Oregon Bakers: You get to pay 135,000 for being radical religious morons, Judge so orders!

Those bakers should have baked that stupid cake and put ground up glass in it. Or strychnine.
OMG You people are something else, wishing death on everybody. You do realize that wanting people to die because you disagree with them isn't Christian? Or American? Or anything you pretend to value?
Neither is sing people cause they won’t make you a cake!
That's hardly the same thing as wishing peoples' death.
Wishing ain’t getting, but setting out to ruin a person’s livelihood is vile.
It's only your opinion they wanted to ruin someone's life. If we all believed filing suit against someone meant trying to ruin their life, the USA would not be such a litigious country.

As far as wishing people's death, it is non-Christian and un-American. It's what Satan's followers would do.
Those bakers should have baked that stupid cake and put ground up glass in it. Or strychnine.
OMG You people are something else, wishing death on everybody. You do realize that wanting people to die because you disagree with them isn't Christian? Or American? Or anything you pretend to value?
Neither is sing people cause they won’t make you a cake!
That's hardly the same thing as wishing peoples' death.
Wishing ain’t getting, but setting out to ruin a person’s livelihood is vile.
It's only your opinion they wanted to ruin someone's life. If we all believed filing suit against someone meant trying to ruin their life, the USA would not be such a litigious country.

As far as wishing people's death, it is non-Christian and un-American. It's what Satan's followers would do.
Of course they wanted to ruin them. If they wished not to ruin them they would have done what most folks do and that is to find a bakery to accommodate them. It’s all about sticking it to the Christian.
They didn't break any law. The courts are breaking the law by imposing fines that punish them for their religion.
they should have built 'black only' diners, as there were and are plenty blacked owned places to eat.
The truth emerges
Ignorance vomits.

I don't support racism, I support freedom.

you're just to fucking dumb to see that supporting freedom over feelings is more important.
Fuck off to Chechnya if you dont like it.
Shut up you fat, homo-pedo slob.

He never refused to bake that cake. But your ignorance is amazing.
emotional distress? LMAO what a couple of fucking bedwetters
It amazes me how people cheer on loss of individuality and private property.
Fucking sickos

What amazes me is that this woman let her loser husband destroy the business she spent years building up.

Should have been a point long before this where they just acknowledged they made a mistake and settled.
Court rules against Oregon bakers who refused to make gay wedding cake
The Oregon Court of Appeals on Thursday upheld a $135,000 fine against two Christian bakers who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple.

The case began back in January 2013, when Aaron and Melissa Klein, owners of the since-closed Sweet Cakes by Melissa bakery just outside Portland, Oregon, cited their religious beliefs when declining to make a wedding cake for Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer.

Following the incident, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries found the Kleins in violation of a 2007 state law that protects the rights of LGBTQ people in employment, housing and public accommodations. In 2015, the couple was ordered to pay the Bowman-Cryers emotional distress damages.
Court rules against Oregon bakers who refused to make gay wedding cake

:dance::clap::clap2::happy-1::happy-1:Happy New Years too, THESE LOSER MENTAL ANAL RELIGIOUS BOY RAPE SUPPORTER BAKER MORONS. As you will always bake cakes for raper priest klans roaming our streets. Following fake gods, does suck folks, as shown here by these losers. And costly as well. For what in the end? Just to show others
who are the sickest mental thinkers, walking the planet are. :happy-1:


Melissa and Aaron Klein have been ordered to pay $135,000 to a lesbian couple the bakers declined to make a cake for. (Courtesy Sweet Cakes by Melissa)
“Support Sweet Cakes by Melissa”, which raised over $100,000 before it was shut down by GoFundMe, who stated that the campaign was not compatible with their terms of service.

WOW? The cake would have made them a few bucks. But they wanted to give them a 135K Cash wedding gift..LOL!

BTW: Really, these folks still follow gods after the church paid out 600-1.3 billion in damages for raping kids. WTF is with that? Preist ASSAULT on children (rape) okay
and still follows fake lords. but if, two adults, legal ones, and their personal sexual relationship is not to be allowed, and protested by mentally sick bakers. WTF is with THAT?

I’m curious to see your response to this video, a former progressive homosexual man.

A few obvious problems with your rabid rant here.

A. It is NEVER ok to lump and attribute the actions of the worst very small fractional minority of a group, to the larger group and individuals if that group...that’s called being bigoted or prejudiced. What you just did is just as bigoted as someone who says that “all Muslims either are or support/fine with terrorist.” Or just as bigoted as saying “all homosexual men are probably pedophiles too (remember the 6% of catholic priests aren’t the only example of homosexual pedophiles.)” So you are a bigot.

