Openly gay 3 yeard old goes viral on social media

He’s naturally playing with dolls and braiding hair. What’s the conservatives’ approach to having an effeminate son at that age? Pray the gay away and hide them in the proverbial closet? Or teach them to like who they are and to be comfortable in their own skin?

Since when does playing with dolls make a person gay?? I played with matchbox cars when I was little and dolls too. I'm not gay, nor do I think I'm a boy because I enjoy a certain activity. Ridiculous.
It’s beyond just playing with dolls...

”He wanted to have dolls, be a mermaid, play Elsa, act like a beauty queen, etc. We just supported him because why not? He denies that he is a "boy" because he wants to be a "girl". ”

... so again I ask.... What’s the conservatives’ approach to having an effeminate son at that age? Pray the gay away and hide them in the proverbial closet? Or teach them to like who they are and to be comfortable in their own skin?

Right, his own skin is that of a male child. That is what you teach him. You can like pink or dolls, but that doesn't mean you are a girl. You can pretend that you, but you are not really a girl. You are my sweet baby boy. There. Not, OMG, my son plays with dolls so that means he is gay or is really a girl! WTF is WRONG with you people?
Again, it’s more than just playing with dolls. You don’t seem to understand that. That’s on you.

And statistically, there’s a 50% chance that such kids will attempt suicide in their teens. Kudos to parents who are trying alternative approaches to this issue rather than the practices your ignorance has been trying in the past which results in tragedy half of the time.

Here is "faun" at the beginning of this thread insisting that the baby is gay. Lol. With family members like this aunt, it is no wonder that these kids are committing suicide. Could you imagine if your family did that to you when you were 3 years old?
Moron... the word “gay” doesn’t even appear in my post. Stop drinking and posting.

So, a baby doesn't really know what "gay" means but he refers to himself (according to his aunt - who is at least questionable) as "openly gay." Come on. He heard that term somewhere. Lol. No baby is going to refer to himself as being "openly gay" without some adult coaching involved there.

A very disturbing situation for the child
Dayam... you still don’t get it??

Not according to his aunt... according to him. She was quoting him.

You sure are committed to being stupid, huh?

So, she quoted a baby saying that he was "openly gay" (obviously a term he heard somewhere and repeated without really knowing what it actually means). The aunt is WRONG because none of these things mean that the baby is actually gay and attracted to other males. He is too YOUNG to make such a determination. He doesn't know anything about it.
Dayam, you’re finally getting it. You’re finally admitting he said it. But look at how long it took me to drag you into reality. Almost as long as it took me to get you to realize the article was about his aunt, and not his mother, posting the video.

My three year old said he had mind powers to make animals move where he wanted when he was 3 years old.

He also said he could drive a car and fly.
Great, sounds like you’re in agreement with me then when I say it’s meaningless that this 3 year old proclaims to be gay.
I say he has been watching video portraying gay children.

Which is a problem.
It’s beyond just playing with dolls...

”He wanted to have dolls, be a mermaid, play Elsa, act like a beauty queen, etc. We just supported him because why not? He denies that he is a "boy" because he wants to be a "girl". ”

... so again I ask.... What’s the conservatives’ approach to having an effeminate son at that age? Pray the gay away and hide them in the proverbial closet? Or teach them to like who they are and to be comfortable in their own skin?

Right, his own skin is that of a male child. That is what you teach him. You can like pink or dolls, but that doesn't mean you are a girl. You can pretend that you, but you are not really a girl. You are my sweet baby boy. There. Not, OMG, my son plays with dolls so that means he is gay or is really a girl! WTF is WRONG with you people?
Again, it’s more than just playing with dolls. You don’t seem to understand that. That’s on you.

And statistically, there’s a 50% chance that such kids will attempt suicide in their teens. Kudos to parents who are trying alternative approaches to this issue rather than the practices your ignorance has been trying in the past which results in tragedy half of the time.

