Openly gay 3 yeard old goes viral on social media

The bullying that this poor child is going to face is probably going to end up killing him/her.

Please stop. It isn't right.

Please stop what? Nobody here is bullying the child. The only people who are bullying this child are the ones who are raising him and who are trying to CONVINCE him that because he likes pink, he must be gender confused or maybe he should have been a girl. They are fucking this poor little thing all up before he can even THINK for himself. Now, once he becomes a teenager and is a fucking weirdo because that is how his parents (or whomever is responsible for this NONSENSE) have RAISED him to be. Then he will be teased in school or whereever because he is seen as being STRANGE (like other CHILDREN are going to do),and then he will try or will kill himself and you will blame EVERYBODY else.

Fuck you. The people responsible for this child are putting thoughts into his little head that wouldn't otherwise be there, and don't you tell US to stop talking about something. If you don't like the topic, then move along but don't you dare tell us to "please stop."
It is your JOB as a parent to PARENT your child. The motto is NEVER Baby knows best, tard!
The pattern sure gets repeated over and over again, doesn't it? No matter the subject, the radical leftists here will defend something over and over and over again, only to turn around and deny they have done so.

Damn, I miss the days when the left was liberal and so rejected rather than supported thesexualization of children.

Damn, I miss the days when the right was conservative and thought that parents were supposed to be deciding how to raise their children.

Personally- I disagree with the aunt(not the parents in this case) decision to put this on the internet. Again- I don't think that any 3 year old knows whether he is gay or not, anymore than I think a 3 year old knows whether he has found Jesus.

I find this whole thing as offensive as those parents who post photo's of their toddlers in beauty pageants.

So you allegedly "disagree" yet here you are arguing. Beauty pageants are not confusing your baby as to his gender or his sexuality. Impressing upon a BABY that he might be gay or a transgender because he is "girly" (which, under NORMAL circumstances, would probably be temporary) is completely DIFFERENT than your child participating in a beauty pageant, although I really don't see the POINT in beauty pageants at all. So you're pretty? Big deal, so are many other human beings.
Interesting, I actually agree with Silhouette on this one. No way this 3 yr old has any concept of his sexuality. He's being coached to be gay.

Pretty disgusting regardless of how you feel about LGBT. The goal isn't to turn them all gay you SJW fucks, it was to let folks decide for themselves how to live their lives. Forcing them to be gay is just as bad as forcing them all to be straight.

Millennial's could fuck up a wet dream... I loath when these shit heads are all we have left to employee; I'm legit crossing my fingers that a shit ton of morons failed to plan for their retirements...

Parents do all sorts of stupid shit to their kids.

I know parents who have convinced their 3 year olds that Jesus has personally talked to them.

I have no problem condemning these parents for being stupid parents for promoting this. Anymore than I have any problem with anyone condemning stupid parents for putting their 3 year olds in toddler beauty pageants.

Of course you don't..because the law means nothing to you, and you see children as pawns and of little worth, individually.

It is ILLEGAL to sexualize 3 y.o. children. It's a CRIME..

What exactly is that crime? Feel free to quote it.

How posting a video of a child announcing he is 'gay' any different than the parents who took- and shared these photos?
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I don't consider any of those 'sexualizing' kids- but this:

I won't post photo's of toddler beauty pageants because those I consider 'sexualizing' kids- and find too disturbing.

Because you don't go DENOTING a sexual preference onto your baby, especially leading your baby down a path that would only make HIS life more difficult in the long run. You do what is BEST FOR BABY who happens to like pink and some girl activities and not for your agenda of "normalizing" and "densensitizing" people to homosexuality. K?

