Open season on our elections

Yeah, Trump is terrible. Next he'll be paying Russia for a fake dossier to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Dem nominee.
Trump is unamerican He would accept help from foreign countries and not call FBI and republicans are fn swine for not calling the pos what he is

The thing is it's ILLEGAL to take help from a foreign nation for an election.

trump; broke the law when he took Russia's help in 2016, then lied about it, and has proudly said he will break the law again.

The man belongs in prison not our White House.
That depends on what that help is. It's illegal for the campaign to accept contributions or anything of monetary value from a foreign source. However, if Putin calls up his old buddy in the White House and says I've got some good shit on Biden. That's perfectly legal. If a deal is struck, then that can be illegal. If that shit helps the candidate raise money for the campaign, then it can argued that's its illegal. In other words, it can get tricky.

The law is 52 U.S.C. 30121 and it clearly states the following, notice it says directly or indirectly money or other thing of value.

52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a)ProhibitionIt shall be unlawful for—
(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—
(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;
electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

According to the law it doesn't have to be money and they don't have to actually take it. It just has to be offered.

So it's really not that tricky and from the language of the law, trump and his campaign broke that law in 2016 and trump said today he would break that law again for the upcoming election.
The contribution must have monetary value. And that is where it does get tricky. If Putin just offers Trump damaging information about his opponent and it has no monetary value then the law does not apply. If it can be shown that the information helps the campaign raise donations, the law does apply or if there is quid pro quo agreement then that can be a violation of other laws. If Trump uses a person in his employ or employed by the campaign, to meet with the foreign agent that would be illegal. If the person offering the information is a citizen of a foreign power and it can be shown that he is acting as agent of that government then that person must be registered as agent of a foreign country. If they are not, that is a violation of law.

The most serious crimes would likely come from a cover up, bribes, lying to federal agents, obstruction of justice, etc.

I'm going to agree to disagree with you on this. The law doesn't say it has to be of monetary value. It clearly says or anything of value. Not or anything of monetary value.

You have your opinion. I have mine.

When it comes down to it, neither of our opinions matter at all. It's the opinion of the justice department and law enforcement that matters.
You know, one of the problems outlined in the Mueller report concerning Trump was that there was no way to prove intent, which is one of the reasons that there were no charges brought. If they had been able to prove intent, then Trump would be facing charges right now.

Interesting thing about this upcoming election, is that if Russia does any kind of meddling like they did last time, and it is favorable to Trump, the comments he just made will be enough to prove intent.
Russians have always prefered a Republican U.S. president throughout history, the dems knew it too.
The LIB MSM spend every second of every day sniffing anyone's underwear trying to find ANYTHING they can attack Trump with. Every fucking one of these scum bags would gleefully listen to ANYTHING ANYONE IN ANY COUNTRY has to whisper about Trump.
Fucking hypocritical much?????????
The LIB MSM spend every second of every day sniffing anyone's underwear trying to find ANYTHING they can attack Trump with. Every fucking one of these scum bags would gleefully listen to ANYTHING ANYONE IN ANY COUNTRY has to whisper about Trump.
Fucking hypocritical much?????????

This quote came directly from Trump himself while being interviewed by Stephanapolis. This isn't something that people are whispering about Trump, it's something that he publicly said himself.

And..............if Russia or any other country actually does mess with our election and it is favorable to Trump, those comments, combined with the meddling, would be enough to prosecute Trump.
You know, one of the problems outlined in the Mueller report concerning Trump was that there was no way to prove intent, which is one of the reasons that there were no charges brought. If they had been able to prove intent, then Trump would be facing charges right now.

That, and the fact that there was no underlying crime to cover up. And the fact that there was no actual obstruction. And the fact that he was carrying out his Article II powers.

But sure, other than those things, he would have been facing charges.
But consider the source of information from a different point of view. The gop went Capt Ahab over Benghanzi and Hillary's emails. And came up empty. But what might have been interesting is all those donations she got from the Saudis (friends of Trump too, btw) various Oligarchs (friends of Trump too, btw) and other assorted despots. It would be illegal for the SoS to trade favors for money OR information of personal use.