How on EARTH do you know? So what is it? Has he been coming on to other 3 year old boys or something? WTH?? You people are whacky. Seriously. Really whacky.
It’s what his aunt said. Weren’t you paying attention?

Funny because at the beginning of this thread YOU were saying that the baby was gay. Lol.
No, I didn’t. I am not responsible for your delusions.
Dayam... you still don’t get it??

Not according to his aunt... according to him. She was quoting him.

You sure are committed to being stupid, huh?

So, she quoted a baby saying that he was "openly gay" (obviously a term he heard somewhere and repeated without really knowing what it actually means). The aunt is WRONG because none of these things mean that the baby is actually gay and attracted to other males. He is too YOUNG to make such a determination. He doesn't know anything about it.
Dayam, you’re finally getting it. You’re finally admitting he said it. But look at how long it took me to drag you into reality. Almost as long as it took me to get you to realize the article was about his aunt, and not his mother, posting the video.

My three year old said he had mind powers to make animals move where he wanted when he was 3 years old.

He also said he could drive a car and fly.
Great, sounds like you’re in agreement with me then when I say it’s meaningless that this 3 year old proclaims to be gay.
I say he has been watching video portraying gay children.

Which is a problem.
And your proof of that is....?
Fact. It used to be their overwhelming explanation for why they had such a fetish. Now they just make up all kinds of stupid shit and let morons like you do all the bullshit spreading nonsense. We already know 'gay rights' is a hoax, no 'sciences at all behind it; it's merely a 'movement' started by a Communist pedophile and assorted other deviants like to support it in the hopes they can get their own sicko fetishes 'normalized' as well.

And most importantly of all don't forget...get "legal" access to our country's most vulnerable children: orphans: (Warning: though the photo on page 1 of the linked thread was taken in public in front of children and other onlookers, as part of a regular trend of displays in gay pride parades, it is sexually explicit and graphic) The Latest In the Landmark Court Case the LGBT Would Rather You Not Remain Current On..

Civil Unions granted rights of survivorship, rights of hospital visitation, rights of insurance coverage and on and on. The one and only thing they didn't grant was the right to pull adoptable children into the situation equal with married non-deviants.

Civil Unions were rejected by most Rightard states and provided no protections in any of those states.

However, gays have been able to adopt in most states regardless of the marriage laws- in most cases treated just like any other single people.

And finally, what is an "openly gay 3 year old" toddler exactly? Define "openly gay" in context.

Beats the hell out of me. I don't think a 3 year old is anymore able to declare he is gay than he is able to declare that he has found Jesus.
So you are here defending the exploitation of "an openly gay" 3 year old toddler without being able to define what "openly gay" is in this context?

Nope- I am not defending this exploitation of a 3 year old any more than I defend Christians who exploit their 3 year olds declaration of faith- personally I think this kind of thing is pretty irresponsible parenting.

What I am doing here for the most part is mocking your continued efforts to attack gays and their children- and pointing our your lies and hate.
Can you imagine your "parents" ruining your life like this before it's even begun? Going around proclaiming that you are GAY at 3 years old??? Something is definitely wrong with any parents who would do something like that.

Not sure how this would 'ruin' anyone's life anymore than someone posting embarrassing photos of their 3 year old on Facebook.

I disagree with the parents choice- and I disagree that a 3 year old really understands the concepts, but I see parents post all sorts of crap about their 3 year olds that are just as unbelievable.
Interesting, I actually agree with Silhouette on this one. No way this 3 yr old has any concept of his sexuality. He's being coached to be gay.

Pretty disgusting regardless of how you feel about LGBT. The goal isn't to turn them all gay you SJW fucks, it was to let folks decide for themselves how to live their lives. Forcing them to be gay is just as bad as forcing them all to be straight.

Millennial's could fuck up a wet dream... I loath when these shit heads are all we have left to employee; I'm legit crossing my fingers that a shit ton of morons failed to plan for their retirements...

