Openly gay 3 yeard old goes viral on social media

It sad you don't live in reality and paint the pictures you want to see. Denial and truth hurts.

See that, folks? ^^^

In rightard world, a 22 year old woman is still practically a little kid. <smh>

Under your KING OBAMA anyone 31 or UNDER is considered a child....... when leftist dorks can't decode the message that's when it is easy to manipulate leftist dumbasses.......and all you Obama cult followers fell for it all like stupid asses..

View attachment 194965

View attachment 194968

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
You’re truly brain-dead beyond repair. Nowhere does that state a person is a child until they’re 31. :eusa_doh:

It reads a person at age 16 is a “child.”

Fucking moron.... it’s defining “childhood arrivals.

Meaning to qualify as a childhood arrival, they could be no older than 16 when they arrived. Being under 31 by mid-June, 2012, only meant they had to have arrived here after June 15th, 1980.

It never ceases to amaze me to see just how mind-numbingly retarded you rightwingnut freaks really are.


No your so fkn dumb you don't even know what you don't know. That's why you can't comprehend anything. RETARD.

Spits the dumbfuck who actually posted how the government qualified a child as being 16 or younger — and thought it said anyone under 31 is a child.





Scumbag dumb fk.

See that, folks? ^^^

In rightard world, a 22 year old woman is still practically a little kid. <smh>

Under your KING OBAMA anyone 31 or UNDER is considered a child....... when leftist dorks can't decode the message that's when it is easy to manipulate leftist dumbasses.......and all you Obama cult followers fell for it all like stupid asses..

View attachment 194965

View attachment 194968

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
You’re truly brain-dead beyond repair. Nowhere does that state a person is a child until they’re 31. :eusa_doh:

It reads a person at age 16 is a “child.”

Fucking moron.... it’s defining “childhood arrivals.

Meaning to qualify as a childhood arrival, they could be no older than 16 when they arrived. Being under 31 by mid-June, 2012, only meant they had to have arrived here after June 15th, 1980.

It never ceases to amaze me to see just how mind-numbingly retarded you rightwingnut freaks really are.


No your so fkn dumb you don't even know what you don't know. That's why you can't comprehend anything. RETARD.

Spits the dumbfuck who actually posted how the government qualified a child as being 16 or younger — and thought it said anyone under 31 is a child.





Scumbag dumb fk.
Under your KING OBAMA anyone 31 or UNDER is considered a child....... when leftist dorks can't decode the message that's when it is easy to manipulate leftist dumbasses.......and all you Obama cult followers fell for it all like stupid asses..

View attachment 194965

View attachment 194968

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
You’re truly brain-dead beyond repair. Nowhere does that state a person is a child until they’re 31. :eusa_doh:

It reads a person at age 16 is a “child.”

Fucking moron.... it’s defining “childhood arrivals.

Meaning to qualify as a childhood arrival, they could be no older than 16 when they arrived. Being under 31 by mid-June, 2012, only meant they had to have arrived here after June 15th, 1980.

It never ceases to amaze me to see just how mind-numbingly retarded you rightwingnut freaks really are.


No your so fkn dumb you don't even know what you don't know. That's why you can't comprehend anything. RETARD.

Spits the dumbfuck who actually posted how the government qualified a child as being 16 or younger — and thought it said anyone under 31 is a child.





Scumbag dumb fk.


You’re truly brain-dead beyond repair. Nowhere does that state a person is a child until they’re 31. :eusa_doh:

It reads a person at age 16 is a “child.”

Fucking moron.... it’s defining “childhood arrivals.

Meaning to qualify as a childhood arrival, they could be no older than 16 when they arrived. Being under 31 by mid-June, 2012, only meant they had to have arrived here after June 15th, 1980.

It never ceases to amaze me to see just how mind-numbingly retarded you rightwingnut freaks really are.


No your so fkn dumb you don't even know what you don't know. That's why you can't comprehend anything. RETARD.

