Openly gay 3 yeard old goes viral on social media

So, as you can see, a baby cannot proclaim himself as "gay" without really knowing the full implications of what being "gay" entails, regardless of what kind of baby babble/repeating adults that might come from his baby mouth. He is not yet capable of knowing such things yet.
Interesting, I actually agree with Silhouette on this one. No way this 3 yr old has any concept of his sexuality. He's being coached to be gay.

Pretty disgusting regardless of how you feel about LGBT. The goal isn't to turn them all gay you SJW fucks, it was to let folks decide for themselves how to live their lives. Forcing them to be gay is just as bad as forcing them all to be straight.

Millennial's could fuck up a wet dream... I loath when these shit heads are all we have left to employee; I'm legit crossing my fingers that a shit ton of morons failed to plan for their retirements...
He’s naturally playing with dolls and braiding hair. What’s the conservatives’ approach to having an effeminate son at that age? Pray the gay away and hide them in the proverbial closet? Or teach them to like who they are and to be comfortable in their own skin?

Since when does playing with dolls make a person gay?? I played with matchbox cars when I was little and dolls too. I'm not gay, nor do I think I'm a boy because I enjoy a certain activity. Ridiculous.
Your avatar has a unique appearance. Do you get a lil wound up when eating a peach ?

Friend, I've seen your pictures. :D You are OLD and not attractive at all, so I wouldn't be talking about other people's appearances if I were you, old man. I am young, vibrant, energetic, and very attractive, as well as being intelligent and thoughtful and kind. You, OTOH, are a creepy old man troll, trolling young women on the internets. :D
Ya see guys ? She finds me...
So, a baby doesn't really know what "gay" means but he refers to himself (according to his aunt - who is at least questionable) as "openly gay." Come on. He heard that term somewhere. Lol. No baby is going to refer to himself as being "openly gay" without some adult coaching involved there.

A very disturbing situation for the child
Dayam... you still don’t get it??

Not according to his aunt... according to him. She was quoting him.

You sure are committed to being stupid, huh?

He doesn't know what "gay" means, so it doesn't mean anything. Like I said, just because a baby likes dolls or girly activities and thinks he is "gay", he might be an entirely different kid by next year at this same time. He is a BABY and doesnot really know what he is talking about.
I agree, it doesn’t mean anything to a 3 year old. So other than being an idiot who got almost every detail of this story wrong, why are you so perturbed?
So, a baby doesn't really know what "gay" means but he refers to himself (according to his aunt - who is at least questionable) as "openly gay." Come on. He heard that term somewhere. Lol. No baby is going to refer to himself as being "openly gay" without some adult coaching involved there.

A very disturbing situation for the child
Dayam... you still don’t get it??

Not according to his aunt... according to him. She was quoting him.

You sure are committed to being stupid, huh?

So, she quoted a baby saying that he was "openly gay" (obviously a term he heard somewhere and repeated without really knowing what it actually means). The aunt is WRONG because none of these things mean that the baby is actually gay and attracted to other males. He is too YOUNG to make such a determination. He doesn't know anything about it.
Dayam, you’re finally getting it. You’re finally admitting he said it. But look at how long it took me to drag you into reality. Almost as long as it took me to get you to realize the article was about his aunt, and not his mother, posting the video.

So, a baby doesn't really know what "gay" means but he refers to himself (according to his aunt - who is at least questionable) as "openly gay." Come on. He heard that term somewhere. Lol. No baby is going to refer to himself as being "openly gay" without some adult coaching involved there.

A very disturbing situation for the child
Dayam... you still don’t get it??

Not according to his aunt... according to him. She was quoting him.

You sure are committed to being stupid, huh?

So, she quoted a baby saying that he was "openly gay" (obviously a term he heard somewhere and repeated without really knowing what it actually means). The aunt is WRONG because none of these things mean that the baby is actually gay and attracted to other males. He is too YOUNG to make such a determination. He doesn't know anything about it.
Dayam, you’re finally getting it. You’re finally admitting he said it. But look at how long it took me to drag you into reality. Almost as long as it took me to get you to realize the article was about his aunt, and not his mother, posting the video.

