Openly gay 3 yeard old goes viral on social media

So, the baby says he is gay, so that is that. Lol. Holy shit. You people are completely insane. :D You just HAVE to laugh at it, you just have to.
No one but you freaks thinks this is about sex.

We are not the ones who think that babies can be openly gay, so I don't see how you could make that leap in logic. It was a family member of the child who was claiming that he was "gay." Nobody else.
You’re still ignorant. The boy himself said that.

Read the fucking story. :rolleyes:

We already went through this. We have agreed that it certainly was NOT the baby who made these statements on social media. Lol.
Who’s “we?” You and your hamster?

Me and you. You already stated that you agreed that a baby cannot be "openly gay." We already agreed that the baby could not have made the posts on social media informing the world that he is "openly gay" either.
Putz, now you’re trying to change what you said.

You said we agreed the boy didn’t say that in social media (which I never agreed with). Now you’ve changed that to we agree he didn’t post it on social media (which I did agree with).

You have some serious mental issues. I feel sorry for you having to deal with such a disabling infliction.
The baby has spoken and he is GAY. Babies know that they are gay as soon as they born! Lol. OMG, I can't even believe it. Lol.
What if they’re dead? Are they still responsible, freak?

Didn't we already go through this? The mother would be anyone who is the female guardian of the child. Your posts in this thread are absolutely POINTLESS. Lol. :D
You ignorantly blamed his mother. WTF is wrong with you that you can’t even admit you fucked that up?

Sorry about the error, but that really is not the point of this story. The point of this story is that an adult who is in this child's life spread rumors online that this baby was a gay baby.
How is it a rumor?? The boy said he thinks he’s a girl and referred to himself as gay for feeling that way.

So now you are back to saying that a baby can be gay? Or that the baby made these remarks on social media?
No, I’m not saying that. Again, you have no clue what the fuck is going on and the voices in your head certainly aren’t helping you.
Social media are the preferred communication method for many people these days. Too bad it can 'go viral'.
But by the time the kid is old enough to realise the implications of being 'outed' at three , these troglodytes will be dead , and society will have moved on.
It's called 'progress' , the bête noire of conservatives.
And kids CAN be gay at three. A friend has a son who loved dress-ups at three , always a pink tutu and fairy wings. And guess what? He's gay! Always has been , always will be. And , apart from occasional bitchiness from homophobic arseholes , is happy with his life.
We are not the ones who think that babies can be openly gay, so I don't see how you could make that leap in logic. It was a family member of the child who was claiming that he was "gay." Nobody else.
You’re still ignorant. The boy himself said that.

Read the fucking story. :rolleyes:

We already went through this. We have agreed that it certainly was NOT the baby who made these statements on social media. Lol.
Who’s “we?” You and your hamster?

Me and you. You already stated that you agreed that a baby cannot be "openly gay." We already agreed that the baby could not have made the posts on social media informing the world that he is "openly gay" either.
Putz, now you’re trying to change what you said.

You said we agreed the boy didn’t say that in social media (which I never agreed with). Now you’ve changed that to we agree he didn’t post it on social media (which I did agree with).

You have some serious mental issues. I feel sorry for you having to deal with such a disabling infliction.

So you believe that it is the 3-year-old boy posting on social media that he is gay? You just gave two different answers to the SAME question.

"You said we agreed the boy didn’t say that in social media (which I never agreed with). Now you’ve changed that to we agree he didn’t post it on social media (which I did agree with)."

So basically, your argument is that the baby is saying he is gay to social media?
You have to keep it in the back of your mind that you really don't know a THING about these people that you post with, even if you post here every single day. You only get what they decide to share with you. So, you just never know who you are discussing anything with. Personally, I would tend to be safe rather than sorry and keep my baby away from the people who would actually believe that a BABY could be gay or that a BABY could make definitive decisions regarding his sexuality. It is at least a sign of a severe personal issue that I wouldn't want my baby being exposed to.
There you go again, thinking this is about sex. <smh>

Being gay is about sex. An "openly gay" person is a person who does not hide his homosexual tendencies. Homosexual tendencies mean sex and sexual attractions.
Not to a 3 year old, it’s not. WTF is wrong with you?

