Openly gay 3 yeard old goes viral on social media

So, if the mother is NOT in the picture, does that make it suddenly okay to do this type of thing? What is the matter with you?
No, it makes you a sick fuck for attacking someone without even knowing if they’re involved.


No, it makes you sick for focusing on something so stupid considering the topic at hand. Sick FUCK. Go get your sick self some therapy. Leave the babies out of your sick delusional fantasies.
What fantasies? You’re literally fighting with your own strawmen again. :lol:

You are the only one fighting . . . something here in this thread. Is it that some people mistakenly referred to the aunt as the mother? Oh okay. So sorry about that. Now, move along.
The point to that is, your position, which you hold up as holier than though, is based on your own ignorance. You blamed his mother, though you don’t know if she’s responsible. You claimed someone else said he was gay, when it was actually the boy who said that if himself. You think this is about sex because he used the word, “gay.”

You’re entire position is based on ignorance for not having read the story until you were embarrassing yourself by exposing your lack of knowledge about it.

And your position remains grounded in ignorance because you still can’t comprehend that some words have different meanings to kids. When my kids were that age, I didn’t teach them the word, “shit,” I made up some cutsie name for it. You’re reading far too much into this.

Why? Because as I so astutely pointed out from early on, you’re an ignorant freak. You proved that repeatedly tonight.
I beg to differ Mr. Mueller...........anyone who can't see there is a problem here is the problem........You can play your little lawyer game all you want......You can bring up IF'S ALL YOU WANT............kinda your stock and trade in the russia investigation..........

doesn't change that this shit isn't normal........and that someone .........and adult.....put these things in that child's head.....

Now go sit and spin..............Mueller.
But HE didn't say it. His aunt said it because he plays with girl toys and likes pink apparently. Neither of those things means he is gay or a transgender at the age of 3 years old.
And you were blaming his mother. :cuckoo:
I'm blaming them............I already blamed the Parents for this situation..........which is you understand that would include the mother.

Unless you still think this is the Jungle Book and he was raised by Baboo................
Great... let’s see your proof they are in his life....
Liberal Lawyer

The adults in charge put this shit in the child's head............and you sit here saying IT'S NORMAL...........No da fuck it isn't...........

Amazing what liberal idiots like you defend..........saying it's Normal.........No the hell it isn't.

That’s ok, you think attacking his parents without even knowing if they’re involved is normal. :cuckoo:

That is what is sick to you, but not the fact that his aunt proclaimed him as gay or even transgendered when he is nothing but a little baby? THAT is what bothers you about this story? You are fucked in the head, dude. Seriously. I'm not kidding and I'm not just trying to be mean. You are FUCKED UP.
Some boys think they’re girls at that age. Some girls think they’re boys. That they describe that as being gay is not really a problem. It still has nothing to do with sex. It’s merely the word he was taught to describe his transgendered feelings. All parents use different terms to describe different things to little kids. This term triggers rightwingnuts because they’re homophobic and think this 3 year old is saying he wants to have sex with boys. :cuckoo:
And now the standard liberal talking points come out. Your a Homophobe crap..............perhaps you need a new line.

Let me repeat..........if a child at that age is saying that someone put that it their head.........unless you are a dumb ass liberal.
Ok, lemme clarify.... you’re a homophobe who can’t soell. Better?

A person is a homophobe if they know that babies are not sexual beings who are not homosexuals? Lol.
No one but you freaks thinks this is about sex.
BS.................about a child getting screwed up at 3 because he must have had screwed up parents like you.........

Why the hell would a 3 year old even know any of this shit.................someone put it there.
Nah, my parents also did a fine job, just like my wife and I have done.
The point of this thread is that there is an adult in this child's life who is going on social media and proclaiming him as an "openly gay" 3-year-old baby. That is messed up. WAY more messed up than mistaking the aunt for the mother. Lol. Wow. Just wow is all one can say at this point.

Just what exactly is IT that you are fighting for here? The unknown mother's honor or something? :D
I’m merely pointing out you freaks make up shit and then blindly attack the shit you make up.

Pure ignorance.

