Opportunistic Democrats are now the 'tough on cops' party.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
They're so thoughtful aren't they ?

'Let us, my colleagues, just go over some of those names of martyrdom,' Pelosi said, before listing names like George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin and several others.

A team of Democrats, all wearing kente cloths to either honor or stand in solidarity with those with African heritage, gathered for a press conference to reveal details of the bill, claiming the piece of legislation will combat police brutality, especially with the black community.

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As opposed to your kind who have no issue letting it happen over and over again.
It's all politics. All of the last four years have been politics and a desire to cost Trump the election.

If Trump follows the wrong advisers at the wrong time, he could lose, even as China would benefit greatly from such a loss. If he wins he can clear his name, support the constitution and put the GOP in a strong position for a decade. If he loses, they will ramp up the investigations into his presidency, this is almost certain.
They're so thoughtful aren't they ?

'Let us, my colleagues, just go over some of those names of martyrdom,' Pelosi said, before listing names like George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin and several others.

A team of Democrats, all wearing kente cloths to either honor or stand in solidarity with those with African heritage, gathered for a press conference to reveal details of the bill, claiming the piece of legislation will combat police brutality, especially with the black community.

View attachment 347557
The new, "be tough on cops, give in to your local criminal activity" party. I know that president Trump prefers to let local governments handle their internal issues, per the Constitution, but personally, I'd implement the "Insurrection Act," send in massive troops to these large so-called Democrat led cities, arrest and detain all dissident leftist politicians and activists, have the troops take over the streets, shooting any rioters or looters and forcibly replacing those idiotic politicians with law and order politicians, then work on getting things back to some semblance of normal.
They're so thoughtful aren't they ?

'Let us, my colleagues, just go over some of those names of martyrdom,' Pelosi said, before listing names like George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin and several others.

A team of Democrats, all wearing kente cloths to either honor or stand in solidarity with those with African heritage, gathered for a press conference to reveal details of the bill, claiming the piece of legislation will combat police brutality, especially with the black community.

View attachment 347557

Tough on cops is a great message, fuck pigs

Abolish police and prisons not so much

Cops have really high instiutional trust numbers, gotta work those down to properly shit on them.
Here they are asking questions over and over about race and policing. I think Trump is still taking too firm a position about defunding ANY police (not all obviously), or, at least evolving the police services. This type of evolution always happens, it's happening today to the top police force in the U.S, the FBI, it's happening everywhere, even in Canada. All media, including Fox, seems to ignore the great job report that was a record number of jobs gained and they are focusing on protests/race and policing.

He can say that policing should NOT be eliminated, that's obviously extreme, but he should just say communities have to make their budget decisions, that includes appropriate funding for police, and he supports law and order along with peaceful protest. Why does he still believe a firm "don't lose even one cop" is wise? He can play both sides, it's an much easier situation than Kayleigh is making on his behalf, as much as "eliminate all police is extreme," so is "every police officer currently employed is needed" is just as impossible to broadly support.

Focus on China, civil liberties, fighting for American jobs today and as long as he is in officer. If he doesn't wisely bend a bit on civil liberties, it ill make it a difficult hill to climb. Plead ignorance when it suits you (such as pushing back of protesters), support good police and denounce abuses of ANY Americans civil liberties, especially when based on race.

Update: Her shot against Romney was solid and a good serve for Trump.
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Tough on cops is a great message, fuck pigs

Abolish police and prisons not so much
Couldn't agree more. Especially the dirty cops
up on the 7th floor at the FBI...the worst.
View attachment 347559
Fun juxtaposition.

Strzok’s greatest sin was having a friendly interview with Flynn. For that, he was crucified by the right.

But a cop drives his knee into a man’s neck until he’s dead and that’s no problem.
Opportunistic Democrats are now the 'tough on cops' party
There's no such thing as "tough on cops." Shit flows downhill, guns are banned, and the cops are tougher than ever on us, even to the point of gassing us to death in our own homes.
No. George Floyd was a game-changer.
Strzok’s greatest sin was having a friendly interview with Flynn.
Prosecutors may have a different opinion.
Maybe. But we haven’t seen any indication of that.

At the end of the day, we all just want accountability. If Strzok broke a law, I want him held accountable. The Dems just wanted police held accountable too
They're so thoughtful aren't they ?

'Let us, my colleagues, just go over some of those names of martyrdom,' Pelosi said, before listing names like George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin and several others.

A team of Democrats, all wearing kente cloths to either honor or stand in solidarity with those with African heritage, gathered for a press conference to reveal details of the bill, claiming the piece of legislation will combat police brutality, especially with the black community.

