Operation Chaos: Trump Tells Republicans to Vote for Bernie Tuesday

As I posted last week, I’m voting for Comrade Sanders. Time for Americans to have a face off with the Commie Leftards.


vote for joe biden in order prevent bernie from getting the nomination at a brokered convention where he has the most delegates but not 51%
I want Bernie to take on Trump in November. About time we disembarked from the sparing and have a death match between American values and USSR values. I feel confident Trump can make the case. If voters still go with Comrade Sanders, then it’s just another sign of the last days and so be it.

USSR values are TRUMP values. You should know that by now Sergei
I have several threads asking for one platform of Democrats that’s different than Putin’s.

No one can name even one.
I dont know what putins policies are except that he hates America

and on that alone he could pass for a democrat in America
As I posted last week, I’m voting for Comrade Sanders. Time for Americans to have a face off with the Commie Leftards.


vote for joe biden in order prevent bernie from getting the nomination at a brokered convention where he has the most delegates but not 51%
I want Bernie to take on Trump in November. About time we disembarked from the sparing and have a death match between American values and USSR values. I feel confident Trump can make the case. If voters still go with Comrade Sanders, then it’s just another sign of the last days and so be it.

USSR values are TRUMP values. You should know that by now Sergei
The sad thing is as crazy as that is this guy probably believes it

Yep, I believe all 17 of our top intelligence agencies over a chronic liar. You probably should too.

In that case their lies are your lies
He's such a lowlife cheater n chief, and unethical man....

He gives me the creeps from head to toe :eek:

It's one thing for a Limbaugh to call for an operation chaos, but for a so called president to call for it...?

Hock too-eh on him!

He’s a low life because he is telling everyone to vote for one of the Democrats’ top choices? You people ought to be elated.... unless, of course, you don’t have faith in Bernie?

So you believe the president should do this at his rallies? the President, the president of the USA?

You all have sold your souls to Satan... he's the bad apple that has spoiled the whole damn bunch of you... you don't seem to know 'right from wrong' anymore... I can't figure out what has happened to you all....

I don't know what else to say, with you trying to defend these actions of the President of the USA, for goodness sake, for the whole country and world to see, from the President of this alleged Beacon of Democracy, Beacon of the Law, Beacon of Elections, the once great USA... :(

I'm sorry for my whip lashing, but I grew up proud of this country, and the people within.... and yes, I've gone through some setbacks and disappointments with my own country, but I have always had Faith, in We the People, to straighten things out, because the majority of us, Knew, Right from Wrong...

I can no longer say that.... and it hurts, really deep inside, it hurts badly....
As I posted last week, I’m voting for Comrade Sanders. Time for Americans to have a face off with the Commie Leftards.


vote for joe biden in order prevent bernie from getting the nomination at a brokered convention where he has the most delegates but not 51%
I want Bernie to take on Trump in November. About time we disembarked from the sparing and have a death match between American values and USSR values. I feel confident Trump can make the case. If voters still go with Comrade Sanders, then it’s just another sign of the last days and so be it.

USSR values are TRUMP values. You should know that by now Sergei
I have several threads asking for one platform of Democrats that’s different than Putin’s.

No one can name even one.
I dont know what putins policies are except that he hates America

and on that alone he could pass for a democrat in America

You must have read the four page Billy Barr summary.

Had you read the actual report, you would know that Putin's policy is chaos, division and destabilization of western democracies.

He is succeeding spectacularly
He's such a lowlife cheater n chief, and unethical man....

He gives me the creeps from head to toe :eek:

It's one thing for a Limbaugh to call for an operation chaos, but for a so called president to call for it...?

Hock too-eh on him!

He’s a low life because he is telling everyone to vote for one of the Democrats’ top choices? You people ought to be elated.... unless, of course, you don’t have faith in Bernie?

So you believe the president should do this at his rallies? the President, the president of the USA?

You all have sold your souls to Satan... he's the bad apple that has spoiled the whole damn bunch of you... you don't seem to know 'right from wrong' anymore... I can't figure out what has happened to you all....

I don't know what else to say, with you trying to defend these actions of the President of the USA, for goodness sake, for the whole country and world to see, from the President of this alleged Beacon of Democracy, Beacon of the Law, Beacon of Elections, the once great USA... :(

I'm sorry for my whip lashing, but I grew up proud of this country, and the people within.... and yes, I've gone through some setbacks and disappointments, but I have always had Faith, in We the People, to straighten things out, because the majority of us, Knew, Right from Wrong...

I can no longer say that.... and it hurts, really deep iside, it hurts badly....

Honestly Care4, I don't know why we bother with this crowd of Trumptardians.

They all drank the Kool-Aid.

He's such a lowlife cheater n chief, and unethical man....

He gives me the creeps from head to toe :eek:

It's one thing for a Limbaugh to call for an operation chaos, but for a so called president to call for it...?

Hock too-eh on him!

He’s a low life because he is telling everyone to vote for one of the Democrats’ top choices? You people ought to be elated.... unless, of course, you don’t have faith in Bernie?

