Opposition to Gay Marriage - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?

Have you ever been to Hershey, PA? It was a community built by a "traditional" couple that could not have children. They worked to make it a place where people would want to move to and work for Hershey. There are quite a few of those places: where a "traditional" couple that could not have children made the world a better place for those that could have children. There are even more that volunteer for community building and donate large amounts of monies to churches, communities, and charities.
Where are the monuments (built and paid for by homosexuals) that homosexuals donated to communities? Where do they (homosexuals) give back to the community that they so willingly feed?
Ya know, I can't think of a single monument donated by a married gay couple to any community. Of course, that must have nothing to do with the fact that few gay married couples exist because gay marriage is illegal.

That is a whole lot of support for very little return (even if you do consider adoption and veternarian type fertilization). I know that burns your butt, but, those are conclusions that are obvious, if you really "care about the children" (of the future).
Exactly how is homosexual marriage or childless marriage an economic burden? (I presume by support you are referring to economic support).

Please, try to stay with the discussion. A few of the homosexual extremists have admitted the "main" reason for homo marriage is "gov't benefits (other people's money), that "other people's children" will be forced to pay. That is commonly known as a tax burden.

I didn't say "a married gay couple". I said "homosexuals". Funny, when it comes to "great" heteosexuals. It is not hard to name them. When it comes to "great" homosexuals, Rosie ODonnel and Elton John are put forth. What altruistic statements have they made? Both of them look and act like angry, little, people.
The first time my kids school tells her gay is normal I will pull her out and homeschool her the truth.The Bible will be the text book.

Trying to create the next generation of bigots? Sorry, epic fail...


Yes, indoctrination works.

I heard on the news today that the Yemen leader told the protesters that wanted him to leave that they didn't "know" what democracy was. Sound familiar? Yep, muslim dictators and homosexual extremists using the same methods: if a principle is standing in your way, re-define it to suit your purposes. How does that make you feel?
I dont believe it is written anywhere in the constitution who you can or cannot marry. I have been married to a great woman for 43 years. I have no intentions of wanting to protect the sanctity of marriage. And this comes from my christian upbringing.
"A few" "extremists"? Come on, logical4u, you have bad eggs in every group, even the heterosexuals. :lol:

You would punish the great law abiders for the crimes of the few? Really American, girl.
Is sure is astounding at all the people in the USA who are being denied their "rights". Funny stuff.
I dont believe it is written anywhere in the constitution who you can or cannot marry. I have been married to a great woman for 43 years. I have no intentions of wanting to protect the sanctity of marriage. And this comes from my christian upbringing.

Well, let's "re-define the USA, I am a citizen, but I should have no intentions of protecting the sanctity of its borders?
Let's re-define "electrician". Now anyone that plugs a wire into the wall is an electrician, why defend the sanctity of a profession (hire one to wire your house, don't ask "what kind" of electrician are you, that would be discrimmination)?

Sad, sad world we live in, when it is so hard just to have a conversation and people understand, there are those that want to play musical chairs with definitions to confuse it even more.
How is letting 2 homosexuals get married such a threat? Please explain how this hurts the country.
Righty Extremists do not get to redefine words and meanings.

Marriage is an universal right. That will never change. Universal marriage will be complete within ten years in the U.S.
Righty Extremists do not get to redefine words and meanings.

Marriage is an universal right. That will never change. Universal marriage will be complete within ten years in the U.S.

When was the "first" time marriage was used to descrbe a "homosexual union"? Come on, little man, speak up.
Non sequitur, logical4u. You guys have lost this battle and ultimately the war. It's over.

And, guess what, your civil and religious liberties are not infringed. You get to vote (in the minority) and your preacher can refuse to marry homosexuals in your church.

Answer this: why are you really worried about this? Jesus wasn't.
Righty Extremist Fascist does not understand that she does not have any political rights on public property that violate Constitutional protections.

Reality check. What the cowardly JakeStarkey is actually saying: Decent people do not have any political rights on public property should they violate lefty's tenets of multiculturalism/political correctness.

I am not deceived, and we will eventually have to take up arms against the vicious likes of you.

