Openly gay 3 yeard old goes viral on social media

Nope, she’s straight and as am I. There you go, letting your fucked your imagination get the better of you again.

Yeah sure. :D I don't believe you.
That’s ok. You also don’t believe the boy in that article said he is gay... meanwhile, it says so right in the article. Clearly, what you believe and what is real are worlds apart.

So now you are going back to saying that the baby says he is gay? Good Lord, man! Don't you see the insanity here?
Moron... you denied he said that. I’m pointing out you’re fucking ignorant.

Read the fucking story. :eusa_doh:

The story says that his aunt said it. She is drawing conclusions based on the whims of a BABY. Lol.
No, it doesn’t say that.

Why do you insist on repeating how stupid you are?

read the fucking story
Gay means you are a homosexual, especially when you choose the word "openly" gay to describe yourself. That means you have homosexual tendencies and that you are not afraid to show them to the public. A baby cannot be "openly gay." If there is a baby that is "openly gay" then somebody is molesting the baby. End of story. Otherwise, he is NOT openly gay. And I think we all know that he didn't give himself this "label" and that he was not the one on social media making posts about being "openly gay."
Not to a 3 year old, ya sick freak. :cuckoo:
Are you in competition for the person that can sound the most fucking STUPID?

You win, faggot.
Oh? You too think that 3 year old is talking about having sex with other boys?


The baby wasn't the one making these claims on social media. It was his aunt speaking for him, all the while knowing that there is no way a baby could understand what "gay" even really means at this point in his 3-year-old life.
No, you unmistakable ignorant freak.

read the fucking story

On Tuesday, the LGBT website Pride shared a series of tweets from a woman named Caren, who says her three-year-old nephew/godchild “proudly admits that he is gay.” According to Caren, the boy’s interests include braiding hair, putting makeup on dolls, and pretending to be a beauty queen.

So what exactly are you arguing about here? That the baby IS gay? You think 3-year-old baby boys are fantasizing about sex with other male babies or something? I don't know. The entire premise is really out there in crazy land or "left field." Lol.
Yeah sure. :D I don't believe you.
That’s ok. You also don’t believe the boy in that article said he is gay... meanwhile, it says so right in the article. Clearly, what you believe and what is real are worlds apart.

So now you are going back to saying that the baby says he is gay? Good Lord, man! Don't you see the insanity here?
Moron... you denied he said that. I’m pointing out you’re fucking ignorant.

Read the fucking story. :eusa_doh:

The story says that his aunt said it. She is drawing conclusions based on the whims of a BABY. Lol.
No, it doesn’t say that.

Why do you insist on repeating how stupid you are?

read the fucking story

Yes, it does say that. It says that the aunt claims the boy is "openly gay." The baby didn't make these posts, and this was not an account opened by the baby.
Babies cannot open up social media accounts and post online because . . . they are babies. Same reason why they can't be gay. They are babies.
The baby made NO posts on social media ever, regarding anything. This is all only hearsay from the aunt or alleged aunt.
Who’s “we?” You and your hamster?

Me and you. You already stated that you agreed that a baby cannot be "openly gay." We already agreed that the baby could not have made the posts on social media informing the world that he is "openly gay" either.
Putz, now you’re trying to change what you said.

You said we agreed the boy didn’t say that in social media (which I never agreed with). Now you’ve changed that to we agree he didn’t post it on social media (which I did agree with).

You have some serious mental issues. I feel sorry for you having to deal with such a disabling infliction.

So you believe that it is the 3-year-old boy posting on social media that he is gay? You just gave two different answers to the SAME question.

"You said we agreed the boy didn’t say that in social media (which I never agreed with). Now you’ve changed that to we agree he didn’t post it on social media (which I did agree with)."

So basically, your argument is that the baby is saying he is gay to social media?

You’re sooo fucking retarded.

Lemme try and help you (if that’s even possible)...

The boy said he is gay on social media.

The boy did not post that, his aunt did.

Is any of this sinking in, ya freak?

You know, all of your confusion could have been avoided had you simply read the fucking story. :eusa_doh:

No, the boy did not say he was gay on social media. His aunt made those claims. I doubt the 3-year-old baby knows how to log onto a social media website.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re simply too retarded to continue...

From the link in the article, his aunt says...

He denies that he is a "boy" because he wants to be a "girl". He proudly says, "I'm gay!" And there's nothing wrong with that.

now read the fucking story and stop posting bullshit.
Not to a 3 year old, it’s not. WTF is wrong with you?

Why does that concept not penetrate your skull?
Which part of someone put that crap in a 3 year old's head...............and I suppose the boy popped out at birth and started posting on social media............

What is your major malfunction Mueller............Amazing what you will prosecute and not prosecute............Hillary ......nothing there..........TRUMP IS THE ANTI CHRIST...........and the people of the country see this.............Your Blue Wave will be nothing.
Is that a troll salute.....
No, it’s the, I feel sorry for you, gesture.

