Opposition to Gay Marriage - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?

WE will tell you that we did not make a choice to be attracted to members of the same sex...it is simply how we have ALWAYS felt

I have no problem with that. But I don't see why you need a government piece of paper to validate it
It isn't genetic or environmental. The only thing that leaves is choice.

Explain why the gay % of our population is around 2-10%, but among identical twins (even if separated at birth), it's about 40-50%?

If it was genetic you would see a 100% correlation in monozygotic twins, it actually runs around 50% depending on which study you look at. (One study pegged it at 100%, but I think that was selection bias.) I have not seen any statistics on the correlation between genetic twins separated at birth, but the fact that you peg it at 50% is indicative that my numbers agree with yours. Dizygotic twins have about a 20% correlation rate for homosexuality. Those numbers are indicative that, although genetics may play a part, it is not the deciding factor. Neither is environment.

That leaves choice, unless you can think of something else that makes a difference.

Gays will universally tell you that they were born that way - it is not a choice. Are they lying? All of them? Can you document one gay person who says it is a choice?

There are few things in life that anger people more, than being told they are not thinking something that they are thinking.
Another reason: HEALTH, we all need to make sacrifices to bring down the health costs for the nation and since homosexual behavior (in men) can increase the chances they will get AIDS or HIV, why encourage that type of behavior by legallizing (endorsing) that behavior that will lead to increased health costs for all of us? (They did it for 'smoking', they are doing it for transfats, they are doing it to children's menus in schools) Do youu believe the Czar over the health care plan will not throw you over a cliff (or give you "the" pill) once your health care costs become 'greater than average'?

Health reasons are exactly why you should be in support of marriage equality. Let's start with the fact that marriage promotes monogamy. What is a surefire way to decrease STDs? Why to promote monogamy of course.

Another reason is that marriage makes people healthier. That's right...

The Case for Marriage ~ Why Married People Are Happier, Healthier, and Better off Financially

Married Folks Still the Healthiest

So if health (and not bigotry) were TRULY your concern, you'd be supporting marriage equality.
Guess what, because the Bible says marriage is between a man and a woman. Lev.20:13 "if man lies with another man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own hands." You see, it is because the Bible says it that it is wrong. It is not shoving religion down anyones throat, it is the truth spoken in God's word, period.

Leviticus? Really? Do you follow all the laws of Leviticus?

The bible is completely irrelevant in a discussion about legal, civil marriage. The two have NOTHING to do with each other.

The Bible and gay activism should have nothing to do with making laws.
There are all kinds of psychologists.....but 99% of them are of the liberal mindset....so i don't really trust what that Lamb guy testified...

Children can be adaptable as they have no choice....however it has been proven time and again that children raised typically without their fathers have many problems.....you don't think kids raised by two queers don't have their problems too....? get real...

...but of course the idea is to solve that dilemma thru the eddycashun system...

You seem to be misinformed. Studies of children raised in single parent homes show that those children have more problems that children raised with two loving parents. The gender of those parents IS irrelevant.

Studies of children raised in loving gay and lesbian homes show that their children are at no disadvantage to those raised by heterosexuals. So, to break it down into really simple language that even an inbred southerner would understand...kids raised by two queers don't have any more problems than kids raised by breeders.
You seem to be misinformed. Studies of children raised in single parent homes show that those children have more problems that children raised with two loving parents. The gender of those parents IS irrelevant

Now see, you can't stick with facts. The fact is that men and women have different personalities. My children would not have been nearly as adjusted with two of me or with two of my wife, they need both personalities not just two adults. Your best argument is the freedom to live your own life, I support that. But lame arguments like that just kill your credibility.
To equate gay marriage to the plight of the inhumane treatment blacks recieved is not only obsurd but an insult to those that died fighting that fight and those that died for no good reason. You sir are an idiot....

No, you are. People aren't comparing "plights", but discrimination and that, sir, is exactly the same.

I'm sorry, apparently I missed all the signs...

Gays sit at the back of the bus?
Gays have different drinking fountains?
Gays not allowed to vote?
Gays hanged on a regular basis?
Gays voices not allowed to publicly be heard?
Gays property rights in question?