All of which really points out the problem is disclosure. How much does Trump owe the Russians and why were they inclined to help him? Does congress need to pass laws requiring candidates disclose, and don't they need Trump's tax returns to decide what info needs to be disclosed.

Similarly, does congress need to pass laws making it illegal for a govt official/employee to do any "charity" fundraising? I think we have all the info on Hill's "foundations" but we'll never know what thed did for the money.

All of those donations from the Saudis went to the Clinton Foundation, not to Hillary Clinton directly. There are financial records and filings which confirm this. Monies donated from foreign governments to the Clinton Foundation are all publically recorded both in terms of their receipt and their expenditure. The Clintons take no salaries from the Foundation, and donate many of their personal speaking fees to it, especially those fees coming from foreign governments.

Foreign governments like donating to the Clinton Foundation because the Foundation runs its own programs. A lot of aid, especially food and medical aid, is stolen by corrupt government officials and sold on the black market in Third World Countries, once it's landed and turned over to local NGO's. By running its own programs, and putting their own staff on the ground, The Clinton Foundation is getting the AIDS drugs directly to the people the donations were intended to benefit.

100% of the children receiving life saving AIDS treatments in Third World countries, and 75% of the adults, are receiving these drugs through the Clinton Foundation. Governments and NGO's the world over have praised the work of the Clinton Foundation and the charity continues to enjoy 5 star ratings from every charity ratings group in America.

The Trump Foundation has been shut down by the State of New York for illegal fundraising, misuse of funds donated, and breaches of fiduciary duty. The older Trump children who served on the Foundation's Board, and as Trustees, have been barred from sitting on the board or actings as trustees of any registered charity - for life.
Yes, but we'll never know what Hillary really did, or promised, for the donations. Hill and Bill saw themselves as above rules that others play by. Hubris. The money may have gone to good causes, but Hill and Bill were buying power.

Trump's always been a cowardly thug - who needed real extortionists, and a crook. LOL

I thought Hill and Bill were small time pikers to what the Bush Family made in arms sales, btw. but BushI, Weinberger and John Major at least waited until they were out of office.

Agreed on all of the above, but the Clintons are at least doing good in the world, not profitting from wars and death. Bill Clinton is the first to admit that they made a huge mess in Haiti. They thought that if they created first world jobs for the people that Haiti would become a capitalist paradise. But the people couldn't afford the goods from the stores they opened, and the businesses failed. The problems were a lack of basic infrastructure for the people, not whether or not they had a Walmart.


A US Government Accountability Office report discovered no hint of wrongdoing, but concluded the IHRC's decisions were "not necessarily aligned with Haitian priorities".

Mr Clinton's own office at the UN found 9% of the foreign aid cash went to the Haitian government and 0.6% to local organisations.

The bulk of it went to UN agencies, international aid groups, private contractors and donor countries' own civilian and military agencies.

For example, the Pentagon billed the State Department hundreds of millions of dollars for sending US troops to hand out bottled water and keep order on the streets of Haiti's ravaged capital, Port-au-Prince.

The Clintons and Haiti: What really happened?

The Clinton's have at least admitted their mistakes and learned from them.

ETA: We can't expect our leaders to be perfect or to always make the right decisions. But we can expect them to own up to their mistakes and to learn from them. Not to repeat endlessly that they've done nothing wrong when we watched what they did with our own eyes.
Please spare us the details of Hillary's money laundering operation to pay off espionage agents working for the Russian government.

The election commission has already ruled that information is not considered "a thing of value" for the purposes of election law.

You're totally full of shit, as always.

You ignorant ass. That's not "money laundering", that's a "third party arm's length transaction". Something your feeble, uneducated mind cannot wrap itself around. Not surprising that someone as gullible as you would vote for Trump. He tells you what he wants you to think and you just parrot his lies. There no critical thinking skills or fact checking required on your part. He'll even have Breitbart and FOX News repeat it for you to make it sound legit, but they'll say anything Trump tells them to, just like you.
It's money laundering.

