Operation Chokepoint: Justice Dept. Launches Covert Sanctions Against Gun Owners

Bullshit. Get a hobby and maybe your feeling of constant fear will subside.

There is no groundwork being laid. This President has done NOTHING to control your guns.

I am not afraid of anything, or anyone. I am however far better educated than you ever will be, and I have actually read a book, you know those things with boards on the ends and pages in between? You know those things you look at while swilling your beer and flipping the TV channels?

And in reviewing the history contained within those books there is a very easily observed pattern which we are following. People like you though, are too stupid, or lazy to keep up.

What's with all the insults, bro?

Tell me about your education. I am interested. Also...how about a reading list? What are you reading, genius?

You are most definitely afraid. Fear is your primary emotion. You reek of it.

You are projecting again.
And they had better be very careful...WE are armed and READY to fight back. [/QUOTE]

dude, it shows you've been posting since May, 2009. And running your mouth about all the injustices that you all are ready to avenge since then.


Good god, you people are all fucking mouth.

So were the Founders...right? You just continue to be led by the nose as your liberty dwindles away.

Fuck off son.:eusa_hand: And LEARN to use the quote function...Asswipe.

Hey its the famous revolutionary The T. Another day another opportunity to get this revolution started. Lets see, you got a geology major who almost died from a heart attack, yep someone to be scared of there. And then you got the mouth. The T mouth. The revolution leader.

T mouth, put this in quotes and stuff it up your ass; wtf are you waiting for to get the revolution started. I know, you are all mouth on a message board. But you would be a bad ass if you could. What, you in a wheelchair or something. Along with the heart attack dude, what a unit eh? Add a blind man and you're all set to go.

And dude, if I were your "son", I would quit you. Who would want an asshole like you for a dad?
I am not afraid of anything, or anyone. I am however far better educated than you ever will be, and I have actually read a book, you know those things with boards on the ends and pages in between? You know those things you look at while swilling your beer and flipping the TV channels?

And in reviewing the history contained within those books there is a very easily observed pattern which we are following. People like you though, are too stupid, or lazy to keep up.

What's with all the insults, bro?

Tell me about your education. I am interested. Also...how about a reading list? What are you reading, genius?

You are most definitely afraid. Fear is your primary emotion. You reek of it.

You are projecting again.

Is that right? Point me to my post where I am expressing fear.
What's with all the insults, bro?

Tell me about your education. I am interested. Also...how about a reading list? What are you reading, genius?

You are most definitely afraid. Fear is your primary emotion. You reek of it.

I'm too old to be afraid, plus I've already come within about a minute of dying from a heart attack, so been there done that. I suggest you start with The Nazi Seizure of Power

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/The-Nazi-Seizure-Power-Experience/dp/0531056333]Amazon.com: The Nazi Seizure of Power: The Experience of a Single German Town, 1922-1945, Revised Edition (9780531056332): William Sheridan Allen: Books[/ame]

When you have finished that come back for more.

I have a PhD in geology from Caltech.

You have a PhD in Geology? Cool. That provides you with the smarts to compare the Obama administration to the Nazi regime?

I hope you didn't pay too much for that shit.

Nah, I got my degree long before you were born, before the idiots jumped up the costs.
Conversely, it was a very, very good education. Good enough that it taught me that progressivism is the most destructive political philosophy that man has ever seen.

The fact that morons like you, uneducated, ignorant, stupid, and imbued with a sense of entitlement merely shows how little mankind learns over the years. Idiots like you put people like Hitler in power.

Idiots like you turned a blind eye to the horrors that were being perpetrated on their fellow Germans who happened to be deformed, or not smart, or "impure'.

Idiots like you turned a blind eye to the horrors that were being perpetrated on their fellow Germans who happened to be homosexuals, as they were butchered during the night of the long knives...

Idiots like you turned a blind eye to the horrors that were being perpetrated on their fellow Germans who happened to be Jewish, as they were marched into the cattle cars.

And finally...it was idiots like you who turned a blind eye to the totalitarian government that sprang up in your midst...because...well, you were idiots.

And just like the idiots of old, you newer idiots are likewise just as blind, just as stupid, and just as lazy as your forbears.

So were the Founders...right? You just continue to be led by the nose as your liberty dwindles away.

Fuck off son.:eusa_hand: And LEARN to use the quote function...Asswipe.

Hey its the famous revolutionary The T. Another day another opportunity to get this revolution started. Lets see, you got a geology major who almost died from a heart attack, yep someone to be scared of there. And then you got the mouth. The T mouth. The revolution leader.

T mouth, put this in quotes and stuff it up your ass; wtf are you waiting for to get the revolution started. I know, you are all mouth on a message board. But you would be a bad ass if you could. What, you in a wheelchair or something. Along with the heart attack dude, what a unit eh? Add a blind man and you're all set to go.

And dude, if I were your "son", I would quit you. Who would want an asshole like you for a dad?

And yet, we all know how to use the quote function. How come you don't little brainiac?:lol:
This is not being paranoid. It's understanding that Obama and Holder will use every means at their disposal to get rid of guns, even those that may be illegal or UnConsitutional.

I have already written my Congress critters asking them to look into this.