Wait, didn't I already publicly apologize for mistaking the aunt for the mother? Yes. I did. So, what is it that has you so upset NOW?
And now the standard liberal talking points come out. Your a Homophobe crap..............perhaps you need a new line.

Let me repeat..........if a child at that age is saying that someone put that it their head.........unless you are a dumb ass liberal.
Ok, lemme clarify.... you’re a homophobe who can’t soell. Better?

A person is a homophobe if they know that babies are not sexual beings who are not homosexuals? Lol.
No one but you freaks thinks this is about sex.
BS.................about a child getting screwed up at 3 because he must have had screwed up parents like you.........

Why the hell would a 3 year old even know any of this shit.................someone put it there.
Nah, my parents also did a fine job, just like my wife and I have done.

Hmm. Doesn't appear that they did. You are angry and weird. VERY weird. Is your wife a transgender or something?
Some boys think they’re girls at that age. Some girls think they’re boys. That they describe that as being gay is not really a problem. It still has nothing to do with sex. It’s merely the word he was taught to describe his transgendered feelings. All parents use different terms to describe different things to little kids. This term triggers rightwingnuts because they’re homophobic and think this 3 year old is saying he wants to have sex with boys. :cuckoo:
And now the standard liberal talking points come out. Your a Homophobe crap..............perhaps you need a new line.

Let me repeat..........if a child at that age is saying that someone put that it their head.........unless you are a dumb ass liberal.
Ok, lemme clarify.... you’re a homophobe who can’t soell. Better?

A person is a homophobe if they know that babies are not sexual beings who are not homosexuals? Lol.
No one but you freaks thinks this is about sex.

We are not the ones who think that babies can be openly gay, so I don't see how you could make that leap in logic. It was a family member of the child who was claiming that he was "gay." Nobody else.
You’re still ignorant. The boy himself said that.

Read the fucking story. :rolleyes:
And now the standard liberal talking points come out. Your a Homophobe crap..............perhaps you need a new line.

Let me repeat..........if a child at that age is saying that someone put that it their head.........unless you are a dumb ass liberal.
Ok, lemme clarify.... you’re a homophobe who can’t soell. Better?

A person is a homophobe if they know that babies are not sexual beings who are not homosexuals? Lol.
No one but you freaks thinks this is about sex.
BS.................about a child getting screwed up at 3 because he must have had screwed up parents like you.........

Why the hell would a 3 year old even know any of this shit.................someone put it there.
Nah, my parents also did a fine job, just like my wife and I have done.
That you defend this crap.......and not see wrong in it............tells me a different story...........

And now the standard liberal talking points come out. Your a Homophobe crap..............perhaps you need a new line.

Let me repeat..........if a child at that age is saying that someone put that it their head.........unless you are a dumb ass liberal.
Ok, lemme clarify.... you’re a homophobe who can’t soell. Better?

A person is a homophobe if they know that babies are not sexual beings who are not homosexuals? Lol.
No one but you freaks thinks this is about sex.

We are not the ones who think that babies can be openly gay, so I don't see how you could make that leap in logic. It was a family member of the child who was claiming that he was "gay." Nobody else.
You’re still ignorant. The boy himself said that.

The baby said that he was "openly gay," huh? Are you serious with this bullshit? You can't be this stupid.
And now the standard liberal talking points come out. Your a Homophobe crap..............perhaps you need a new line.

Let me repeat..........if a child at that age is saying that someone put that it their head.........unless you are a dumb ass liberal.
Ok, lemme clarify.... you’re a homophobe who can’t soell. Better?

A person is a homophobe if they know that babies are not sexual beings who are not homosexuals? Lol.
No one but you freaks thinks this is about sex.

We are not the ones who think that babies can be openly gay, so I don't see how you could make that leap in logic. It was a family member of the child who was claiming that he was "gay." Nobody else.
You’re still ignorant. The boy himself said that.

Read the fucking story. :rolleyes:

We already went through this. We have agreed that it certainly was NOT the baby who made these statements on social media. Lol.
Then why the fuck are you attacking this boy’s mother??