No my dear young idiot, money laundering is when a Russian oligarch pays you $98 million dollars for a property you had listed with no offers for 2 years at $50 million, in October of 2008.

Trump sold a $40 million estate to a Russian oligarch for $100 million—and a senator wants to know why

This is most certainly money laundering:

Buyers tied to Russia, former Soviet republics paid $109 million cash for Trump properties

And this is definitely money laundering:

How the Charge Against Natalia Veselnitskaya Could Lead Back to the Trump Campaign

that sale was long before he became pres.

and florida real estate is hot

they dont call that the gold coast for nothing

So by your logic we should open our prisons up and let everyone out since they weren't president when they committed those crimes.

It doesn't matter if he was president or not at the time. He committed a crime. It's illegal to launder russian mob money.

Your excuse is very lame.
He hasn't committed any crime, shit for brains.
But consider the source of information from a different point of view. The gop went Capt Ahab over Benghanzi and Hillary's emails. And came up empty. But what might have been interesting is all those donations she got from the Saudis (friends of Trump too, btw) various Oligarchs (friends of Trump too, btw) and other assorted despots. It would be illegal for the SoS to trade favors for money OR information of personal use.

All of which really points out the problem is disclosure. How much does Trump owe the Russians and why were they inclined to help him? Does congress need to pass laws requiring candidates disclose, and don't they need Trump's tax returns to decide what info needs to be disclosed.

Similarly, does congress need to pass laws making it illegal for a govt official/employee to do any "charity" fundraising? I think we have all the info on Hill's "foundations" but we'll never know what thed did for the money.

All of those donations from the Saudis went to the Clinton Foundation, not to Hillary Clinton directly. There are financial records and filings which confirm this. Monies donated from foreign governments to the Clinton Foundation are all publically recorded both in terms of their receipt and their expenditure. The Clintons take no salaries from the Foundation, and donate many of their personal speaking fees to it, especially those fees coming from foreign governments.

Foreign governments like donating to the Clinton Foundation because the Foundation runs its own programs. A lot of aid, especially food and medical aid, is stolen by corrupt government officials and sold on the black market in Third World Countries, once it's landed and turned over to local NGO's. By running its own programs, and putting their own staff on the ground, The Clinton Foundation is getting the AIDS drugs directly to the people the donations were intended to benefit.

100% of the children receiving life saving AIDS treatments in Third World countries, and 75% of the adults, are receiving these drugs through the Clinton Foundation. Governments and NGO's the world over have praised the work of the Clinton Foundation and the charity continues to enjoy 5 star ratings from every charity ratings group in America.

The Trump Foundation has been shut down by the State of New York for illegal fundraising, misuse of funds donated, and breaches of fiduciary duty. The older Trump children who served on the Foundation's Board, and as Trustees, have been barred from sitting on the board or actings as trustees of any registered charity - for life.
Yes, but we'll never know what Hillary really did, or promised, for the donations. Hill and Bill saw themselves as above rules that others play by. Hubris. The money may have gone to good causes, but Hill and Bill were buying power.

Trump's always been a cowardly thug - who needed real extortionists, and a crook. LOL

I thought Hill and Bill were small time pikers to what the Bush Family made in arms sales, btw. but BushI, Weinberger and John Major at least waited until they were out of office.

Agreed on all of the above, but the Clintons are at least doing good in the world, not profitting from wars and death. Bill Clinton is the first to admit that they made a huge mess in Haiti. They thought that if they created first world jobs for the people that Haiti would become a capitalist paradise. But the people couldn't afford the goods from the stores they opened, and the businesses failed. The problems were a lack of basic infrastructure for the people, not whether or not they had a Walmart.


A US Government Accountability Office report discovered no hint of wrongdoing, but concluded the IHRC's decisions were "not necessarily aligned with Haitian priorities".