B. The decades old sexual abuse cover up case you’re talking about was carried out by sects of the Catholic Church. These guys are Protestants. Not even the same religion... you might as well be lumping in sihks in with Muslims...just a very moronic thing to do.

C. Priests don’t marry...if a priest wanted to marry, and the bakers were religiously against priests marrying...would it be ok for them to say no to the priests? Even when they offer to give them any other product, just not a wedding cake? Would it be ok for a gay baker to deny making a cake for a member of the West boro Baptist church (that church that says god hates fags, and protest troops funerals), or maybe for Putin or the Iranian Ayatolla who carry out disgusting executions and persecutions against homosexuals?

D. Our first amendment states. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”... this is as close as we come to the concept of “separation of church and state” that the left loves to cite so much. SOCAS doesn’t exist in the constitution, the first amendment is it....how in the hell does this NOT violate the first amendment...which the BOR including the first amendment IS the Highest law of the land????
It is up to the individual. If the law of the land conflicts with their morals, they must either break the law or leave.

Or else they aren't morals at all.

And the owners chose to stay at the bakery and accept the consequences of breaking the law.
Because of their moral stance. Their morals are more important to them than money. But we already knew that when they refused to profit from a cake.

Do you think cities and states will be so morally strong when their money goes away?

They didn't seem to have any moral problems accepting the $100,000 from GoFundMe, or what ever site collected all that money. "Thou shalt make a fortune off of religious nuts"?
They did not bake a queer cake for it.

Do you think cities and states will be so morally strong when their money goes away?[

Not sure that will happen. However, the homophobic bakers don't have to make that choice. Bible tumpers gave them 100,000 and the donations didn't stop when GoFundMe closed that page. They have become rich for being homophobes. Which chapter in the bible discusses that?
Click to support Help Sweetcakes by melissa
They have not baked a queer cake, which has always been their moral stance.

Get back to me when you have some idea of how morally strong your leaders in office might be.
not sure why people cheer when the Constitution is ignored.

leftist, hating America since fdr
The constitution wasn’t ignored. Thus the ruling.
the bakery is private property, thus the owners get to pick and choose, not the government.

the Constitution was ignored
That's just not true. If that were true they could decide not to serve Asians or Hispanics or people with red hair and freckles. They can't just pick and choose who to serve.
Wrong, if the Constitution was followed, and Property RIGHTS enforced, each and every owner can dictate who they will proved service to.

somehow, wrongly, civil rights trump Constitutional rights.
"civil rights trump Constitutional rights"............:eusa_doh:
emotional distress? LMAO what a couple of fucking bedwetters
It amazes me how people cheer on loss of individuality and private property.
Fucking sickos
Yeah and black people should have sucked it up and sat at the booth instead of the counter :rolleyes:
I see nothing wrong with individuals doing as they please with their private property.
Is a business that has obtained a state business license considered private property?
PA laws at the federal level was blatantly unconstitutional. The commerce clause has been raped into nothing.
PA laws at the state level are institutional discrimination. Which is bullshit.
Then challenge them in court.....again. Because they already have been challenged and declared Constitutional.
emotional distress? LMAO what a couple of fucking bedwetters
It amazes me how people cheer on loss of individuality and private property.
Fucking sickos
Yeah and black people should have sucked it up and sat at the booth instead of the counter :rolleyes:
I see nothing wrong with individuals doing as they please with their private property.
Is a business that has obtained a state business license considered private property?
Yes hahaha...is that a serious question?? I hope to god not. You have to get a license to operate a car...that doesn’t mean you no longer own your car.
The truth emerges
Ignorance vomits.

I don't support racism, I support freedom.

you're just to fucking dumb to see that supporting freedom over feelings is more important.
You believe in sick, dystopian nonsense.
yes or no

Is the US Constitution dystopian?

I ask, b/c that's what it sounds like you are saying, but I'm going to give you the chance to backpeddle.
No. Your amateur interpretation is.
So, you should support the Constitution over a 'law' that forces people to provide goods or services.

key word; FORCE
Why should they force businesses to follow health laws now, eh?
emotional distress? LMAO what a couple of fucking bedwetters
It amazes me how people cheer on loss of individuality and private property.
Fucking sickos
Yeah and black people should have sucked it up and sat at the booth instead of the counter :rolleyes:
I see nothing wrong with individuals doing as they please with their private property.
Is a business that has obtained a state business license considered private property?
Two separate issues. You can run your business on my personal property.
Ignorance vomits.