MOST children CAN enjoy both boy and girl activities to an extent. I like climbing trees. I liked playing with matchbox cars. I liked playing violent video games. All of those would be considered "masculine" activities, but I am a FEMALE. A baby who was born a MALE and who has never been a FEMALE would have no idea what it "feels like" to be a female versus to be a male. Really, MOST NORMAL and well adjusted people just feel like PEOPLE every day.
Just putting those words together is disturbing enough "OPENLY GAY 3-YEAR-OLD." Everyone KNOWS that something is up with this and it cannot be anything GOOD for this child.
What do you think HAPPENS to a little boy baby/child who thinks his parents really want a GIRL child and/or want him to be a GIRL child and encourage that type of thing?
There are PLENTY of cases where young boys were in fact molested by a man or another boy and feel that they are now GAY and it causes them to suffer from MANY psychiatric issues throughout their lives. Of course, the leftists will blame "society" for not accepting a child as "gay" instead of blaming the child molester who fucked him all up in the head! Sick!
Imagine, a heterosexual male child going to his mother and saying "look mom, I'm a heterosexual. I am an openly heterosexual male." Look mom, I like to play with toy cars and I like to wrestle!" That is ABNORMAL. Somebody somewhere is encouraging this behavior, giving him praise for it, or whatever the case may be.
A BABY or a small child is going to repeat behaviors that gain him praise. Children and babies want the approval and love of their parents. If they do something and everyone says "Ohhhh, how cute." Then they will repeat that activity to gain more praise and approval from their parents/loved ones. It is EASY to put suggestions into the minds of small children and babies.
When you praise your baby boy and tell him he looks cute wearing that dress, then YOU are encouraging the behavior, and there is NOBODY more influential on the life of the baby than his parents/caregivers. That is the bottom line here.
It is IMPORTANT to tell him that while he may admire a female character in a movie and that is okay and it is okay if he wants to pretend to be that character during play, in REAL LIFE he is a little boy and a MALE child. That IS his own skin and that is what he needs to accept. Otherwise you are just going to create TURMOIL in the child's life later on down the road. You are the parent. YOU instill the values.
Okay, I suppose I ranted enough on this topic for one morning. Lol. I just can't even believe that people are SO STUPID!!! No wonder why there are so MANY screwed up people on this earth!!
Okay, I suppose I ranted enough on this topic for one morning. Lol. I just can't even believe that people are SO STUPID!!! No wonder why there are so MANY screwed up people on this earth!!
Well that's assuming stupidity. In the case of a cult such as LGBT, I suspect an active and crafted influence, not stupidity.
It's because the staff here at USMB rightly recognize that discussing or celebrating a toddler in a sexual context is illegal. And so they are in agreement that the parents should be arrested.

So tell us how your call to the police alerting them to this crime went.

Because of course if you believe this is a crime against a child- and you don't report it- then you just don't give a fuck about the child.

Or you are just lying.
Okay, I suppose I ranted enough on this topic for one morning. Lol. I just can't even believe that people are SO STUPID!!! No wonder why there are so MANY screwed up people on this earth!!
Well that's assuming stupidity. In the case of a cult such as LGBT, I suspect an active and crafted influence, not stupidity.

When it comes to the activity of the homophobic cult- I suspect it is a combination of your stupidity combined with your hatred for others that makes you post such vile stuff.
The pattern sure gets repeated over and over again, doesn't it? No matter the subject, the radical leftists here will defend something over and over and over again, only to turn around and deny they have done so.

Damn, I miss the days when the left was liberal and so rejected rather than supported thesexualization of children.

Damn, I miss the days when the right was conservative and thought that parents were supposed to be deciding how to raise their children.

Personally- I disagree with the aunt(not the parents in this case) decision to put this on the internet. Again- I don't think that any 3 year old knows whether he is gay or not, anymore than I think a 3 year old knows whether he has found Jesus.

I find this whole thing as offensive as those parents who post photo's of their toddlers in beauty pageants.

So you allegedly "disagree" yet here you are arguing. Beauty pageants are not confusing your baby as to his gender or his sexuality. Impressing upon a BABY that he might be gay or a transgender because he is "girly" (which, under NORMAL circumstances, would probably be temporary) is completely DIFFERENT than your child participating in a beauty pageant, although I really don't see the POINT in beauty pageants at all. So you're pretty? Big deal, so are many other human beings.

How do you know that beauty pageants aren't confusing any girls about their sexuality?

Remember the OP is about an aunt posting a video of her nephew claiming he is gay- nothing about gender.

