Orange Man Bad- because- Orange Man Bad


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
The trial wasn’t intended to win a conviction of Trump for “incitement” because the Democrats already knew that the votes were not there. So, just as with the last impeachment trial, the goal was to fling as much dirt at Donald Trump as they could while the cameras were rolling. Their hatred of Donald Trump is so deep and visceral that probably a psychologist would have been more beneficial to them than yet another impeachment trial.

It would be incorrect to say that the House managers’ case fell apart, because they had no case to begin with. They never had a case because they made no effort to develop a case. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court saw from the beginning that this was no legitimate impeachment trial and informed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that he would not preside. Without the Chief Justice, there was no Constitutional impeachment trial. So they put on a show trial instead.

As Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley kept asking, why didn’t the House schedule a single hearing to investigate what really happened up to and on the day of the Capitol melee on January 6th? They had weeks to do so. Professor Turley believes they might even have been able to make a decent case if they had tried.


And they accuse Trump of undermining democracy.

There were a number of reasons to impeach and convict President Trump while he was in office. Bombing Syria on bogus grounds without authorization was one of them. But Democrats love war as much as Republicans so they weren’t about to uphold their Constitutional obligations.

Impeachment 2.0 may be over, but those blinded by hatred for Trump are not about to give up. They are irrational and obsessed. They are also dangerous.

Trump Acquitted (Again), But Trump Hatred Continues

This stupidity is what "hate" gets you- obsessed, which is dangerous and emotion driven
Maybe i need a checkup from the neckup too???? o_O It just seems they (Congress) , wants to try Trump for issues they all have been guilty of.....

Add in all the constitutional fundamentalism

One big headache this nation really didn't need....jmho.......~S~
The trial wasn’t intended to win a conviction of Trump for “incitement” because the Democrats already knew that the votes were not there. So, just as with the last impeachment trial, the goal was to fling as much dirt at Donald Trump as they could while the cameras were rolling. Their hatred of Donald Trump is so deep and visceral that probably a psychologist would have been more beneficial to them than yet another impeachment trial.

It would be incorrect to say that the House managers’ case fell apart, because they had no case to begin with. They never had a case because they made no effort to develop a case. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court saw from the beginning that this was no legitimate impeachment trial and informed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that he would not preside. Without the Chief Justice, there was no Constitutional impeachment trial. So they put on a show trial instead.

As Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley kept asking, why didn’t the House schedule a single hearing to investigate what really happened up to and on the day of the Capitol melee on January 6th? They had weeks to do so. Professor Turley believes they might even have been able to make a decent case if they had tried.


And they accuse Trump of undermining democracy.

There were a number of reasons to impeach and convict President Trump while he was in office. Bombing Syria on bogus grounds without authorization was one of them. But Democrats love war as much as Republicans so they weren’t about to uphold their Constitutional obligations.

Impeachment 2.0 may be over, but those blinded by hatred for Trump are not about to give up. They are irrational and obsessed. They are also dangerous.

Trump Acquitted (Again), But Trump Hatred Continues

This stupidity is what "hate" gets you- obsessed, which is dangerous and emotion driven

If sending a mob (while you ride away in the opposite direction in yon hermetically-sealed limousine) to storm the Capitol, shut down government, shit on the walls, plant bombs, assault cops, smash windows and construct a gallows to lynch the Vice President (and then deny that scene help to stop them) isn't an impeachable offence, then here's the question:


Welcome to the Day of Doublethink, where defending the United States Constitution is characterized as, quote, "dangerous" and requires "a psychologist".

Welcome to the Day of Doublethink, where defending the United States Constitution is characterized as, quote, "dangerous" and requires "a psychologist".
But that is exactly what they felt they were doing Pogo

Indeed it is, and for that the OP wants them to see a "psychologist".
for their relentless all consuming hatred of Trump

not necessarily our constitution

does it occur to anyone here that , seen very objectively, this insurrection is really a symptom of a failed system?

Indeed it is, and for that the OP wants them to see a "psychologist".
for their relentless all consuming hatred of Trump

not necessarily our constitution

does it occur to anyone here that , seen very objectively, this insurrection is really a symptom of a failed system?


The pathetic response to it, even extending to Senators and Reps shilling for it, clearly is.
The pathetic response to it, even extending to Senators and Reps shilling for it, clearly is.
I'm often reminded one mans terrorist, is another's freedom fighter Pogo

but then i'm also shown so many shades in between .....

