Oregon Bakers: You get to pay 135,000 for being radical religious morons, Judge so orders!

God slaughered cities of people because some of them wanted to have butt sex.

Yet, these idiots think they have the moral high ground? lol

What a bunch of monsters.

It has been written, some godly almighty god/lord slaughtered this planet's population in part over people in his own image having butt sex.
How do these people today, who are still made in that sick imaginary of some sick lordy image feel about that?
As anal butt sex explorers are still here. So how many christians are for priest butt raping kids again here, are the MAJOR portions of their flocks?
Yes, all who still follow their fake priest, scamming them all for over 3500 years, there is a lord almighty that needs your money and child's ASS to show you, love him!? To get entry to that magical place when DEAD.
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No, but if you insist. Were these incidents acceptable because their religion superseded the law?
Where Human sacrifices are still taking place throughout the world
It is up to the individual. If the law of the land conflicts with their morals, they must either break the law or leave.

Or else they aren't morals at all.

And the owners chose to stay at the bakery and accept the consequences of breaking the law.
Because of their moral stance. Their morals are more important to them than money. But we already knew that when they refused to profit from a cake.

Do you think cities and states will be so morally strong when their money goes away?

They didn't seem to have any moral problems accepting the $100,000 from GoFundMe, or what ever site collected all that money. "Thou shalt make a fortune off of religious nuts"?
They did not bake a queer cake for it.

Do you think cities and states will be so morally strong when their money goes away?[

Not sure that will happen. However, the homophobic bakers don't have to make that choice. Bible tumpers gave them 100,000 and the donations didn't stop when GoFundMe closed that page. They have become rich for being homophobes. Which chapter in the bible discusses that?
Click to support Help Sweetcakes by melissa
And the owners chose to stay at the bakery and accept the consequences of breaking the law.

Why are there no consequences for the corrupt public officials who knowingly and willfully conspired with a pair of disgusting, immoral sex perverts to violate the Constitution, in order to deny these bakers their rights which are explicitly affirmed in the First Amendment?
Do you think religious nuts should be able to ignore the law or not?

Do you think that government should be allowed to ignore the Constitution—which is this nation's highest law—or not?

Still trying to change subject, aren't you. Any reason you are afraid to answer the question?

My question is perfectly relevant. You're trying to pretend to be on the side of law and order, and yet, ignoring the highest law in order to do so. You're taking a position that is thinly-disguised as support for the rule of law, but which is, in fact, a position of lawlessness and corruption.

What ever you say bubba. I'm talking about the homophobic bakers.
And the owners chose to stay at the bakery and accept the consequences of breaking the law.

Why are there no consequences for the corrupt public officials who knowingly and willfully conspired with a pair of disgusting, immoral sex perverts to violate the Constitution, in order to deny these bakers their rights which are explicitly affirmed in the First Amendment?

Sounds like "DEEP STATE" stuff to me. Try conspiracy theories. I'm sure you will be more comfortable there.
Where in the constitution does it say one has to provide goods and services? There is a supreme court precedent regarding anti-discrimination, based on xyz, yet no direct verbiage in the constitution. So maybe its the courts that need to interpret law not write and create law.
Ore-gone, nothing more needs to be said.

One has to ask themselves why didn't they just find another baker? or is it they wanted to ram their lifestyle down the throats of people they knew in advance help strong religious beliefs?

Nowhere in the constitution does it say anyone has to open a business supplying goods and/or services. However, if they do, there are certain rules they must follow.

if you go there, YOU have to follow their rules.
Criminal leftists don't recognize anybody's private property. You'll never get him to acknowledge it exists. They think everything is theirs.

The owners of that private property are responsible for the business operated on that property. The business broke the law.

What law?

You do know Oregon breaks the law of legal pot right?

So can we now throw in jail the entire Oregon government?

Oh but you will tell me that's different...
I think faggot businesses in OR are fair game now. You take away peoples rights...they'll find a way to get some get back.

How goes your local church priest raping your kids today?
Seems OR wants to stop these crimes.
You are boring. And going to hell anyway.

I don't believe in fake lords. Seems I'm ahead in life.

btw: Can you answer some lasting questions here?
" godly almighty god/lord slaughtered" this planet folks in a massive flood.
Why is a lord a mass murderer?
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I think faggot businesses in OR are fair game now. You take away peoples rights...they'll find a way to get some get back.

