Oregon Bakers: You get to pay 135,000 for being radical religious morons, Judge so orders!

Those bakers should have baked that stupid cake and put ground up glass in it. Or strychnine.
OMG You people are something else, wishing death on everybody. You do realize that wanting people to die because you disagree with them isn't Christian? Or American? Or anything you pretend to value?
Neither is sing people cause they won’t make you a cake!
That's hardly the same thing as wishing peoples' death.
Wishing ain’t getting, but setting out to ruin a person’s livelihood is vile.
agreed...that baker shouldn't have tried to dox that lesbian couple.
Even the thread title points to the unconstitutionality of the ruling. It is unconstitutional to fine people for their religion. Yet that is exactly what the OP asserts and celebrates in his thread title.

Useful fucking idiot.
When the SCOTUS decides in the baker's favor, the couple will pretty much own Oregon.

Except they won't. Still 5-4 majority in favor of gay rights, and they aren't going to undo 50 years of Public Accommodation law.
Those bakers should have baked that stupid cake and put ground up glass in it. Or strychnine.
OMG You people are something else, wishing death on everybody. You do realize that wanting people to die because you disagree with them isn't Christian? Or American? Or anything you pretend to value?
Neither is sing people cause they won’t make you a cake!
That's hardly the same thing as wishing peoples' death.
Wishing ain’t getting, but setting out to ruin a person’s livelihood is vile.
agreed...that baker shouldn't have tried to dox that lesbian couple.
Like the bakers were doxxed. I guess those dykes aren't as loud and proud as we thought.
Even the thread title points to the unconstitutionality of the ruling. It is unconstitutional to fine people for their religion.

They weren't fined for their backward ass superstitions.

They were fined for violating the public accommodation laws.

The same laws that protect Christians from discrimination also protect gays.
BOR is the supreme law of the land. A state can’t violate the BOR, and still claim constitutionalality....if that was the case then would would be the point of the BOR or the rest of the amendments if a state could just make their own laws??

I understand that, however that has not been determined yet. We are awaiting a decision by the SCOTUS (which is due in June).

And the opinion expressed by the poster is not correct. Laws of general applicability that inhibit a persons behavior (even if that behavior is based on a religious belief) are upheld all the time.

Do you know who said:

"Conscientious scruples have not, in the course of the long struggle for religious toleration, relieved the individual from obedience to a general law not aimed at the promotion or restriction of religious beliefs. The mere possession of religious convictions which contradict the relevant concerns of a political society does not relieve the citizen from the discharge of political responsibilities."​

Court rules against Oregon bakers who refused to make gay wedding cake
The Oregon Court of Appeals on Thursday upheld a $135,000 fine against two Christian bakers who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple.

The case began back in January 2013, when Aaron and Melissa Klein, owners of the since-closed Sweet Cakes by Melissa bakery just outside Portland, Oregon, cited their religious beliefs when declining to make a wedding cake for Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer.

Following the incident, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries found the Kleins in violation of a 2007 state law that protects the rights of LGBTQ people in employment, housing and public accommodations. In 2015, the couple was ordered to pay the Bowman-Cryers emotional distress damages.
Court rules against Oregon bakers who refused to make gay wedding cake

:dance::clap::clap2::happy-1::happy-1:Happy New Years too, THESE LOSER MENTAL ANAL RELIGIOUS BOY RAPE SUPPORTER BAKER MORONS. As you will always bake cakes for raper priest klans roaming our streets. Following fake gods, does suck folks, as shown here by these losers. And costly as well. For what in the end? Just to show others
who are the sickest mental thinkers, walking the planet are. :happy-1:


Melissa and Aaron Klein have been ordered to pay $135,000 to a lesbian couple the bakers declined to make a cake for. (Courtesy Sweet Cakes by Melissa)
“Support Sweet Cakes by Melissa”, which raised over $100,000 before it was shut down by GoFundMe, who stated that the campaign was not compatible with their terms of service.

WOW? The cake would have made them a few bucks. But they wanted to give them a 135K Cash wedding gift..LOL!

BTW: Really, these folks still follow gods after the church paid out 600-1.3 billion in damages for raping kids. WTF is with that? Preist ASSAULT on children (rape) okay
and still follows fake lords. but if, two adults, legal ones, and their personal sexual relationship is not to be allowed, and protested by mentally sick bakers. WTF is with THAT?