Parents do all sorts of stupid shit to their kids.

I know parents who have convinced their 3 year olds that Jesus has personally talked to them.

I have no problem condemning these parents for being stupid parents for promoting this. Anymore than I have any problem with anyone condemning stupid parents for putting their 3 year olds in toddler beauty pageants.
You know how some of the things your parents did to you are embarrassing to you as you get older? Can you imagine if your parents proclaimed on the world wide web that you were gay when you were 3 years old? Holy shit. That is really, really, REALLY bad. Lol. If this poor kid grows up and is miraculous NOT gay (seeing how his parents are apparently pushing him in that direction in these formative years of his life), then he is going to be PISSED at them! Maybe he would have even bigger reasons for being pissed at them though . . .

Frankly I don't see a real problem except for those who think that being gay is somehow a bad thing- other than just being an other thing.

I will again use the religion analogy- if these parents were posting the hilarious and cute video of their 3 year old telling everyone how he had 'found Jesus' and been 'reborn' - would that be something that would cause the child to hate his parents later if he ended up being an atheist?

By the way- the vast amount of homosexuals in America today were raised by parents(and the entire society) who pushed them vigorously into heterosexual lives. While I absolutely agree I think that parents should let their kids figure out their own sexual orientation on their own- kids seem to figure that on their own anyway.
So, a baby doesn't really know what "gay" means but he refers to himself (according to his aunt - who is at least questionable) as "openly gay." Come on. He heard that term somewhere. Lol. No baby is going to refer to himself as being "openly gay" without some adult coaching involved there.

A very disturbing situation for the child
Dayam... you still don’t get it??

Not according to his aunt... according to him. She was quoting him.

You sure are committed to being stupid, huh?

So, she quoted a baby saying that he was "openly gay" (obviously a term he heard somewhere and repeated without really knowing what it actually means). The aunt is WRONG because none of these things mean that the baby is actually gay and attracted to other males. He is too YOUNG to make such a determination. He doesn't know anything about it.
Dayam, you’re finally getting it. You’re finally admitting he said it. But look at how long it took me to drag you into reality. Almost as long as it took me to get you to realize the article was about his aunt, and not his mother, posting the video.

My three year old said he had mind powers to make animals move where he wanted when he was 3 years old.

He also said he could drive a car and fly.

Well according to everyone here you must have been coaching him to say
Dayam... you still don’t get it??

Not according to his aunt... according to him. She was quoting him.

You sure are committed to being stupid, huh?

So, she quoted a baby saying that he was "openly gay" (obviously a term he heard somewhere and repeated without really knowing what it actually means). The aunt is WRONG because none of these things mean that the baby is actually gay and attracted to other males. He is too YOUNG to make such a determination. He doesn't know anything about it.
Dayam, you’re finally getting it. You’re finally admitting he said it. But look at how long it took me to drag you into reality. Almost as long as it took me to get you to realize the article was about his aunt, and not his mother, posting the video.

My three year old said he had mind powers to make animals move where he wanted when he was 3 years old.

He also said he could drive a car and fly.
Great, sounds like you’re in agreement with me then when I say it’s meaningless that this 3 year old proclaims to be gay.
I say he has been watching video portraying gay children.

Which is a problem.

How is that any more of a problem than your 3 year old saying he had mind powers to make animals move?
Great, sounds like you’re in agreement with me then when I say it’s meaningless that this 3 year old proclaims to be gay.

What is meaningful is that ADULTS from the LGBT cult are proclaiming the toddler is "openly gay".

Do we have a child protective services case number on this?

As always Silhouette- as I always tell you- if you believe that there is child abuse going on- contact law enforcement.

And as always- you will proclaim there is child abuse going on- but you will not contact any authority.

Is it because you are a lying blowhard?