My three year old said he had mind powers to make animals move where he wanted when he was 3 years old.

He also said he could drive a car and fly.
So, a baby doesn't really know what "gay" means but he refers to himself (according to his aunt - who is at least questionable) as "openly gay." Come on. He heard that term somewhere. Lol. No baby is going to refer to himself as being "openly gay" without some adult coaching involved there.

A very disturbing situation for the child
Dayam... you still don’t get it??

Not according to his aunt... according to him. She was quoting him.

You sure are committed to being stupid, huh?

So, she quoted a baby saying that he was "openly gay" (obviously a term he heard somewhere and repeated without really knowing what it actually means). The aunt is WRONG because none of these things mean that the baby is actually gay and attracted to other males. He is too YOUNG to make such a determination. He doesn't know anything about it.
Dayam, you’re finally getting it. You’re finally admitting he said it. But look at how long it took me to drag you into reality. Almost as long as it took me to get you to realize the article was about his aunt, and not his mother, posting the video.

My three year old said he had mind powers to make animals move where he wanted when he was 3 years old.

He also said he could drive a car and fly.
Great, sounds like you’re in agreement with me then when I say it’s meaningless that this 3 year old proclaims to be gay.
Great, sounds like you’re in agreement with me then when I say it’s meaningless that this 3 year old proclaims to be gay.

What is meaningful is that ADULTS from the LGBT cult are proclaiming the toddler is "openly gay".

Do we have a child protective services case number on this?
April 19, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Pro-homosexual websites and social media users are promoting the story of a three-year-old child who is supposedly “openly gay.”
‘Openly gay’ 3-year-old goes viral on social media

Hate to tell you this and break reality to you , but you have a MENTAL ILLNESS if you think this is even possible.
3 yr olds can not decipher what they are or aren't.....

Half the lunatic adults don't even know wtf they are let alone a three year old.

We are sinking and sinking fast if America's Trump haters don't wake the hell up you will become just like Europe and you will be watching your kids getting raped all under the name and rights of those third world nations who believe in child marriages you stupid ass pos morons.
They knew the 3 year old was gay because his first words were "Pwesodent Hillary"...
So, a baby doesn't really know what "gay" means but he refers to himself (according to his aunt - who is at least questionable) as "openly gay." Come on. He heard that term somewhere. Lol. No baby is going to refer to himself as being "openly gay" without some adult coaching involved there.

A very disturbing situation for the child
Dayam... you still don’t get it??

Not according to his aunt... according to him. She was quoting him.

You sure are committed to being stupid, huh?

So, she quoted a baby saying that he was "openly gay" (obviously a term he heard somewhere and repeated without really knowing what it actually means). The aunt is WRONG because none of these things mean that the baby is actually gay and attracted to other males. He is too YOUNG to make such a determination. He doesn't know anything about it.
Dayam, you’re finally getting it. You’re finally admitting he said it. But look at how long it took me to drag you into reality. Almost as long as it took me to get you to realize the article was about his aunt, and not his mother, posting the video.

My three year old said he had mind powers to make animals move where he wanted when he was 3 years old.

He also said he could drive a car and fly.
Great, sounds like you’re in agreement with me then when I say it’s meaningless that this 3 year old proclaims to be gay.

No shit. So why do you keep running with the aunt/mother thing? My argument has been that is wrong to EXPLOIT this child on social media by calling him gay and insinuating that he is gay when he is only 3 years old. He doesn't have any clue about what any of these things entail.
Great, sounds like you’re in agreement with me then when I say it’s meaningless that this 3 year old proclaims to be gay.

What is meaningful is that ADULTS from the LGBT cult are proclaiming the toddler is "openly gay".

Do we have a child protective services case number on this?

They are totally getting out of hand with this nonsense.
Interesting, I actually agree with Silhouette on this one. No way this 3 yr old has any concept of his sexuality. He's being coached to be gay.

Pretty disgusting regardless of how you feel about LGBT. The goal isn't to turn them all gay you SJW fucks, it was to let folks decide for themselves how to live their lives. Forcing them to be gay is just as bad as forcing them all to be straight.