The trial wasn’t intended to win a conviction of Trump for “incitement” because the Democrats already knew that the votes were not there. So, just as with the last impeachment trial, the goal was to fling as much dirt at Donald Trump as they could while the cameras were rolling. Their hatred of Donald Trump is so deep and visceral that probably a psychologist would have been more beneficial to them than yet another impeachment trial.

It would be incorrect to say that the House managers’ case fell apart, because they had no case to begin with. They never had a case because they made no effort to develop a case. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court saw from the beginning that this was no legitimate impeachment trial and informed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that he would not preside. Without the Chief Justice, there was no Constitutional impeachment trial. So they put on a show trial instead.

As Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley kept asking, why didn’t the House schedule a single hearing to investigate what really happened up to and on the day of the Capitol melee on January 6th? They had weeks to do so. Professor Turley believes they might even have been able to make a decent case if they had tried.


And they accuse Trump of undermining democracy.

There were a number of reasons to impeach and convict President Trump while he was in office. Bombing Syria on bogus grounds without authorization was one of them. But Democrats love war as much as Republicans so they weren’t about to uphold their Constitutional obligations.

Impeachment 2.0 may be over, but those blinded by hatred for Trump are not about to give up. They are irrational and obsessed. They are also dangerous.

Trump Acquitted (Again), But Trump Hatred Continues

This stupidity is what "hate" gets you- obsessed, which is dangerous and emotion driven

The whole phony Orange Man Bad TV show the Dems put on exposed MASSIVE corruption - they brazenly falsified evidence, their supporters cheered it, and the media ignored it. That will NEVER be forgotten by those of us who watched it happen...
The pathetic response to it, even extending to Senators and Reps shilling for it, clearly is.
I'm often reminded one mans terrorist, is another's freedom fighter Pogo

but then i'm also shown so many shades in between .....


Not my terms but if we'd like to use them, anyone is free to explain how rubbing shit on the walls, breaking and entering, assaulting with flagpoles, fire extinguishers and whatever comes to hand including firearms confiscated from police on the other end of those assaults, planting pipe bombs, waltzing around with stun guns, ziptie handcuffs and Molotov cocktails, and hunting down victims for a homemade gallows, all while disrupting the Constitutional functioning of government even including the shills in that government articulating their own side, equate to "freedom fighting". Oughta be superbly pretzelic.
The trial wasn’t intended to win a conviction of Trump for “incitement” because the Democrats already knew that the votes were not there. So, just as with the last impeachment trial, the goal was to fling as much dirt at Donald Trump as they could while the cameras were rolling. Their hatred of Donald Trump is so deep and visceral that probably a psychologist would have been more beneficial to them than yet another impeachment trial.

It would be incorrect to say that the House managers’ case fell apart, because they had no case to begin with. They never had a case because they made no effort to develop a case. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court saw from the beginning that this was no legitimate impeachment trial and informed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that he would not preside. Without the Chief Justice, there was no Constitutional impeachment trial. So they put on a show trial instead.

As Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley kept asking, why didn’t the House schedule a single hearing to investigate what really happened up to and on the day of the Capitol melee on January 6th? They had weeks to do so. Professor Turley believes they might even have been able to make a decent case if they had tried.


And they accuse Trump of undermining democracy.

There were a number of reasons to impeach and convict President Trump while he was in office. Bombing Syria on bogus grounds without authorization was one of them. But Democrats love war as much as Republicans so they weren’t about to uphold their Constitutional obligations.

Impeachment 2.0 may be over, but those blinded by hatred for Trump are not about to give up. They are irrational and obsessed. They are also dangerous.

Trump Acquitted (Again), But Trump Hatred Continues

This stupidity is what "hate" gets you- obsessed, which is dangerous and emotion driven

The whole phony Orange Man Bad TV show the Dems put on exposed MASSIVE corruption - they brazenly falsified evidence, their supporters cheered it, and the media ignored it. That will NEVER be forgotten by those of us who watched it happen...

"Falsified evidence"?? :laugh2:

--- Like the moon landing?

--- Like the Newtown school shooting?