View attachment 347557

OMG the hilarity of that picture.

First of all, the obvious pandering . Why do Democrats believe that blacks are too stupid to see through that?

Second, aren't they culturally appropriating?
They're so thoughtful aren't they ?

'Let us, my colleagues, just go over some of those names of martyrdom,' Pelosi said, before listing names like George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin and several others.

A team of Democrats, all wearing kente cloths to either honor or stand in solidarity with those with African heritage, gathered for a press conference to reveal details of the bill, claiming the piece of legislation will combat police brutality, especially with the black community.

View attachment 347557

OMG the hilarity of that picture.

First of all, the obvious pandering . Why do Democrats believe that blacks are too stupid to see through that?

Second, aren't they culturally appropriating?
They're in Village mode again! What is brutal is that they are serious.
They're so thoughtful aren't they ?

'Let us, my colleagues, just go over some of those names of martyrdom,' Pelosi said, before listing names like George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin and several others.

A team of Democrats, all wearing kente cloths to either honor or stand in solidarity with those with African heritage, gathered for a press conference to reveal details of the bill, claiming the piece of legislation will combat police brutality, especially with the black community.

View attachment 347557

OMG the hilarity of that picture.

First of all, the obvious pandering . Why do Democrats believe that blacks are too stupid to see through that?

Second, aren't they culturally appropriating?
They're in Village mode again! What is brutal is that they are serious.
They were all dancing to Stevie Wonder right after this photo-op.
They're so thoughtful aren't they ?

'Let us, my colleagues, just go over some of those names of martyrdom,' Pelosi said, before listing names like George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin and several others.

A team of Democrats, all wearing kente cloths to either honor or stand in solidarity with those with African heritage, gathered for a press conference to reveal details of the bill, claiming the piece of legislation will combat police brutality, especially with the black community.

View attachment 347557

OMG the hilarity of that picture.

First of all, the obvious pandering . Why do Democrats believe that blacks are too stupid to see through that?

Second, aren't they culturally appropriating?
They're in Village mode again! What is brutal is that they are serious.

It's hilarious

"ERMERGAWD Trump is using the Bible as a political prop"

then they dress up like a bunch of extras from Roots for a photo op LOL well at least give them credit for not showing up in black face, this time.
It's all politics. All of the last four years have been politics and a desire to cost Trump the election.

If Trump follows the wrong advisers at the wrong time, he could lose, even as China would benefit greatly from such a loss. If he wins he can clear his name, support the constitution and put the GOP in a strong position for a decade. If he loses, they will ramp up the investigations into his presidency, this is almost certain.

The only wrong advisor that Trump consistently follows is the guy in the mirror.

Donald Trump is the guy who decided to fire James Comey, triggering the Mueller Investigation.

Donald Trump is the guy who decided not to sign Mitch McConnell's Budget deal triggering the government shutdown.

Donald Trump is the guy who tore up all the American trade deals and triggered a tariff war.

Donald Trump is the guy who tried to extort the Ukranian government for political dirt on the Bidens, triggering the impeachment.

Donald Trump is the guy who's decisions on the corona virus have given the USA the highest rate of disease and death in the world.

Donald Trump is the guy who ordered the military to fire on peaceful protestors.
The only wrong advisor that Trump consistently follows is the guy in the mirror.
Does he write his own teleprompter scripts too ?
Donald Trump is the guy who decided to fire James Comey, triggering the Mueller Investigation.
This James Comey ?
Donald Trump is the guy who decided not to sign Mitch McConnell's Budget deal triggering the government shutdown.
Was the 2013 shutdown all Obama's fault ?
Donald Trump is the guy who tore up all the American trade deals and triggered a tariff war.
Trump is the first president in over 40 years to stand up to China, while Democrats like Bill & Hillary, Sleepy Joe and Dumbo have been selling us out at every turn. Ask Hunter about the $1.5 billion.
Donald Trump is the guy who tried to extort the Ukranian government for political dirt on the Bidens, triggering the impeachment.
Fully acquitted and not only that;
Donald Trump is the guy who's decisions on the corona virus have given the USA the highest rate of disease and death in the world.
Blaming Trump instead of China is a new low, even for a Trump-hater like you.
Donald Trump is the guy who ordered the military to fire on peaceful protestors.
That's just an outright lie.
Trump immediately condemned the cops who murdered Floyd way before this all broke out.

And btw, a lot of your antifa friends are going to jail soon.
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