How goes your local church priest raping your kids today?
Seems OR wants to stop these crimes.
You are boring. And going to hell anyway.

I don't believe in fake lords. Seems I'm ahead in life.

btw: Can you answer some lasting questions here?
" godly almighty god/lord slaughtered"
You high?
Court rules against Oregon bakers who refused to make gay wedding cake
The Oregon Court of Appeals on Thursday upheld a $135,000 fine against two Christian bakers who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple.

The case began back in January 2013, when Aaron and Melissa Klein, owners of the since-closed Sweet Cakes by Melissa bakery just outside Portland, Oregon, cited their religious beliefs when declining to make a wedding cake for Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer.

Following the incident, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries found the Kleins in violation of a 2007 state law that protects the rights of LGBTQ people in employment, housing and public accommodations. In 2015, the couple was ordered to pay the Bowman-Cryers emotional distress damages.
Court rules against Oregon bakers who refused to make gay wedding cake

:dance::clap::clap2::happy-1::happy-1:Happy New Years too, THESE LOSER MENTAL ANAL RELIGIOUS BOY RAPE SUPPORTER BAKER MORONS. As you will always bake cakes for raper priest klans roaming our streets. Following fake gods, does suck folks, as shown here by these losers. And costly as well. For what in the end? Just to show others
who are the sickest mental thinkers, walking the planet are. :happy-1:


Melissa and Aaron Klein have been ordered to pay $135,000 to a lesbian couple the bakers declined to make a cake for. (Courtesy Sweet Cakes by Melissa)
“Support Sweet Cakes by Melissa”, which raised over $100,000 before it was shut down by GoFundMe, who stated that the campaign was not compatible with their terms of service.

WOW? The cake would have made them a few bucks. But they wanted to give them a 135K Cash wedding gift..LOL!

BTW: Really, these folks still follow gods after the church paid out 600-1.3 billion in damages for raping kids. WTF is with that? Preist ASSAULT on children (rape) okay
and still follows fake lords. but if, two adults, legal ones, and their personal sexual relationship is not to be allowed, and protested by mentally sick bakers. WTF is with THAT?
Catholics represent Catholics and only Catholics, Christianity has nothing to do with it fuck face. Lol
not sure why people cheer when the Constitution is ignored.

leftist, hating America since fdr
Did you feel that way when an Oregon dentist was fined TWICE as much under the same PA law for discriminating against a christian woman based on her religion? That's the precedent for this case, you know.
Those bakers should have baked that stupid cake and put ground up glass in it. Or strychnine.
Another tough talker on the internet getting jollies by living violence vicariously thru others in Real Life.
Those bakers should have baked that stupid cake and put ground up glass in it. Or strychnine.
OMG You people are something else, wishing death on everybody. You do realize that wanting people to die because you disagree with them isn't Christian? Or American? Or anything you pretend to value?
Actually, it is today's RW version of christianity.
Do you christians realize that if you
Work Sunday you can be stoned to death?
Plant different seeeds into the same field = death
Use different fabric in your shirts = death

and so on...

Oh yess if you fuck outside of marriage the same

Do you really want to use the fucking bible that slaughtered millions of people to control all the people in this country?
not sure why people cheer when the Constitution is ignored.

leftist, hating America since fdr
Did you feel that way when an Oregon dentist was fined TWICE as much under the same PA law for discriminating against a christian woman based on her religion? That's the precedent for this case, you know.

Yep. And it was bad precedent. Government should be protecting equal rights, not granting special privilege.
Where in the constitution does it say one has to provide goods and services? There is a supreme court precedent regarding anti-discrimination, based on xyz, yet no direct verbiage in the constitution. So maybe its the courts that need to interpret law not write and create law.
Ore-gone, nothing more needs to be said.

One has to ask themselves why didn't they just find another baker? or is it they wanted to ram their lifestyle down the throats of people they knew in advance help strong religious beliefs?

Nowhere in the constitution does it say anyone has to open a business supplying goods and/or services. However, if they do, there are certain rules they must follow.

if you go there, YOU have to follow their rules.
Criminal leftists don't recognize anybody's private property. You'll never get him to acknowledge it exists. They think everything is theirs.

The owners of that private property are responsible for the business operated on that property. The business broke the law.

What law?

You do know Oregon breaks the law of legal pot right?

So can we now throw in jail the entire Oregon government?

Oh but you will tell me that's different...

Does the Oregon government have a bakery?

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