I believe your so called discrimination pale's by any standard. In no way is this comparable to what blacks were subjected too.
If we were intended to mate with the same sex we would have evolved that way. It is unnatural to say the least. Apparently mother nature, god, or just plain ole evolution is the biggest bigot of all.

Homosexuality has existed in the human animal since the beginning of recorded history. Homosexuality exists in hundreds of animal species...some of whom even mate for life with same sex partners and yet it is somehow inconceivable to you that there is a natural basis for it? There are animal species that can change their gender, but in your narrow mind, gays and lesbians have a mental disorder?

Seriously people, pick up a fucking book every once in a while...

So you want to equate gays to wild animals with uncontrollable sexual urges?
To equate gay marriage to the plight of the inhumane treatment blacks recieved is not only obsurd but an insult to those that died fighting that fight and those that died for no good reason. You sir are an idiot....

No, you are. People aren't comparing "plights", but discrimination and that, sir, is exactly the same.

I'm sorry, apparently I missed all the signs...

Gays sit at the back of the bus?
Gays have different drinking fountains?
Gays not allowed to vote?
Gays hanged on a regular basis?
Gays voices not allowed to publicly be heard?
Gays property rights in question?

I believe your so called discrimination pale's by any standard. In no way is this comparable to what blacks were subjected too.

Exactly. We just want to be left alone! And left alone means going to the government and demanding and getting a piece of paper validating my sexual orientation. Pathetic, isn't it? You look at all persecution in the history of the world and the left in this country doesn't know the difference between being left alone by a government that wants to persecute or murder you and not having a government that hugs you and tells you they are OK with who you are.
To equate gay marriage to the plight of the inhumane treatment blacks recieved is not only obsurd but an insult to those that died fighting that fight and those that died for no good reason. You sir are an idiot....

No, you are. People aren't comparing "plights", but discrimination and that, sir, is exactly the same.

I'm sorry, apparently I missed all the signs...

Gays sit at the back of the bus?
Gays have different drinking fountains?
Gays not allowed to vote?
Gays hanged on a regular basis?
Gays voices not allowed to publicly be heard?
Gays property rights in question?

I believe your so called discrimination pale's by any standard. In no way is this comparable to what blacks were subjected too.

The gays needs to find someone else to compare there "plight" to and leave my people out of it.
Opposition to Gay Marriage - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?

God will destroy Earth with fire a brimstone. Aside from that, no opposition from me.

S/HE better hurry, greed and a total disregard for the earth's environment may do so first. I wonder, if God exists, and if God created the Heavens and the Earth, how pissed is S/HE at the polluters? At the bigots? At the money changers?
imo..... i think you're one messed up individual....:cuckoo:

I know - and you're right wing, christian whackjob, but we all can't be perfect...:lol:

spoken like a true anti-religious Left commie Wing Wacko......why is it you guys always think opposition to gay marriage is due to religious reasons only....? there are plenty of non-religious reasons....

So name them. What are they? Betcha dollars to donuts they won't stand up in court. The FACT is that NONE of the anti-marriage equality arguments are standing up in court..which is why bigotry is LOSING. :lol:
Exactly. We just want to be left alone!

Really? Is that why you yell, scream, march, taunt, assault, and try to impose your will upon others?
Where do people like you come from....?

Until you figure out where "people come from" ScreamingOne -- perhaps you shouldn't be pontificating about anything sexual. :lol:

then the same thing goes for gays....they can't have babies.....no real reason to get married....

I'm gay and I've had five babies. Now please explain your compelling state reason to deny my family the exact same rights, benefits and privileges that heterosexuals enjoy?
Opposition to Gay Marriage - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?

God will destroy Earth with fire a brimstone. Aside from that, no opposition from me.

S/HE better hurry, greed and a total disregard for the earth's environment may do so first. I wonder, if God exists, and if God created the Heavens and the Earth, how pissed is S/HE at the polluters? At the bigots? At the money changers?

God said He's going to destroy the San Fransisco Bay Area first.

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