Operation Chaos: Trump Tells Republicans to Vote for Bernie Tuesday

Hell the Dems do it all the time............Might as well do it to them.

This is funny as hell...


No Dems do it and no Dem Potus has ever said to do it, its a trick of the Cons.
Dems have hoped for a weaker candidate of the opposition to win but have not had a president to F with the American citizen's choice for their party, by asking his followers to vote in the opposition's primary....

He's a lowlife alright......

An unethical, immoral, scuzzy president.... who spits on our founding fathers daily...
No other way to describe him..... again, imo.

There have been some lowlifes in both parties over the centuries, most recent with operatives like Limbaugh, and Roger Stone.... That are doing, or calling for, below the belt fighting, unethical things...

But the Candidates running, or president re-running do not publicly support such actions and certainly have never openly called for it.... as this president has done..... He is not an ethically respectable leader or president...except to his devoted followers... the good Lord, only knows why? :dunno:
He did it to troll your butts..............and it is working very well....

Right, sure, okee Dokee..... there's always an excuse by you all, for him being a lowlife.... as long as he is being one against me and my family, my parents, and my friends it is all A OK..... :thup:

Well, I hope you do not ever have to reap what you sow!
He's such a lowlife cheater n chief, and unethical man....

He gives me the creeps from head to toe :eek:

It's one thing for a Limbaugh to call for an operation chaos, but for a so called president to call for it...?

Hock too-eh on him!

Its called manipulating the vote. What a lowlife tramp is.
Thank you Leftards for letting me vote for Democrats.
Hell the Dems do it all the time............Might as well do it to them.

This is funny as hell...


No Dems do it and no Dem Potus has ever said to do it, its a trick of the Cons.
Dems have hoped for a weaker candidate of the opposition to win but have not had a president to F with the American citizen's choice for their party, by asking his followers to vote in the opposition's primary....

He's a lowlife alright......

An unethical, immoral, scuzzy president.... who spits on our founding fathers daily...
No other way to describe him..... again, imo.

There have been some lowlifes in both parties over the centuries, most recent with operatives like Limbaugh, and Roger Stone.... That are doing, or calling for, below the belt fighting, unethical things...

But the Candidates running, or president re-running do not publicly support such actions and certainly have never openly called for it.... as this president has done..... He is not an ethically respectable leader or president...except to his devoted followers... the good Lord, only knows why? :dunno:
He did it to troll your butts..............and it is working very well....

Right, sure, okee Dokee..... there's always an excuse by you all, for him being a lowlife.... as long as he is being one against me and my family, my parents, and my friends it is all A OK..... :thup:

Well, I hope you do not ever have to reap what you sow!
His joke got the desired results..................You are TRIGGERED.............

Your side has a lot of nerve getting upset over this given you open borders, handing out licenses to illegals, Vote early vote often, California a one party state, groups like ACORN caught red handed cheating their butts off...............and so on.

He's such a lowlife cheater n chief, and unethical man....

He gives me the creeps from head to toe :eek:

It's one thing for a Limbaugh to call for an operation chaos, but for a so called president to call for it...?

Hock too-eh on him!

LOL this is exactly what liberals did, they voted in Republican primaries and gave us John Mc-shit-Stain as well as Romney.
Hell the Dems do it all the time............Might as well do it to them.

This is funny as hell...


No Dems do it and no Dem Potus has ever said to do it, its a trick of the Cons.
Dems have hoped for a weaker candidate of the opposition to win but have not had a president to F with the American citizen's choice for their party, by asking his followers to vote in the opposition's primary....

He's a lowlife alright......

An unethical, immoral, scuzzy president.... who spits on our founding fathers daily...
No other way to describe him..... again, imo.

There have been some lowlifes in both parties over the centuries, most recent with operatives like Limbaugh, and Roger Stone.... That are doing, or calling for, below the belt fighting, unethical things...

But the Candidates running, or president re-running do not publicly support such actions and certainly have never openly called for it.... as this president has done..... He is not an ethically respectable leader or president...except to his devoted followers... the good Lord, only knows why? :dunno:
He did it to troll your butts..............and it is working very well....

Right, sure, okee Dokee..... there's always an excuse by you all, for him being a lowlife.... as long as he is being one against me and my family, my parents, and my friends it is all A OK..... :thup:

Well, I hope you do not ever have to reap what you sow!

So it would okay for illegals to get amnesty and vote in the Dem primaries, but fellow Americans shouldn’t?
Hell the Dems do it all the time............Might as well do it to them.

This is funny as hell...


No Dems do it and no Dem Potus has ever said to do it, its a trick of the Cons.

LOL, the whole impeachment fiasco was a manipulation by the dems.
Your version of this is hilarious.

A Potus must never ask another country for aid in the upcoming election, that is why he was impeached, and will always be known as the 3rd impeached Potus.
He's such a lowlife cheater n chief, and unethical man....

He gives me the creeps from head to toe :eek:

It's one thing for a Limbaugh to call for an operation chaos, but for a so called president to call for it...?

Hock too-eh on him!

Its called manipulating the vote. What a lowlife tramp is.
Thank you Leftards for letting me vote for Democrats.

How did that open primary last night in S.C. go pugs voting for Bernie?
You are right. Obama Bin Lying and Hillary Rotten Clinton should have never begged Putin to help them defeat Orange Man Bad!

You have TDS. Take two doses of Bernie Sanders and call us in 4 years.

Hell the Dems do it all the time............Might as well do it to them.

This is funny as hell...


No Dems do it and no Dem Potus has ever said to do it, its a trick of the Cons.

LOL, the whole impeachment fiasco was a manipulation by the dems.
Your version of this is hilarious.

A Potus must never ask another country for aid in the upcoming election, that is why he was impeached, and will always be known as the 3rd impeached Potus.
Hell the Dems do it all the time............Might as well do it to them.

This is funny as hell...


No Dems do it and no Dem Potus has ever said to do it, its a trick of the Cons.

LOL, the whole impeachment fiasco was a manipulation by the dems.
Your version of this is hilarious.

A Potus must never ask another country for aid in the upcoming election, that is why he was impeached, and will always be known as the 3rd impeached Potus.
Tell us more about why Obama ordered a stand down.
Hell the Dems do it all the time............Might as well do it to them.

This is funny as hell...


No Dems do it and no Dem Potus has ever said to do it, its a trick of the Cons.

LOL, the whole impeachment fiasco was a manipulation by the dems.
Your version of this is hilarious.

A Potus must never ask another country for aid in the upcoming election, that is why he was impeached, and will always be known as the 3rd impeached Potus.
As I posted last week, I’m voting for Comrade Sanders. Time for Americans to have a face off with the Commie Leftards.


vote for joe biden in order prevent bernie from getting the nomination at a brokered convention where he has the most delegates but not 51%
I want Bernie to take on Trump in November. About time we disembarked from the sparing and have a death match between American values and USSR values. I feel confident Trump can make the case. If voters still go with Comrade Sanders, then it’s just another sign of the last days and so be it.
Well that's what Putin and FreeDumb Medal Fatsbo want, so OF COURSE he'd tell his minions to mimic his bosses!

And you go right along - Enjoy the wedgie! :D


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