Opposition to Gay Marriage - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?

The "Catholics (damn Irish), then the Jews (damn Jews), about Native Americans, about African Americans" [emphesis mine to note there were a few exceptions here] are not given "special" emphesis in history books.
This is another example of how ridiculous homosexuals can be once they are "accepted" in society.

Absolutely false and a poor attempt at righty revisions. You better believe the Catholic Irish immigration, the Jewish immigrant experience from the 1870s on, the African Americans, and the Native Americans are indeed given "special" emphasis in history books.

Here is a thought. Get a history primer (either high school or higher education), turn to the Index, and look these terms up.

Come on, you are better than this.

Talk about "revisionists". "Immigration" flows are not the same as pointing out the sexual orientation of every person in history. I am sure if we had an "immigration" of a few million homosexuals that would be included in the history books. Do you know the sexual preference and ethnic background of: Edison, Bell, Grant, Harding, Nixon, Roosevelt, Taft, Hoover, Ford, Jobs, Gates, Rice, West, Blondel, etc, etc, etc. The ones that you might know are probably of personal interest. I am sure you could find that information in historical biographies on those people, but for the most part, it is not included in history, unless they were a personal favorite of the author (and then, they are an inset, not part of the actual history part). You are still a sad little, man.

Kiddo, you brought this nonsense up. Get the primers, please, and if you don't think the analogies fit, then don't set up a straw man and knock them down.

I am a happy chap, with a happy family, with no fear of homosexuals, like you.

Yeah, I will very much take my life over yours. :lol:
The Bible says that murder is a sin, I guess that means I'm I'm bigoted and intolerant towards murderous behavior

The Bible says that lying and stealing is sinful, I guess that means I'm bigoted and intolerant towards lying and stealing

The Bible says adultery is wrong, guess that means I'm bigoted and intolerant of adulterous behavior.

You get the gist of what I'm saying, the OP is an ad-hominem that basically says if you don't accept homosexual behavior and whatever the hell they like and want you're bigoted and intolerant but if the writer of the OP cannot accept the religious beliefs of others what does that make him?.................LMAO!
Ya know, I can't think of a single monument donated by a married gay couple to any community. Of course, that must have nothing to do with the fact that few gay married couples exist because gay marriage is illegal.

Exactly how is homosexual marriage or childless marriage an economic burden? (I presume by support you are referring to economic support).

Please, try to stay with the discussion. A few of the homosexual extremists have admitted the "main" reason for homo marriage is "gov't benefits (other people's money), that "other people's children" will be forced to pay. That is commonly known as a tax burden.

Who were these people saying that the "main" reason for same sex marriage is for "gov't benefits"? The actual "main" reason for marriage equality is...(wait for it)...E-Q-U-A-L-I-T-Y.

Out of curiosity, do you believe that because of our sexual orientation, gays and lesbians should not be able to own guns? Should be denied housing or employment? Be imprisoned for being gay?

I didn't say "a married gay couple". I said "homosexuals". Funny, when it comes to "great" heteosexuals. It is not hard to name them. When it comes to "great" homosexuals, Rosie ODonnel and Elton John are put forth. What altruistic statements have they made? Both of them look and act like angry, little, people.

There are plenty of "great" gay and lesbian contributions to American society in art, music, literature and politics. If a school talks about Martin Luther King during Black History Month, why should they not also talk about Harvey Milk? Both made significant contributions to American History.

I married my wife NOT for equality...NOT for tax advantages...I married my wife as it gave me the feeling of a true union..

Marriage is a symbol. ALl should enjoy the benefit of the feeling associated with it.
I forgot, in today's PC world, religious people are to condemn all sinful behavior listed in the Bible except for homosexuality because the media, Hollywood, and a bunch of lying psychiatrists are more accepting of homosexuality and say its ok and all of the above are more objective than our religion.
I forgot, in today's PC world, religious people are to condemn all sinful behavior listed in the Bible except for homosexuality because the media, Hollywood, and a bunch of lying psychiatrists are more accepting of homosexuality and say its ok and all of the above are more objective than our religion.

I like how we try to change religion to suit our needs
Ya know, I can't think of a single monument donated by a married gay couple to any community. Of course, that must have nothing to do with the fact that few gay married couples exist because gay marriage is illegal.

Exactly how is homosexual marriage or childless marriage an economic burden? (I presume by support you are referring to economic support).

