Optimist: Wish I Could Be One

"And if you Wingnuts think theocracy is so bad, why do you keep trying to impose one here?"

As is true of so much of what you post.....you will be unable to back that up.

I'm sorry, what's the whole trying to ban abortion and gay marriage about then?

The Ayatollahs in Iran have nothing on the Christian "Wrong" ...

Banning murder hardly defines only a theocracy.

Except most people don't think abortion is murder.

Even when abortion was illegal, people who performed them were not charged with Murder.

Nope, this is pure religious nuttery.

No one should think abortion proper is murder, as there are medically legitimate contingencies wherein it might be necessary and not an act of depraved indifference to human life. However, abortion on demand is murder, well within the scope of the people's government to legitimately prohibit as such, and until you can provide a rational argument, which you can't, that God doesn't exist, I would suggest that you note the logically fallacious arguments of your religious nuttery, i.e., the appeals to the authority of the majority or to that of legal history.

"However, abortion on demand is murder,..."

Individual A deciding to put individual B to death because it happens to be more convenient for A......

"And if you Wingnuts think theocracy is so bad, why do you keep trying to impose one here?"

As is true of so much of what you post.....you will be unable to back that up.

I'm sorry, what's the whole trying to ban abortion and gay marriage about then?

The Ayatollahs in Iran have nothing on the Christian "Wrong" ...

Banning murder hardly defines only a theocracy.

Except most people don't think abortion is murder.

Even when abortion was illegal, people who performed them were not charged with Murder.

Nope, this is pure religious nuttery.

No one should think abortion proper is murder, as there are medically legitimate contingencies wherein it might be necessary and not an act of depraved indifference to human life. However, abortion on demand is murder, well within the scope of the people's government to legitimately prohibit as such, and until you can provide a rational argument, which you can't, that God doesn't exist, I would suggest that you note the logically fallacious arguments of your religious nuttery, i.e., the appeals to the authority of the majority or to that of legal history.

"However, abortion on demand is murder,..."

Individual A deciding to put individual B to death because it happens to be more convenient for A......

And that, my dear, is an as effective way to drive the point home as they come.
Reagan was hands down my favorite President ever. That isn't because everything he tried worked. It didn't. That isn't because he always saw things correctly. He didn't. That isn't because nothing got worse under his leadership. Some things did. That isn't because he didn't make some serious errors in judgment. He did.

He is my favorite President because he loved America and Americans and believed in us and he hated evil wherever he saw it. He was not one to gloss over when something was bad and try to make it look better than it was. Nor did he play the role of drama queen and pretend something was what it was not. He was the polar opposite of our current President in that regard.

And his morning in America and shining city on a hill showed us what was possible if we believe in ourselves and make it happen instead of reverting to sheeple mode and expecting government to make it happen. He placed the seeds of real reform that encouraged a group of real reformers to take the bit and turn loose the American can do spirit. It ushered in an unprecedented period of peacetime prosperity that extended all the way through the Clinton administration and 7-1/2 years of Bush 43's administration despite the dot.com bubble crash in the 90's, 9/11 and Katrina.

I remain the eternal optimist, but if we continue Obama's headlong rush into Marxist totalitarianism, I do believe this is the last generation with any hope to restore morning in America.
"And if you Wingnuts think theocracy is so bad, why do you keep trying to impose one here?"

As is true of so much of what you post.....you will be unable to back that up.

I'm sorry, what's the whole trying to ban abortion and gay marriage about then?

The Ayatollahs in Iran have nothing on the Christian "Wrong" ...

Banning murder hardly defines only a theocracy.

Except most people don't think abortion is murder.

Even when abortion was illegal, people who performed them were not charged with Murder.

Nope, this is pure religious nuttery.

"....most people....blah blah blah...."

"CNN poll: 58% oppose abortion in most or all cases"
CNN poll 58 oppose abortion in most or all cases Hot Air

So glad that you never tire of being wrong....there is a value in rectitude having a foil such as you...

No, what I tire of is your fucking inability to use logic.

only 20% in that poll think it should be illegal in ALL cases. That's the equivalent to the batshit crazy position that abortion is "Murder".

That's the crazy fringe.

No one should think abortion proper is murder, as there are medically legitimate contingencies wherein it might be necessary and not an act of depraved indifference to human life. However, abortion on demand is murder, well within the scope of the people's government to legitimately prohibit as such, and until you can provide a rational argument, which you can't, that God doesn't exist, I would suggest that you note the logically fallacious arguments of your religious nuttery, i.e., the appeals to the authority of the majority or to that of legal history.