Or are you honest- but just don't give a damn about these kids?
So, she quoted a baby saying that he was "openly gay" (obviously a term he heard somewhere and repeated without really knowing what it actually means). The aunt is WRONG because none of these things mean that the baby is actually gay and attracted to other males. He is too YOUNG to make such a determination. He doesn't know anything about it.
Dayam, you’re finally getting it. You’re finally admitting he said it. But look at how long it took me to drag you into reality. Almost as long as it took me to get you to realize the article was about his aunt, and not his mother, posting the video.

My three year old said he had mind powers to make animals move where he wanted when he was 3 years old.

He also said he could drive a car and fly.
Great, sounds like you’re in agreement with me then when I say it’s meaningless that this 3 year old proclaims to be gay.
I say he has been watching video portraying gay children.

Which is a problem.

How is that any more of a problem than your 3 year old saying he had mind powers to make animals move?

I'm going to go with the LGBT community jumping on his essentially disillusion statements as though it's "real" and thus supporting their agenda.
Dayam, you’re finally getting it. You’re finally admitting he said it. But look at how long it took me to drag you into reality. Almost as long as it took me to get you to realize the article was about his aunt, and not his mother, posting the video.

My three year old said he had mind powers to make animals move where he wanted when he was 3 years old.

He also said he could drive a car and fly.
Great, sounds like you’re in agreement with me then when I say it’s meaningless that this 3 year old proclaims to be gay.
I say he has been watching video portraying gay children.

Which is a problem.

How is that any more of a problem than your 3 year old saying he had mind powers to make animals move?

I'm going to go with the LGBT community jumping on his essentially disillusion statements as though it's "real" and thus supporting their agenda.
Which has nothing to do with the post I was responding to:
I say he has been watching video portraying gay children.

Which is a problem

She didn't comment on others exploiting the video- she was commenting on how this child was influenced. And saying that his seeing a video with a child that was portrayed as gay was a problem.

Do you think that is a problem?
My three year old said he had mind powers to make animals move where he wanted when he was 3 years old.

He also said he could drive a car and fly.
Great, sounds like you’re in agreement with me then when I say it’s meaningless that this 3 year old proclaims to be gay.
I say he has been watching video portraying gay children.

Which is a problem.

How is that any more of a problem than your 3 year old saying he had mind powers to make animals move?

I'm going to go with the LGBT community jumping on his essentially disillusion statements as though it's "real" and thus supporting their agenda.
Which has nothing to do with the post I was responding to:
I say he has been watching video portraying gay children.

Which is a problem

She didn't comment on others exploiting the video- she was commenting on how this child was influenced. And saying that his seeing a video with a child that was portrayed as gay was a problem.

Do you think that is a problem?

Actually it has /everything/ to do with your comment. There is /nothing/ wrong with a child having fantasies, the problem is when adults try to say those fantasies are "real" and use them to forward an /adult/ political agenda.
These children are going to be so screwed up. I almost feel this country owes them an apology for producing their idiot parents.
Here, pick one kids:
Washington Schools to Teach Gender Identity Curriculum in Kindergarten - Family Policy Institute of Washington

^ Read that stupid shit. This garbage has been allowed to take the place of an actual education. Where are the parents? They are applauding this insanity. And I have a feeling that the children of the parents that don't support this will be removed from the "hostile home environment".
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The pattern sure gets repeated over and over again, doesn't it? No matter the subject, the radical leftists here will defend something over and over and over again, only to turn around and deny they have done so.

Damn, I miss the days when the left was liberal and so rejected rather than supported thesexualization of children.
Great, sounds like you’re in agreement with me then when I say it’s meaningless that this 3 year old proclaims to be gay.
I say he has been watching video portraying gay children.

Which is a problem.

How is that any more of a problem than your 3 year old saying he had mind powers to make animals move?

I'm going to go with the LGBT community jumping on his essentially disillusion statements as though it's "real" and thus supporting their agenda.
Which has nothing to do with the post I was responding to:
I say he has been watching video portraying gay children.

