Ore. woman accused Gore of sex misconduct in 2006

I'm far more interested in why a newspaper had - yet another - story about a major Democratic political figure potentially involved in a sex scandal and - yet again - decided to sit on it in order to protect that Democratic figure.

Both Republicans and Democrats have their idiots and their sex scandals...but it seems like we have more cases on the Democratic side of the major media protecting political figures from embarrassment until they absolutely HAVE to air the story...while Republicans have their dirty laundry aired the second there is even the slightest whiff of impropriety.

Why the double-standard? Either air the shit the minute it comes out - making sure everyone knows that we don't have all the facts yet. OR - hold off on EVERYONE'S scandals until all the facts are known.
CaféAuLait;2440183 said:
I wonder why as the story says

"Portland Tribune had the story two years ago, and writes that it "chose at that time not to publish a story."

It is just strange that it was not published then.

Perhaps because no charges were filed - which sounds like there was no substance to the accusation.

Far as I know, Portland Tribune is not tabloid.
CaféAuLait;2440773 said:
That's something to wonder about with re: Obama. However I wonder why they re-opened her complaint in 2009 after three years and her saying she did not wish to press charges. It just seems off to me.

...I wonder who's paying her legal fees.....
Way the papers work here in Oregon.

The current mayor had a relationship with a 16 year old boy. It was known by the media, but ignored until after the election.

Former governor had a relationship while he was mayor of Portland and governor with a girl from the time she was 12 till the time she was 17, when he dumped her. It only came out when he was a private citizen about 4 years ago. Again, widely known in the media.
CaféAuLait;2440183 said:
I wonder why as the story says

"Portland Tribune had the story two years ago, and writes that it "chose at that time not to publish a story."

It is just strange that it was not published then.

Perhaps because no charges were filed - which sounds like there was no substance to the accusation.

Far as I know, Portland Tribune is not tabloid.

It is a community paper, free, publishes twice a week and concentrates on local news only.
After so many years of being near Tipper's freezing quim, when he finally felt a warm one-----

THAT'S what convinced him of global warming :lol:
According to ABC News: Police, for reasons not made public, investigated the case further last year. Still, no charges were brought.

Shades of a political witchhunt?

"the case was closed for insufficient evidence"
What Al Gore sees when he looks in the mirror

CaféAuLait;2440773 said:
That's something to wonder about with re: Obama. However I wonder why they re-opened her complaint in 2009 after three years and her saying she did not wish to press charges. It just seems off to me.

she came in again in 2009 with a premade statement for police and in 2010 to request a change in her statement.

The Multnomah County District Attorney's Office confirmed on Wednesday that the DA's office was briefed by Portland Police in late 2006 and January 2007 on allegations brought by an attorney representing the woman in the alleged abuse incident. At that time, her attorney indicated that the woman did not want to pursue criminal charges. Details: Initial 2006 police report

The woman herself came forward in 2009 and provided Portland Police with a detailed report on the alleged incident.

Police say that, in June 2010, the woman involved contacted detectives and asked for a copy of her statement, which she was given. She then asked if she could edit her statement and was told she could provide detectives with additional clarifications that would be added to her original report. She also advised that she was going to take the case to the media

Gore implicated in sex assault on Portland masseuse | kgw.com | KGW Local News | Portland, Oregon

here is a statement from the police...looks like she is stirring for the tabloid money instead of criminal charges...and has always chosen to go this route thus her not cooperating with the police from begining...

In June 2010, the woman involved contacted Detectives and asked for a copy of her statement,
which she was given. She then asked if she could edit her statement and was told she could
provide detectives with additional clarifications that would be added to her original report. She
also advised that she was going to take the case to the media


i guess the media is more private?????
There were no charges, if it really happened, she should take it all the way to court so he won't do it to some other unsuspecting massage therapist.

Of course, he's so rich, it could be a shakedown.
The report says nothing more substantive than the woman has filed a complaint. So the story amounts to she says/he says and were it not for Gore's celebrity there would be no issue made of it.

Conspicuously ignored is the fact that a woman who visits strange men in hotel rooms for the purpose of performing massages should expect occasional advances to be made. If she is a legitimate medical masseuse, and if Gore did make an unwanted advance, and if she told him he had the wrong impression, I can't believe a man in Al Gore's position would risk the possible consequences of persisting.
Make mine "I'll wait for all the facts to come out".

I can still remember the Duke lacrosse thing.
I dunno...it does seem a bit weird that she canceled four interviews with the cops and then two years after she dropped the charges she went back to the cops.

Opportunistic? Time will tell.
I'm far more interested in why a newspaper had - yet another - story about a major Democratic political figure potentially involved in a sex scandal and - yet again - decided to sit on it in order to protect that Democratic figure.

Both Republicans and Democrats have their idiots and their sex scandals...but it seems like we have more cases on the Democratic side of the major media protecting political figures from embarrassment until they absolutely HAVE to air the story...while Republicans have their dirty laundry aired the second there is even the slightest whiff of impropriety.

Why the double-standard? Either air the shit the minute it comes out - making sure everyone knows that we don't have all the facts yet. OR - hold off on EVERYONE'S scandals until all the facts are known.

Those were some of my exact thoughts. Seems the NE is scooping MSM lately.
CaféAuLait;2440773 said:
That's something to wonder about with re: Obama. However I wonder why they re-opened her complaint in 2009 after three years and her saying she did not wish to press charges. It just seems off to me.

she came in again in 2009 with a premade statement for police and in 2010 to request a change in her statement.

The Multnomah County District Attorney's Office confirmed on Wednesday that the DA's office was briefed by Portland Police in late 2006 and January 2007 on allegations brought by an attorney representing the woman in the alleged abuse incident. At that time, her attorney indicated that the woman did not want to pursue criminal charges. Details: Initial 2006 police report

Police say that, in June 2010, the woman involved contacted detectives and asked for a copy of her statement, which she was given. She then asked if she could edit her statement and was told she could provide detectives with additional clarifications that would be added to her original report. She also advised that she was going to take the case to the media

Gore implicated in sex assault on Portland masseuse | kgw.com | KGW Local News | Portland, Oregon

here is a statement from the police...looks like she is stirring for the tabloid money instead of criminal charges...and has always chosen to go this route thus her not cooperating with the police from begining...

In June 2010, the woman involved contacted Detectives and asked for a copy of her statement,
which she was given. She then asked if she could edit her statement and was told she could
provide detectives with additional clarifications that would be added to her original report. She
also advised that she was going to take the case to the media


i guess the media is more private?????

Why wait four years? And why did cops re-open the investigation in 09?

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