Guy it's not contingent on me to prove your Sky Fairy exists. It's contingent on you to offer evidence he does.

Frankly, if you allow abortion for ANY exception, it's a defacto admission that a fetus isn't a person.

We don't allow smothering rape babies in their cribs.
Reagan was hands down my favorite President ever. That isn't because everything he tried worked. It didn't. That isn't because he always saw things correctly. He didn't. That isn't because nothing got worse under his leadership. Some things did. That isn't because he didn't make some serious errors in judgment. He did.

He is my favorite President because he loved America and Americans and believed in us and he hated evil wherever he saw it. He was not one to gloss over when something was bad and try to make it look better than it was. Nor did he play the role of drama queen and pretend something was what it was not. He was the polar opposite of our current President in that regard.

And his morning in America and shining city on a hill showed us what was possible if we believe in ourselves and make it happen instead of reverting to sheeple mode and expecting government to make it happen. He placed the seeds of real reform that encouraged a group of real reformers to take the bit and turn loose the American can do spirit. It ushered in an unprecedented period of peacetime prosperity that extended all the way through the Clinton administration and 7-1/2 years of Bush 43's administration despite the dot.com bubble crash in the 90's, 9/11 and Katrina.

I remain the eternal optimist, but if we continue Obama's headlong rush into Marxist totalitarianism, I do believe this is the last generation with any hope to restore morning in America.

So very true. I could have credibly stated 23 to 25 years in the above, but didn't for reasons that go to Bush's credit too.

I'm a former combat soldier. I ain't no wilting Lily. I'm not bragging. I say that to make a point, as he was no wilting lily either.

On the heels of the conclusion of the congressional investigation into of the Iran-Contra Affair, he addressed the American people on network television. For those who may not know it, he had already drafted an apology to the American people for this very moment several months before, knowing all along what he must do, but he waited until the investigation was concluded.

In my opinion, the decisions he made in that episode of his presidency were a serious lapse in judgment, yet we all knew that his actions were motivated by a desperate, heartfelt desire to do something to liberate American citizens in the hands of terrorists abroad, and of course there was nothing wrong with the Contra half of the affair insofar as defeating communism in our sphere of the world was concerned. Unlike some before and especially since him, whose indiscretions, as lapses in judgment would not accurately describe them, committed without a hint of remorse and for motives most disgraceful, he did not shirk his responsibility to acknowledge his failure.

But that in itself was not the truly remarkable thing, just rare, as that is always the proper thing to do. It was the manner in which he did it and the heart of it. If you'll recall, at one moment he was near tears, though it was barely perceptible. His sorrow was not for himself, but for the American people he genuinely loved and had let down. There were tears in my eyes.

It was arguably his finest moment, which made the disparaging comments from the left all the more deplorable.

"Well, of course, he's an actor!"

Well, of course, their leftists! They never understood him, but we did.

No one should think abortion proper is murder, as there are medically legitimate contingencies wherein it might be necessary and not an act of depraved indifference to human life. However, abortion on demand is murder, well within the scope of the people's government to legitimately prohibit as such, and until you can provide a rational argument, which you can't, that God doesn't exist, I would suggest that you note the logically fallacious arguments of your religious nuttery, i.e., the appeals to the authority of the majority or to that of legal history.

Guy it's not contingent on me to prove your Sky Fairy exists. It's contingent on you to offer evidence he does.

Frankly, if you allow abortion for ANY exception, it's a defacto admission that a fetus isn't a person.

We don't allow smothering rape babies in their cribs.

The argument for God's existence, unlike the assertion of atheism, doesn't violate the rules of logic. That's my only point. So, actually, there's no objectively defensible justification for your position at all. There is for mine, and given the fact that this nation was founded on the declaration of His existence as the Source and Guarantor of the inalienable rights of man, your contention that it be contingent upon me to prove anything to you in this regard is absurd. Therefore, I may rationally assert, just as most of the states of the Republic did for decades, that abortion on demand is "well within the scope of the people's government to legitimately prohibit" as murder on the basis of natural law and nature's God, the underlying ontological justification for this Republic's social contract.
4. But, since you are begging for my analysis of Jimmy Carter.....

a. "When the Iranian revolution came to power, with the help of Democratic President Jimmy Carter,the Ayatollah Khomeini killed more human beings (about twenty thousand) in two weeks than had been killed by the Shah during his entire thirty-eight years.Khomeini followed this by sending hundreds of thousands of Iranians to die in the Iran-Iraq war, as martyrdom was needed to resurrect the Islamic Empire."
Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 108

A couple of comments here. Obviously, you are too young to remember the Iranian Revolution. Having watched it in real time, there was no way Carter could have "Saved" the Shah.