Will be overturned eventually.

Unless of course you are down for black businesses being fined huge amounts for refusing business to neo-Nazis and KKK.
Are political groups listed in PA laws anywhere? Are you even knowledgeable on what PA laws are?
Of course...this is a christian message, folks.
Did you read the OP? I’d say that’s a little worse than that...didn’t hear a peep out of you though.

I'm not sure the OP has a history of claiming moral superiority, and degrading others because they don't believe the same things. I'm positive that so called Christians do though.
That’s just as bigoted a message as saying all Muslims are terrorist, or all Mexicans are rapist or drug dealers, or all blacks are felons, etc. It is NEVER ok to lump an entire group together with the negative actions of a minority of that group. Doing that is called prejudice, bigotry, racism, etc....its doesn’t make it ok because you don’t like a particular group...or else it would be ok for racist, homophobe, bigots to do it for their reasons....why do I have to explain this?

No, I didn't say Christians did that. I said so called Christians like the jerks that refused to bake the cake, and the idiots that support them.. You know, the ones who claim Christianity as an excuse for their racist, homophobic, bigoted ways. Real Christians are loving and caring. Totally opposite from the so called Christians I was referring to.
Just because a Christian doesn’t believe in gay marriage doesn’t mean they hate gays...that’s just a stupid notion. To say these guys are just bigots probably isn’t true. Some christians don’t believe in sex before marriage, some don’t believe in drinking or smoking, some don’t believe in seeing rates R movies, or Harry Potter movies, or war, or whatever...that doesn’t mean they hate all the people who don’t believe that. They just don’t believe they shouldn’t.

Are there Christian dicks out there, absolutely, there are also dicks in every worldview...why is it you only want to single out Christians, or assume that these Christians are only motivated by their hate for gays? Believing that marriage is between a single man and single women is a sincerely held belief by many in Christianity, it’s part of the philosophy of natural law...if polygamy gets legalized (which I think it should be), these same bakers or bakers like them would probably deny polygamist a cake, because they believe marriage is a sacred religious bond, and to support a marriage that they believe goes against what God wants goes against their beliefs. Government should not be forcing them to violate these beliefs.

I mentioned Christianity because their excuse was their Christian beliefs. Nobody is asking them to participate in the wedding. Just bake the damn cake. Baking the cake is not participating in the wedding any more than the store that rented them that big punch bowl.
An artist can buy a canvas to make art on. The canvas maker does not have to supply the artwork.

Kind of a miserable analogy. Here's your canvas heathens - now head on over to Hobby Lobby and buy a topper to plug in.
Oh wait - ya probably won't find 'em there. :cool:

An artist can buy a canvas to make art on. The canvas maker does not have to supply the artwork.

Kind of a miserable analogy. Here's your canvas heathens - now head on over to Hobby Lobby and buy a topper to plug in.
Oh wait - ya probably won't find 'em there. :cool:

Christians have long since ceased being shocked by the filth of poopdicks.
"Radical religious morons". Was the crazy angry left referring to ISIS monsters who beheaded people or jihad maniacs who drove a 747 into the World Trade Center? Nope, the radical left was referring to a small business that refused to build a wedding cake for sodomites. Go figure.
Because PA laws (as long as they apply to sexual orientation) are just like ISIS beheading people.....at least to so-called religious trumpanzees. No wonder the dolts voted for trump. They are weak-minded suckers.
How would he know what is standing before him?

Should the baker be required to have dna tests performed? Oh wait, that won’t even work.

I love it when you double down on silliness. It doesn't matter what the baker "knows", the standard that is applied is the basis that the baker perceived and which precipitated the illegal behavior.

If in his opinion the couple was same-sex and homosexual and sexual orientation was the basis - than that was illegal.

If in his opinion the couple was same-sex and heterosexual and sex was the basis - than that was also illegal.

Court rules against Oregon bakers who refused to make gay wedding cake
The Oregon Court of Appeals on Thursday upheld a $135,000 fine against two Christian bakers who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple.

