Oregon Bakers: You get to pay 135,000 for being radical religious morons, Judge so orders!

...they had to close down their business, and go fund me cancelled their page. There was also no assurance that this would go national, nor have the ability to “make money”, nor predict that they’d be fined 135,000 dollars, oh and lawyers are VERY expensive... I’m sorry the evidence just isn’t even there that this was financially motivated.

And all this trouble could have been avoided had they not been assholes and just baked the fucking cake!

I have no sympathy for them.
All this could have been avoided if...the lesbian couple went to a different baker, the government had not violated the first amendment forcing them to violate religious beliefs, had government not violated the first amendment in DOMA...yea you don’t really have your priorities straight.

Here’s the first amendment. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”

Tell me if you disagree with what this married gay man has to say about this matter?

This is the slippery slope fallacy at its finest.

They still have to prove their religion makes that stance, and that they are a member of that religion...just like people in passivist religions did when they were opting out of drafts. If you got drafted and wanted to say you were a Quaker, without ever going to a Quaker church or ever participating in any Quaker event...well that wouldn’t fly.

That is incorrect. They simply have to show it is a "sincerely held" religious belief, there is no requirement that individuals show that it is a central tenant of a major religion or that they belong to that major religion. Using the Federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (which some states have modeled their own law after), the law sites religious freedem (42 US 2000bb-2) then sites the definition from (42 USC 2000cc-5).

(7) Religious exercise
(A) In general
The term “religious exercise” includes any exercise of religion, whether or not compelled by, or central to, a system of religious belief.

42 U.S. Code § 2000bb–2 - Definitions
42 U.S. Code § 2000cc–5 - Definitions

Im not going to split hairs over a point that unecassary.
The Dumb Democrat Bigots are against Freedom of Religion.

Keep it in your home, where you can be as mentally sick as you want to be, as you offer your kids to priest for fake lord love.
A home is private property
a bakery is also private property

therefore, you proved your support for the gay couple to be wrong.

That's cool....no business licenses no safety laws no health laws to follow now...all one has to do is state it's against their so-called religion.

What part of Congress shall make no laws...... are you having trouble with?

Google the word “no” for further assistance.
The two bully lesbos both look like they've had quite a few of those sweet cakes.
Of course...this is a christian message, folks.
Did you read the OP? I’d say that’s a little worse than that...didn’t hear a peep out of you though.

I'm not sure the OP has a history of claiming moral superiority, and degrading others because they don't believe the same things. I'm positive that so called Christians do though.
That’s just as bigoted a message as saying all Muslims are terrorist, or all Mexicans are rapist or drug dealers, or all blacks are felons, etc. It is NEVER ok to lump an entire group together with the negative actions of a minority of that group. Doing that is called prejudice, bigotry, racism, etc....its doesn’t make it ok because you don’t like a particular group...or else it would be ok for racist, homophobe, bigots to do it for their reasons....why do I have to explain this?

No, I didn't say Christians did that. I said so called Christians like the jerks that refused to bake the cake, and the idiots that support them.. You know, the ones who claim Christianity as an excuse for their racist, homophobic, bigoted ways. Real Christians are loving and caring. Totally opposite from the so called Christians I was referring to.
The bakers did not refuse to serve gays, or bake them a cake. They refused to bake a specific cake because it conflicted with their morals.

Just FYI, the Oregon law that the baker broke requires full and equal goods and services provided by a business that meets the description of a public accommodation business. Not one set of goods and services sold to everyone and a subset of goods and services sold to others.

The fact that they would have (or may have) sold other products isn't relevant.

All Goods Set = A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
Subset = A, B, C, D, F, G, H

ORS 659A.403 - Discrimination in place of public accommodation prohibited - 2015 Oregon Revised Statutes

they should have built 'black only' diners, as there were and are plenty blacked owned places to eat.
The truth emerges
Ignorance vomits.

I don't support racism, I support freedom.

you're just to fucking dumb to see that supporting freedom over feelings is more important.
Fuck off to Chechnya if you dont like it.
I'm trying to prevent a free country from becoming a tyrannical shit hole.
I suggest that you follow the principle of "all men are created equal."
All are created equal.

Equal opportunity.

Not equal outcome.
The bakers did not refuse to serve gays, or bake them a cake. They refused to bake a specific cake because it conflicted with their morals.