Millennial's could fuck up a wet dream... I loath when these shit heads are all we have left to employee; I'm legit crossing my fingers that a shit ton of morons failed to plan for their retirements...
He’s naturally playing with dolls and braiding hair. What’s the conservatives’ approach to having an effeminate son at that age? Pray the gay away and hide them in the proverbial closet? Or teach them to like who they are and to be comfortable in their own skin?

Since when does playing with dolls make a person gay?? I played with matchbox cars when I was little and dolls too. I'm not gay, nor do I think I'm a boy because I enjoy a certain activity. Ridiculous.
It’s beyond just playing with dolls...

”He wanted to have dolls, be a mermaid, play Elsa, act like a beauty queen, etc. We just supported him because why not? He denies that he is a "boy" because he wants to be a "girl". ”

... so again I ask.... What’s the conservatives’ approach to having an effeminate son at that age? Pray the gay away and hide them in the proverbial closet? Or teach them to like who they are and to be comfortable in their own skin?

Right, his own skin is that of a male child. That is what you teach him. You can like pink or dolls, but that doesn't mean you are a girl. You can pretend that you, but you are not really a girl. You are my sweet baby boy. There. Not, OMG, my son plays with dolls so that means he is gay or is really a girl! WTF is WRONG with you people?
Again, it’s more than just playing with dolls. You don’t seem to understand that. That’s on you.

And statistically, there’s a 50% chance that such kids will attempt suicide in their teens. Kudos to parents who are trying alternative approaches to this issue rather than the practices your ignorance has been trying in the past which results in tragedy half of the time.

Here is "faun" at the beginning of this thread insisting that the baby is gay. Lol. With family members like this aunt, it is no wonder that these kids are committing suicide. Could you imagine if your family did that to you when you were 3 years old?
Since when does playing with dolls make a person gay?? I played with matchbox cars when I was little and dolls too. I'm not gay, nor do I think I'm a boy because I enjoy a certain activity. Ridiculous.
It’s beyond just playing with dolls...

”He wanted to have dolls, be a mermaid, play Elsa, act like a beauty queen, etc. We just supported him because why not? He denies that he is a "boy" because he wants to be a "girl". ”

... so again I ask.... What’s the conservatives’ approach to having an effeminate son at that age? Pray the gay away and hide them in the proverbial closet? Or teach them to like who they are and to be comfortable in their own skin?

Right, his own skin is that of a male child. That is what you teach him. You can like pink or dolls, but that doesn't mean you are a girl. You can pretend that you, but you are not really a girl. You are my sweet baby boy. There. Not, OMG, my son plays with dolls so that means he is gay or is really a girl! WTF is WRONG with you people?
Again, it’s more than just playing with dolls. You don’t seem to understand that. That’s on you.

And statistically, there’s a 50% chance that such kids will attempt suicide in their teens. Kudos to parents who are trying alternative approaches to this issue rather than the practices your ignorance has been trying in the past which results in tragedy half of the time.

How on EARTH do you know? So what is it? Has he been coming on to other 3 year old boys or something? WTH?? You people are whacky. Seriously. Really whacky.
It’s what his aunt said. Weren’t you paying attention?

Funny because at the beginning of this thread YOU were saying that the baby was gay. Lol.
April 19, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Pro-homosexual websites and social media users are promoting the story of a three-year-old child who is supposedly “openly gay.”
‘Openly gay’ 3-year-old goes viral on social media

Hate to tell you this and break reality to you , but you have a MENTAL ILLNESS if you think this is even possible.
3 yr olds can not decipher what they are or aren't.....

Half the lunatic adults don't even know wtf they are let alone a three year old.

We are sinking and sinking fast if America's Trump haters don't wake the hell up you will become just like Europe and you will be watching your kids getting raped all under the name and rights of those third world nations who believe in child marriages you stupid ass pos morons.
They knew the 3 year old was gay because his first words were "Pwesodent Hillary"...
Hillary certainly has mind-fucked you, huh? She’s a nobody now yet you still can’t stop thinking about her.
April 19, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Pro-homosexual websites and social media users are promoting the story of a three-year-old child who is supposedly “openly gay.”
‘Openly gay’ 3-year-old goes viral on social media

Hate to tell you this and break reality to you , but you have a MENTAL ILLNESS if you think this is even possible.
3 yr olds can not decipher what they are or aren't.....