Spits the dumbfuck who actually posted how the government qualified a child as being 16 or younger — and thought it said anyone under 31 is a child.





Scumbag dumb fk.



C’mon, tell me again how Obama defined a child as anyone under the age of 31.... that was fucking hysterical.

Then get back on the topic of this thread, which is about rightwing homophobia freaking out over gays again.
When asked, many gays will tell you they felt that way their whole life

There was no point when they.....turned gay

Get serious, you going to tell me what sex you found more attractive at three? Hell, in grade school girls thought boys were gross and girls had cooties. The whole premise that a three year old knows what sex they want to grow up and marry is psycho babble at its worst. The idea that parents are exploiting a child’s sexuality at three is a form of child abuse. Whether the kid likes boys or girls and the parents run with it raises all sorts of alarms about the parents or guardians.
Want to be pro-personal freedom and liberty? Well, stop judging this three year old and accept that people will live their lives the way they see fit.

I am smaller government then you on social issues. That is a fact.

The govt. should immediately start pumping the kid full of hormones and get it a sex change by the end of the month.

You're a sicko, and have no idea why that would be wrong, do you. There is zero evidence of children knowing such a thing at a young age, not unless they've been molested, a lot, or are being groomed; this 'family' most likely is mentally ill as well as allowing a pedo or pedoes access to their child. Parents are probably fags.
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C’mon, tell me again how Obama defined a child as anyone under the age of 31.... that was fucking hysterical.

Then get back on the topic of this thread, which is about rightwing homophobia freaking out over gays again.

He was obviously talking about you and his base in the democratic Party. Only you seem to be confused about that. Nobody is surprised your ilk fully supports child abuse
TheRegressivePervert should be along soon enough, to tell us all that there is nothing wrong with any of this, and that we're all just being a bunch of hateful, homophobic bigots for objecting to the sexual abuse and manipulation of this little boy.

Yes, the rest of Pedo-PAtriot's Cohort is already here. As soon as he gets home from the bathhouses and cruising the restrooms at Disneyland, he'll inform us all of how 'normal' this is; the he and they will send a sniveling whining complaint to the appropriate mod who feel it's pain and they will delete whatever offends the sicko gimps.
If the parents are encouraging this, the child should be removed from their custody.
Yeah, right...

There are parents, giving their kids, as young as 3,
hormone blockers and whatever other drugs,
to stop and reverse, male/female development....
And, doctors prescribing and encouraging this shit

Obviously, if a 3 year old boy, knows he's a girl...
he's competent enough to know he's gay

The people on this planet are fucked up!
When asked, many gays will tell you they felt that way their whole life

There was no point when they.....turned gay
Researchers did ask gays about their childhood memories in a survey of 3,000 gay men done in 2005 by the CDC. An "epidemic" number of them said the were molested as boys.

Fact. It used to be their overwhelming explanation for why they had such a fetish. Now they just make up all kinds of stupid shit and let morons like you do all the bullshit spreading nonsense. We already know 'gay rights' is a hoax, no 'sciences at all behind it; it's merely a 'movement' started by a Communist pedophile and assorted other deviants like to support it in the hopes they can get their own sicko fetishes 'normalized' as well.
Want to be pro-personal freedom and liberty? Well, stop judging this three year old and accept that people will live their lives the way they see fit.

I am smaller government then you on social issues. That is a fact.

So, then, you're in favor of allowing adults the “personal freedom and liberty” to sexually abuse young children?
Were yours coached to be straight?

Lose the stupid loon talking points seeking attention. Straight is natural homosexuality is anything but. Nature demands procreation for a species to survive

Left handed ness is not natural

It's sinister.
It's freaking child trafficking/porn distribution.