Because his PARENTS are the ones responsible for everything that happens to this innocent little baby. It is their job to make sure that people do not use or exploit him for their own selfish purposes.
Again... for the freaks who simply don’t know any better ... you don’t know if his parents are even raising him. They could have been killed years ago, for all you know. You’re a sick fuck who attacks people unjustifiably because you’re such an ignorant twat.

Yes, as a parent, you are responsible for who you allow around your child and the influence outside sources exert on your child.
What if they’re dead? Are they still responsible, freak?

Didn't we already go through this? The mother would be anyone who is the female guardian of the child. Your posts in this thread are absolutely POINTLESS. Lol. :D
You ignorantly blamed his mother. WTF is wrong with you that you can’t even admit you fucked that up?
Because his PARENTS are the ones responsible for everything that happens to this innocent little baby. It is their job to make sure that people do not use or exploit him for their own selfish purposes.
Again... for the freaks who simply don’t know any better ... you don’t know if his parents are even raising him. They could have been killed years ago, for all you know. You’re a sick fuck who attacks people unjustifiably because you’re such an ignorant twat.

Yes, as a parent, you are responsible for who you allow around your child and the influence outside sources exert on your child.
What if they’re dead? Are they still responsible, freak?

Didn't we already go through this? The mother would be anyone who is the female guardian of the child. Your posts in this thread are absolutely POINTLESS. Lol. :D
You ignorantly blamed his mother. WTF is wrong with you that you can’t even admit you fucked that up?

I already did, and I said sorry for the error. So what are you going on and on and on about?
Because his PARENTS are the ones responsible for everything that happens to this innocent little baby. It is their job to make sure that people do not use or exploit him for their own selfish purposes.
Again... for the freaks who simply don’t know any better ... you don’t know if his parents are even raising him. They could have been killed years ago, for all you know. You’re a sick fuck who attacks people unjustifiably because you’re such an ignorant twat.

Yes, as a parent, you are responsible for who you allow around your child and the influence outside sources exert on your child.
What if they’re dead? Are they still responsible, freak?

Didn't we already go through this? The mother would be anyone who is the female guardian of the child. Your posts in this thread are absolutely POINTLESS. Lol. :D
You ignorantly blamed his mother. WTF is wrong with you that you can’t even admit you fucked that up?

Sorry about the error, but that really is not the point of this story. The point of this story is that an adult who is in this child's life spread rumors online that this baby was a gay baby.
Ok, lemme clarify.... you’re a homophobe who can’t soell. Better?

A person is a homophobe if they know that babies are not sexual beings who are not homosexuals? Lol.
No one but you freaks thinks this is about sex.
BS.................about a child getting screwed up at 3 because he must have had screwed up parents like you.........

Why the hell would a 3 year old even know any of this shit.................someone put it there.
Nah, my parents also did a fine job, just like my wife and I have done.
That you defend this crap.......and not see wrong in it............tells me a different story...........


I totally agree. Something is totally shady about this and the "reaction" of the leftist to the story.
You have to keep it in the back of your mind that you really don't know a THING about these people that you post with, even if you post here every single day. You only get what they decide to share with you. So, you just never know who you are discussing anything with. Personally, I would tend to be safe rather than sorry and keep my baby away from the people who would actually believe that a BABY could be gay or that a BABY could make definitive decisions regarding his sexuality. It is at least a sign of a severe personal issue that I wouldn't want my baby being exposed to.
There you go again, thinking this is about sex. <smh>
This is WHY some people think you libs are trying to recruit children and molest children into your weird ass deviant lifestyle choices. Leave the babies alone. Babies are NOT gay. Lol.
You have to keep it in the back of your mind that you really don't know a THING about these people that you post with, even if you post here every single day. You only get what they decide to share with you. So, you just never know who you are discussing anything with. Personally, I would tend to be safe rather than sorry and keep my baby away from the people who would actually believe that a BABY could be gay or that a BABY could make definitive decisions regarding his sexuality. It is at least a sign of a severe personal issue that I wouldn't want my baby being exposed to.
There you go again, thinking this is about sex. <smh>

Being gay is about sex. An "openly gay" person is a person who does not hide his homosexual tendencies. Homosexual tendencies mean sex and sexual attractions.

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