Oh look, a tough guy....on the Interwebz...:lol::lol::lol:
Have you ever been to Hershey, PA? It was a community built by a "traditional" couple that could not have children. They worked to make it a place where people would want to move to and work for Hershey. There are quite a few of those places: where a "traditional" couple that could not have children made the world a better place for those that could have children. There are even more that volunteer for community building and donate large amounts of monies to churches, communities, and charities.
Where are the monuments (built and paid for by homosexuals) that homosexuals donated to communities? Where do they (homosexuals) give back to the community that they so willingly feed?
Ya know, I can't think of a single monument donated by a married gay couple to any community. Of course, that must have nothing to do with the fact that few gay married couples exist because gay marriage is illegal.

That is a whole lot of support for very little return (even if you do consider adoption and veternarian type fertilization). I know that burns your butt, but, those are conclusions that are obvious, if you really "care about the children" (of the future).
Exactly how is homosexual marriage or childless marriage an economic burden? (I presume by support you are referring to economic support).

Please, try to stay with the discussion. A few of the homosexual extremists have admitted the "main" reason for homo marriage is "gov't benefits (other people's money), that "other people's children" will be forced to pay. That is commonly known as a tax burden.

I didn't say "a married gay couple". I said "homosexuals". Funny, when it comes to "great" heteosexuals. It is not hard to name them. When it comes to "great" homosexuals, Rosie ODonnel and Elton John are put forth. What altruistic statements have they made? Both of them look and act like angry, little, people.

Name names.
Non sequitur, logical4u. You guys have lost this battle and ultimately the war. It's over.

And, guess what, your civil and religious liberties are not infringed. You get to vote (in the minority) and your preacher can refuse to marry homosexuals in your church.

Answer this: why are you really worried about this? Jesus wasn't.

Since the bible, God's word clearly speaks out against homosexuality, Jesus was indeed concerned about it. However that is merely my religious belief.

From a practical standpoint homosexuality is a life-shortening lifestyle. The average homosexual man lives around 43 years, about 30 years below average. Even three packs of cigarettes and a dozen donuts a day will not do that. Therefore it is in the best interests of society to discourage such a poor choice of a lifestyle. We can do that by not allowing homosexual marriage or any homosexual education taught to impressionable children. We want our citizens to lead long productive lives so they can contribute to society, pay taxes and procreate.

As far as education goes, what is this new California law about? Homosexual history? When I was taught history I was more concerned about what an individual did, not their sexual exploits. Benjamin Franklin''s exploits are a mere footnote, but his contributions to our fledgling nation are enormous. What is it with homosexuals and their desire to push their orientation upon young people in places where it has no business?

And one more thing, who is to say whether Da Vinci was gay or not? And who really cares, other than homosexuals who are interested in dragging 800 year old cadavers out of the closet.
What you want for others is immaterial. You are entitled to your opinion, but your opinion does not invalidate others rights. No one will force you to marry a homosexual, no one will force your pastor to marry homosexuals, no one will take away your religious or civil liberties like you want to do to the same sex crowd.

Deal? Keep your politics out of the bedroom of others, and those others will stay out of your church. Deal?
ah the take my ball home approach

We see a lot of that from them...anyone remember anybody talking about taking the government out of marriage BEFORE the gay marriage issue came up? I don't.

Hear people complaining about steroids in baseball before steroids were used in baseball?? Nope... Does not change the fact that there should not be steroids in baseball..

Fucking douchewagon

Funny... I'm the one that calls for a true equality solution... accepts that consenting adults should be with whomever they wish... and little plasmaballer reps me negative for being a "bigot"... laughable
Since the bible, God's word clearly speaks out against homosexuality, Jesus was indeed concerned about it. However that is merely my religious belief.

And yet Jesus never, ONCE, made mention of it. The only NT character that did was Paul...and that guy HAD to be the most sexually repressed man on the planet.

And you are right, it is your religious belief...which should not be used to make the LAWS of our country. Legal civil marriage is what is being discussed, not religious marriage. Gays and lesbians already have equal access to religious marriage.

From a practical standpoint homosexuality is a life-shortening lifestyle. The average homosexual man lives around 43 years, about 30 years below average. Even three packs of cigarettes and a dozen donuts a day will not do that. Therefore it is in the best interests of society to discourage such a poor choice of a lifestyle. We can do that by not allowing homosexual marriage or any homosexual education taught to impressionable children. We want our citizens to lead long productive lives so they can contribute to society, pay taxes and procreate.