Kids are not sexual creatures. They are kids. They don't know straight from gay, it means nothing to them because they aren't sexual...until they are taught. And to teach a 3 year old that he is gay is nothing less than sex abuse. To teach him that he is gay and then videotape him proclaiming it, and distributing that...that is distribution of child porn.
Kids are who they are

If a three year old boy wants to play with dolls, it is no time to man him up
You don't seem to understand the difference between a 3 year old boy who plays with dolls but doesn't have any understanding why he's playing with them or why he likes to play with them.. and a 3 year old who's literally proclaiming his sexuality.. if you don't think someone taught this kid the things he's saying you're fucking retarded
If the parents are encouraging this, the child should be removed from their custody.
Yeah, right...

There are parents, giving their kids, as young as 3,
hormone blockers and whatever other drugs,
to stop and reverse, male/female development....
And, doctors prescribing and encouraging this shit

Obviously, if a 3 year old boy, knows he's a girl...
he's competent enough to know he's gay

The people on this planet are fucked up!

Yes they are, there is no 3 year old boy that "knows he's a girl" nor competent to proclaim his desire to have intimate relationships with members of the same sex, aka "gay"

This is about some version of a parent displaying this boy as they want him to be on a gay website.
C’mon, tell me again how Obama defined a child as anyone under the age of 31.... that was fucking hysterical.

Then get back on the topic of this thread, which is about rightwing homophobia freaking out over gays again.

He was obviously talking about you and his base in the democratic Party. Only you seem to be confused about that. Nobody is surprised your ilk fully supports child abuse
Did ya really think adding more nonsense to hers would help?
Fact. It used to be their overwhelming explanation for why they had such a fetish. Now they just make up all kinds of stupid shit and let morons like you do all the bullshit spreading nonsense. We already know 'gay rights' is a hoax, no 'sciences at all behind it; it's merely a 'movement' started by a Communist pedophile and assorted other deviants like to support it in the hopes they can get their own sicko fetishes 'normalized' as well.

And most importantly of all don't forget...get "legal" access to our country's most vulnerable children: orphans: (Warning: though the photo on page 1 of the linked thread was taken in public in front of children and other onlookers, as part of a regular trend of displays in gay pride parades, it is sexually explicit and graphic) The Latest In the Landmark Court Case the LGBT Would Rather You Not Remain Current On..

Civil Unions granted rights of survivorship, rights of hospital visitation, rights of insurance coverage and on and on. The one and only thing they didn't grant was the right to pull adoptable children into the situation equal with married non-deviants.

To you nutty righties, a 22 year old woman is a little kid. :lmao:

According to Obama's little LET THEM IN FKRS. kids are up to the age of 31.
According to Obama parents must pay for their CHILDREN'S health insurance up tot the age of 26 so he must think they are kids too.
You moron, they’re only kids to their parents. Just like my kids are my kids no matter how old they are.

Regardless of your idiocy, a 22 year old is not a “little kid” and consensual sex with a 22 year old is not “molesting a little kid.”

It’s sad how you rightards can’t let go of your hatred for the Clintons. It truly consumes you.

It sad you don't live in reality and paint the pictures you want to see. Denial and truth hurts.

See that, folks? ^^^

In rightard world, a 22 year old woman is still practically a little kid. <smh>

I'm neither left nor right a.h.
Yep- Mindwars exists in her own bizarro world of fear and terror- where everyone and everything is targeting everyone and everything.
Fact. It used to be their overwhelming explanation for why they had such a fetish. Now they just make up all kinds of stupid shit and let morons like you do all the bullshit spreading nonsense. We already know 'gay rights' is a hoax, no 'sciences at all behind it; it's merely a 'movement' started by a Communist pedophile and assorted other deviants like to support it in the hopes they can get their own sicko fetishes 'normalized' as well.

Civil Unions granted rights of survivorship, rights of hospital visitation, rights of insurance coverage and on and on. The one and only thing they didn't grant was the right to pull adoptable children into the situation equal with married non-deviants.

Civil Unions were rejected by most Rightard states and provided no protections in any of those states.

However, gays have been able to adopt in most states regardless of the marriage laws- in most cases treated just like any other single people.

Why the rightards think that having two mom's is somehow disastrous- but kids are better off with a single mom.....well it just goes to show that they put their bigotry ahead of the children.

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