Opportunistic Democrats are now the 'tough on cops' party.

It's all politics. All of the last four years have been politics and a desire to cost Trump the election.

If Trump follows the wrong advisers at the wrong time, he could lose, even as China would benefit greatly from such a loss. If he wins he can clear his name, support the constitution and put the GOP in a strong position for a decade. If he loses, they will ramp up the investigations into his presidency, this is almost certain.

The only wrong advisor that Trump consistently follows is the guy in the mirror.

Donald Trump is the guy who decided to fire James Comey, triggering the Mueller Investigation.

Donald Trump is the guy who decided not to sign Mitch McConnell's Budget deal triggering the government shutdown.

Donald Trump is the guy who tore up all the American trade deals and triggered a tariff war.

Donald Trump is the guy who tried to extort the Ukranian government for political dirt on the Bidens, triggering the impeachment.

Donald Trump is the guy who's decisions on the corona virus have given the USA the highest rate of disease and death in the world.

Donald Trump is the guy who ordered the military to fire on peaceful protestors.

LOL seek help
Dems riot, burn, loot in Dem cities in Dem states over Dem racism...Dems try to pretend its not their fault.
Democrats represent people who come from shit hole countries. It doesn't surprise us that these thugs end up in behind bars. Democrats will support these people's crazy demands in order to get the minority vote.

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