Nothing like pulling statistics directly out of your hindquarters. Pure, unadulterated BS.

As far as education goes, what is this new California law about? Homosexual history? When I was taught history I was more concerned about what an individual did, not their sexual exploits. Benjamin Franklin''s exploits are a mere footnote, but his contributions to our fledgling nation are enormous. What is it with homosexuals and their desire to push their orientation upon young people in places where it has no business?

California law already requires that the contributions of minorities be recognized...all California did was add the contributions of gays and lesbians. The laws were already there...but the fundies only complain when "the gheys" are added to them.

And one more thing, who is to say whether Da Vinci was gay or not? And who really cares, other than homosexuals who are interested in dragging 800 year old cadavers out of the closet.

[COLOR="DarkSlateBlue""]Gay kids care...[/COLOR]
Non sequitur, logical4u. You guys have lost this battle and ultimately the war. It's over.

And, guess what, your civil and religious liberties are not infringed. You get to vote (in the minority) and your preacher can refuse to marry homosexuals in your church.

Answer this: why are you really worried about this? Jesus wasn't.

Apparently you don't know Yeshua (since you want to go there). He spoke out against lewd and perverse behavior. He said a man leaves his family and takes a "wife" and the two become one (notice the gender pronoun used, notice the femine form of spouse used). If it did not matter, He would have been gender neutral. He wasn't. BTW, it does say in the Bible that twisting it for your own purposes is taken as an insult against the Lord. Yeshua loved everyone. But when He stopped the woman from being stoned, what did He say to her after everyone (that wanted to kill her) left? He said: go and sin no more (stop that!!!). Read the Gospels for yourself, you will see that Yeshua encouraged people to resist all forms of sin.

I am very worried about this. In the most modern history, dictators worked to destroy the morals of a people, before taking control. It was done in small increments, and ended up with the murder of millions of people that did not want a human "master". In this country, we have watched the ________ systematically work to destroy the morals of the people. It was really applied starting in the 60s and 70s with "the revolution" (pick one). As a result, more children are being raised without fathers. Those children make up the majority of our prison population. Those children tend to have problems with relationships and committment. The cycle repeats itself and the numbers get larger. Those same "revolutions" encourage the women to be sexually active (spreading STDs), and then to murder their children (just heard that over 50,000,000 children have been murdered since Roe vs Wade), while at the same time discouraging the justice system from killing murderers. Your side supports murderers and murders innocents. Now you want to take it a step farther, even more "lewd and perverse", claiming that it is civil. It is not, it is the acceleration of the destruction of our country. It is obvious that is not important to you and those like you, you are only interested in your latest scam or thrill. You will try to force this abhorrent behavior as "acceptable (way different than tolerable), and use it to bury the taxpayers to pay for disease (caught by your behavior), your care because those that truly choose "their sexual preference" cannot reproduce using "natural/green" means. The burden will increase because people will join the scam because "marriage" will be bastardized to include anyone that wants another's gov't benefits, or to add a person to their health insurance. Then, it will become worse because the homosexuals that get divorced will demand alimony and health benefits if they were not working during the "marriage". The fact that you won't even try to see the possiblities illustrates one of the theories about homosexuality: homosexuals are people that stop maturing, emotionally, and rationally in their early teenage years, possibly because of sexual abuse or molestation.

I saw a story on an experiment on the internet: if you clicked on a button it would grow your account by $0.25. If you clicked on another person's button it would decrease their account by $1.00, at the same time your account would be decreased by $1.00. More people chose to "take" from others over "building" their own account. When morals go, that is what is left: the thrill of hurting others over helping yourself. I guess that pretty much explaing the whole "homosexual marriage" thing. Rather than work on yourself, you want to inflict pain on others.
What you want for others is immaterial. You are entitled to your opinion, but your opinion does not invalidate others rights. No one will force you to marry a homosexual, no one will force your pastor to marry homosexuals, no one will take away your religious or civil liberties like you want to do to the same sex crowd.

Deal? Keep your politics out of the bedroom of others, and those others will stay out of your church. Deal?

Isn't that funny, you saying "What you want for others is immaterial." That is how I feel about "homosexual marriage".
I fail to see how government can be compelled to make new law based on the protestations of a behavior group.

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