Or as Trump might put it A Hoax

Last August, President Trump went to Charleston, W.Va., for a “mission accomplished” moment.
He had already boasted to his Fox News fan base that “I’ve turned West Virginia around, because [of] what I’ve done environmentally with coal.” In Charleston, he said that “we are putting our great coal miners back to work” by ending what he had dubbed the Obama administration’s “war on coal” and that, under his leadership, West Virginia had “on a per capita basis one of the most successful GDP states in our union.”
“The coal industry is back,” Trump declared.
Alas, it was an illusion — or, as Trump might put it, a hoax.
Last week, the Commerce Department reported that during the third quarter of 2018 — the period during which Trump took his Charleston victory lap — West Virginia’s gross domestic product grew exactly 0.0 percent. As in, zilch. As in, the worst in the nation.
Trump promised to shrink the trade deficit. Instead, it exploded.
The Commerce Department said Wednesday that — despite more than two years of President Trump’s “America First” policies — the United States last year posted a $891.2 billion merchandise trade deficit, the largest in the nation’s 243-year history.
A broader measure of the nation’s trade performance, which includes the services sector, showed a $621 billion deficit. That reflected a deterioration of more than $100 billion from the figure Trump inherited from president Barack Obama.

Economists say the trade deficit is swelling because of broad economic forces, including a chronic shortfall in national savings that was exacerbated by last year’s $1.5 trillion corporate and personal income tax cut. As cash-flush businesses and consumers increased their spending, purchases of imported goods rose while the overvalued dollar weighed on exports.
A couple of excerpts from the Washington Post about actual policy for a change...:)>)
A tax cut cause a reduction in savings? Now we know your source is smoking something. Which "economists" are these?
Last August, President Trump went to Charleston, W.Va., for a “mission accomplished” moment.
He had already boasted to his Fox News fan base that “I’ve turned West Virginia around, because [of] what I’ve done environmentally with coal.” In Charleston, he said that “we are putting our great coal miners back to work” by ending what he had dubbed the Obama administration’s “war on coal” and that, under his leadership, West Virginia had “on a per capita basis one of the most successful GDP states in our union.”
“The coal industry is back,” Trump declared.
Alas, it was an illusion — or, as Trump might put it, a hoax.
Last week, the Commerce Department reported that during the third quarter of 2018 — the period during which Trump took his Charleston victory lap — West Virginia’s gross domestic product grew exactly 0.0 percent. As in, zilch. As in, the worst in the nation.
Trump promised to shrink the trade deficit. Instead, it exploded.
The Commerce Department said Wednesday that — despite more than two years of President Trump’s “America First” policies — the United States last year posted a $891.2 billion merchandise trade deficit, the largest in the nation’s 243-year history.
A broader measure of the nation’s trade performance, which includes the services sector, showed a $621 billion deficit. That reflected a deterioration of more than $100 billion from the figure Trump inherited from president Barack Obama.

Economists say the trade deficit is swelling because of broad economic forces, including a chronic shortfall in national savings that was exacerbated by last year’s $1.5 trillion corporate and personal income tax cut. As cash-flush businesses and consumers increased their spending, purchases of imported goods rose while the overvalued dollar weighed on exports.
A couple of excerpts from the Washington Post about actual policy for a change...:)>)
A tax cut cause a reduction in savings? Now we know your source is smoking something. Which "economists" are these?
INCREASED SPENDING caused a reduction in savings Why must I splain everything to you?
Last August, President Trump went to Charleston, W.Va., for a “mission accomplished” moment.
He had already boasted to his Fox News fan base that “I’ve turned West Virginia around, because [of] what I’ve done environmentally with coal.” In Charleston, he said that “we are putting our great coal miners back to work” by ending what he had dubbed the Obama administration’s “war on coal” and that, under his leadership, West Virginia had “on a per capita basis one of the most successful GDP states in our union.”
“The coal industry is back,” Trump declared.
Alas, it was an illusion — or, as Trump might put it, a hoax.
Last week, the Commerce Department reported that during the third quarter of 2018 — the period during which Trump took his Charleston victory lap — West Virginia’s gross domestic product grew exactly 0.0 percent. As in, zilch. As in, the worst in the nation.
Trump promised to shrink the trade deficit. Instead, it exploded.
The Commerce Department said Wednesday that — despite more than two years of President Trump’s “America First” policies — the United States last year posted a $891.2 billion merchandise trade deficit, the largest in the nation’s 243-year history.
A broader measure of the nation’s trade performance, which includes the services sector, showed a $621 billion deficit. That reflected a deterioration of more than $100 billion from the figure Trump inherited from president Barack Obama.