Please, try to stay with the discussion. A few of the homosexual extremists have admitted the "main" reason for homo marriage is "gov't benefits (other people's money), that "other people's children" will be forced to pay. That is commonly known as a tax burden.

Who were these people saying that the "main" reason for same sex marriage is for "gov't benefits"? The actual "main" reason for marriage equality is...(wait for it)...E-Q-U-A-L-I-T-Y.

Out of curiosity, do you believe that because of our sexual orientation, gays and lesbians should not be able to own guns? Should be denied housing or employment? Be imprisoned for being gay?

I didn't say "a married gay couple". I said "homosexuals". Funny, when it comes to "great" heteosexuals. It is not hard to name them. When it comes to "great" homosexuals, Rosie ODonnel and Elton John are put forth. What altruistic statements have they made? Both of them look and act like angry, little, people.

There are plenty of "great" gay and lesbian contributions to American society in art, music, literature and politics. If a school talks about Martin Luther King during Black History Month, why should they not also talk about Harvey Milk? Both made significant contributions to American History.

Absolutely false and a poor attempt at righty revisions. You better believe the Catholic Irish immigration, the Jewish immigrant experience from the 1870s on, the African Americans, and the Native Americans are indeed given "special" emphasis in history books.

Here is a thought. Get a history primer (either high school or higher education), turn to the Index, and look these terms up.

Come on, you are better than this.

Talk about "revisionists". "Immigration" flows are not the same as pointing out the sexual orientation of every person in history. I am sure if we had an "immigration" of a few million homosexuals that would be included in the history books. Do you know the sexual preference and ethnic background of: Edison, Bell, Grant, Harding, Nixon, Roosevelt, Taft, Hoover, Ford, Jobs, Gates, Rice, West, Blondel, etc, etc, etc. The ones that you might know are probably of personal interest. I am sure you could find that information in historical biographies on those people, but for the most part, it is not included in history, unless they were a personal favorite of the author (and then, they are an inset, not part of the actual history part). You are still a sad little, man.

Kiddo, you brought this nonsense up. Get the primers, please, and if you don't think the analogies fit, then don't set up a straw man and knock them down.

I am a happy chap, with a happy family, with no fear of homosexuals, like you.

Yeah, I will very much take my life over yours. :lol:

Typical of you, avoid, avoid, avoid, danger, danger, danger, logic is required. Run away. Change subject. etc, etc, etc.
I forgot, in today's PC world, religious people are to condemn all sinful behavior listed in the Bible except for homosexuality because the media, Hollywood, and a bunch of lying psychiatrists are more accepting of homosexuality and say its ok and all of the above are more objective than our religion.

Hmm, basically the media shapes religious belief, and has you females mascared up, scarfless, eating meat on fridays, shaving yourself all over, wearing sexy clothes, etc. so seems you don't mind taking it in the ass, your just worried about two guys doing the same.

And lying psychiatrists?? LMAO! What do you know about that? Obviously there has been years of scientific sudy on the subject, and because you don't like the conclusions, you try to use your god and your lack of sense to say its all a lie?? :lol::lol:
You get the gist of what I'm saying, the OP is an ad-hominem that basically says if you don't accept homosexual behavior and whatever the hell they like and want you're bigoted and intolerant but if the writer of the OP cannot accept the religious beliefs of others what does that make him?.................LMAO!

Then your issue is with the OP. You may be as hateful and as bigoted as you wish, and provide no justification accordingly. You may not, however, attempt to codify that hate and bigotry into secular law, nor use it as justification to deny others their civil rights.
I forgot, in today's PC world, religious people are to condemn all sinful behavior listed in the Bible except for homosexuality because the media, Hollywood, and a bunch of lying psychiatrists are more accepting of homosexuality and say its ok and all of the above are more objective than our religion.
And what are you going to do about it? Why are you so concerned whether or not society is ‘accepting’ of homosexuality?

Unless, of course, you’re concerned that such acceptance and tolerance will undermine your efforts to deny homosexuals equal protection of, and equal access to, the law.

A Google search will provide an extensive list.

Otherwise, even if homosexuals provided no significant contribution to art or science, that wouldn’t justify denying them their rights.
I forgot, in today's PC world, religious people are to condemn all sinful behavior listed in the Bible except for homosexuality because the media, Hollywood, and a bunch of lying psychiatrists are more accepting of homosexuality and say its ok and all of the above are more objective than our religion.