If anything, it is us that should feel sorry for you, but I really feel nothing but disgust for you, TBH.
Should I care that someone proven to be as ignorant as you feels that way about me? :dunno:
Me and you. You already stated that you agreed that a baby cannot be "openly gay." We already agreed that the baby could not have made the posts on social media informing the world that he is "openly gay" either.
Putz, now you’re trying to change what you said.

You said we agreed the boy didn’t say that in social media (which I never agreed with). Now you’ve changed that to we agree he didn’t post it on social media (which I did agree with).

You have some serious mental issues. I feel sorry for you having to deal with such a disabling infliction.

So you believe that it is the 3-year-old boy posting on social media that he is gay? You just gave two different answers to the SAME question.

"You said we agreed the boy didn’t say that in social media (which I never agreed with). Now you’ve changed that to we agree he didn’t post it on social media (which I did agree with)."

So basically, your argument is that the baby is saying he is gay to social media?

You’re sooo fucking retarded.

Lemme try and help you (if that’s even possible)...

The boy said he is gay on social media.

The boy did not post that, his aunt did.

Is any of this sinking in, ya freak?

You know, all of your confusion could have been avoided had you simply read the fucking story. :eusa_doh:

No, the boy did not say he was gay on social media. His aunt made those claims. I doubt the 3-year-old baby knows how to log onto a social media website.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re simply too retarded to continue...

From the link in the article, his aunt says...

He denies that he is a "boy" because he wants to be a "girl". He proudly says, "I'm gay!" And there's nothing wrong with that.

now read the fucking story and stop posting bullshit.

That is the words of the aunt. That is what she says, while at the same time she admits that the baby doesn't even really understand the concept of what it means to be gay. You know why? Because he is a baby, and by this time next year, he might be playing with matchbox cars and sticks and toy guns.
Such is the life of a BABY. They don't really have their lives figured out yet. Most babies have NO IDEA what they would like to be when they grow up.
Thanks for proving me 100% right that you argue with your delusions and not with what I actually say.


So what are you trying to say here? That you are upset that I blamed this on the child's parents because I mistook the aunt's words for the mothers words? So what? Nobody really cares. That is not the point. The thread is not about me making an error. The thread is about the SICKNESS of a person who would actually BELIEVE that a baby can be gay or a transgender.
Not that you mistook the aunt for his mother — that you don’t know the story, which is evidenced by you ridiculously blaming his mother. You don’t know anything about the story but there you are, acting holier than thou anyway as though you had a clue about what the story is about.


I read and understood the story just fine. I mistook the aunt's role for the mother's role is all. A simple mistake that I already apologized for. You can't seem to let it go though. I wonder why that is? :D
No, you didn’t understand the story.

You thought his mother was responsible.

You denied he said he was gay.

You thought this was about sex.

You wouldn’t have uttered such nonsense if you understood the story. All you understand are you delusions which are leading you astray.

Being GAY means you are attracted sexually to your same sex. Babies cannot be gay unless they have been molested. End of story.
Again, that’s not what it means to a 3 year old.

Hey, the baby started a new trend. Soon enough, ALL the gay babies will be coming out on social media. :lol:
So what are you trying to say here? That you are upset that I blamed this on the child's parents because I mistook the aunt's words for the mothers words? So what? Nobody really cares. That is not the point. The thread is not about me making an error. The thread is about the SICKNESS of a person who would actually BELIEVE that a baby can be gay or a transgender.
Not that you mistook the aunt for his mother — that you don’t know the story, which is evidenced by you ridiculously blaming his mother. You don’t know anything about the story but there you are, acting holier than thou anyway as though you had a clue about what the story is about.


I read and understood the story just fine. I mistook the aunt's role for the mother's role is all. A simple mistake that I already apologized for. You can't seem to let it go though. I wonder why that is? :D
No, you didn’t understand the story.

You thought his mother was responsible.

You denied he said he was gay.

You thought this was about sex.

You wouldn’t have uttered such nonsense if you understood the story. All you understand are you delusions which are leading you astray.

Being GAY means you are attracted sexually to your same sex. Babies cannot be gay unless they have been molested. End of story.
Again, that’s not what it means to a 3 year old.


Because a baby doesn't understand what "gay" really means because he is a baby. Lol.
Putz, now you’re trying to change what you said.

You said we agreed the boy didn’t say that in social media (which I never agreed with). Now you’ve changed that to we agree he didn’t post it on social media (which I did agree with).

You have some serious mental issues. I feel sorry for you having to deal with such a disabling infliction.

So you believe that it is the 3-year-old boy posting on social media that he is gay? You just gave two different answers to the SAME question.

"You said we agreed the boy didn’t say that in social media (which I never agreed with). Now you’ve changed that to we agree he didn’t post it on social media (which I did agree with)."

So basically, your argument is that the baby is saying he is gay to social media?

You’re sooo fucking retarded.

Lemme try and help you (if that’s even possible)...

The boy said he is gay on social media.