Economists say the trade deficit is swelling because of broad economic forces, including a chronic shortfall in national savings that was exacerbated by last year’s $1.5 trillion corporate and personal income tax cut. As cash-flush businesses and consumers increased their spending, purchases of imported goods rose while the overvalued dollar weighed on exports.
A couple of excerpts from the Washington Post about actual policy for a change...:)>)
A tax cut cause a reduction in savings? Now we know your source is smoking something. Which "economists" are these?
INCREASED SPENDING caused a reduction in savings Why must I splain everything to you?
Why would a tax cut cause the government to increase spending? Or are you claiming that consumers increased their spending more than the amount of the tax cut? If so, how is that plausible?
The entire OP is horse shit.

West Virginia’s Economic Comeback

Not so long ago, West Virginia's economy was on the ropes. The state suffered some of the worst setbacks since the Great Recession. Adding insult to injury, the Obama administration conducted its war on coal, a once-thriving part of West Virginia’s economy.

But those days are over, and prosperity has returned to the Mountain State.

The president’s bold agenda of tax cuts and deregulation, and his plans to restore the state’s coal mining industry are already giving West Virginia hope for a better future.

West Virginia’s economy is growing even faster than the national rate, thanks to the President’s focus on protecting American workers; and given the fact that quarrying, mining and oil and gas extraction are a big contributor to economic growth, it’s easy to see a bright road ahead of West Virginia.

Study ranks WV as having fastest-growing economy

On November 6, remember the now strong W.Va. economy

Thanks to Shale, West Virginia Had the Highest Economic Growth in the Country in 2017
And Trump lies right into republicans faces and they say "can I have another "
The entire OP is horse shit.

West Virginia’s Economic Comeback

Not so long ago, West Virginia's economy was on the ropes. The state suffered some of the worst setbacks since the Great Recession. Adding insult to injury, the Obama administration conducted its war on coal, a once-thriving part of West Virginia’s economy.

But those days are over, and prosperity has returned to the Mountain State.

The president’s bold agenda of tax cuts and deregulation, and his plans to restore the state’s coal mining industry are already giving West Virginia hope for a better future.

West Virginia’s economy is growing even faster than the national rate, thanks to the President’s focus on protecting American workers; and given the fact that quarrying, mining and oil and gas extraction are a big contributor to economic growth, it’s easy to see a bright road ahead of West Virginia.

Study ranks WV as having fastest-growing economy

On November 6, remember the now strong W.Va. economy

Thanks to Shale, West Virginia Had the Highest Economic Growth in the Country in 2017
What is this tree?

TIA Data

2017 Financial State of West Virginia (Released 9/25/2018)

West Virginia owes more than it owns.
West Virginia has a -$9,500 Taxpayer Burden.™
West Virginia is a Sinkhole State without enough assets to cover its debt.
Elected officials have created a Taxpayer Burden™, which is each taxpayer's share of state bills after its available assets have been tapped.
TIA's Taxpayer Burden™ measurement incorporates both assets and liabilities, not just pension debt.
West Virginia only has $8.3 billion of assets available to pay bills totaling $13.2 billion.
Because West Virginia doesn't have enough money to pay its bills, it has a $4.9 billion financial hole. To fill it, each West Virginia taxpayer would have to send $9,500 to the state.
West Virginia's reported net position is inflated by $1.3 billion, largely because the state defers recognizing losses incurred when the net pension liability increases.
The state is still hiding $91.9 million of its retiree health care debt. A new accounting standard will be implemented in the 2018 fiscal year which will require states to report this debt on the balance sheet.
The state's financial report was released 184 days after its fiscal year end, which is considered untimely according to the 180 day standard.


Prior Years' TIA Data

2016 Financial State of West Virginia

2015 Financial State of West Virginia

2014 Financial State of West Virginia

2013 Financial State of West Virginia

Other Resources

West Virginia Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports

Publishing Entity: Department of Administration - Finance Division

Tariffs take time to level the playing field. International trade has been skewed against the US roughly since W. took office, it will take time to get better, but it will get better.
Not with "Individual IQ 1" as Prez it won't.

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