Except the bible has a whole list of sinful behaviors that most religious people ignore.

It calls the eating of shellfish an abomination-

the bible says you should kill your children if they mouth off to you.

Jesus called remarriage after a divorce to be the same as adultery, but most denominations accept that now. -

Frankly, I really can't have much respect from an omniscient God who needs to condemn shellfish or divorce or homosexuality, but can't outright say that one human being owning another is just plain wrong.

I'm a pragmatist. I would much rather have gays living their lives honestly than deceiving people because they are trying to live up to a bunch of bronze age superstitions.
I forgot, in today's PC world, religious people are to condemn all sinful behavior listed in the Bible except for homosexuality because the media, Hollywood, and a bunch of lying psychiatrists are more accepting of homosexuality and say its ok and all of the above are more objective than our religion.

Our laws are not based on the bible

You and your religion can believe anything you want. What you can't do is force your religious beliefs on other people
I married my wife NOT for equality...NOT for tax advantages...I married my wife as it gave me the feeling of a true union..

Marriage is a symbol. ALl should enjoy the benefit of the feeling associated with it.

If it's only a "symbol" then why does it require legal recognition? There are churches willing to marry gays.
Hmm, basically the media shapes religious belief, and has you females mascared up, scarfless, eating meat on fridays, shaving yourself all over, wearing sexy clothes, etc. so seems you don't mind taking it in the ass, your just worried about two guys doing the same.

And lying psychiatrists?? LMAO! What do you know about that? Obviously there has been years of scientific sudy on the subject, and because you don't like the conclusions, you try to use your god and your lack of sense to say its all a lie?? :lol::lol:

There actually has been no "scientific" study of the matter. There has only been quackery.
Let's say a couple has a child, and both parents pass away. The child if then sent to live with a gay relative (written in the wills of each parent)-and is now that child's legal guardian.

What would you say then?

-Should they be "left destitute"?
-Should the couple that passed away not have the right to name a homosexual as the person to raise their child in case a situation as such should arise?

What would you say if the parents passed away and the child is sent to live with a relative who is a known alcoholic (written in the wills of each parent)-and is now that child's legal guardian?
I have talked straight to you haters. Everyone of you are entitled to your opinion, and if you have the numbers and the law you can dictate what others have to do. But you don't anymore, and that is simply the way it is. You have a right to your interpretation of the Bible, but what you have trouble with is that others do as well.

Oh, who ever set up the false analogy of murder and homosexuality, do yourself a favor and go take a course in logic.
I have talked straight to you haters. Everyone of you are entitled to your opinion, and if you have the numbers and the law you can dictate what others have to do. But you don't anymore, and that is simply the way it is. You have a right to your interpretation of the Bible, but what you have trouble with is that others do as well.

Oh, who ever set up the false analogy of murder and homosexuality, do yourself a favor and go take a course in logic.

It might help if you quoted the person you are responding to so everyone knows what they hell you're talking about.
If you have been reading, then you know. If you haven't, I won't do it for you.
Please, try to stay with the discussion. A few of the homosexual extremists have admitted the "main" reason for homo marriage is "gov't benefits (other people's money), that "other people's children" will be forced to pay. That is commonly known as a tax burden.

Who were these people saying that the "main" reason for same sex marriage is for "gov't benefits"? The actual "main" reason for marriage equality is...(wait for it)...E-Q-U-A-L-I-T-Y.

Out of curiosity, do you believe that because of our sexual orientation, gays and lesbians should not be able to own guns? Should be denied housing or employment? Be imprisoned for being gay?

I didn't say "a married gay couple". I said "homosexuals". Funny, when it comes to "great" heteosexuals. It is not hard to name them. When it comes to "great" homosexuals, Rosie ODonnel and Elton John are put forth. What altruistic statements have they made? Both of them look and act like angry, little, people.

There are plenty of "great" gay and lesbian contributions to American society in art, music, literature and politics. If a school talks about Martin Luther King during Black History Month, why should they not also talk about Harvey Milk? Both made significant contributions to American History.

I married my wife NOT for equality...NOT for tax advantages...I married my wife as it gave me the feeling of a true union..

Marriage is a symbol. ALl should enjoy the benefit of the feeling associated with it.

Do all straight people get married for the exact same reasons? No, they don't. It will be the same for gays and lesbians. They will get married for all the same, different reasons st8s do. So, when you boil the "issue" down, it is about equality, plain and simple.

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