Hey that reminds me Hoss --- does a tinfoil hat deflect Jewish space lasers?
Indeed it is, and for that the OP wants them to see a "psychologist".
for their relentless all consuming hatred of Trump

not necessarily our constitution

does it occur to anyone here that , seen very objectively, this insurrection is really a symptom of a failed system?


That your guy didn't win doesn't mean the system failed.

And it's not justification to commit acts of terror.
The whole phony Orange Man Bad TV show the Dems put on exposed MASSIVE corruption - they brazenly falsified evidence, their supporters cheered it, and the media ignored it. That will NEVER be forgotten by those of us who watched it happen...

"Falsified evidence"?? :laugh2:

--- Like the moon landing?

--- Like the Newtown school shooting?

Hey that reminds me Hoss --- does a tinfoil hat deflect Jewish space lasers?

Is anti-semitism a "family value"?
The whole phony Orange Man Bad TV show the Dems put on exposed MASSIVE corruption - they brazenly falsified evidence, their supporters cheered it, and the media ignored it. That will NEVER be forgotten by those of us who watched it happen...

"Falsified evidence"?? :laugh2:

--- Like the moon landing?

--- Like the Newtown school shooting?

Hey that reminds me Hoss --- does a tinfoil hat deflect Jewish space lasers?

Is anti-semitism [sic] a "family value"?

Dunno, quotenest Master. Why doncha ask Marjoram-Smoking Greene's family.

Or we could ask her neighbors.

Last edited:
The trial wasn’t intended to win a conviction of Trump for “incitement” because the Democrats already knew that the votes were not there. So, just as with the last impeachment trial, the goal was to fling as much dirt at Donald Trump as they could while the cameras were rolling. Their hatred of Donald Trump is so deep and visceral that probably a psychologist would have been more beneficial to them than yet another impeachment trial.

It would be incorrect to say that the House managers’ case fell apart, because they had no case to begin with. They never had a case because they made no effort to develop a case. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court saw from the beginning that this was no legitimate impeachment trial and informed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that he would not preside. Without the Chief Justice, there was no Constitutional impeachment trial. So they put on a show trial instead.

As Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley kept asking, why didn’t the House schedule a single hearing to investigate what really happened up to and on the day of the Capitol melee on January 6th? They had weeks to do so. Professor Turley believes they might even have been able to make a decent case if they had tried.


And they accuse Trump of undermining democracy.

There were a number of reasons to impeach and convict President Trump while he was in office. Bombing Syria on bogus grounds without authorization was one of them. But Democrats love war as much as Republicans so they weren’t about to uphold their Constitutional obligations.

Impeachment 2.0 may be over, but those blinded by hatred for Trump are not about to give up. They are irrational and obsessed. They are also dangerous.

Trump Acquitted (Again), But Trump Hatred Continues

This stupidity is what "hate" gets you- obsessed, which is dangerous and emotion driven

The whole phony Orange Man Bad TV show the Dems put on exposed MASSIVE corruption - they brazenly falsified evidence, their supporters cheered it, and the media ignored it. That will NEVER be forgotten by those of us who watched it happen...

"Falsified evidence"?? :laugh2:

--- Like the moon landing?

--- Like the Newtown school shooting?

Hey that reminds me Hoss --- does a tinfoil hat deflect Jewish space lasers?

See, you were not aware your fellow Democrats created fake tweets, and altered the dates of others, to falsify "evidence" against President Trump. You just sat there like a stupid rube watching the show and didn't question a thing. Exactly the type of incurious moron the Democrats need you to be.
The trial wasn’t intended to win a conviction of Trump for “incitement” because the Democrats already knew that the votes were not there. So, just as with the last impeachment trial, the goal was to fling as much dirt at Donald Trump as they could while the cameras were rolling. Their hatred of Donald Trump is so deep and visceral that probably a psychologist would have been more beneficial to them than yet another impeachment trial.

It would be incorrect to say that the House managers’ case fell apart, because they had no case to begin with. They never had a case because they made no effort to develop a case. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court saw from the beginning that this was no legitimate impeachment trial and informed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that he would not preside. Without the Chief Justice, there was no Constitutional impeachment trial. So they put on a show trial instead.

As Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley kept asking, why didn’t the House schedule a single hearing to investigate what really happened up to and on the day of the Capitol melee on January 6th? They had weeks to do so. Professor Turley believes they might even have been able to make a decent case if they had tried.


And they accuse Trump of undermining democracy.