Mr Clinton's own office at the UN found 9% of the foreign aid cash went to the Haitian government and 0.6% to local organisations.

The bulk of it went to UN agencies, international aid groups, private contractors and donor countries' own civilian and military agencies.

For example, the Pentagon billed the State Department hundreds of millions of dollars for sending US troops to hand out bottled water and keep order on the streets of Haiti's ravaged capital, Port-au-Prince.

The Clintons and Haiti: What really happened?

The Clinton's have at least admitted their mistakes and learned from them.

ETA: We can't expect our leaders to be perfect or to always make the right decisions. But we can expect them to own up to their mistakes and to learn from them. Not to repeat endlessly that they've done nothing wrong when we watched what they did with our own eyes.
The bulk of the money went into Hillary a Bill's pockets.
Thats a good lemming. Keep denying reality.
Honest question. How do you reconcile that law and Hillary paying for the Steele dossier?
Well unless you are arguing that Hilary is a foreign national I think the difference speaks for itself.
?? She paid a foreign national (Steele) for information (disinformation?) from foreign nationals (Russians)

No SHE didn't. SHE didn't have contact with the researcher (Steele). Nor did she have contact with his sources. Steele was contracted and paid by Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS contracted with and was paid by the law firm. Hillary had no contact nor did she pay with ANYONE associated with the information contained in the OR.

That you consistenly fail to see that difference shows what a complete dupe you are. Trump was contracting with Russian agents for information. That he didn't know they were Russian agents is the ONLY reason there were no indictments filed for conspiracy.

And you have to ask yourself why a sworn enemy of the United States of America was willing to invest so much time and money into sabatoging the election of Hillary Clinton, and ensuring the election of Donald Trump. Can anyone honestly say that Putin thought Trump would be a better President for America? That he thought Trump would be strong and stand up for America? Or did he think that Trump was an easily manipulated and lead fool who admired him and would do anything for his approval?

Putin didn't want a Trump Presidency for YOU. He wanted it to do as much damage as possible to your country.

You seem to have a lot of anger. No need to name call. We simply disagree. I see absolutely no discernible difference between paying strawmen to contact foreign nationals for you, and accepting opposition research directly from said foreign nationals. If you consider one to be illegal, the other should be illegal too. (THink about killing your husband or hiring a hitman to kill your husband.)

I think it's clear that Putin's purpose was to create discord in America. Unfortunately he's been grinning from ear to ear for the past two years.

You seem to have a lot of stupidity, if it's not wilful, then you have no business commenting on this until you're better informed as to the meaning of "arm's length transactions".

You're still mischaractizing the Clinton Campaign's purchase of opposition research. Hillary didn't direct her lawyers to purchase dirt on Donald Trump from Russian nationals. She directed to lawyers to obtain opposition research on Donald Trump.

Her lawyers didn't direct Fusion GPS to obtain dirt on Donald Trump from Russian nationals. They directed Fusion GPS to obtain opposition research on Donald Trump. In order for Hillary Clinton to make "a stawman purchase" she would have to have known who and where the opposition research was coming from and the direct her middlemen as to who to deal with. She gave no direction to her staff, nor did they provide any direction to her go-betweens.

I do believe that Putin is THRILLED BEYOND ALL MEASURE with the results since everything is succeeding beyond his wildest dreams. The further destabilizing of the American economy with another round of tax cuts and deficit spending will be the cherry on his ice cream sundae. On that we agree. But Putin never expected that Trump would be elected so everything from that point forward has been a bonus for him.

I don't suffer fools gladly. I have no patience with those who don't fact check or take the trouble to admit when they're wrong. You clearly are guilty of both. Start fact checking and you'll stop making a total fool of yourself.
Actually, it's not illegal, and paying foreigners for help with your campaign is illegal, you fucking moron.

It absolutely is illegal for a political candidate to accept ANYTHING of value from a foreign government in an election campaign.

