Open season on our elections

I cited a reliable source. You cited

So where did your source
Christopher Steele, the Man Behind the Trump Dossier
back up your claims that

Hillary didn't direct her lawyers to purchase dirt on Donald Trump from Russian nationals. She directed to lawyers to obtain opposition research on Donald Trump.

Her lawyers didn't direct Fusion GPS to obtain dirt on Donald Trump from Russian nationals. They directed Fusion GPS to obtain opposition research on Donald Trump.

She gave no direction to her staff, nor did they provide any direction to her go-betweens.
I take it this about the question George Stephanopoulos asked if so lets look at the full context.
Trump says he'd be open to taking info on 2020 opponents from foreign actors
I heard the whole clip The pos said he'd take info from foreign countries
The US takes intel from foreign nations daily. It either pans out. Or it doesn’t. Unfortunately for Hillary... She didn’t pan out...
The Russians didn't have any dirt on Trump. That's why Hillary had to pay somebody to invent some.
Trump embraced collusion after denying collusion The lowest of the low A republican But I repeat myself
Hillary embraced collusion and engaged in it. What's your point?
Trump embraced collusion after denying collusion The lowest of the low A republican But I repeat myself

How about the DNC?

In its most detailed account yet, the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington says a Democratic National Committee (DNC) insider during the 2016 election solicited dirt on Donald Trump’s campaign chairman and even tried to enlist the country's president to help.

In written answers to questions, Ambassador Valeriy Chaly's office says DNC contractor Alexandra Chalupa sought information from the Ukrainian government on Paul Manafort’s dealings inside the country in hopes of forcing the issue before Congress.

Ukrainian Embassy confirms DNC contractor solicited Trump dirt in 2016
Trump embraced collusion after denying collusion The lowest of the low A republican But I repeat myself

How about the DNC?

In its most detailed account yet, the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington says a Democratic National Committee (DNC) insider during the 2016 election solicited dirt on Donald Trump’s campaign chairman and even tried to enlist the country's president to help.

In written answers to questions, Ambassador Valeriy Chaly's office says DNC contractor Alexandra Chalupa sought information from the Ukrainian government on Paul Manafort’s dealings inside the country in hopes of forcing the issue before Congress.

Ukrainian Embassy confirms DNC contractor solicited Trump dirt in 2016

The person in question wasn't an employee of the DNC, she wasn't an employee of the Clinton Campaign. She was a "DNC insider". Wonder and useful allegation. Big difference from the Campaign Chairman, the candidate's son, and his key advisors meeting with an official of the Putin government to get dirt on Hillary.

Keep trying to tell us there's no difference between these two campaigns.
Trump embraced collusion after denying collusion The lowest of the low A republican But I repeat myself

How about the DNC?

In its most detailed account yet, the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington says a Democratic National Committee (DNC) insider during the 2016 election solicited dirt on Donald Trump’s campaign chairman and even tried to enlist the country's president to help.

In written answers to questions, Ambassador Valeriy Chaly's office says DNC contractor Alexandra Chalupa sought information from the Ukrainian government on Paul Manafort’s dealings inside the country in hopes of forcing the issue before Congress.

Ukrainian Embassy confirms DNC contractor solicited Trump dirt in 2016

The person in question wasn't an employee of the DNC, she wasn't an employee of the Clinton Campaign. She was a "DNC insider". Wonder and useful allegation. Big difference from the Campaign Chairman, the candidate's son, and his key advisors meeting with an official of the Putin government to get dirt on Hillary.

Keep trying to tell us there's no difference between these two campaigns.
You're kidding right?
Man does the butt hurt from the left ever let up. 24/7 crying is just unreal. Do they think anyone is listening anymore?

No one is crying, at least no one pointing out the truth. Trump is scum, he's a damn liar and a consort with murderous despots and criminals.

Those who need a crying towel are supporters of trump. There is no doubt he is going down, and cannot win the election 17 months from now.

There will be some long time Republican Pols who will challenge Trump for the nomination, and once some brave soul steps forward, many many other Republicans will step up with the money and drive Trump 30% + or - popularity into the low teens.