The boy did not post that, his aunt did.

Is any of this sinking in, ya freak?

You know, all of your confusion could have been avoided had you simply read the fucking story. :eusa_doh:

No, the boy did not say he was gay on social media. His aunt made those claims. I doubt the 3-year-old baby knows how to log onto a social media website.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re simply too retarded to continue...

From the link in the article, his aunt says...

He denies that he is a "boy" because he wants to be a "girl". He proudly says, "I'm gay!" And there's nothing wrong with that.

now read the fucking story and stop posting bullshit.

That is the words of the aunt. That is what she says, while at the same time she admits that the baby doesn't even really understand the concept of what it means to be gay. You know why? Because he is a baby, and by this time next year, he might be playing with matchbox cars and sticks and toy guns.

She said he said it. She even posted a video of him saying it.

Yet here you are, in all your glorious ignorance, still denying he said it.


You are one dumb motherfucker, I’ll grant you that.
So, a baby doesn't really know what "gay" means but he refers to himself (according to his aunt - who is at least questionable) as "openly gay." Come on. He heard that term somewhere. Lol. No baby is going to refer to himself as being "openly gay" without some adult coaching involved there.

A very disturbing situation for the child
So you believe that it is the 3-year-old boy posting on social media that he is gay? You just gave two different answers to the SAME question.

"You said we agreed the boy didn’t say that in social media (which I never agreed with). Now you’ve changed that to we agree he didn’t post it on social media (which I did agree with)."

So basically, your argument is that the baby is saying he is gay to social media?

You’re sooo fucking retarded.

Lemme try and help you (if that’s even possible)...

The boy said he is gay on social media.

The boy did not post that, his aunt did.

Is any of this sinking in, ya freak?

You know, all of your confusion could have been avoided had you simply read the fucking story. :eusa_doh:

No, the boy did not say he was gay on social media. His aunt made those claims. I doubt the 3-year-old baby knows how to log onto a social media website.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re simply too retarded to continue...

From the link in the article, his aunt says...

He denies that he is a "boy" because he wants to be a "girl". He proudly says, "I'm gay!" And there's nothing wrong with that.

now read the fucking story and stop posting bullshit.

That is the words of the aunt. That is what she says, while at the same time she admits that the baby doesn't even really understand the concept of what it means to be gay. You know why? Because he is a baby, and by this time next year, he might be playing with matchbox cars and sticks and toy guns.

She said he said it. She even posted a video of him saying it.

Yet here you are, in all your glorious ignorance, still denying he said it.


You are one dumb motherfucker, I’ll grant you that.

If he doesn't know what it really MEANS, then him saying a term like "openly gay" means absolutely nothing. By next year at this time, he could be playing with toy guns and loving it. Maybe his dad will take him out hunting or something and spend some quality time with his son.
So, a baby doesn't really know what "gay" means but he refers to himself (according to his aunt - who is at least questionable) as "openly gay." Come on. He heard that term somewhere. Lol. No baby is going to refer to himself as being "openly gay" without some adult coaching involved there.

A very disturbing situation for the child
Dayam... you still don’t get it??

Not according to his aunt... according to him. She was quoting him.

You sure are committed to being stupid, huh?
Part of the problem could be when a male baby is raised in a house full of females and he feels "left out" so he wants to feel as if he is part of the "ladies' group". You just cannot say what is going through the mind of a baby/toddler like that. They can like something one day and not want anything to do with it next year. Babies are still growing and developing their little bodies and minds, so they wouldn't really know if they were gay or not, regardless of what babbling may pop out of their little mouths! Lol.
So, a baby doesn't really know what "gay" means but he refers to himself (according to his aunt - who is at least questionable) as "openly gay." Come on. He heard that term somewhere. Lol. No baby is going to refer to himself as being "openly gay" without some adult coaching involved there.

A very disturbing situation for the child
Dayam... you still don’t get it??

Not according to his aunt... according to him. She was quoting him.

You sure are committed to being stupid, huh?

He doesn't know what "gay" means, so it doesn't mean anything. Like I said, just because a baby likes dolls or girly activities and thinks he is "gay", he might be an entirely different kid by next year at this same time. He is a BABY and doesnot really know what he is talking about.
So, a baby doesn't really know what "gay" means but he refers to himself (according to his aunt - who is at least questionable) as "openly gay." Come on. He heard that term somewhere. Lol. No baby is going to refer to himself as being "openly gay" without some adult coaching involved there.

A very disturbing situation for the child
Dayam... you still don’t get it??

Not according to his aunt... according to him. She was quoting him.

You sure are committed to being stupid, huh?

So, she quoted a baby saying that he was "openly gay" (obviously a term he heard somewhere and repeated without really knowing what it actually means). The aunt is WRONG because none of these things mean that the baby is actually gay and attracted to other males. He is too YOUNG to make such a determination. He doesn't know anything about it.
I also have talked to and read things about transgenders who do NOT consider themselves to be gay. So there is that too.

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