So you believe the president should do this at his rallies? the President, the president of the USA?

You all have sold your souls to Satan... he's the bad apple that has spoiled the whole damn bunch of you... you don't seem to know 'right from wrong' anymore... I can't figure out what has happened to you all....

I don't know what else to say, with you trying to defend these actions of the President of the USA, for goodness sake, for the whole country and world to see, from the President of this alleged Beacon of Democracy, Beacon of the Law, Beacon of Elections, the once great USA... :(

I'm sorry for my whip lashing, but I grew up proud of this country, and the people within.... and yes, I've gone through some setbacks and disappointments with my own country, but I have always had Faith, in We the People, to straighten things out, because the majority of us, Knew, Right from Wrong...

I can no longer say that.... and it hurts, really deep inside, it hurts badly....

What a drama queen.
He's such a lowlife cheater n chief, and unethical man....

He gives me the creeps from head to toe :eek:

It's one thing for a Limbaugh to call for an operation chaos, but for a so called president to call for it...?

Hock too-eh on him!

He’s a low life because he is telling everyone to vote for one of the Democrats’ top choices? You people ought to be elated.... unless, of course, you don’t have faith in Bernie?

So you believe the president should do this at his rallies? the President, the president of the USA?

You all have sold your souls to Satan... he's the bad apple that has spoiled the whole damn bunch of you... you don't seem to know 'right from wrong' anymore... I can't figure out what has happened to you all....

I don't know what else to say, with you trying to defend these actions of the President of the USA, for goodness sake, for the whole country and world to see, from the President of this alleged Beacon of Democracy, Beacon of the Law, Beacon of Elections, the once great USA... :(

I'm sorry for my whip lashing, but I grew up proud of this country, and the people within.... and yes, I've gone through some setbacks and disappointments with my own country, but I have always had Faith, in We the People, to straighten things out, because the majority of us, Knew, Right from Wrong...

I can no longer say that.... and it hurts, really deep inside, it hurts badly....

What a drama queen.

You should probably change your handle. Although now, it finally fits to perfection! ;)
He's such a lowlife cheater n chief, and unethical man....

He gives me the creeps from head to toe :eek:

It's one thing for a Limbaugh to call for an operation chaos, but for a so called president to call for it...?

Hock too-eh on him!

He’s a low life because he is telling everyone to vote for one of the Democrats’ top choices? You people ought to be elated.... unless, of course, you don’t have faith in Bernie?

So you believe the president should do this at his rallies? the President, the president of the USA?

You all have sold your souls to Satan... he's the bad apple that has spoiled the whole damn bunch of you... you don't seem to know 'right from wrong' anymore... I can't figure out what has happened to you all....

I don't know what else to say, with you trying to defend these actions of the President of the USA, for goodness sake, for the whole country and world to see, from the President of this alleged Beacon of Democracy, Beacon of the Law, Beacon of Elections, the once great USA... :(

I'm sorry for my whip lashing, but I grew up proud of this country, and the people within.... and yes, I've gone through some setbacks and disappointments, but I have always had Faith, in We the People, to straighten things out, because the majority of us, Knew, Right from Wrong...

I can no longer say that.... and it hurts, really deep iside, it hurts badly....

Honestly Care4, I don't know why we bother with this crowd of Trumptardians.

They all drank the Kool-Aid.

Because they were not always like this, I've been on here for 13 years this month, yes, we spouted and differed on political positions and it got ugly with some shenanigans and non truths, but deep down I could see, they knew right from wrong... they just had different opinions on how to make things better for the country they loved as well...

vote for joe biden in order prevent bernie from getting the nomination at a brokered convention where he has the most delegates but not 51%
I want Bernie to take on Trump in November. About time we disembarked from the sparing and have a death match between American values and USSR values. I feel confident Trump can make the case. If voters still go with Comrade Sanders, then it’s just another sign of the last days and so be it.

USSR values are TRUMP values. You should know that by now Sergei
I have several threads asking for one platform of Democrats that’s different than Putin’s.

No one can name even one.
I dont know what putins policies are except that he hates America

and on that alone he could pass for a democrat in America

You must have read the four page Billy Barr summary.

Had you read the actual report, you would know that Putin's policy is chaos, division and destabilization of western democracies.

He is succeeding spectacularly
Had you read the actual report, you would know that Putin's policy is chaos, division and destabilization of western democracies.

Tell us more about Democrats plan to gut the American economy ‘to save the planet’, your push to crush opinions you disagree with, your crushing of the ability of women to succeed in sports or even go to the bathroom without a man next to them staring.
As I posted last week, I’m voting for Comrade Sanders. Time for Americans to have a face off with the Commie Leftards.


vote for joe biden in order prevent bernie from getting the nomination at a brokered convention where he has the most delegates but not 51%
I want Bernie to take on Trump in November. About time we disembarked from the sparing and have a death match between American values and USSR values. I feel confident Trump can make the case. If voters still go with Comrade Sanders, then it’s just another sign of the last days and so be it.

