Oregon Bakers: You get to pay 135,000 for being radical religious morons, Judge so orders!

The Dumb Democrat Bigots are against Freedom of Religion.

Keep it in your home, where you can be as mentally sick as you want to be, as you offer your kids to priest for fake lord love.
A home is private property
a bakery is also private property

therefore, you proved your support for the gay couple to be wrong.

That's cool....no business licenses no safety laws no health laws to follow now...all one has to do is state it's against their so-called religion.
You think the government should force people to produce what they don't want to produce. It's called forced labor.
It has been a very lucrative moral stance for them. For the amount of money collected for to them, I might refuse to bake a cake too, but I'm not a baker.

The problem is, that kind of shakedown is sort of a first come, first serve scam.

If you are the first or second bigot who comes in and gets fined, you get a bailout, but if you are the tenth or eleventh when it doesn't even make the news, you just end up with a fine and a bunch of shitty Yelp Reviews from people who never used your business.
Nazis forced Jews to play their instruments at the ovens. Today's progressives think Christians should be forced to create celebratory works of art for homosexuals to feast upon during their orgies.
Because making businesses that have a business license follow business laws is SO MUCH like the NAZIS forcing Jews to play instruments at the ovens.

^ trumpanzee logic. Anyone wonder why these kinds of dolts voted for trump?
And forcing business owners to violate their religious beliefs violates the first amendment, just like DOMA violated the first amendment. If a church believes in gay marriage and wants to carry out gay marriages, they should’ve been allowed to do so as their “free excercise” of that religion. Remember DOMA was found constitutional, government only started issuing marriage licenses because of miscongeniation laws. Because the government wrongly thinks you have to go to them to ask permission to marry, so they can dole out a license, doesn’t mean government owns your marriage. That’s just a ridiculous concept.

A gay baker should not be forced to bake a cake for the west boro Baptist church, or a Jewish baker be forced to bake a cake for bro nazis, or a pro-choice supporter be forced to bake a cake for a pro life group.... if you don’t believe these things than you are an authoritarian and wish to use government to shove your views down everyone else’s throat, just like we did with DOMA.
It has been a very lucrative moral stance for them. For the amount of money collected for to them, I might refuse to bake a cake too, but I'm not a baker.

The problem is, that kind of shakedown is sort of a first come, first serve scam.

If you are the first or second bigot who comes in and gets fined, you get a bailout, but if you are the tenth or eleventh when it doesn't even make the news, you just end up with a fine and a bunch of shitty Yelp Reviews from people who never used your business.

Yes, but I was responding to a remark about the moral stance the first baker supposedly made. I'm not sure if it ended up being as much a moral stance as it was a financial stance.
The Dumb Democrat Bigots are against Freedom of Religion.

Keep it in your home, where you can be as mentally sick as you want to be, as you offer your kids to priest for fake lord love.
A home is private property
a bakery is also private property

therefore, you proved your support for the gay couple to be wrong.

That's cool....no business licenses no safety laws no health laws to follow now...all one has to do is state it's against their so-called religion.
This is the slippery slope fallacy at its finest.

They still have to prove their religion makes that stance, and that they are a member of that religion...just like people in passivist religions did when they were opting out of drafts. If you got drafted and wanted to say you were a Quaker, without ever going to a Quaker church or ever participating in any Quaker event...well that wouldn’t fly.
Where in the constitution does it say one has to provide goods and services? There is a supreme court precedent regarding anti-discrimination, based on xyz, yet no direct verbiage in the constitution. So maybe its the courts that need to interpret law not write and create law.
Ore-gone, nothing more needs to be said.

One has to ask themselves why didn't they just find another baker? or is it they wanted to ram their lifestyle down the throats of people they knew in advance help strong religious beliefs?

The couple could have went elsewhere, but they wanted to make a spectacle of the situation, and they wanted to ruin the Kleins.
So much could have been avoided here if the couple would have simply honored the Klein's religious beliefs and gone elsewhere. Instead, taxpayers have been out money with the court cases, a family has been financially ruined, and there's been a lot of hate spewed back and forth.
How dare that couple expect a wedding cake shop to make them a wedding cake!!!!!! Who do they think they are? Equal citizens?
It has been a very lucrative moral stance for them. For the amount of money collected for to them, I might refuse to bake a cake too, but I'm not a baker.