Again? Didnt they take your guns 5 years ago and every year after that?
Again, they fail every year because people are vigilent against their efforts. Not a difficult concept to understand.
What's with all the insults, bro?

Tell me about your education. I am interested. Also...how about a reading list? What are you reading, genius?

You are most definitely afraid. Fear is your primary emotion. You reek of it.

You are projecting again.

Is that right? Point me to my post where I am expressing fear.

Where are we? There's a huge difference between screaming at the top of your lungs going "AAAAHHHHH" and stating a troubling political action.

Progs like you though, just hate it when your BS is exposed. "Most open and transparent administration in history" my ass.
I'm too old to be afraid, plus I've already come within about a minute of dying from a heart attack, so been there done that. I suggest you start with The Nazi Seizure of Power

Amazon.com: The Nazi Seizure of Power: The Experience of a Single German Town, 1922-1945, Revised Edition (9780531056332): William Sheridan Allen: Books

When you have finished that come back for more.

I have a PhD in geology from Caltech.

You have a PhD in Geology? Cool. That provides you with the smarts to compare the Obama administration to the Nazi regime?

I hope you didn't pay too much for that shit.

Nah, I got my degree long before you were born, before the idiots jumped up the costs.
Conversely, it was a very, very good education. Good enough that it taught me that progressivism is the most destructive political philosophy that man has ever seen.

The fact that morons like you, uneducated, ignorant, stupid, and imbued with a sense of entitlement merely shows how little mankind learns over the years. Idiots like you put people like Hitler in power.

Idiots like you turned a blind eye to the horrors that were being perpetrated on their fellow Germans who happened to be deformed, or not smart, or "impure'.

Idiots like you turned a blind eye to the horrors that were being perpetrated on their fellow Germans who happened to be homosexuals, as they were butchered during the night of the long knives...

Idiots like you turned a blind eye to the horrors that were being perpetrated on their fellow Germans who happened to be Jewish, as they were marched into the cattle cars.

And finally...it was idiots like you who turned a blind eye to the totalitarian government that sprang up in your midst...because...well, you were idiots.

And just like the idiots of old, you newer idiots are likewise just as blind, just as stupid, and just as lazy as your forbears.

Basically this here.

The Germans and Russians were like "Everything is Awesome!" "Welcome to New Age" "I got $20 dollas in my pocket." Trust and worship the Government, they love you, me and everyone else! Then reality hit.

Most Germans were still in denial or completely unaware of the Jews being genocided right until the end of War World II. The authoritarian scum count on people like [MENTION=32973]LoneLaugher[/MENTION] to remain and even PROMOTE obliviousness.
Again? Didnt they take your guns 5 years ago and every year after that?
Again, they fail every year because people are vigilent against their efforts. Not a difficult concept to understand.

Exactly. They haven't taken he guns, like they did in the UK or Australia, because we raise hell every ... ---- every day. If we rest for even a month the guns would be gone. We need only examine the history of the UK, where the Right to Bear Arms ORIGINATED under the Stuart Kings, to see how easy a relaxed public can be disarmed.

Perhaps if you guys stopped trying to take/limit/infringe upon our firearms EVERY DAY we wouldn't have to raise hell EVERY DAY. You're the aggressors, we're the defenders. If weren't transgressing upon our RIGHTS we wouldn't be DEFENDING THEM. In short --- it takes TWO to tango. Your the ones who keep asking to dance, a dance that always ends in USSR/Mao/Hitler/Pol Pott style genocide/democide.

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How many USMB members have had a gun confiscated during the Obama administration?

That's not the point. Is it? No, the point is that they are laying the groundwork to do just that. The fact that you choose to live like a mushroom doesn't negate the fact that they are working on it.

It takes a long time to dismantle a Republic. They've been actively working on it since 1913.

Bullshit. Get a hobby and maybe your feeling of constant fear will subside.

There is no groundwork being laid. This President has done NOTHING to control your guns.

The people who advocate gun control are the ones with fear.
What's with all the insults, bro?

Tell me about your education. I am interested. Also...how about a reading list? What are you reading, genius?

You are most definitely afraid. Fear is your primary emotion. You reek of it.

You are projecting again.

Is that right? Point me to my post where I am expressing fear.

Did I say you were expressing fear? I said you were projecting, so I will now point out that you did not say that fear was being expressed.

Psychological projection is the act or technique of defending oneself against unpleasant impulses by denying their existence in oneself, while attributing them to others.[1] For example, a person who is rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude.
Although rooted in early developmental stages,[2] and classed by George Eman Vaillant as an immature defence,[3] the projection of one's negative qualities onto others on a small scale is nevertheless a common process in everyday life.[4]
Psychological projection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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You are projecting again.

Is that right? Point me to my post where I am expressing fear.

Did I say you were expressing fear? I said you were projecting, so I will now point out that you did not say that fear was being expressed.

Psychological projection is the act or technique of defending oneself against unpleasant impulses by denying their existence in oneself, while attributing them to others.[1] For example, a person who is rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude.
Although rooted in early developmental stages,[2] and classed by George Eman Vaillant as an immature defence,[3] the projection of one's negative qualities onto others on a small scale is nevertheless a common process in everyday life.[4]
Psychological projection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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