Also, Iran was invaded by Iraq. What were they supposed to do?

b. "Carter believed that Khomeini would support democracy, contrary to all that he had written while in exile. In over 110 interviews he gave in Paris in the three months prior to re-entering Iran, he never mentioned the rule of the ‘juriscouncil,’ the clerical guardianship, i.e., the regime in control currently. He promised that he would retire to a life of study, and “…leave all powers to the people.”
Dr. Abbas Milani, Director of the Iranian Studies Program at Stanford University. His recent book is “The Shah”

Carter is a money-grubbing moron. He reeks dishonesty.
No wonder he's your idol.

First, Iran is a Democracy. They have elections. They might not vote for people you like, but they do get a vote.

And if you Wingnuts think theocracy is so bad, why do you keep trying to impose one here?

1. "Having watched it in real time, there was no way Carter could have "Saved" the Shah."

I said nothing about 'saving the Shah.'
How about you stick to what I actually post.

Iran is the foremost purveyor of terrorism: it was facilitated by Jimmy Carter.

2."Also, Iran was invaded by Iraq. What were they supposed to do?"
He could have done what Reagan did and what FDR should have done: play two villains off against each other.
Democrats are batting 1000 when it comes to allowing countries to fall into the hands of religious fanatics.

Makes me wonder why Joe supports this......seeing as how he's so anti-religion.
Muddy, I believe it to be a mistake to take SOF's erroneous claims about Reagan.

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.


Reaganomics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And the tax cuts of the Economic Recovery Act of 1981 stimulated economic growth. “As a 1982 JEC study pointed out,[1] similar across-the-board tax cuts had been implemented in the 1920s as the Mellon tax cuts, and in the 1960s as the Kennedy tax cuts. In both cases the reduction of high marginal tax rates actually increased tax payments by "the rich," also increasing their share of total individual income taxes paid.” http://www.house.gov/jec/fiscal/tx-grwth/reagtxct/reagtxct.htm

“As inflation came down and as more and more of the tax cuts from the 1981 Act went into effect, the economic began a strong and sustained pattern of growth.” US Department of the Treasury

The benefits from Reaganomics:
    1. The economy grew at a 3.4% average rate…compared with 2.9% for the previous eight years, and 2.7% for the next eight.(Table B-4)
    2. Inflation rate dropped from 12.5% to 4.4%. (Table B-63)
    3. Unemployment fell to 5.5% from 7.1% (Table B-35)
    4. Prime interest rate fell by one-third.(Table B-73)
    5. The S & P 500 jumped 124% (Table B-95) FDsys - Browse ERP
    6. Charitable contributions rose 57% faster than inflation. Dinesh D’Souza, “Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary May Became an Extraordinary Leader,” p. 116

b. and c. Kiva - Kiva Lending Team Team Ron Paul Hulk Hogan Jesus of Nazareth Chuck Norris Ronald Reagan John Wayne Thomas Jefferson Alex Jones Peyton Manning The Tuskegee Airmen Schiff REAL Americans and George W. Bush

Compare this with the Reagan recovery:

"During this seven-year recovery, the economy grew by almost one-third, the equivalent of adding the entire economy of West Germany, the third-largest in the world at the time, to the U.S. economy. In 1984 alone real economic growth boomed by 6.8%, the highest in 50 years. Nearly 20 million new jobs were created during the recovery, increasing U.S. civilian employment by almost 20%. Unemployment fell to 5.3% by 1989.

Real per-capita disposable income increased by 18% from 1982 to 1989, meaning the American standard of living increased by almost 20% in just seven years. The poverty rate declined every year from 1984 to 1989, dropping by one-sixth from its peak. The stock market more than tripled in value from 1980 to 1990, a larger increase than in any previous decade."

Reaganomics Vs. Obamanomics Facts And Figures - Forbes

God deficit spending works. Its like when you make and slend 40,000 a year and you get a credit card with a 5k limit and you max it out. Your expendatures go up 5k over last year.

Now if you build dams and the like or win a war, great. Or get an education on a loan. SOMETHING that will help the nation earn money at a rate higher than the interest on the debt grows.