Why does that concept not penetrate your skull?
Which part of someone put that crap in a 3 year old's head...............and I suppose the boy popped out at birth and started posting on social media............

What is your major malfunction Mueller............Amazing what you will prosecute and not prosecute............Hillary ......nothing there..........TRUMP IS THE ANTI CHRIST...........and the people of the country see this.............Your Blue Wave will be nothing.
Social media are the preferred communication method for many people these days. Too bad it can 'go viral'.
But by the time the kid is old enough to realise the implications of being 'outed' at three , these troglodytes will be dead , and society will have moved on.
It's called 'progress' , the bête noire of conservatives.
And kids CAN be gay at three. A friend has a son who loved dress-ups at three , always a pink tutu and fairy wings. And guess what? He's gay! Always has been , always will be. And , apart from occasional bitchiness from homophobic arseholes , is happy with his life.

That does not make a person "gay." Sorry. Gay means you are sexually attracted to the same sex. No babies are NOT gay. Lol.
You have to keep it in the back of your mind that you really don't know a THING about these people that you post with, even if you post here every single day. You only get what they decide to share with you. So, you just never know who you are discussing anything with. Personally, I would tend to be safe rather than sorry and keep my baby away from the people who would actually believe that a BABY could be gay or that a BABY could make definitive decisions regarding his sexuality. It is at least a sign of a severe personal issue that I wouldn't want my baby being exposed to.
There you go again, thinking this is about sex. <smh>

Being gay is about sex. An "openly gay" person is a person who does not hide his homosexual tendencies. Homosexual tendencies mean sex and sexual attractions.
Not to a 3 year old, it’s not. WTF is wrong with you?

Why does that concept not penetrate your skull?

Gay means you are a homosexual, especially when you choose the word "openly" gay to describe yourself. That means you have homosexual tendencies and that you are not afraid to show them to the public. A baby cannot be "openly gay." If there is a baby that is "openly gay" then somebody is molesting the baby. End of story. Otherwise, he is NOT openly gay. And I think we all know that he didn't give himself this "label" and that he was not the one on social media making posts about being "openly gay."
Not to a 3 year old, ya sick freak. :cuckoo:
You have to keep it in the back of your mind that you really don't know a THING about these people that you post with, even if you post here every single day. You only get what they decide to share with you. So, you just never know who you are discussing anything with. Personally, I would tend to be safe rather than sorry and keep my baby away from the people who would actually believe that a BABY could be gay or that a BABY could make definitive decisions regarding his sexuality. It is at least a sign of a severe personal issue that I wouldn't want my baby being exposed to.
There you go again, thinking this is about sex. <smh>

Being gay is about sex. An "openly gay" person is a person who does not hide his homosexual tendencies. Homosexual tendencies mean sex and sexual attractions.
Not to a 3 year old, it’s not. WTF is wrong with you?

Why does that concept not penetrate your skull?
Which part of someone put that crap in a 3 year old's head...............and I suppose the boy popped out at birth and started posting on social media............

What is your major malfunction Mueller............Amazing what you will prosecute and not prosecute............Hillary ......nothing there..........TRUMP IS THE ANTI CHRIST...........and the people of the country see this.............Your Blue Wave will be nothing.
Is that a troll salute.....
Liking the same activities as girls does not make a person "gay." Sorry but it doesn't.
You have to keep it in the back of your mind that you really don't know a THING about these people that you post with, even if you post here every single day. You only get what they decide to share with you. So, you just never know who you are discussing anything with. Personally, I would tend to be safe rather than sorry and keep my baby away from the people who would actually believe that a BABY could be gay or that a BABY could make definitive decisions regarding his sexuality. It is at least a sign of a severe personal issue that I wouldn't want my baby being exposed to.
There you go again, thinking this is about sex. <smh>

Being gay is about sex. An "openly gay" person is a person who does not hide his homosexual tendencies. Homosexual tendencies mean sex and sexual attractions.
Not to a 3 year old, it’s not. WTF is wrong with you?

