Opposing the AGW Consensus are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Aboooo is an anti science religious nutjob. It is best laughed at.
I have posted 90% IN This section and Science section for 10 years.
Defending Mainstream Science.

You are an Intolerable asshole who needs to be removed.


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I have posted 90% IN This section and Science section for 10 years.
Defending Mainstream Science.

You are an Intolerable asshole who needs to be removed.



No, you defend the climate fraud which has NO science. It is made up from opinion and computer generated fiction. There is virtually NO observable scientific fact in ANYTHING they claim.

So, you are either too stupid to understand what real science is, or too religious to ever look at real facts that don't agree with your religious scriptures.

So, which is it?
Way to go moron... Let me help you and Crick..
According to empirical experiment we should have seen about 2 deg C warming the last 200 years. we have seen but 0.6 deg C... Now explain why. This is CO2 alone. This means our atmosphere is dampening the reaction not enhancing it. This means CAGW as a hypothesis is wrong.
""According to an ongoing temperature analysis led by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), the average global temperature on Earth has increased by at least 1.1° Celsius (1.9° Fahrenheit) since 1880.

The majority of the Warming has occurred since 1975, at a rate of roughly 0.15 to 0.20°C per decade.""

World of Change: Global Temperatures

and that was just for 135 Years.

Everything you post is WRONG/an empty/LYING claim.

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""According to an ongoing temperature analysis led by scientists at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), the average global temperature on Earth has increased by at least 1.1° Celsius (1.9° Fahrenheit) since 1880.""

World of Change: Global Temperatures

and that was just for 135 Years.


Wow, no shit! The fucking little ice age ended in 1850 so the world warmed up a whole degree since them.....color me NOT SHOCKED!
Wow, no shit! The fucking little ice age ended in 1850 so the world warmed up a whole degree since them.....color me NOT SHOCKED!


The Little Ice Age Wasn’t Global, but Current Climate Change Is​

None of the cold and warm epochs from the past 2,000 years were global events, but the current period of climate change is more intense and is happening simultaneously across the entire planet.
4 July 2019

The Little Ice Age Wasn’t Global, but Current Climate Change Is - Eos

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The Little Ice Age Wasn’t Global, but Current Climate Change Is​

None of the cold and warm epochs from the past 2,000 years were global events, but the current period of climate change is more intense and is happening simultaneously across the entire planet.
4 July 2019

The Little Ice Age Wasn’t Global, but Current Climate Change Is - Eos


It takes a true retard, such as yourself, to make the claim that the Little Ice Age was a localized event.

Little Ice Age (LIA), climate interval that occurred from the early 14th century through the mid-19th century, when mountain glaciers expanded at several locations, including the European Alps, New Zealand, Alaska, and the southern Andes, and mean annual temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere declined by 0.6 °C (1.1 °F) relative to the average temperature between 1000 and 2000 CE.


A 420-year history of strontium/calcium, uranium/calcium, and oxygen isotope ratios in eight coral cores from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, indicates that sea surface temperature and salinity were higher in the 18th century than in the 20th century. An abrupt freshening after 1870 occurred simultaneously throughout the southwestern Pacific, coinciding with cooling tropical temperatures. Higher salinities between 1565 and 1870 are best explained by a combination of advection and wind-induced evaporation resulting from a strong latitudinal temperature gradient and intensified circulation. The global Little Ice Age glacial expansion may have been driven, in part, by greater poleward transport of water vapor from the tropical Pacific.

The Little Ice Age was not really an ice age. In reality, it was a cool interval within the current interglacial. What made the Little Ice Age particularly difficult was that there had been hundreds of years of warmth in the Medieval Warming and the increased population was supported by subsistence farming. Subsistence farming was later replaced in Britain by specialist farming to support city populations. The Northern Hemisphere had adapted to warm times and was not prepared for the sudden onset of cold times. This created an environmental catastrophe. There was massive depopulation. This catastrophe was global. Pacific Island populations were greatly reduced at the beginning of the Little Ice Age.300 Other parts of the world were cold and dry, especially during the Spörer and Maunder Minima.301 Not only was it cold during the Little Ice Age, but there were rapid fluctuations in temperature and precipitation. During the Maunder Minimum, a year of record cold temperatures (1683–1684) was followed by a year of record heat (1685–1686). Change to glacial climate is characterised by drastic changes in temperature, storminess and precipitation without warming. These changes were local, global and rapid. They had a profound effect on human society.302

So, you post wiki bullshit, while I posted ACTUAL SCIENCE PAPERS.
'Nuff said
You were Stuffed again
Every serious person knows the Little Ice age was Regional, Not Global.
There's not even a debate on the topic.
Now go back to politics and calling people 'libs', 'stupid', etc.
You are out of your 12 IQ element.

No, you defend the climate fraud which has NO science. It is made up from opinion and computer generated fiction. There is virtually NO observable scientific fact in ANYTHING they claim.

So, you are either too stupid to understand what real science is, or too religious to ever look at real facts that don't agree with your religious scriptures.

So, which is it?
The Green New Deal Is a Dead Man's Hand

Nature is the existential enemy of science, yet these desperately lonely nerds worship it like dumb terrified cavemen did. Their dishonest term "pollution" is taken from a mindless pagan ritual, as if nature is sacred and any interference with the natural order by men of science is a sacrilege.