How was the Reagan deficit spending different than Bush's or Obama's or FDR's? They all pumped the economy for a short term gain.
4. But, since you are begging for my analysis of Jimmy Carter.....

a. "When the Iranian revolution came to power, with the help of Democratic President Jimmy Carter,the Ayatollah Khomeini killed more human beings (about twenty thousand) in two weeks than had been killed by the Shah during his entire thirty-eight years.Khomeini followed this by sending hundreds of thousands of Iranians to die in the Iran-Iraq war, as martyrdom was needed to resurrect the Islamic Empire."
Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 108

A couple of comments here. Obviously, you are too young to remember the Iranian Revolution. Having watched it in real time, there was no way Carter could have "Saved" the Shah.

Also, Iran was invaded by Iraq. What were they supposed to do?

b. "Carter believed that Khomeini would support democracy, contrary to all that he had written while in exile. In over 110 interviews he gave in Paris in the three months prior to re-entering Iran, he never mentioned the rule of the ‘juriscouncil,’ the clerical guardianship, i.e., the regime in control currently. He promised that he would retire to a life of study, and “…leave all powers to the people.”
Dr. Abbas Milani, Director of the Iranian Studies Program at Stanford University. His recent book is “The Shah”

Carter is a money-grubbing moron. He reeks dishonesty.
No wonder he's your idol.

First, Iran is a Democracy. They have elections. They might not vote for people you like, but they do get a vote.

And if you Wingnuts think theocracy is so bad, why do you keep trying to impose one here?

1. "Having watched it in real time, there was no way Carter could have "Saved" the Shah."

I said nothing about 'saving the Shah.'
How about you stick to what I actually post.

Iran is the foremost purveyor of terrorism: it was facilitated by Jimmy Carter.

2."Also, Iran was invaded by Iraq. What were they supposed to do?"
He could have done what Reagan did and what FDR should have done: play two villains off against each other.
Democrats are batting 1000 when it comes to allowing countries to fall into the hands of religious fanatics.

Makes me wonder why Joe supports this......seeing as how he's so anti-religion.

Joe does it to reinvest his appellation, 'ErroneousJoe,' but for Obama it's no accident.
Muddy, I believe it to be a mistake to take SOF's erroneous claims about Reagan.

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.


Reaganomics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And the tax cuts of the Economic Recovery Act of 1981 stimulated economic growth. “As a 1982 JEC study pointed out,[1] similar across-the-board tax cuts had been implemented in the 1920s as the Mellon tax cuts, and in the 1960s as the Kennedy tax cuts. In both cases the reduction of high marginal tax rates actually increased tax payments by "the rich," also increasing their share of total individual income taxes paid.” http://www.house.gov/jec/fiscal/tx-grwth/reagtxct/reagtxct.htm

“As inflation came down and as more and more of the tax cuts from the 1981 Act went into effect, the economic began a strong and sustained pattern of growth.” US Department of the Treasury

The benefits from Reaganomics:
    1. The economy grew at a 3.4% average rate…compared with 2.9% for the previous eight years, and 2.7% for the next eight.(Table B-4)
    2. Inflation rate dropped from 12.5% to 4.4%. (Table B-63)
    3. Unemployment fell to 5.5% from 7.1% (Table B-35)
    4. Prime interest rate fell by one-third.(Table B-73)
    5. The S & P 500 jumped 124% (Table B-95) FDsys - Browse ERP
    6. Charitable contributions rose 57% faster than inflation. Dinesh D’Souza, “Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary May Became an Extraordinary Leader,” p. 116

b. and c. Kiva - Kiva Lending Team Team Ron Paul Hulk Hogan Jesus of Nazareth Chuck Norris Ronald Reagan John Wayne Thomas Jefferson Alex Jones Peyton Manning The Tuskegee Airmen Schiff REAL Americans and George W. Bush

Compare this with the Reagan recovery:

"During this seven-year recovery, the economy grew by almost one-third, the equivalent of adding the entire economy of West Germany, the third-largest in the world at the time, to the U.S. economy. In 1984 alone real economic growth boomed by 6.8%, the highest in 50 years. Nearly 20 million new jobs were created during the recovery, increasing U.S. civilian employment by almost 20%. Unemployment fell to 5.3% by 1989.

Real per-capita disposable income increased by 18% from 1982 to 1989, meaning the American standard of living increased by almost 20% in just seven years. The poverty rate declined every year from 1984 to 1989, dropping by one-sixth from its peak. The stock market more than tripled in value from 1980 to 1990, a larger increase than in any previous decade."

Reaganomics Vs. Obamanomics Facts And Figures - Forbes

God deficit spending works. Its like when you make and slend 40,000 a year and you get a credit card with a 5k limit and you max it out. Your expendatures go up 5k over last year.