It is not illegal to hire foreign nationals to work on your campaign, but it is illegal to hire foreign government officials to work on your campaign. The Clinton campaign did neither. The Clinton Campaign instructed their lawyers to obtain opposition research. The lawyers contacted Fusion GPS and contracted with them to provide OR on Donald Trump. Fusion GPS had previously had a similar contract from representatives of a Republican candidate, and had hired Christopher Steele to do the work, but the contract was terminated when Trump secured the Republican nomination. Fusion contracted with Steele to finish the research on Trump.

At no time did Hillary Clinton meet with Fusion GPS or Christopher Steele. All payments to Steele were made by Fusion GPS, and all payments to Fusion GPS were made by the law firm on behalf of their anonymous client.

Trump Jr. met with officials from the Russian government in Trump Tower in the hopes of being handed Russian government documents which implicated Hillary Clinton in crimes, which his father could then exploit for political gain. That's illegal.

And then Trump Jr. lied about this to Congress. That's illegal too. Why didn't the Justice Department charge Trump Jr. with these crimes? Enquiring minds want to know.
Please spare us the details of Hillary's money laundering operation to pay off espionage agents working for the Russian government.

The election commission has already ruled that information is not considered "a thing of value" for the purposes of election law.

You're totally full of shit, as always.

You ignorant ass. That's not "money laundering", that's a "third party arm's length transaction". Something your feeble, uneducated mind cannot wrap itself around. Not surprising that someone as gullible as you would vote for Trump. He tells you what he wants you to think and you just parrot his lies. There no critical thinking skills or fact checking required on your part. He'll even have Breitbart and FOX News repeat it for you to make it sound legit, but they'll say anything Trump tells them to, just like you.
It's money laundering.

No my dear young idiot, money laundering is when a Russian oligarch pays you $98 million dollars for a property you had listed with no offers for 2 years at $50 million, in October of 2008.

Trump sold a $40 million estate to a Russian oligarch for $100 million—and a senator wants to know why

This is most certainly money laundering:

Buyers tied to Russia, former Soviet republics paid $109 million cash for Trump properties

And this is definitely money laundering:

How the Charge Against Natalia Veselnitskaya Could Lead Back to the Trump Campaign
Lie, lie, lie.
Honest question. How do you reconcile that law and Hillary paying for the Steele dossier?
Well unless you are arguing that Hilary is a foreign national I think the difference speaks for itself.
?? She paid a foreign national (Steele) for information (disinformation?) from foreign nationals (Russians)

No SHE didn't. SHE didn't have contact with the researcher (Steele). Nor did she have contact with his sources. Steele was contracted and paid by Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS contracted with and was paid by the law firm. Hillary had no contact nor did she pay with ANYONE associated with the information contained in the OR.

That you consistenly fail to see that difference shows what a complete dupe you are. Trump was contracting with Russian agents for information. That he didn't know they were Russian agents is the ONLY reason there were no indictments filed for conspiracy.

And you have to ask yourself why a sworn enemy of the United States of America was willing to invest so much time and money into sabatoging the election of Hillary Clinton, and ensuring the election of Donald Trump. Can anyone honestly say that Putin thought Trump would be a better President for America? That he thought Trump would be strong and stand up for America? Or did he think that Trump was an easily manipulated and lead fool who admired him and would do anything for his approval?

Putin didn't want a Trump Presidency for YOU. He wanted it to do as much damage as possible to your country.

You seem to have a lot of anger. No need to name call. We simply disagree. I see absolutely no discernible difference between paying strawmen to contact foreign nationals for you, and accepting opposition research directly from said foreign nationals. If you consider one to be illegal, the other should be illegal too. (THink about killing your husband or hiring a hitman to kill your husband.)

I think it's clear that Putin's purpose was to create discord in America. Unfortunately he's been grinning from ear to ear for the past two years.

You seem to have a lot of stupidity, if it's not wilful, then you have no business commenting on this until you're better informed as to the meaning of "arm's length transactions".