This bitter resentment is pure jealousy by second-rate scientists, academic eunuchs, who are mentally incapable of making any improvements over nature's horrors. Their inferiority leads them into a Gaiaist cult of like-minded losers.
You were Stuffed again
Every serious person knows the Little Ice age was Regional, Not Global.
There's not even a debate on the topic.
Now go back to politics and calling people 'libs', 'stupid', etc.
You are out of your 12 IQ element.


Then why is there so much evidence PROVING it was global?

The Green New Deal Is a Dead Man's Hand

Nature is the existential enemy of science, yet these desperately lonely nerds worship it like dumb terrified cavemen did. Their dishonest term "pollution" is taken from a mindless pagan ritual, as if nature is sacred and any interference with the natural order by men of science is a sacrilege.

This bitter resentment is pure jealousy by second-rate scientists, academic eunuchs, who are mentally incapable of making any improvements over nature's horrors. Their inferiority leads them into a Gaiaist cult of like-minded losers.
OFF Topic to the AGW Consensus.
The GND is another topic/policy what, if anything, to do about it.
""According to an ongoing temperature analysis led by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), the average global temperature on Earth has increased by at least 1.1° Celsius (1.9° Fahrenheit) since 1880.

The majority of the Warming has occurred since 1975, at a rate of roughly 0.15 to 0.20°C per decade.""

World of Change: Global Temperatures

and that was just for 135 Years.

Everything you post is WRONG/an empty/LYING claim.

You just can't figure it out... No surprise...

And you did not answer my question. I provided the actual LOG of CO2. IN that graph it shows that we should have seen nearly 2 deg C since 1850. According to empirical evidence we have seen just 0.6 deg C in total in that time frame.

CO2 is not driving anything by empirical experiment and evidence.

You keep saying that it is me who is lying but the facts say different.

You are an idiot. You keep posting up failed modeling from Godard and NOAA. Modeling that fails empirical verification 100% of the time. The physics is very simple, yet you miss the forest because you cant see through the trees..

The Little Ice Age Wasn’t Global, but Current Climate Change Is​

None of the cold and warm epochs from the past 2,000 years were global events, but the current period of climate change is more intense and is happening simultaneously across the entire planet.
4 July 2019

The Little Ice Age Wasn’t Global, but Current Climate Change Is - Eos


The LIA was global, and it is found in proxies all over the world. There is too much evidence to prove that it was a global event. Sorry, but your single cited paper is refuted by over 596 papers in the last ten years. The whole paper you cite was from a model and not even based on empirical evidence. You're so busy in fantasy world you forgot to come back to reality.
You just can't figure it out... No surprise...

And you did not answer my question. I provided the actual LOG of CO2. IN that graph it shows that we should have seen nearly 2 deg C since 1850. According to empirical evidence we have seen just 0.6 deg C in total in that time frame.

CO2 is not driving anything by empirical experiment and evidence.

You keep saying that it is me who is lying but the facts say different.

You are an idiot. You keep posting up failed modeling from Godard and NOAA. Modeling that fails empirical verification 100% of the time. The physics is very simple, yet you miss the forest because you cant see through the trees..
I have a Link. You do NOT
You Never do. You make Pronouncements.
ALL your posts are False Premise errors because you are Shameless and Bold LIAR.


Billy_Bob said:
Way to go moron... Let me help you and Crick..
According to empirical experiment we should have seen about 2 deg C warming the last 200 years. we have seen but 0.6 deg C... Now explain why. This is CO2 alone. This means our atmosphere is dampening the reaction not enhancing it. This means CAGW as a hypothesis is wrong.

""According to an ongoing temperature analysis led by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), the average global temperature on Earth has increased by at least 1.1° Celsius (1.9° Fahrenheit) since 1880.

The majority of the Warming has occurred since 1975, at a rate of roughly 0.15 to 0.20°C per decade.""

and that was just for 135 Years. (or the classic 150)
If you want to Shamelessly stretch to 200 years (or 2000), the avg per yr goes down, but that's not when the Industrialization happened in earnest, and indeed my link shows it is Accelerating in the last 4-5 decades with increased industrialization. (China et al)

Everything you post is WRONG, Goofy, or just plain LYING claim.
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CO2 and Temperature have tracked together brilliantly throughout the ENTIRE Climate record -- to the degree we can measure with proxies and their lag/lead and temporal and spatial accuracies.

What this graph DOES NOT SHOW -- is any empirical evidence of the purported "catastrophic theories of GW" that predicted "runaway or accelerated warming, tipping point or any of the other SUPERPOWERS of CO2 over the past 100 years.

BTW arrogant, unstable one -- and tho it's NOT a topic for this forum -- there ARE DOZENS of questions that must BE ASKED AND ANSWERED on Evolution theories as well as something as multi-disciplinary and complex as Climate Change where EACH much reach a consensus to bullet-proof these theories.
What this graph DOES NOT SHOW -- is any empirical evidence of the purported "catastrophic theories of GW" that predicted "runaway or accelerated warming, tipping point or any of the other SUPERPOWERS of CO2 over the past 100 years.

What evidence of "catastrophic theories", "runaway warming" or "tipping point" do you believe is missing from the data? What would each of those projections display?
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