Why does that concept not penetrate your skull?

Gay means you are a homosexual, especially when you choose the word "openly" gay to describe yourself. That means you have homosexual tendencies and that you are not afraid to show them to the public. A baby cannot be "openly gay." If there is a baby that is "openly gay" then somebody is molesting the baby. End of story. Otherwise, he is NOT openly gay. And I think we all know that he didn't give himself this "label" and that he was not the one on social media making posts about being "openly gay."
Not to a 3 year old, ya sick freak. :cuckoo:

So then he is not gay because he doesn't really understand what gay even is yet, correct? Liking activities that girls like or a girl liking activities that boys like does not make him or her gay.
The point to that is, your position, which you hold up as holier than though, is based on your own ignorance. You blamed his mother, though you don’t know if she’s responsible. You claimed someone else said he was gay, when it was actually the boy who said that if himself. You think this is about sex because he used the word, “gay.”

You’re entire position is based on ignorance for not having read the story until you were embarrassing yourself by exposing your lack of knowledge about it.

And your position remains grounded in ignorance because you still can’t comprehend that some words have different meanings to kids. When my kids were that age, I didn’t teach them the word, “shit,” I made up some cutsie name for it. You’re reading far too much into this.

Why? Because as I so astutely pointed out from early on, you’re an ignorant freak. You proved that repeatedly tonight.
I beg to differ Mr. Mueller...........anyone who can't see there is a problem here is the problem........You can play your little lawyer game all you want......You can bring up IF'S ALL YOU WANT............kinda your stock and trade in the russia investigation..........

doesn't change that this shit isn't normal........and that someone .........and adult.....put these things in that child's head.....

Now go sit and spin..............Mueller.
WTF?? What does your imagination tell you I’ve said about the Russia investigation?

Who just exposed the whole problem with this thread and with rightards in general. You make up shit in your head to be angry about, and even if it’s based on nothing but your demented imagination, you start attacking folks over it anyway.

So g’head, share with me what your imagination leads you to believe I’ve said about the Russia investigation......
Whatever..............I've seen your I HATE TRUMP POSTS.............

And on this one.......the real issue flies over your head........How'd your hero do on the Anthrax investigation.........didn't he screw that one up too..
Thanks for proving me 100% right that you argue with your delusions and not with what I actually say.


So what are you trying to say here? That you are upset that I blamed this on the child's parents because I mistook the aunt's words for the mothers words? So what? Nobody really cares. That is not the point. The thread is not about me making an error. The thread is about the SICKNESS of a person who would actually BELIEVE that a baby can be gay or a transgender.
Not that you mistook the aunt for his mother — that you don’t know the story, which is evidenced by you ridiculously blaming his mother. You don’t know anything about the story but there you are, acting holier than thou anyway as though you had a clue about what the story is about.

You have to keep it in the back of your mind that you really don't know a THING about these people that you post with, even if you post here every single day. You only get what they decide to share with you. So, you just never know who you are discussing anything with. Personally, I would tend to be safe rather than sorry and keep my baby away from the people who would actually believe that a BABY could be gay or that a BABY could make definitive decisions regarding his sexuality. It is at least a sign of a severe personal issue that I wouldn't want my baby being exposed to.
There you go again, thinking this is about sex. <smh>

Being gay is about sex. An "openly gay" person is a person who does not hide his homosexual tendencies. Homosexual tendencies mean sex and sexual attractions.
Not to a 3 year old, it’s not. WTF is wrong with you?

Why does that concept not penetrate your skull?

Gay means you are a homosexual, especially when you choose the word "openly" gay to describe yourself. That means you have homosexual tendencies and that you are not afraid to show them to the public. A baby cannot be "openly gay." If there is a baby that is "openly gay" then somebody is molesting the baby. End of story. Otherwise, he is NOT openly gay. And I think we all know that he didn't give himself this "label" and that he was not the one on social media making posts about being "openly gay."
Not to a 3 year old, ya sick freak. :cuckoo:
Are you in competition for the person that can sound the most fucking STUPID?