You're still mischaractizing the Clinton Campaign's purchase of opposition research. Hillary didn't direct her lawyers to purchase dirt on Donald Trump from Russian nationals. She directed to lawyers to obtain opposition research on Donald Trump.

Her lawyers didn't direct Fusion GPS to obtain dirt on Donald Trump from Russian nationals. They directed Fusion GPS to obtain opposition research on Donald Trump. In order for Hillary Clinton to make "a stawman purchase" she would have to have known who and where the opposition research was coming from and the direct her middlemen as to who to deal with. She gave no direction to her staff, nor did they provide any direction to her go-betweens.

I do believe that Putin is THRILLED BEYOND ALL MEASURE with the results since everything is succeeding beyond his wildest dreams. The further destabilizing of the American economy with another round of tax cuts and deficit spending will be the cherry on his ice cream sundae. On that we agree. But Putin never expected that Trump would be elected so everything from that point forward has been a bonus for him.

I don't suffer fools gladly. I have no patience with those who don't fact check or take the trouble to admit when they're wrong. You clearly are guilty of both. Start fact checking and you'll stop making a total fool of yourself.
Yeah, sure she didn't, because if she did direct them to perform illegal services, they would have written it all down so the Trump DOJ would have a record of it.

You're a special kind of stupid.
But consider the source of information from a different point of view. The gop went Capt Ahab over Benghanzi and Hillary's emails. And came up empty. But what might have been interesting is all those donations she got from the Saudis (friends of Trump too, btw) various Oligarchs (friends of Trump too, btw) and other assorted despots. It would be illegal for the SoS to trade favors for money OR information of personal use.

All of which really points out the problem is disclosure. How much does Trump owe the Russians and why were they inclined to help him? Does congress need to pass laws requiring candidates disclose, and don't they need Trump's tax returns to decide what info needs to be disclosed.

Similarly, does congress need to pass laws making it illegal for a govt official/employee to do any "charity" fundraising? I think we have all the info on Hill's "foundations" but we'll never know what thed did for the money.

All of those donations from the Saudis went to the Clinton Foundation, not to Hillary Clinton directly. There are financial records and filings which confirm this. Monies donated from foreign governments to the Clinton Foundation are all publically recorded both in terms of their receipt and their expenditure. The Clintons take no salaries from the Foundation, and donate many of their personal speaking fees to it, especially those fees coming from foreign governments.

Foreign governments like donating to the Clinton Foundation because the Foundation runs its own programs. A lot of aid, especially food and medical aid, is stolen by corrupt government officials and sold on the black market in Third World Countries, once it's landed and turned over to local NGO's. By running its own programs, and putting their own staff on the ground, The Clinton Foundation is getting the AIDS drugs directly to the people the donations were intended to benefit.

100% of the children receiving life saving AIDS treatments in Third World countries, and 75% of the adults, are receiving these drugs through the Clinton Foundation. Governments and NGO's the world over have praised the work of the Clinton Foundation and the charity continues to enjoy 5 star ratings from every charity ratings group in America.

The Trump Foundation has been shut down by the State of New York for illegal fundraising, misuse of funds donated, and breaches of fiduciary duty. The older Trump children who served on the Foundation's Board, and as Trustees, have been barred from sitting on the board or actings as trustees of any registered charity - for life.
Yes, but we'll never know what Hillary really did, or promised, for the donations. Hill and Bill saw themselves as above rules that others play by. Hubris. The money may have gone to good causes, but Hill and Bill were buying power.

Trump's always been a cowardly thug - who needed real extortionists, and a crook. LOL

I thought Hill and Bill were small time pikers to what the Bush Family made in arms sales, btw. but BushI, Weinberger and John Major at least waited until they were out of office.

Agreed on all of the above, but the Clintons are at least doing good in the world, not profitting from wars and death. Bill Clinton is the first to admit that they made a huge mess in Haiti. They thought that if they created first world jobs for the people that Haiti would become a capitalist paradise. But the people couldn't afford the goods from the stores they opened, and the businesses failed. The problems were a lack of basic infrastructure for the people, not whether or not they had a Walmart.