I don't support racism, I support freedom.

you're just to fucking dumb to see that supporting freedom over feelings is more important.
You believe in sick, dystopian nonsense.
yes or no

Is the US Constitution dystopian?

I ask, b/c that's what it sounds like you are saying, but I'm going to give you the chance to backpeddle.
No. Your amateur interpretation is.
So, you should support the Constitution over a 'law' that forces people to provide goods or services.

key word; FORCE
Why should they force businesses to follow health laws now, eh?
Health laws do not conflict with their religion.
Ignorance vomits.

I don't support racism, I support freedom.

you're just to fucking dumb to see that supporting freedom over feelings is more important.
You believe in sick, dystopian nonsense.
yes or no

Is the US Constitution dystopian?

I ask, b/c that's what it sounds like you are saying, but I'm going to give you the chance to backpeddle.
No. Your amateur interpretation is.
So, you should support the Constitution over a 'law' that forces people to provide goods or services.

key word; FORCE
Why should they force businesses to follow health laws now, eh?
Because of the first amendment... “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”... that’s pretty clear. Just because the SCOTUS found slavery, or Jim Crow, or internment camps “constitutional” doesn’t mean they were constitutional.
Nazis forced Jews to play their instruments at the ovens. Today's progressives think Christians should be forced to create celebratory works of art for homosexuals to feast upon during their orgies.
Because making businesses that have a business license follow business laws is SO MUCH like the NAZIS forcing Jews to play instruments at the ovens.

^ trumpanzee logic. Anyone wonder why these kinds of dolts voted for trump?
And the owners chose to stay at the bakery and accept the consequences of breaking the law.
Because of their moral stance. Their morals are more important to them than money. But we already knew that when they refused to profit from a cake.

Do you think cities and states will be so morally strong when their money goes away?

They didn't seem to have any moral problems accepting the $100,000 from GoFundMe, or what ever site collected all that money. "Thou shalt make a fortune off of religious nuts"?
They did not bake a queer cake for it.

Do you think cities and states will be so morally strong when their money goes away?[

Not sure that will happen. However, the homophobic bakers don't have to make that choice. Bible tumpers gave them 100,000 and the donations didn't stop when GoFundMe closed that page. They have become rich for being homophobes. Which chapter in the bible discusses that?
Click to support Help Sweetcakes by melissa
They have not baked a queer cake, which has always been their moral stance.

Get back to me when you have some idea of how morally strong your leaders in office might be.

It has been a very lucrative moral stance for them. For the amount of money collected for to them, I might refuse to bake a cake too, but I'm not a baker.
Nazis forced Jews to play their instruments at the ovens. Today's progressives think Christians should be forced to create celebratory works of art for homosexuals to feast upon during their orgies.
Because making businesses that have a business license follow business laws is SO MUCH like the NAZIS forcing Jews to play instruments at the ovens.

^ trumpanzee logic. Anyone wonder why these kinds of dolts voted for trump?
Nazi law said Jews and others...negroes, for instance...were something less than human. Under people, they called them.

Of course we must all follow laws.
Because of their moral stance. Their morals are more important to them than money. But we already knew that when they refused to profit from a cake.

Do you think cities and states will be so morally strong when their money goes away?

They didn't seem to have any moral problems accepting the $100,000 from GoFundMe, or what ever site collected all that money. "Thou shalt make a fortune off of religious nuts"?
They did not bake a queer cake for it.

Do you think cities and states will be so morally strong when their money goes away?[

Not sure that will happen. However, the homophobic bakers don't have to make that choice. Bible tumpers gave them 100,000 and the donations didn't stop when GoFundMe closed that page. They have become rich for being homophobes. Which chapter in the bible discusses that?
Click to support Help Sweetcakes by melissa
They have not baked a queer cake, which has always been their moral stance.

Get back to me when you have some idea of how morally strong your leaders in office might be.

It has been a very lucrative moral stance for them. For the amount of money collected for to them, I might refuse to bake a cake too, but I'm not a baker.
Two different issues. Don't be mad because so many support their morality.
The Dumb Democrat Bigots are against Freedom of Religion.

Keep it in your home, where you can be as mentally sick as you want to be, as you offer your kids to priest for fake lord love.
A home is private property
a bakery is also private property

therefore, you proved your support for the gay couple to be wrong.

That's cool....no business licenses no safety laws no health laws to follow now...all one has to do is state it's against their so-called religion.

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