Just FYI, the Oregon law that the baker broke requires full and equal goods and services provided by a business that meets the description of a public accommodation business. Not one set of goods and services sold to everyone and a subset of goods and services sold to others.

The fact that they would have (or may have) sold other products isn't relevant.

All Goods Set = A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
Subset = A, B, C, D, F, G, H

ORS 659A.403 - Discrimination in place of public accommodation prohibited - 2015 Oregon Revised Statutes


The constitution trumps state law. The constitution is not confusing in this.

Congress shall make NO law ........
Ignorance vomits.

I don't support racism, I support freedom.

you're just to fucking dumb to see that supporting freedom over feelings is more important.
Fuck off to Chechnya if you dont like it.
I'm trying to prevent a free country from becoming a tyrannical shit hole.
I suggest that you follow the principle of "all men are created equal."
they are

and in our Constitution, we have Property RIGHTS

your leftist hate for freedom is well noted, the pride you take in supporting government tyranny sickens me.
We also have freedom of RELIGION.

Which means we can't be fined and imprisoned for refusing to violate our consciences...unless that refusal PREVENTS a person from enjoying THEIR rights.

Refusing to enter into a contract to bake a special cake for a fake wedding is not a crime. It is not discrimination. It's nothing. They offered the yahoos a case cake, they did not deny them service. They didn't tell them to leave. They just failed to contract with them for the purpose of creating a decorative celebratory centerpiece for an event they believe they will lose favor with God for endorsing.

The homos weren't denied cake. They were denied endorsement. Endorsement is not a right.
You're freedom of religion is not the freedom to make up stuff so you get to discriminate against your fellow citizens in the marketplace. Just like I can't just make up some religious "rule" as to not serving you.
The bakers did not refuse to serve gays, or bake them a cake. They refused to bake a specific cake because it conflicted with their morals.

Just FYI, the Oregon law that the baker broke requires full and equal goods and services provided by a business that meets the description of a public accommodation business. Not one set of goods and services sold to everyone and a subset of goods and services sold to others.

The fact that they would have (or may have) sold other products isn't relevant.

All Goods Set = A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
Subset = A, B, C, D, F, G, H

ORS 659A.403 - Discrimination in place of public accommodation prohibited - 2015 Oregon Revised Statutes

They offered to bake them a wedding cake, as they advertised they do. The case is not yet adjudicated.
Shut up and bake the damn cake! :cool-45:

The bakers did not refuse to serve gays, or bake them a cake. They refused to bake a specific cake because it conflicted with their morals.

Just FYI, the Oregon law that the baker broke requires full and equal goods and services provided by a business that meets the description of a public accommodation business. Not one set of goods and services sold to everyone and a subset of goods and services sold to others.

The fact that they would have (or may have) sold other products isn't relevant.

All Goods Set = A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
Subset = A, B, C, D, F, G, H

ORS 659A.403 - Discrimination in place of public accommodation prohibited - 2015 Oregon Revised Statutes

They offered to bake them a wedding cake, as they advertised they do. The case is not yet adjudicated.
Birmingham Alabama? Does Alabama include sexual orientation in their PA laws? If it does and that bakery advertises wedding cakes, they will bake it.

Who was I responding to? A Brit. Pay attention. Birmingham in the UK. You know, a large city with no go zones? Try going into one of these no go zones and asking a Muslim bakery to make a gay wedding cake. Hop over there and give it a try. Let us know how that works out for you.
The constitution trumps state law. The constitution is not confusing in this.

Congress shall make NO law ........

Congress didn't make the law.

States have the power to regulate intrastate commerce under the 10th Amendment. Which side prevails in this case, well, we'll need to wait until June. (Masterpiece Cakeshop has already had oral arguments before the SCOTUS and a ruling is not expected until the end of term - June.)

How could, or can the baker tell the couple was / are gay?

If a heterosexual same sex couple wanted a gay wedding cake, would this end in the same result?

If a baker refused, he wouldn’t be violating based on sexuality.
Birmingham Alabama? Does Alabama include sexual orientation in their PA laws? If it does and that bakery advertises wedding cakes, they will bake it.

Who was I responding to? A Brit. Pay attention. Birmingham in the UK. You know, a large city with no go zones? Try going into one of these no go zones and asking a Muslim bakery to make a gay wedding cake. Hop over there and give it a try. Let us know how that works out for you.

You understand our laws don't apply in other countries, don't you?

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