Operation Chokepoint: Justice Dept. Launches Covert Sanctions Against Gun Owners


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
I didn't make a thread on this yesterday since there was a lot of back and forth about the veracity and legitimacy of the claims being made.

Today, these claims have been verified.

Obama's 'Operation Choke Point' Seeks to Destroy Sectors of Private Lending Industry

Obama's Weaponization of Government - Forbes



The until recently covert Operation Choke Point administered through the Departments of Justice and Treasury is already having an impact on the financial industry and other legitimate businesses the Administration is targeting. According to the Wall Street Journal, J.P. Morgan , has been forced to cut ties with thousands of customers in the last year. Sources indicate that out of fear of government scrutiny, the bank is ending relationships with customers even if there isn’t any sign that the customer has done anything wrong. Other major banks have stopped offering certain popular, legal products or services because of government pressure.

Documents inadvertently leaked by the Department of the Treasury from a briefing on Operation Choke Point clearly show that the Administration is looking to significantly impact legal businesses because it believes the public needs to be protected from industries and customers deemed more likely to engage in criminal activity. According to the Administration, those industries interestingly include ammunition sales, gun sales, home-based charities,

NRA News | Iain Murray: Private Lending and Operation Choke Point

DOJ's 'Operation Choke Point' May Be Root of Porn Star Bank Account Closings


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nMLPO9FSkk]DOJ'S OPERATION CHOKE POINT TARGETING GUN SUPPLIERS, ETC.; BANKER SUICIDES - YouTube[/ame]



"If you are for gun control, then you're not against guns, because the guns will be needed to disarm people. You'll need to go around, pass laws, and shoot people who resist, kick in doors, and throw people in jail, and so on; rip up families, just to take away guns. So it's not that you're anti-gun, because [...] you'll need the police's guns to take away other people's guns, so you're very pro-gun, you just believe that only the government (which is of course so reliable, honest, moral, virtuous, and forward-thinking) should be allowed to have guns. So there's no such thing as gun control, there's only centralizing gun ownership in the hands of a small political elite and their minions. Gun control is a misnomer." - Stefan Molyneux
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I'm not anti-gun, I just can't afford the ones I want..

Gandhi took over a nation without using weapons...
Sorry but after the fourth pop-up I had to quit trying to read one of those links.
What "shit."

There are countless videos of testimony by business owners, bankers and plenty of documented evidence going between the courts and congress to the White House.
This is not being paranoid. It's understanding that Obama and Holder will use every means at their disposal to get rid of guns, even those that may be illegal or UnConsitutional.

I have already written my Congress critters asking them to look into this.
I just called my House Rep and his people said that they have been getting calls for the past two days on this and they are already looking into it.

They are not happy.
This is not being paranoid. It's understanding that Obama and Holder will use every means at their disposal to get rid of guns, even those that may be illegal or UnConsitutional.

I have already written my Congress critters asking them to look into this.

Again? Didnt they take your guns 5 years ago and every year after that?
I didn't make a thread on this yesterday

And you shouldn't have bothered today.

You're a paranoid rightwing loon.

That may, or may not, be true, but it doesn't change the fact that Operation Chokepoint is a real thing, and should scare the fuck out of everyone. If the government can target people based on political beliefs we are no longer a free nation, we are taking the first steps down the road to tyranny. What if a Whackadoodle right wing Attorney General uses the same tactics on Planned Planned Parenthood or environmental groups?

?Operation Choke Point? harmful to flow of commerce | TheHill
How many USMB members have had a gun confiscated during the Obama administration?

That's not the point. Is it? No, the point is that they are laying the groundwork to do just that. The fact that you choose to live like a mushroom doesn't negate the fact that they are working on it.

It takes a long time to dismantle a Republic. They've been actively working on it since 1913.
How many USMB members have had a gun confiscated during the Obama administration?

That's not the point. Is it? No, the point is that they are laying the groundwork to do just that. The fact that you choose to live like a mushroom doesn't negate the fact that they are working on it.

It takes a long time to dismantle a Republic. They've been actively working on it since 1913.

Bullshit. Get a hobby and maybe your feeling of constant fear will subside.

There is no groundwork being laid. This President has done NOTHING to control your guns.
I didn't make a thread on this yesterday since there was a lot of back and forth about the veracity and legitimacy of the claims being made.

Today, these claims have been verified.

Obama's 'Operation Choke Point' Seeks to Destroy Sectors of Private Lending Industry

Obama's Weaponization of Government - Forbes

» Justice Dept. Launches Covert Sanctions Against Gun Owners Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


The until recently covert Operation Choke Point administered through the Departments of Justice and Treasury is already having an impact on the financial industry and other legitimate businesses the Administration is targeting. According to the Wall Street Journal, J.P. Morgan , has been forced to cut ties with thousands of customers in the last year. Sources indicate that out of fear of government scrutiny, the bank is ending relationships with customers even if there isn’t any sign that the customer has done anything wrong. Other major banks have stopped offering certain popular, legal products or services because of government pressure.

Documents inadvertently leaked by the Department of the Treasury from a briefing on Operation Choke Point clearly show that the Administration is looking to significantly impact legal businesses because it believes the public needs to be protected from industries and customers deemed more likely to engage in criminal activity. According to the Administration, those industries interestingly include ammunition sales, gun sales, home-based charities,

NRA News | Iain Murray: Private Lending and Operation Choke Point

DOJ's 'Operation Choke Point' May Be Root of Porn Star Bank Account Closings


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nMLPO9FSkk]DOJ'S OPERATION CHOKE POINT TARGETING GUN SUPPLIERS, ETC.; BANKER SUICIDES - YouTube[/ame]

» Holder?s Latest Scandal: DOJ Now Pressuring Banks to Refuse Service to Gun Stores Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

?Operation Choke Point? harmful to flow of commerce | TheHill

"If you are for gun control, then you're not against guns, because the guns will be needed to disarm people. You'll need to go around, pass laws, and shoot people who resist, kick in doors, and throw people in jail, and so on; rip up families, just to take away guns. So it's not that you're anti-gun, because [...] you'll need the police's guns to take away other people's guns, so you're very pro-gun, you just believe that only the government (which is of course so reliable, honest, moral, virtuous, and forward-thinking) should be allowed to have guns. So there's no such thing as gun control, there's only centralizing gun ownership in the hands of a small political elite and their minions. Gun control is a misnomer." - Stefan Molyneux

...many bank and payment processors are terminating relationships with many of their long-term customers who provide underserved consumers with short-term credit options," it continued.

It sounds like they're talking about loan sharks.
How many USMB members have had a gun confiscated during the Obama administration?

That's not the point. Is it? No, the point is that they are laying the groundwork to do just that. The fact that you choose to live like a mushroom doesn't negate the fact that they are working on it.

It takes a long time to dismantle a Republic. They've been actively working on it since 1913.

Bullshit. Get a hobby and maybe your feeling of constant fear will subside.

There is no groundwork being laid. This President has done NOTHING to control your guns.

I am not afraid of anything, or anyone. I am however far better educated than you ever will be, and I have actually read a book, you know those things with boards on the ends and pages in between? You know those things you look at while swilling your beer and flipping the TV channels?

And in reviewing the history contained within those books there is a very easily observed pattern which we are following. People like you though, are too stupid, or lazy to keep up.

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