Several people here have made the claim that this child was being 'sexualized' because he is saying he is gay. That is no more 'sexualized' than the parents who bring their girls to wear 'sexy' dresses, makeup and heels and who emulate grown women who are sexualized.

When I see you 'tards' pretend to care as much about girls being sexualized as you pretend to care about the child in the OP being 'sexualized' because he says he is gay- well then maybe we can have a mature conversation.
Interesting, I actually agree with Silhouette on this one. No way this 3 yr old has any concept of his sexuality. He's being coached to be gay.

Pretty disgusting regardless of how you feel about LGBT. The goal isn't to turn them all gay you SJW fucks, it was to let folks decide for themselves how to live their lives. Forcing them to be gay is just as bad as forcing them all to be straight.

Millennial's could fuck up a wet dream... I loath when these shit heads are all we have left to employee; I'm legit crossing my fingers that a shit ton of morons failed to plan for their retirements...

Parents do all sorts of stupid shit to their kids.

I know parents who have convinced their 3 year olds that Jesus has personally talked to them.

I have no problem condemning these parents for being stupid parents for promoting this. Anymore than I have any problem with anyone condemning stupid parents for putting their 3 year olds in toddler beauty pageants.

Of course you don't..because the law means nothing to you, and you see children as pawns and of little worth, individually.

It is ILLEGAL to sexualize 3 y.o. children. It's a CRIME..

What exactly is that crime? Feel free to quote it.

How posting a video of a child announcing he is 'gay' any different than the parents who took- and shared these photos?
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View attachment 195304

I don't consider any of those 'sexualizing' kids- but this:

I won't post photo's of toddler beauty pageants because those I consider 'sexualizing' kids- and find too disturbing.

Because you don't go DENOTING a sexual preference onto your baby, especially leading your baby down a path that would only make HIS life more difficult in the long run. You do what is BEST FOR BABY who happens to like pink and some girl activities and not for your agenda of "normalizing" and "densensitizing" people to homosexuality. K? .

Well that is interesting since this video was posted by the child's aunt- and not his parents.

Do you know what his parents have been doing?

And what the hell is wrong with 'normalizing' or desensitizing people to homosexuality?

I can remember quite well when I was growing up what happened to kids who were even suspected of being gay- getting beaten up was just one of the cruel consequences- why would you want to stop that?

My daughter went to a school where homosexuality was 'normalized' and guess what? No one cared whether the kids were gay or not. No one got beat up for appearing too fem or 'too artistic'.

Why would you prefer a world where gays are ostracized or discriminated against? My kid thinks gays are just people- who happen to be attracted to the same gender and doesn't care whether they are gay or straight.
What do you think HAPPENS to a little boy baby/child who thinks his parents really want a GIRL child and/or want him to be a GIRL child and encourage that type of thing?

I don't know what that has to do with this thread- or who you are talking to.

But I have known quite a few girls whose family had no boys and whose dad always wanted them to be boys- the ones I have known grew up playing more sports than usual.

Thats about it.
There are PLENTY of cases where young boys were in fact molested by a man or another boy and feel that they are now GAY and it causes them to suffer from MANY psychiatric issues throughout their lives. Of course, the leftists will blame "society" for not accepting a child as "gay" instead of blaming the child molester who fucked him all up in the head! Sick!

Who doesn't blame the child molester? Give me a name? I am glad to condemn every one of those fucking child molesters.

First of all- rape is always bad. I don't know why you bring it up in this context unless you are implying this 3 year old was raped.

Lots of kids are raped- which is horrible. Of the adults I know who have admitted that they were raped/molested as children- every single one of them is a woman. Not one of my gay friends says he was molested as a child.

And yes- being molested fucked up every woman that was molested. I don't blame society- I blame the fucking asshole rapists- the step father, the teacher- the guys who did the raping.

According to the statistic lots of gay men(and women) were raped/molested as children- and certainly we should all be appalled/disgusted by what happened to them- and condemn their attackers.

But why do you want to condemn those who were raped and molested? They didn't do anything wrong.

Or every other gay man or woman who wasn't raped or molested as a child?

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