A US Government Accountability Office report discovered no hint of wrongdoing, but concluded the IHRC's decisions were "not necessarily aligned with Haitian priorities".

Mr Clinton's own office at the UN found 9% of the foreign aid cash went to the Haitian government and 0.6% to local organisations.

The bulk of it went to UN agencies, international aid groups, private contractors and donor countries' own civilian and military agencies.

For example, the Pentagon billed the State Department hundreds of millions of dollars for sending US troops to hand out bottled water and keep order on the streets of Haiti's ravaged capital, Port-au-Prince.

The Clintons and Haiti: What really happened?

The Clinton's have at least admitted their mistakes and learned from them.

ETA: We can't expect our leaders to be perfect or to always make the right decisions. But we can expect them to own up to their mistakes and to learn from them. Not to repeat endlessly that they've done nothing wrong when we watched what they did with our own eyes.
The bulk of the money went into Hillary a Bill's pockets.

Brian, once again you're repeating Republican lies which have been proven false over and over again. The quote from the investigation which Republicans lead into what happened to the donations is quoted as saying "no hint of wrong doing", but there you are denying the facts, the evidence, and the conclusions of the Republican lead enquiry, with nothing to back you up.

Where are the charges, the investigations? Why wasn't the Foundation shut down?
Well unless you are arguing that Hilary is a foreign national I think the difference speaks for itself.
?? She paid a foreign national (Steele) for information (disinformation?) from foreign nationals (Russians)

No SHE didn't. SHE didn't have contact with the researcher (Steele). Nor did she have contact with his sources. Steele was contracted and paid by Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS contracted with and was paid by the law firm. Hillary had no contact nor did she pay with ANYONE associated with the information contained in the OR.

That you consistenly fail to see that difference shows what a complete dupe you are. Trump was contracting with Russian agents for information. That he didn't know they were Russian agents is the ONLY reason there were no indictments filed for conspiracy.

And you have to ask yourself why a sworn enemy of the United States of America was willing to invest so much time and money into sabatoging the election of Hillary Clinton, and ensuring the election of Donald Trump. Can anyone honestly say that Putin thought Trump would be a better President for America? That he thought Trump would be strong and stand up for America? Or did he think that Trump was an easily manipulated and lead fool who admired him and would do anything for his approval?

Putin didn't want a Trump Presidency for YOU. He wanted it to do as much damage as possible to your country.

You seem to have a lot of anger. No need to name call. We simply disagree. I see absolutely no discernible difference between paying strawmen to contact foreign nationals for you, and accepting opposition research directly from said foreign nationals. If you consider one to be illegal, the other should be illegal too. (THink about killing your husband or hiring a hitman to kill your husband.)

I think it's clear that Putin's purpose was to create discord in America. Unfortunately he's been grinning from ear to ear for the past two years.

You seem to have a lot of stupidity, if it's not wilful, then you have no business commenting on this until you're better informed as to the meaning of "arm's length transactions".

You're still mischaractizing the Clinton Campaign's purchase of opposition research. Hillary didn't direct her lawyers to purchase dirt on Donald Trump from Russian nationals. She directed to lawyers to obtain opposition research on Donald Trump.

Her lawyers didn't direct Fusion GPS to obtain dirt on Donald Trump from Russian nationals. They directed Fusion GPS to obtain opposition research on Donald Trump. In order for Hillary Clinton to make "a stawman purchase" she would have to have known who and where the opposition research was coming from and the direct her middlemen as to who to deal with. She gave no direction to her staff, nor did they provide any direction to her go-betweens.

I do believe that Putin is THRILLED BEYOND ALL MEASURE with the results since everything is succeeding beyond his wildest dreams. The further destabilizing of the American economy with another round of tax cuts and deficit spending will be the cherry on his ice cream sundae. On that we agree. But Putin never expected that Trump would be elected so everything from that point forward has been a bonus for him.