The case began back in January 2013, when Aaron and Melissa Klein, owners of the since-closed Sweet Cakes by Melissa bakery just outside Portland, Oregon, cited their religious beliefs when declining to make a wedding cake for Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer.

Following the incident, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries found the Kleins in violation of a 2007 state law that protects the rights of LGBTQ people in employment, housing and public accommodations. In 2015, the couple was ordered to pay the Bowman-Cryers emotional distress damages.
Court rules against Oregon bakers who refused to make gay wedding cake

:dance::clap::clap2::happy-1::happy-1:Happy New Years too, THESE LOSER MENTAL ANAL RELIGIOUS BOY RAPE SUPPORTER BAKER MORONS. As you will always bake cakes for raper priest klans roaming our streets. Following fake gods, does suck folks, as shown here by these losers. And costly as well. For what in the end? Just to show others
who are the sickest mental thinkers, walking the planet are. :happy-1:


Melissa and Aaron Klein have been ordered to pay $135,000 to a lesbian couple the bakers declined to make a cake for. (Courtesy Sweet Cakes by Melissa)
“Support Sweet Cakes by Melissa”, which raised over $100,000 before it was shut down by GoFundMe, who stated that the campaign was not compatible with their terms of service.

WOW? The cake would have made them a few bucks. But they wanted to give them a 135K Cash wedding gift..LOL!

BTW: Really, these folks still follow gods after the church paid out 600-1.3 billion in damages for raping kids. WTF is with that? Preist ASSAULT on children (rape) okay
and still follows fake lords. but if, two adults, legal ones, and their personal sexual relationship is not to be allowed, and protested by mentally sick bakers. WTF is with THAT?
>Court rules against Oregon bakers who refused to make gay wedding cake<

That's too bad. A business owner should be left alone to run his/her business according to their discretion. Let them rise or fail as the result of their own policies.
This religious freedom is an interesting concept.

It seems that religion is a movable feast. Back in the day the southern churches were staunch supporters of slavery and following that were pro segregation. Evangelicals lost their moral authority a long time ago.

And we can look back on those days through enlightened eyes and see what hypocrites they were.

It is a common sense approach to state that your religious freedoms end where they impinge on my civil rights.

The world is moving on.and only a tiny bigoted minority is left quealing like pigs.

We won and we won because we have moral authority.

When you offer a service you cant pick and choose your customers on the basis of sex,colour or religion.
Where in the constitution does it say one has to provide goods and services? There is a supreme court precedent regarding anti-discrimination, based on xyz, yet no direct verbiage in the constitution. So maybe its the courts that need to interpret law not write and create law.
Ore-gone, nothing more needs to be said.

One has to ask themselves why didn't they just find another baker? or is it they wanted to ram their lifestyle down the throats of people they knew in advance help strong religious beliefs?

The couple could have went elsewhere, but they wanted to make a spectacle of the situation, and they wanted to ruin the Kleins.
So much could have been avoided here if the couple would have simply honored the Klein's religious beliefs and gone elsewhere. Instead, taxpayers have been out money with the court cases, a family has been financially ruined, and there's been a lot of hate spewed back and forth.

The bakery could have just baked the cake, but they wanted to make a spectacle of the situation, and they wanted to insult the couple buying the cake. So much could have been avoided here if the bakery would have simply honored the couples wishes and baked the cake. Instead, taxpayers have been out money with the court cases, a family has been financially ruined, and there's been a lot of hate spewed back and forth. Luckily, it was the ones who caused the problem that were ruined, so they kinda deserved it.

Yes, a lot could have been avoided had they baked the fucking cake.
They should have known the LGBT bully gestapo would work to ruin them instead of taking the high road and gone elsewhere.

Yes. How dare those mean LGBT bullies demand the law be followed. They should know religious nuts are exempt from any laws.
This is certainly what is being argued by the so-called religious people here.
I don't sell the widgets like that, but you can help yourself to those I do sell.

No, you must sell the kind I want you to sell.

There is no requirement that a business order, sell, or create items that they don't normally order, sell, or create.

If a kosher deli doesn't stock ham, they are not required to sell ham sandwiches. If a bakery doesn't normally supply wedding cakes Wedding Cakes they are not required to.

If you don't sell widgets of one type, you are not required to sell that type because a customer requests it.


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