thing again. Have you tried Prozak? It might help.

You're still mischaractizing the Clinton Campaign's purchase of opposition research. Hillary didn't direct her lawyers to purchase dirt on Donald Trump from Russian nationals. She directed to lawyers to obtain opposition research on Donald Trump.

Really? Are you channeling Miss Cleo, or were you with the part of the Clinton campaign that engaged Perkins?

Her lawyers didn't direct Fusion GPS to obtain dirt on Donald Trump from Russian nationals. They directed Fusion GPS to obtain opposition research on Donald Trump.
Miss Cleo again?

In order for Hillary Clinton to make "a stawman purchase" she would have to have known who and where the opposition research was coming from and the direct her middlemen as to who to deal with. She gave no direction to her staff, nor did they provide any direction to her go-betweens.
Miss Cleo?

I don't suffer fools gladly. I have no patience with those who don't fact check or take the trouble to admit when they're wrong. You clearly are guilty of both. Start fact checking and you'll stop making a total fool of yourself.
Back atcha Sweetpea. If you have any links to back up any of your "facts" I will gladly grovel at your feet and proclaim you my queen.

Christopher Steele, the Man Behind the Trump Dossier
Another Media-Fueled Collusion Narrative Falls Apart

I cited a reliable source. You cited
Why is that men try to characterize any woman they can’t bully or who won’t accept their lies as “angry”.
Perhaps it might have something to do with your engaging in insults and name-calling rather than substantive discussion.

Anyone who continues to characterize a third party arms length purchase as sinister or equal to sitting down with Russian agents to get dirt on Hillary is either stupid or desperate.
Which are you?
Everything Hillary Clinton has ever done in her life has been investigated - multiple times, and each and every time she has been investigated, there has been no evidence of wrongdoing. Not, as in the case of Donald Trump "not enough evidence to convict", but "no evidence of wrong doing", and yet everything she has ever done has been documented, scrutinized by the media and Republicans, and investigated up the ying yang.

Seriously, if you were the Clintons and you knew the Judicial Watch, the entire Republican Party, a special prosecutor, and a whole bunch of people were looking for something, anything they could use to "lock her up", would you be breaking the law on a daily basis, and leaving a paper trail of bribery and corruption? And would someone have ratted them out by now. No one ever has. Other than Anita Broaddrick, not one person turned on Clinton, and they were all offered immunity to do so, and she had to do it or go to jail.

It took Donald Trump less than 6 months to land himself in trouble for corruption charges on his Inauguration Fund and golf club initiation fees, not to mention billing the SS for rooms and meals every weekend. The Clinton's survived 17 investigations without a single charge or a single claim of wrong doing.

Trump couldn't survive ONE investigation without committing impeachable offences.
You mean covered up by either Bill Clinton or Barak Obama.


Cankles McPutin is the most corrupt politician that ever lived. She is even worse than Waters, Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi or Schummer.

On what evidence? The say so of the Republican Party?

The Republicans spent $100 million investigating the Clintons and the Obama's and they got was a lie about a blow job. They spent $20 million investigating Trump and got $40 million in fines, over 100 indictments, 7 guilty pleas, 6 cooperating witnesses and 20 spin-off-investigations.

How is it that no one has ever ratted out the Clintons or the Obamas. They couldn't turn on Trump fast enough but no one has ever turn
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The new dance craze will be the Trump shuffle

Dancing to the tune "Digging my own grave"

Its digging the dirt and throwing it over you shoulder

Once the grave is big enough you hold your nose and jump in

Repeat as long as in office
If information was illegal to accept, then The Internet could not exist.

So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.
Man does the butt hurt from the left ever let up. 24/7 crying is just unreal. Do they think anyone is listening anymore?

No one is crying, at least no one pointing out the truth. Trump is scum, he's a damn liar and a consort with murderous despots and criminals.

Those who need a crying towel are supporters of trump. There is no doubt he is going down, and cannot win the election 17 months from now.

There will be some long time Republican Pols who will challenge Trump for the nomination, and once some brave soul steps forward, many many other Republicans will step up with the money and drive Trump 30% + or - popularity into the low teens.

No sane person will ever support trump for a second term.
Actually he told the truth all along while you ridiculed him and then sucked Putin’s cock and took a hundred Russian dicks up your ass.

That makes you the liar, and you the piece of shit.

You’ve been lying every day on here for three years.

You’ll burn in Hell for that and I’m happy about it.

And you and your Evil Companions will drive him right in to the White House for a second term and guarantee Pence gets elected after that.

He’s already projected to win 53% of the popular vote.

Suck it homo.

Man does the butt hurt from the left ever let up. 24/7 crying is just unreal. Do they think anyone is listening anymore?

No one is crying, at least no one pointing out the truth. Trump is scum, he's a damn liar and a consort with murderous despots and criminals.

Those who need a crying towel are supporters of trump. There is no doubt he is going down, and cannot win the election 17 months from now.

There will be some long time Republican Pols who will challenge Trump for the nomination, and once some brave soul steps forward, many many other Republicans will step up with the money and drive Trump 30% + or - popularity into the low teens.

No sane person will ever support trump for a second term.
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