Which is a problem

She didn't comment on others exploiting the video- she was commenting on how this child was influenced. And saying that his seeing a video with a child that was portrayed as gay was a problem.

Do you think that is a problem?

Actually it has /everything/ to do with your comment. There is /nothing/ wrong with a child having fantasies, the problem is when adults try to say those fantasies are "real" and use them to forward an /adult/ political agenda.

You didn't answer my question- and again you are discussing something other than what I was posting.

Which has nothing to do with the post I was responding to:
I say he has been watching video portraying gay children.

Which is a problem

She didn't comment on others exploiting the video- she was commenting on how this child was influenced. And saying that his seeing a video with a child that was portrayed as gay was a problem.

Do you think that is a problem?
Interesting, I actually agree with Silhouette on this one. No way this 3 yr old has any concept of his sexuality. He's being coached to be gay.

Pretty disgusting regardless of how you feel about LGBT. The goal isn't to turn them all gay you SJW fucks, it was to let folks decide for themselves how to live their lives. Forcing them to be gay is just as bad as forcing them all to be straight.

Millennial's could fuck up a wet dream... I loath when these shit heads are all we have left to employee; I'm legit crossing my fingers that a shit ton of morons failed to plan for their retirements...

Parents do all sorts of stupid shit to their kids.

I know parents who have convinced their 3 year olds that Jesus has personally talked to them.

I have no problem condemning these parents for being stupid parents for promoting this. Anymore than I have any problem with anyone condemning stupid parents for putting their 3 year olds in toddler beauty pageants.

Of course you don't..because the law means nothing to you, and you see children as pawns and of little worth, individually.

It is ILLEGAL to sexualize 3 y.o. children. It's a CRIME.

It isn't a crime to take your 3 y.o. to sunday school...despite the best attempts of leftist nazis.

BTW the nazis had mandatory fitness drills on pull families out of church. If you went to church instead, they would shoot you. You would make a good nazi. But you know that.
The pattern sure gets repeated over and over again, doesn't it? No matter the subject, the radical leftists here will defend something over and over and over again, only to turn around and deny they have done so.

Damn, I miss the days when the left was liberal and so rejected rather than supported thesexualization of children.

Damn, I miss the days when the right was conservative and thought that parents were supposed to be deciding how to raise their children.

Personally- I disagree with the aunt(not the parents in this case) decision to put this on the internet. Again- I don't think that any 3 year old knows whether he is gay or not, anymore than I think a 3 year old knows whether he has found Jesus.

I find this whole thing as offensive as those parents who post photo's of their toddlers in beauty pageants.
Interesting, I actually agree with Silhouette on this one. No way this 3 yr old has any concept of his sexuality. He's being coached to be gay.

Pretty disgusting regardless of how you feel about LGBT. The goal isn't to turn them all gay you SJW fucks, it was to let folks decide for themselves how to live their lives. Forcing them to be gay is just as bad as forcing them all to be straight.

Millennial's could fuck up a wet dream... I loath when these shit heads are all we have left to employee; I'm legit crossing my fingers that a shit ton of morons failed to plan for their retirements...

Parents do all sorts of stupid shit to their kids.

I know parents who have convinced their 3 year olds that Jesus has personally talked to them.

I have no problem condemning these parents for being stupid parents for promoting this. Anymore than I have any problem with anyone condemning stupid parents for putting their 3 year olds in toddler beauty pageants.

Of course you don't..because the law means nothing to you, and you see children as pawns and of little worth, individually.

It is ILLEGAL to sexualize 3 y.o. children. It's a CRIME..

What exactly is that crime? Feel free to quote it.

How posting a video of a child announcing he is 'gay' any different than the parents who took- and shared these photos?



I don't consider any of those 'sexualizing' kids- but this:

I won't post photo's of toddler beauty pageants because those I consider 'sexualizing' kids- and find too disturbing.

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