There were a number of reasons to impeach and convict President Trump while he was in office. Bombing Syria on bogus grounds without authorization was one of them. But Democrats love war as much as Republicans so they weren’t about to uphold their Constitutional obligations.

Impeachment 2.0 may be over, but those blinded by hatred for Trump are not about to give up. They are irrational and obsessed. They are also dangerous.

Trump Acquitted (Again), But Trump Hatred Continues

This stupidity is what "hate" gets you- obsessed, which is dangerous and emotion driven

The whole phony Orange Man Bad TV show the Dems put on exposed MASSIVE corruption - they brazenly falsified evidence, their supporters cheered it, and the media ignored it. That will NEVER be forgotten by those of us who watched it happen...

"Falsified evidence"?? :laugh2:

--- Like the moon landing?

--- Like the Newtown school shooting?

Hey that reminds me Hoss --- does a tinfoil hat deflect Jewish space lasers?

See, you were not aware your fellow Democrats created fake tweets, and altered the dates of others, to falsify "evidence" against President Trump. You just sat there like a stupid rube watching the show and didn't question a thing. Exactly the type of incurious moron the Democrats need you to be.

I don't have any "fellow Democrats" since I don't have a political party, nor do I have television. It's hard to understand how a yahoo who pulls so much out of his own ass could still be so fat.
The trial wasn’t intended to win a conviction of Trump for “incitement” because the Democrats already knew that the votes were not there. So, just as with the last impeachment trial, the goal was to fling as much dirt at Donald Trump as they could while the cameras were rolling. Their hatred of Donald Trump is so deep and visceral that probably a psychologist would have been more beneficial to them than yet another impeachment trial.

It would be incorrect to say that the House managers’ case fell apart, because they had no case to begin with. They never had a case because they made no effort to develop a case. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court saw from the beginning that this was no legitimate impeachment trial and informed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that he would not preside. Without the Chief Justice, there was no Constitutional impeachment trial. So they put on a show trial instead.

As Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley kept asking, why didn’t the House schedule a single hearing to investigate what really happened up to and on the day of the Capitol melee on January 6th? They had weeks to do so. Professor Turley believes they might even have been able to make a decent case if they had tried.


And they accuse Trump of undermining democracy.

There were a number of reasons to impeach and convict President Trump while he was in office. Bombing Syria on bogus grounds without authorization was one of them. But Democrats love war as much as Republicans so they weren’t about to uphold their Constitutional obligations.

Impeachment 2.0 may be over, but those blinded by hatred for Trump are not about to give up. They are irrational and obsessed. They are also dangerous.

Trump Acquitted (Again), But Trump Hatred Continues

This stupidity is what "hate" gets you- obsessed, which is dangerous and emotion driven

The whole phony Orange Man Bad TV show the Dems put on exposed MASSIVE corruption - they brazenly falsified evidence, their supporters cheered it, and the media ignored it. That will NEVER be forgotten by those of us who watched it happen...

"Falsified evidence"?? :laugh2:

--- Like the moon landing?

--- Like the Newtown school shooting?

Hey that reminds me Hoss --- does a tinfoil hat deflect Jewish space lasers?

See, you were not aware your fellow Democrats created fake tweets, and altered the dates of others, to falsify "evidence" against President Trump. You just sat there like a stupid rube watching the show and didn't question a thing. Exactly the type of incurious moron the Democrats need you to be.

I don't have any "fellow Democrats" since I don't have a political party, nor do I have television. It's hard to understand how a yahoo who pulls so much out of his own ass could still be so fat.

Liar. You were glued to that show trial like the rube you are, licking up that fake "evidence" and cheering. And they love you for it.
The trial wasn’t intended to win a conviction of Trump for “incitement” because the Democrats already knew that the votes were not there. So, just as with the last impeachment trial, the goal was to fling as much dirt at Donald Trump as they could while the cameras were rolling. Their hatred of Donald Trump is so deep and visceral that probably a psychologist would have been more beneficial to them than yet another impeachment trial.

It would be incorrect to say that the House managers’ case fell apart, because they had no case to begin with. They never had a case because they made no effort to develop a case. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court saw from the beginning that this was no legitimate impeachment trial and informed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that he would not preside. Without the Chief Justice, there was no Constitutional impeachment trial. So they put on a show trial instead.

As Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley kept asking, why didn’t the House schedule a single hearing to investigate what really happened up to and on the day of the Capitol melee on January 6th? They had weeks to do so. Professor Turley believes they might even have been able to make a decent case if they had tried.


And they accuse Trump of undermining democracy.

There were a number of reasons to impeach and convict President Trump while he was in office. Bombing Syria on bogus grounds without authorization was one of them. But Democrats love war as much as Republicans so they weren’t about to uphold their Constitutional obligations.

Impeachment 2.0 may be over, but those blinded by hatred for Trump are not about to give up. They are irrational and obsessed. They are also dangerous.

Trump Acquitted (Again), But Trump Hatred Continues

This stupidity is what "hate" gets you- obsessed, which is dangerous and emotion driven

The whole phony Orange Man Bad TV show the Dems put on exposed MASSIVE corruption - they brazenly falsified evidence, their supporters cheered it, and the media ignored it. That will NEVER be forgotten by those of us who watched it happen...

"Falsified evidence"?? :laugh2:

--- Like the moon landing?

--- Like the Newtown school shooting?

Hey that reminds me Hoss --- does a tinfoil hat deflect Jewish space lasers?

See, you were not aware your fellow Democrats created fake tweets, and altered the dates of others, to falsify "evidence" against President Trump. You just sat there like a stupid rube watching the show and didn't question a thing. Exactly the type of incurious moron the Democrats need you to be.

I don't have any "fellow Democrats" since I don't have a political party, nor do I have television. It's hard to understand how a yahoo who pulls so much out of his own ass could still be so fat.

Liar. You were glued to that show trial like the rube you are, licking up that fake "evidence" and cheering. And they love you for it.

Actually I was working those days. Might wanna call tech support for that ass-camera you have following me around. Hope you speak Hindi.
The trial wasn’t intended to win a conviction of Trump for “incitement” because the Democrats already knew that the votes were not there. So, just as with the last impeachment trial, the goal was to fling as much dirt at Donald Trump as they could while the cameras were rolling. Their hatred of Donald Trump is so deep and visceral that probably a psychologist would have been more beneficial to them than yet another impeachment trial.

It would be incorrect to say that the House managers’ case fell apart, because they had no case to begin with. They never had a case because they made no effort to develop a case. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court saw from the beginning that this was no legitimate impeachment trial and informed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that he would not preside. Without the Chief Justice, there was no Constitutional impeachment trial. So they put on a show trial instead.

As Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley kept asking, why didn’t the House schedule a single hearing to investigate what really happened up to and on the day of the Capitol melee on January 6th? They had weeks to do so. Professor Turley believes they might even have been able to make a decent case if they had tried.


And they accuse Trump of undermining democracy.

There were a number of reasons to impeach and convict President Trump while he was in office. Bombing Syria on bogus grounds without authorization was one of them. But Democrats love war as much as Republicans so they weren’t about to uphold their Constitutional obligations.

Impeachment 2.0 may be over, but those blinded by hatred for Trump are not about to give up. They are irrational and obsessed. They are also dangerous.

Trump Acquitted (Again), But Trump Hatred Continues

This stupidity is what "hate" gets you- obsessed, which is dangerous and emotion driven

The whole phony Orange Man Bad TV show the Dems put on exposed MASSIVE corruption - they brazenly falsified evidence, their supporters cheered it, and the media ignored it. That will NEVER be forgotten by those of us who watched it happen...

"Falsified evidence"?? :laugh2:

--- Like the moon landing?

--- Like the Newtown school shooting?

Hey that reminds me Hoss --- does a tinfoil hat deflect Jewish space lasers?

See, you were not aware your fellow Democrats created fake tweets, and altered the dates of others, to falsify "evidence" against President Trump. You just sat there like a stupid rube watching the show and didn't question a thing. Exactly the type of incurious moron the Democrats need you to be.

I don't have any "fellow Democrats" since I don't have a political party, nor do I have television. It's hard to understand how a yahoo who pulls so much out of his own ass could still be so fat.

Liar. You were glued to that show trial like the rube you are, licking up that fake "evidence" and cheering. And they love you for it.

Actually I was working those days. Might wanna call tech support for that ass-camera you have following me around. Hope you speak Hindi.

Liar, you licked it all up just like they wanted you to. Tell us about those "verified tweets" the House managers presented...go on, I know you can.
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