No sane person will ever support trump for a second term.

I'm sorry but one has already stepped up. William Weld. He's a republican challenging trump for the nomination.

He's not done much and doesn't show up on any poll so I don't see many, many republicans stepping up with the money he needs to defeat trump.

The best thing for the republican party and our nation is for the republicans to nominate William Weld for the presidency but unfortunately that's not going to happen.
Man does the butt hurt from the left ever let up. 24/7 crying is just unreal. Do they think anyone is listening anymore?

No one is crying, at least no one pointing out the truth. Trump is scum, he's a damn liar and a consort with murderous despots and criminals.

Those who need a crying towel are supporters of trump. There is no doubt he is going down, and cannot win the election 17 months from now.

There will be some long time Republican Pols who will challenge Trump for the nomination, and once some brave soul steps forward, many many other Republicans will step up with the money and drive Trump 30% + or - popularity into the low teens.

No sane person will ever support trump for a second term.
Wouldn't mine seeing a republican I could vote for but I don't think it will happen. The GOP is not likely to abandon the incumbent.
“Let me make something 100% clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election,“ wrote Ellen Weintraub, chairwoman of the FEC. “This is not a novel concept.“

LOL So how are those investigations into the DNC and Hillary's campaign going?

‘Let me make something 100% clear’: FEC chair lays down the law on foreign help
So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.
BULL SHIT If that was Hillary in the WH saying she'd accept help from foreign countries republican AH's would string her up
The dumb bitch did more than accept such “intel”... she paid a foreign entity to manufacture some. Fuck off off you hypocritical twat.

Everything in the Dossier has been verified except the pee tape. Nothing was made up.
Maybe that pop up and noisy ad should stay away and allow any of us to read it all.

Well if the laws say Trump has to tell the FBI about his contacts with foreign officials he should or he should push to change the laws. Can't go to amateur politician jail.

Honestly while I might investigate it on my own to prove the validity, I'd probably take information from the Taliban on my rivals......then I'd wonder why the Taliban or whatever scum were helping me. I'd take it though.
Well let's play out the scenario to illustrate one of the reasons you shouldn't. You take the information from the talliban or Russia for that matter and you get elected. After you are in office, someone from the talliban, or Russia gets into contact and tells you. "Give me this consession, or I blow the lid on the help I gave you and your willingness to accept it". They call it being compromised and it's not a good thing.
You mean like Britain, Australia, Ukraine, and Italian officials have just done outing Obama and Hillary for doing this?
First. I would like a source to back up these claims. Secondly. Their is an insane difference, between hiring a law firm to do opposition research. Contracts that stipulate that the law firm do their do diligence on checking the sources. The difference being that the law firm NOT the incumbent is responsible for the information. And the incumbent can as such not be compromised. Thirdly you just tried to compare Australia with the Taliban and Russia..... you don't see a problem with that?

You left one out.

Contracting with a private company isn't working with the government of a foreign nation.

trump worked with the Russian government. He said he would do it again.
I left another one out actually. Even if those points wouldn't be all true. The argument is in itself a fallacy. More specifically an appeal to hypocrisy. The action is right because the other side doesn't act correct themselves. I for one believe that not having a president willing to compromise himself to a foreign nation transcends party lines. Sadly enough, Trump has changed all that.

Say what?

It's just freedom of speech...

Dang you guys act like 5 year olds when Billy told the teacher you stole a candy bar,, you blamed Billy for telling on you.

You mean like Britain, Australia, Ukraine, and Italian officials have just done outing Obama and Hillary for doing this?
First. I would like a source to back up these claims. Secondly. Their is an insane difference, between hiring a law firm to do opposition research. Contracts that stipulate that the law firm do their do diligence on checking the sources. The difference being that the law firm NOT the incumbent is responsible for the information. And the incumbent can as such not be compromised. Thirdly you just tried to compare Australia with the Taliban and Russia..... you don't see a problem with that?

You left one out.