Now if you build dams and the like or win a war, great. Or get an education on a loan. SOMETHING that will help the nation earn money at a rate higher than the interest on the debt grows.

How was the Reagan deficit spending different than Bush's or Obama's or FDR's? They all pumped the economy for a short term gain.

"How was the Reagan deficit spending different...."

He purchased the termination of the greatest threat to civilization at the time....the 'Evil Empire.'
He reversed the gains that FDR had given them.
You know the country is in trouble when the average American Male knows more about their favorite sports team than the Constitution and pays almost NO attention to what the elected officials are doing in Washington.

Just remember when it all burns down that we can succeed from the Union and reinstate a Constitutional Republic.
I heard someone say this the other day on the radio (and I paraphrase):

"Gov't oppression is like a hammer on an anvil with the gov't being the hammer. Eventually the hammer will destroy itself but until that time many people will be crushed".
You know the country is in trouble when the average American Male knows more about their favorite sports team than the Constitution and pays almost NO attention to what the elected officials are doing in Washington.

Just remember when it all burns down that we can succeed from the Union and reinstate a Constitutional Republic.

I see, you guys lose a couple of elections to an (Eeek!) Dem and you want to secede?

Get a grip....
I see, you guys lose a couple of elections to an (Eeek!) Dem and you want to secede?

Get a grip....
Learn to read.
I said "when it all burns down" THEN we can do this.

There is no difference between George Bush and Barack Obama. In fact, there isn't much difference between Dick Cheney and Joe Biden either if you look into their pasts. Why don't you stop looking at their political labels and just start looking at what they actually do.

I don't "cheer" for one side or the other like its some meaningless Major League sports team. I take it all a bit more seriously that that.
You know the country is in trouble when the average American Male knows more about their favorite sports team than the Constitution and pays almost NO attention to what the elected officials are doing in Washington.

Just remember when it all burns down that we can succeed from the Union and reinstate a Constitutional Republic.

You optimist you.

Did you learn this one in grade school?

Rome was in a fix!
Little Romulus bid farewell,
And mighty Rome fell."
I see, you guys lose a couple of elections to an (Eeek!) Dem and you want to secede?

Get a grip....
Learn to read.
I said "when it all burns down" THEN we can do this.

There is no difference between George Bush and Barack Obama. In fact, there isn't much difference between Dick Cheney and Joe Biden either if you look into their pasts. Why don't you stop looking at their political labels and just start looking at what they actually do.

I don't "cheer" for one side or the other like its some meaningless Major League sports team. I take it all a bit more seriously that that.
I see, you guys lose a couple of elections to an (Eeek!) Dem and you want to secede?

Get a grip....
Learn to read.
I said "when it all burns down" THEN we can do this.

There is no difference between George Bush and Barack Obama. In fact, there isn't much difference between Dick Cheney and Joe Biden either if you look into their pasts. Why don't you stop looking at their political labels and just start looking at what they actually do.

I don't "cheer" for one side or the other like its some meaningless Major League sports team. I take it all a bit more seriously that that.

"I don't "cheer" for one side or the other like its some meaningless Major League sports team. I take it all a bit more seriously that that."


Me, too!!!!

Well...except for the New York Ranger and the New York Yankees.....
.....but outside of that, agree 100 %!!!!!!

.....for now.

(BTW.....there is no comparison between Obama and Bush)
Learn to read.
I said "when it all burns down" THEN we can do this.

There is no difference between George Bush and Barack Obama. In fact, there isn't much difference between Dick Cheney and Joe Biden either if you look into their pasts. Why don't you stop looking at their political labels and just start looking at what they actually do.

I don't "cheer" for one side or the other like its some meaningless Major League sports team. I take it all a bit more seriously that that.

I see, It's all going to burn down? Like I said - get a grip.

Really? No difference? Not really sure your right about that one.

Dubbya got us embroiled in two very expensive wars and still could not get his man.
You know the country is in trouble when the average American Male knows more about their favorite sports team than the Constitution and pays almost NO attention to what the elected officials are doing in Washington.

Just remember when it all burns down that we can succeed from the Union and reinstate a Constitutional Republic.

I see, you guys lose a couple of elections to an (Eeek!) Dem and you want to secede?

Get a grip....

There are sea changes that alter the course of history...and not for the better:

1. Woodrow Wilson discarding the Constitution

2. FDR changing the relationship between the people and its government

3. Carter ensconcing the world leader in terrorism in power.

4. Obama supporting radical Islam.

Chew on those for a while.....

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