I don't suffer fools gladly. I have no patience with those who don't fact check or take the trouble to admit when they're wrong. You clearly are guilty of both. Start fact checking and you'll stop making a total fool of yourself.
Yeah, sure she didn't, because if she did direct them to perform illegal services, they would have written it all down so the Trump DOJ would have a record of it.

You're a special kind of stupid.

She did write it all down. It's in the Retainer she signed for them to obtain opposition research. It's also in the Contract between Fusion GPS and the law firm. It's in the contract between Fusion GPS and Steele. Every step in the process was documented.

?? She paid a foreign national (Steele) for information (disinformation?) from foreign nationals (Russians)

No SHE didn't. SHE didn't have contact with the researcher (Steele). Nor did she have contact with his sources. Steele was contracted and paid by Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS contracted with and was paid by the law firm. Hillary had no contact nor did she pay with ANYONE associated with the information contained in the OR.

That you consistenly fail to see that difference shows what a complete dupe you are. Trump was contracting with Russian agents for information. That he didn't know they were Russian agents is the ONLY reason there were no indictments filed for conspiracy.

And you have to ask yourself why a sworn enemy of the United States of America was willing to invest so much time and money into sabatoging the election of Hillary Clinton, and ensuring the election of Donald Trump. Can anyone honestly say that Putin thought Trump would be a better President for America? That he thought Trump would be strong and stand up for America? Or did he think that Trump was an easily manipulated and lead fool who admired him and would do anything for his approval?

Putin didn't want a Trump Presidency for YOU. He wanted it to do as much damage as possible to your country.

You seem to have a lot of anger. No need to name call. We simply disagree. I see absolutely no discernible difference between paying strawmen to contact foreign nationals for you, and accepting opposition research directly from said foreign nationals. If you consider one to be illegal, the other should be illegal too. (THink about killing your husband or hiring a hitman to kill your husband.)

I think it's clear that Putin's purpose was to create discord in America. Unfortunately he's been grinning from ear to ear for the past two years.

You seem to have a lot of stupidity, if it's not wilful, then you have no business commenting on this until you're better informed as to the meaning of "arm's length transactions".

You're still mischaractizing the Clinton Campaign's purchase of opposition research. Hillary didn't direct her lawyers to purchase dirt on Donald Trump from Russian nationals. She directed to lawyers to obtain opposition research on Donald Trump.

Her lawyers didn't direct Fusion GPS to obtain dirt on Donald Trump from Russian nationals. They directed Fusion GPS to obtain opposition research on Donald Trump. In order for Hillary Clinton to make "a stawman purchase" she would have to have known who and where the opposition research was coming from and the direct her middlemen as to who to deal with. She gave no direction to her staff, nor did they provide any direction to her go-betweens.

I do believe that Putin is THRILLED BEYOND ALL MEASURE with the results since everything is succeeding beyond his wildest dreams. The further destabilizing of the American economy with another round of tax cuts and deficit spending will be the cherry on his ice cream sundae. On that we agree. But Putin never expected that Trump would be elected so everything from that point forward has been a bonus for him.

I don't suffer fools gladly. I have no patience with those who don't fact check or take the trouble to admit when they're wrong. You clearly are guilty of both. Start fact checking and you'll stop making a total fool of yourself.
Yeah, sure she didn't, because if she did direct them to perform illegal services, they would have written it all down so the Trump DOJ would have a record of it.

You're a special kind of stupid.

She did write it all down. It's in the Retainer she signed for them to obtain opposition research. It's also in the Contract between Fusion GPS and the law firm. It's in the contract between Fusion GPS and Steele. Every step in the process was documented.

The stuff that wasn't written down isn't written down. Thanks for letting us know what was written down. If we were interested in that, we would have told you.
Of course trump's assertion about accepting foreign help is ridiculous. It is illegal! trump is aspiring to break the law!

Ask yourself...What would Ronald Reagan say about the words of Donald trump. RR....the man who brought the Soviet Union down...trump is an embarassment.....

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