You win, faggot.
Nah, my parents also did a fine job, just like my wife and I have done.

Hmm. Doesn't appear that they did. You are angry and weird. VERY weird. Is your wife a transgender or something?
Nope, she’s straight and as am I. There you go, letting your fucked your imagination get the better of you again.

Yeah sure. :D I don't believe you.
That’s ok. You also don’t believe the boy in that article said he is gay... meanwhile, it says so right in the article. Clearly, what you believe and what is real are worlds apart.

He doesn't know what "gay" means. He is a baby. He was also not the one making posts on social media about being "gay", was he?
Then what the fuck is the problem if he uses the word?
I beg to differ Mr. Mueller...........anyone who can't see there is a problem here is the problem........You can play your little lawyer game all you want......You can bring up IF'S ALL YOU WANT............kinda your stock and trade in the russia investigation..........

doesn't change that this shit isn't normal........and that someone .........and adult.....put these things in that child's head.....

Now go sit and spin..............Mueller.
WTF?? What does your imagination tell you I’ve said about the Russia investigation?

Who just exposed the whole problem with this thread and with rightards in general. You make up shit in your head to be angry about, and even if it’s based on nothing but your demented imagination, you start attacking folks over it anyway.

So g’head, share with me what your imagination leads you to believe I’ve said about the Russia investigation......
Whatever..............I've seen your I HATE TRUMP POSTS.............

And on this one.......the real issue flies over your head........How'd your hero do on the Anthrax investigation.........didn't he screw that one up too..
Thanks for proving me 100% right that you argue with your delusions and not with what I actually say.


So what are you trying to say here? That you are upset that I blamed this on the child's parents because I mistook the aunt's words for the mothers words? So what? Nobody really cares. That is not the point. The thread is not about me making an error. The thread is about the SICKNESS of a person who would actually BELIEVE that a baby can be gay or a transgender.
Not that you mistook the aunt for his mother — that you don’t know the story, which is evidenced by you ridiculously blaming his mother. You don’t know anything about the story but there you are, acting holier than thou anyway as though you had a clue about what the story is about.


I read and understood the story just fine. I mistook the aunt's role for the mother's role is all. A simple mistake that I already apologized for. You can't seem to let it go though. I wonder why that is? :D
There you go again, thinking this is about sex. <smh>

Being gay is about sex. An "openly gay" person is a person who does not hide his homosexual tendencies. Homosexual tendencies mean sex and sexual attractions.
Not to a 3 year old, it’s not. WTF is wrong with you?

Why does that concept not penetrate your skull?

Gay means you are a homosexual, especially when you choose the word "openly" gay to describe yourself. That means you have homosexual tendencies and that you are not afraid to show them to the public. A baby cannot be "openly gay." If there is a baby that is "openly gay" then somebody is molesting the baby. End of story. Otherwise, he is NOT openly gay. And I think we all know that he didn't give himself this "label" and that he was not the one on social media making posts about being "openly gay."
Not to a 3 year old, ya sick freak. :cuckoo:
Are you in competition for the person that can sound the most fucking STUPID?

You win, faggot.
Oh? You too think that 3 year old is talking about having sex with other boys?

Being gay is about sex. An "openly gay" person is a person who does not hide his homosexual tendencies. Homosexual tendencies mean sex and sexual attractions.
Not to a 3 year old, it’s not. WTF is wrong with you?

Why does that concept not penetrate your skull?

Gay means you are a homosexual, especially when you choose the word "openly" gay to describe yourself. That means you have homosexual tendencies and that you are not afraid to show them to the public. A baby cannot be "openly gay." If there is a baby that is "openly gay" then somebody is molesting the baby. End of story. Otherwise, he is NOT openly gay. And I think we all know that he didn't give himself this "label" and that he was not the one on social media making posts about being "openly gay."
Not to a 3 year old, ya sick freak. :cuckoo:
Are you in competition for the person that can sound the most fucking STUPID?

You win, faggot.
Oh? You too think that 3 year old is talking about having sex with other boys?

I think you're a fucking crack pot.

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