Opinions on Lebrons T-Shirt??

I have no problem with lebron wearing that shirt during warm ups as an expression of his feelings. In fact I think it is a lot more thoughtful than the tasteless hands up done by the rams players in full uniform at the start of the game. At least lebron growing up in Cleveland can relate to the issue a whole lot better than a bunch of white kids in Berkeley. Actually I give him a lot of credit for his form of protest that got the best coverage without as much attendant controversy. Lebron is a pretty sharp cookie. If it's a free country it is free for everyone.
I have no problem with lebron wearing that shirt during warm ups as an expression of his feelings. In fact I think it is a lot more thoughtful than the tasteless hands up done by the rams players in full uniform at the start of the game. At least lebron growing up in Cleveland can relate to the issue a whole lot better than a bunch of white kids in Berkeley. Actually I give him a lot of credit for his form of protest that got the best coverage without as much attendant controversy. Lebron is a pretty sharp cookie. If it's a free country it is free for everyone.

Indeed...........couldn't agree more.:thup: But people need to start promoting the other side too...........tens of millions of Americans would give the thumbs up to my design!!!:rock::rock:The one Lebron was wearing says, "I have no balls!!".......only the hopelessly duped respect him for it.
I wonder what the Limeys think of his arm on the shoulder of the pregnant princess...a bit too personal for a Royal...

No jussis, no peafs, yo.

Not a "princess" but the Duchess didn't seem nearly as upset as the usual rabid RWs are pretending to be.

As to the OP, if white athletes came out wearing police insignia, those same lame ass RWs would be cheering and screeching about "free speech".
I have no problem with lebron wearing that shirt during warm ups as an expression of his feelings. In fact I think it is a lot more thoughtful than the tasteless hands up done by the rams players in full uniform at the start of the game. At least lebron growing up in Cleveland can relate to the issue a whole lot better than a bunch of white kids in Berkeley. Actually I give him a lot of credit for his form of protest that got the best coverage without as much attendant controversy. Lebron is a pretty sharp cookie. If it's a free country it is free for everyone.

Indeed...........couldn't agree more.:thup: But people need to start promoting the other side too...........tens of millions of Americans would give the thumbs up to my design!!!:rock::rock:The one Lebron was wearing says, "I have no balls!!".......only the hopelessly duped respect him for it.

Oh gawd, please, not another whine about how us poor whites are so put upon.

How about RWs take responsibility for their own failures instead of blaming everyone from lettuce pickers to President Obama?

I wonder what the Limeys think of his arm on the shoulder of the pregnant princess...a bit too personal for a Royal...

No jussis, no peafs, yo.

Not a "princess" but the Duchess didn't seem nearly as upset as the usual rabid RWs are pretending to be.

As to the OP, if white athletes came out wearing police insignia, those same lame ass RWs would be cheering and screeching about "free speech".
I'm not upset...it just appears a breach of protocol and discretion...perhaps a lack of RESPECT, Aretha.
You have to love these black millionaires showing off their support and then going home to their mansions that are guarded by armed guards

phony freaks
I have no problem with lebron wearing that shirt during warm ups as an expression of his feelings. In fact I think it is a lot more thoughtful than the tasteless hands up done by the rams players in full uniform at the start of the game. At least lebron growing up in Cleveland can relate to the issue a whole lot better than a bunch of white kids in Berkeley. Actually I give him a lot of credit for his form of protest that got the best coverage without as much attendant controversy. Lebron is a pretty sharp cookie. If it's a free country it is free for everyone.

Indeed...........couldn't agree more.:thup: But people need to start promoting the other side too...........tens of millions of Americans would give the thumbs up to my design!!!:rock::rock:The one Lebron was wearing says, "I have no balls!!".......only the hopelessly duped respect him for it.

Oh gawd, please, not another whine about how us poor whites are so put upon.

How about RWs take responsibility for their own failures instead of blaming everyone from lettuce pickers to President Obama?


You mean the president......who's thrown the blacks under the bus since 2009!!:up: The 5 million more on food stamps??!!! The black teenage population experiencing record unemployment.

LOL....the jerkoff talks about moving the race forward and he's doing his best to put them back on the damn plantation.......and taking bows as he goes!!!:bye1:

The sentiments of Nuddly are not held by a huge plurality of whites...tens of millions........and quite frankly, they are sick and tired of 50 years of blacks not being satisfied.........about anything..........like ever!!!:funnyface::funnyface::gay:

By the way s0n......how is that wiffle ball bat home defense system working out for ya??:dunno::eusa_dance:
The sentiments of Nuddly are not held by a huge plurality of whites......and quite frankly, they are sick and tired of 50 years of blacks not being satisfied.........about anything..........like ever!!!
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
READ more.
WHINE less.

Yep....I must admit, I do have a way of touching the nerves of the angry/miserable on the far left!!! For quite a few decades now........because in the end, the fringe know they are fringe!! The gun grabbers, the America haters, the AGW k00ks, the fairies, the social oddballs, the race baiters.........or any combination of said fringe.


It was reported as "suspicion of selling untaxed cigarettes"
That is the most common report; however, there are conflicting accounts regarding a street fight Garner had allegedly just broken up as the reason why cops were dispatched to the call that claimed Garners life. I haven't found a reliable source for either the charge Garner was arrested for or whether or not he had any "loosies" on his person when he died. Garner was a well known figure on Staten Island, but he regularly sold his untaxed cigarettes at the Ferry terminal and not where the incident in question took place.

It's a sad tragedy with no winners.
Yep....I must admit, I do have a way of touching the nerves of the angry/miserable on the far left!!! For quite a few decades now
Those "voices" telling you how "special" you are...?
They don't exist in reality.

"PTSS is an explanatory theory which posits that centuries of slavery in the United States, followed by systemic and structural racism and oppression, have resulted in multigenerational maladaptive behaviors, which originated as survival strategies. The syndrome continues because children whose parents suffer from PTSS will often be indoctrinated into the same behaviors, long after the behaviors have lost their contextual effectiveness."
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome is REAL.
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Yep....I must admit, I do have a way of touching the nerves of the angry/miserable on the far left!!! For quite a few decades now
Those "voices" telling you how "special" you are...?
They don't exist in reality.

"PTSS is an explanatory theory which posits that centuries of slavery in the United States, followed by systemic and structural racism and oppression, have resulted in multigenerational maladaptive behaviors, which originated as survival strategies. The syndrome continues because children whose parents suffer from PTSS will often be indoctrinated into the same behaviors, long after the behaviors have lost their contextual effectiveness."
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome is REAL.
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So s0n.........tell us.......do you own a Saul Alinsky model wiffle ball bat in that home defense system of yours?:up:

And yes........Im very special......appreciate the acknowledgement. When your public postings make the fringe elements heads want to explode, it kinda sinks in that you are on to something!!!:rock:

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