USSR values are TRUMP values. You should know that by now Sergei
I have several threads asking for one platform of Democrats that’s different than Putin’s.

No one can name even one.
I dont know what putins policies are except that he hates America

and on that alone he could pass for a democrat in America
Putin funds money to oppose fracking, loves socialized healthcare, government intrusions into every minuscule aspect of the daily lives of citizens.
As I posted last week, I’m voting for Comrade Sanders. Time for Americans to have a face off with the Commie Leftards.


vote for joe biden in order prevent bernie from getting the nomination at a brokered convention where he has the most delegates but not 51%
I want Bernie to take on Trump in November. About time we disembarked from the sparing and have a death match between American values and USSR values. I feel confident Trump can make the case. If voters still go with Comrade Sanders, then it’s just another sign of the last days and so be it.

USSR values are TRUMP values. You should know that by now Sergei
The sad thing is as crazy as that is this guy probably believes it

Yep, I believe all 17 of our top intelligence agencies over a chronic liar. You probably should too.

Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016
He's such a lowlife cheater n chief, and unethical man....

He gives me the creeps from head to toe :eek:

It's one thing for a Limbaugh to call for an operation chaos, but for a so called president to call for it...?

Hock too-eh on him!

He’s a low life because he is telling everyone to vote for one of the Democrats’ top choices? You people ought to be elated.... unless, of course, you don’t have faith in Bernie?

So you believe the president should do this at his rallies? the President, the president of the USA?

You all have sold your souls to Satan... he's the bad apple that has spoiled the whole damn bunch of you... you don't seem to know 'right from wrong' anymore... I can't figure out what has happened to you all....

I don't know what else to say, with you trying to defend these actions of the President of the USA, for goodness sake, for the whole country and world to see, from the President of this alleged Beacon of Democracy, Beacon of the Law, Beacon of Elections, the once great USA... :(

I'm sorry for my whip lashing, but I grew up proud of this country, and the people within.... and yes, I've gone through some setbacks and disappointments, but I have always had Faith, in We the People, to straighten things out, because the majority of us, Knew, Right from Wrong...

I can no longer say that.... and it hurts, really deep iside, it hurts badly....

Honestly Care4, I don't know why we bother with this crowd of Trumptardians.

They all drank the Kool-Aid.

Because they were not always like this, I've been on here for 13 years this month, yes, we spouted and differed on political positions and it got ugly with some shenanigans and non truths, but deep down I could see, they knew right from wrong... they just had different opinions on how to make things better for the country they loved as well...

I've been on 5 or 6 of these boards myself since the 2000 election and have seen NOTHING like the current denial of Russian interference, science, Trump lies and willing acceptance of Putin strategery like I have since early 2017. Sadly, they're all over the Roger Stone-style cheating and sleaze and think it's perfectly fine.

My hunch is that intellectual conservatives don't waste their time in hellholes such as these anymore. I don't blame them, but do miss the days of civil, intelligent debate based on FACTS. Somehow, I keep convincing myself that a smart con will pop in from time to time. Ain't gonna happen. Not on this board anyway.

Do believe I'm due for a hiatus. We accomplish nothing anymore. Fun at times? Sure, but a ginormous time sucker. IMHO they are best left to themselves - Humping their Cheeto Jesus and circle jerking.
I want Bernie to take on Trump in November. About time we disembarked from the sparing and have a death match between American values and USSR values. I feel confident Trump can make the case. If voters still go with Comrade Sanders, then it’s just another sign of the last days and so be it.

USSR values are TRUMP values. You should know that by now Sergei
I have several threads asking for one platform of Democrats that’s different than Putin’s.

No one can name even one.
I dont know what putins policies are except that he hates America

and on that alone he could pass for a democrat in America

You must have read the four page Billy Barr summary.

Had you read the actual report, you would know that Putin's policy is chaos, division and destabilization of western democracies.

He is succeeding spectacularly
Had you read the actual report, you would know that Putin's policy is chaos, division and destabilization of western democracies.

Tell us more about Democrats plan to gut the American economy ‘to save the planet’, your push to crush opinions you disagree with, your crushing of the ability of women to succeed in sports or even go to the bathroom without a man next to them staring.
“chaos, division and destabilization” of America is SOP for democrats

vote for joe biden in order prevent bernie from getting the nomination at a brokered convention where he has the most delegates but not 51%
I want Bernie to take on Trump in November. About time we disembarked from the sparing and have a death match between American values and USSR values. I feel confident Trump can make the case. If voters still go with Comrade Sanders, then it’s just another sign of the last days and so be it.

USSR values are TRUMP values. You should know that by now Sergei
I have several threads asking for one platform of Democrats that’s different than Putin’s.

No one can name even one.
I dont know what putins policies are except that he hates America

and on that alone he could pass for a democrat in America
Putin funds money to oppose fracking, loves socialized healthcare, government intrusions into every minuscule aspect of the daily lives of citizens.
I have no doubt that putin is in love with government control of everything

which is dear to the heart of democrats
America has to reach rock-bottom before recovery can begin.

Bernie can get us there most quickly.

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