Contracting with a private company isn't working with the government of a foreign nation.

trump worked with the Russian government. He said he would do it again.
I left another one out actually. Even if those points wouldn't be all true. The argument is in itself a fallacy. More specifically an appeal to hypocrisy. The action is right because the other side doesn't act correct themselves. I for one believe that not having a president willing to compromise himself to a foreign nation transcends party lines. Sadly enough, Trump has changed all that.
Its OK if we do it but oh no... you better not.... Fucking hypocrites..
Did I ever say it's okay? What I said. Specifically said, is that you don't accept information from foreign nations if they offer it to your campaign. If you do you, running for office. You expose yourself to blackmail. You will find only ONE example of an incumbent doing otherwise. Trump. No Obama didn't and no Clinton didn't. What at worst they did was hire firms who do opposition research. Those firms create isolation for the incumbents so they can NOT be blackmailed. It's both unethical but only one compromises you.
What I also said is that it's a logical fallacy. Like this one is. This one is the strawman argument. You misrepresent my position because you have no actual retort to my real one.

Who exposes them to black mail? Go ahead and tell the public I did massive amounts of cocaine, see if I care..

This reminds me of a book I just read..

She laid it all out

download (16).jpeg
I take it this about the question George Stephanopoulos asked if so lets look at the full context.
Trump says he'd be open to taking info on 2020 opponents from foreign actors
I heard the whole clip The pos said he'd take info from foreign countries
The US takes intel from foreign nations daily. It either pans out. Or it doesn’t. Unfortunately for Hillary... She didn’t pan out...
The Russians didn't have any dirt on Trump. That's why Hillary had to pay somebody to invent some.
Trump embraced collusion after denying collusion The lowest of the low A republican But I repeat myself
Hillary embraced collusion and engaged in it. What's your point?

Where is the evidence that HRC "colluded"?

Did she meet with Russian's in a hotel and lie about what the meeting was about - several times?

Did she refuse to go before a House Committee out to get her, spent 8 hours with hostile questioning, and at the end found to have done no wrong?

Did she lie about releasing her taxes?
OT Sanders leaving WH Who will miss the lying pos?
I will. I love watching her humiliate the fake news media.
She only humiliated herself She was Scumps liar of choice
The fake news reporters are the ones who humiliated themselves.
Fake news and lying liars Conway on her way out Sanders gone this month 2 of trumps designated liars
Who is Conway? Sanders is a press spokesperson, not a so-called "journalist" for the fake news.
I heard the whole clip The pos said he'd take info from foreign countries
The US takes intel from foreign nations daily. It either pans out. Or it doesn’t. Unfortunately for Hillary... She didn’t pan out...
The Russians didn't have any dirt on Trump. That's why Hillary had to pay somebody to invent some.
Trump embraced collusion after denying collusion The lowest of the low A republican But I repeat myself
Hillary embraced collusion and engaged in it. What's your point?

Where is the evidence that HRC "colluded"?

Did she meet with Russian's in a hotel and lie about what the meeting was about - several times?

Did she refuse to go before a House Committee out to get her, spent 8 hours with hostile questioning, and at the end found to have done no wrong?

Did she lie about releasing her taxes?
She paid Russian espionage agents to manufacture dirt on Trump, you fucking moron.
So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.
BULL SHIT If that was Hillary in the WH saying she'd accept help from foreign countries republican AH's would string her up
She has already accepted the help of foreign countries. She paid Russian espionage agents to manufacture mud on Trump. Adam Schiff for Brains was trying to get to Russian radio hosts to send him dirt on Trump.

The Dim outrage is totally phony and hypocritical. You're all a bunch of douchebags.
So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.
If there was a law that made it illegal to listen to people talk, it would violate the First Amendment.
I take it this about the question George Stephanopoulos asked if so lets look at the full context.
Trump says he'd be open to taking info on 2020 opponents from foreign actors
I heard the whole clip The pos said he'd take info from foreign countries
The US takes intel from foreign nations daily. It either pans out. Or it doesn’t. Unfortunately for Hillary... She didn’t pan out...
The Russians didn't have any dirt on Trump. That's why Hillary had to pay somebody to invent some.
Trump embraced collusion after denying collusion The lowest of the low A republican But I repeat myself
The Mueller report says there was no collusion, you fucking moron.

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