The problem is, that kind of shakedown is sort of a first come, first serve scam.

If you are the first or second bigot who comes in and gets fined, you get a bailout, but if you are the tenth or eleventh when it doesn't even make the news, you just end up with a fine and a bunch of shitty Yelp Reviews from people who never used your business.

Yes, but I was responding to a remark about the moral stance the first baker supposedly made. I'm not sure if it ended up being as much a moral stance as it was a financial stance.
They haven't baked the queer cake. Let's see if liberal leaders will adhere to their morals when their money goes away.
Where in the constitution does it say one has to provide goods and services? There is a supreme court precedent regarding anti-discrimination, based on xyz, yet no direct verbiage in the constitution. So maybe its the courts that need to interpret law not write and create law.
Ore-gone, nothing more needs to be said.

One has to ask themselves why didn't they just find another baker? or is it they wanted to ram their lifestyle down the throats of people they knew in advance help strong religious beliefs?

The couple could have went elsewhere, but they wanted to make a spectacle of the situation, and they wanted to ruin the Kleins.
So much could have been avoided here if the couple would have simply honored the Klein's religious beliefs and gone elsewhere. Instead, taxpayers have been out money with the court cases, a family has been financially ruined, and there's been a lot of hate spewed back and forth.
How dare that couple expect a wedding cake shop to make them a wedding cake!!!!!! Who do they think they are? Equal citizens?
The bakers did not refuse to serve gays, or bake them a cake. They refused to bake a specific cake because it conflicted with their morals.
The two bully lesbos both look like they've had quite a few of those sweet cakes.
Of course...this is a christian message, folks.
Did you read the OP? I’d say that’s a little worse than that...didn’t hear a peep out of you though.

I'm not sure the OP has a history of claiming moral superiority, and degrading others because they don't believe the same things. I'm positive that so called Christians do though.
It has been a very lucrative moral stance for them. For the amount of money collected for to them, I might refuse to bake a cake too, but I'm not a baker.

The problem is, that kind of shakedown is sort of a first come, first serve scam.

If you are the first or second bigot who comes in and gets fined, you get a bailout, but if you are the tenth or eleventh when it doesn't even make the news, you just end up with a fine and a bunch of shitty Yelp Reviews from people who never used your business.

Yes, but I was responding to a remark about the moral stance the first baker supposedly made. I'm not sure if it ended up being as much a moral stance as it was a financial stance.
...they had to close down their business, and go fund me cancelled their page. There was also no assurance that this would go national, nor have the ability to “make money”, nor predict that they’d be fined 135,000 dollars, oh and lawyers are VERY expensive... I’m sorry the evidence just isn’t even there that this was financially motivated.
It has been a very lucrative moral stance for them. For the amount of money collected for to them, I might refuse to bake a cake too, but I'm not a baker.

The problem is, that kind of shakedown is sort of a first come, first serve scam.

If you are the first or second bigot who comes in and gets fined, you get a bailout, but if you are the tenth or eleventh when it doesn't even make the news, you just end up with a fine and a bunch of shitty Yelp Reviews from people who never used your business.

Yes, but I was responding to a remark about the moral stance the first baker supposedly made. I'm not sure if it ended up being as much a moral stance as it was a financial stance.
They haven't baked the queer cake. Let's see if liberal leaders will adhere to their morals when their money goes away.

Which liberal leaders refused to bake a cake for a same sex couple?
Where in the constitution does it say one has to provide goods and services? There is a supreme court precedent regarding anti-discrimination, based on xyz, yet no direct verbiage in the constitution. So maybe its the courts that need to interpret law not write and create law.
Ore-gone, nothing more needs to be said.

One has to ask themselves why didn't they just find another baker? or is it they wanted to ram their lifestyle down the throats of people they knew in advance help strong religious beliefs?