Half the lunatic adults don't even know wtf they are let alone a three year old.

We are sinking and sinking fast if America's Trump haters don't wake the hell up you will become just like Europe and you will be watching your kids getting raped all under the name and rights of those third world nations who believe in child marriages you stupid ass pos morons.
Life Site is a publication with very questionable credibility you moron

Life Site News - Media Bias/Fact Check



These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.
It’s beyond just playing with dolls...

”He wanted to have dolls, be a mermaid, play Elsa, act like a beauty queen, etc. We just supported him because why not? He denies that he is a "boy" because he wants to be a "girl". ”

... so again I ask.... What’s the conservatives’ approach to having an effeminate son at that age? Pray the gay away and hide them in the proverbial closet? Or teach them to like who they are and to be comfortable in their own skin?

Right, his own skin is that of a male child. That is what you teach him. You can like pink or dolls, but that doesn't mean you are a girl. You can pretend that you, but you are not really a girl. You are my sweet baby boy. There. Not, OMG, my son plays with dolls so that means he is gay or is really a girl! WTF is WRONG with you people?
Again, it’s more than just playing with dolls. You don’t seem to understand that. That’s on you.

And statistically, there’s a 50% chance that such kids will attempt suicide in their teens. Kudos to parents who are trying alternative approaches to this issue rather than the practices your ignorance has been trying in the past which results in tragedy half of the time.

How on EARTH do you know? So what is it? Has he been coming on to other 3 year old boys or something? WTH?? You people are whacky. Seriously. Really whacky.
It’s what his aunt said. Weren’t you paying attention?

Funny because at the beginning of this thread YOU were saying that the baby was gay. Lol.
Stop lying. What I actually said was, ”that [‘pray the gay away’] doesn’t work. If a child is going to grow up gay...

Emphasis added to highlight what an idiot you are.
April 19, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Pro-homosexual websites and social media users are promoting the story of a three-year-old child who is supposedly “openly gay.”
‘Openly gay’ 3-year-old goes viral on social media

Hate to tell you this and break reality to you , but you have a MENTAL ILLNESS if you think this is even possible.
3 yr olds can not decipher what they are or aren't.....

Half the lunatic adults don't even know wtf they are let alone a three year old.

We are sinking and sinking fast if America's Trump haters don't wake the hell up you will become just like Europe and you will be watching your kids getting raped all under the name and rights of those third world nations who believe in child marriages you stupid ass pos morons.
Life Site is a publication with very questionable credibility you moron

Life Site News - Media Bias/Fact Check



These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.
It’s an extreme site which attracts the extreme freaks posting here.
LOL it’s not the left’s fault that some idiot parents are seeming to influence their child to think they’re gay. YOU sound like the lunatic for blaming an entire population of people for some bizarre occurrence well beyond their control.
Dayam... you still don’t get it??

Not according to his aunt... according to him. She was quoting him.

You sure are committed to being stupid, huh?

So, she quoted a baby saying that he was "openly gay" (obviously a term he heard somewhere and repeated without really knowing what it actually means). The aunt is WRONG because none of these things mean that the baby is actually gay and attracted to other males. He is too YOUNG to make such a determination. He doesn't know anything about it.
Dayam, you’re finally getting it. You’re finally admitting he said it. But look at how long it took me to drag you into reality. Almost as long as it took me to get you to realize the article was about his aunt, and not his mother, posting the video.

My three year old said he had mind powers to make animals move where he wanted when he was 3 years old.

He also said he could drive a car and fly.
Great, sounds like you’re in agreement with me then when I say it’s meaningless that this 3 year old proclaims to be gay.

No shit. So why do you keep running with the aunt/mother thing? My argument has been that is wrong to EXPLOIT this child on social media by calling him gay and insinuating that he is gay when he is only 3 years old. He doesn't have any clue about what any of these things entail.
He called himself gay. What a pity you’re not bright enough to grasp that, eh?

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