Nowhere in the constitution does it say anyone has to open a business supplying goods and/or services. However, if they do, there are certain rules they must follow.

if you go there, YOU have to follow their rules.
They were a public commercial business. They weren't following the laws.
Best thing to have done is just pull their business license.....but Oregon followed the law as written just as they did in the case about the dentist who discriminated against his christian employee and was fined TWICE as much as this couple.
It has been a very lucrative moral stance for them. For the amount of money collected for to them, I might refuse to bake a cake too, but I'm not a baker.

The problem is, that kind of shakedown is sort of a first come, first serve scam.

If you are the first or second bigot who comes in and gets fined, you get a bailout, but if you are the tenth or eleventh when it doesn't even make the news, you just end up with a fine and a bunch of shitty Yelp Reviews from people who never used your business.

Yes, but I was responding to a remark about the moral stance the first baker supposedly made. I'm not sure if it ended up being as much a moral stance as it was a financial stance.
They haven't baked the queer cake. Let's see if liberal leaders will adhere to their morals when their money goes away.

Which liberal leaders refused to bake a cake for a same sex couple?
Which baker did?
Where in the constitution does it say one has to provide goods and services? There is a supreme court precedent regarding anti-discrimination, based on xyz, yet no direct verbiage in the constitution. So maybe its the courts that need to interpret law not write and create law.
Ore-gone, nothing more needs to be said.

One has to ask themselves why didn't they just find another baker? or is it they wanted to ram their lifestyle down the throats of people they knew in advance help strong religious beliefs?

Nowhere in the constitution does it say anyone has to open a business supplying goods and/or services. However, if they do, there are certain rules they must follow.

if you go there, YOU have to follow their rules.
They were a public commercial business. They weren't following the laws.
Best thing to have done is just pull their business license.....but Oregon followed the law as written just as they did in the case about the dentist who discriminated against his christian employee and was fined TWICE as much as this couple.
Forced to close his business? I haven't heard about him. Got a link?
The two bully lesbos both look like they've had quite a few of those sweet cakes.
Of course...this is a christian message, folks.
Did you read the OP? I’d say that’s a little worse than that...didn’t hear a peep out of you though.

I'm not sure the OP has a history of claiming moral superiority, and degrading others because they don't believe the same things. I'm positive that so called Christians do though.
That’s just as bigoted a message as saying all Muslims are terrorist, or all Mexicans are rapist or drug dealers, or all blacks are felons, etc. It is NEVER ok to lump an entire group together with the negative actions of a minority of that group. Doing that is called prejudice, bigotry, racism, etc....its doesn’t make it ok because you don’t like a particular group...or else it would be ok for racist, homophobe, bigots to do it for their reasons....why do I have to explain this?
...they had to close down their business, and go fund me cancelled their page. There was also no assurance that this would go national, nor have the ability to “make money”, nor predict that they’d be fined 135,000 dollars, oh and lawyers are VERY expensive... I’m sorry the evidence just isn’t even there that this was financially motivated.

And all this trouble could have been avoided had they not been assholes and just baked the fucking cake!

I have no sympathy for them.
This is the slippery slope fallacy at its finest.

They still have to prove their religion makes that stance, and that they are a member of that religion...just like people in passivist religions did when they were opting out of drafts. If you got drafted and wanted to say you were a Quaker, without ever going to a Quaker church or ever participating in any Quaker event...well that wouldn’t fly.

That is incorrect. They simply have to show it is a "sincerely held" religious belief, there is no requirement that individuals show that it is a central tenant of a major religion or that they belong to that major religion. Using the Federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (which some states have modeled their own law after), the law sites religious freedem (42 US 2000bb-2) then sites the definition from (42 USC 2000cc-5).

(7) Religious exercise
(A) In general
The term “religious exercise” includes any exercise of religion, whether or not compelled by, or central to, a system of religious belief.

42 U.S. Code § 2000bb–2 - Definitions
42 U.S. Code § 2000cc–5 - Definitions

Nowhere in the constitution does it say anyone has to open a business supplying goods and/or services. However, if they do, there are certain rules they must follow.

Tell that to a Muslim bakery.

You mean the bakeries that were asked to bake a wedding cake even tho that's NOT what they do for anyone?
You mean the bakeries that are in Michigan....a state that does not include sexual orientation in their PA laws like Oregon does?
You mean those bakeries?

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