Oregon Bakers: You get to pay 135,000 for being radical religious morons, Judge so orders!

I don't sell the widgets like that, but you can help yourself to those I do sell.

No, you must sell the kind I want you to sell.

There is no requirement that a business order, sell, or create items that they don't normally order, sell, or create.

If a kosher deli doesn't stock ham, they are not required to sell ham sandwiches. If a bakery doesn't normally supply wedding cakes Wedding Cakes they are not required to.

If you don't sell widgets of one type, you are not required to sell that type because a customer requests it.

The baker never stocked specially made gay wedding cakes, as it was against his religion to do so long before these dykes demanded he do so.

Of course he never stocked wedding cakes. They were individually made for each event. A cake has no gender. There is no such thing as a gay wedding cake.
What sex, what orientation?

Provide proof please.

Google the decisions and read the Statement of Facts, as soon as the owners (Klien and Phillips) found out that the couples were of the same sex they refused service based on their perceptions of the customers. Call it sex (because both were male/male or female/female) or because he assumed they were homosexual. In either case it's a violation of the Oregon and Colorado (respectively) Public Accommodation laws.

After you read this...

Oregon silences bakers who refused to make cake for gay wedding

...there's this:

Klein says he’s okay with gay customers buying his products, but he cannot approve of a same-sex wedding:

Oregon Bakers Refuse Cake For Same-Sex Wedding

They didn't ask for his approval or participation in their wedding. They asked him to give them the same service he gives anyone else. Now, about that link to him offering to bake the wedding cake?
He offered them any of his products, the same as any other protected class. They refused and demanded he produce something he doesn't offer. It's called forced labor.

He offers wedding cakes.
He offered them one.

However, laws governing how businesses treat their customers are constitutional. The business was sued, and the owners are responsible for the actions of their business.

A law that directly contradicts the Constitution, and which violates rights which the Constitution explicitly affirms, is not Constitutional, no matter how you can get any corrupt judge or court to rule.
How odd that when these PA laws were challenged all the way up to the Supreme Court...that Supreme Court declared them Constitutional. Where did you get your Constitutional Law degree?
The owners of that private property are responsible for the business operated on that property. The business broke the law.

The Constitution is the highest law. It is government which is breaking the law, when it attempts to enact and enforce lesser laws which overtly violate the Constitution.
The Supreme Court disagrees with you...but there IS a way to get rid of the PA laws you don't like. Get them repealed in your state. What have you actively done to get PA laws repealed in your state?
Nowhere in the constitution does it say anyone has to open a business supplying goods and/or services. However, if they do, there are certain rules they must follow.

Tell that to a Muslim bakery.

Make up your mind. Do you think religious nuts should be able to ignore the law or not?

Obama ignored the law did you rant about that?

Did Obama have a Bakery? This thread is about the homophobic bakery.

Yes but it was extended to following the law! Croorect? So did you rant when obummer broke our Federal immigration laws?

When did Former President Obama break or ignore PA laws? That's the topic here, you know. You'd think you were conceding by deflection or something.
I don't sell the widgets like that, but you can help yourself to those I do sell.

No, you must sell the kind I want you to sell.

There is no requirement that a business order, sell, or create items that they don't normally order, sell, or create.

If a kosher deli doesn't stock ham, they are not required to sell ham sandwiches. If a bakery doesn't normally supply wedding cakes Wedding Cakes they are not required to.

If you don't sell widgets of one type, you are not required to sell that type because a customer requests it.

The baker never stocked specially made gay wedding cakes, as it was against his religion to do so long before these dykes demanded he do so.

Of course he never stocked wedding cakes. They were individually made for each event. A cake has no gender. There is no such thing as a gay wedding cake.
Neither is there such a thing as gay cake rights to be made.

The dykes were served the same as any other customer. It's a loser.
You go back and read the quote you edited. There's a link and err'thang that you erased.

You're link didn't say the bakers agreed to sell the couple a Wedding Cake just like other customers.

They said they serve gays. They have the right to be served, just like everyone else. A hetero couple has no right to demand he make some cake he doesn't offer, whether it's against his religion or not. Neither do dykes.
I don't sell the widgets like that, but you can help yourself to those I do sell.

No, you must sell the kind I want you to sell.

There is no requirement that a business order, sell, or create items that they don't normally order, sell, or create.

If a kosher deli doesn't stock ham, they are not required to sell ham sandwiches. If a bakery doesn't normally supply wedding cakes Wedding Cakes they are not required to.

If you don't sell widgets of one type, you are not required to sell that type because a customer requests it.

The baker never stocked specially made gay wedding cakes, as it was against his religion to do so long before these dykes demanded he do so.

Of course he never stocked wedding cakes. They were individually made for each event. A cake has no gender. There is no such thing as a gay wedding cake.
Neither is there such a thing as gay cake rights to be made.

The dykes were served the same as any other customer. It's a loser.

' Then why did they have to pay $135,000?
I don't sell the widgets like that, but you can help yourself to those I do sell.

No, you must sell the kind I want you to sell.

There is no requirement that a business order, sell, or create items that they don't normally order, sell, or create.

If a kosher deli doesn't stock ham, they are not required to sell ham sandwiches. If a bakery doesn't normally supply wedding cakes Wedding Cakes they are not required to.

If you don't sell widgets of one type, you are not required to sell that type because a customer requests it.

The baker never stocked specially made gay wedding cakes, as it was against his religion to do so long before these dykes demanded he do so.

Of course he never stocked wedding cakes. They were individually made for each event. A cake has no gender. There is no such thing as a gay wedding cake.
Neither is there such a thing as gay cake rights to be made.

The dykes were served the same as any other customer. It's a loser.

' Then why did they have to pay $135,000?
The case has yet to be adjudicated.
There is no requirement that a business order, sell, or create items that they don't normally order, sell, or create.

If a kosher deli doesn't stock ham, they are not required to sell ham sandwiches. If a bakery doesn't normally supply wedding cakes Wedding Cakes they are not required to.

If you don't sell widgets of one type, you are not required to sell that type because a customer requests it.

The baker never stocked specially made gay wedding cakes, as it was against his religion to do so long before these dykes demanded he do so.

Of course he never stocked wedding cakes. They were individually made for each event. A cake has no gender. There is no such thing as a gay wedding cake.
Neither is there such a thing as gay cake rights to be made.

The dykes were served the same as any other customer. It's a loser.

' Then why did they have to pay $135,000?
The case has yet to be adjudicated.

They say they will appeal. It hasn't happened yet, and there is no reason to believe they will other than their claim. They did, however have to put up the money which will be held until after any appeal or given to the victims when no appeal happens. They already paid the money.
The baker never stocked specially made gay wedding cakes, as it was against his religion to do so long before these dykes demanded he do so.

Of course he never stocked wedding cakes. They were individually made for each event. A cake has no gender. There is no such thing as a gay wedding cake.
Neither is there such a thing as gay cake rights to be made.

The dykes were served the same as any other customer. It's a loser.

' Then why did they have to pay $135,000?
The case has yet to be adjudicated.

They say they will appeal. It hasn't happened yet, and there is no reason to believe they will other than their claim. They did, however have to put up the money which will be held until after any appeal or given to the victims when no appeal happens. They already paid the money.
It's a SCOTUS case for sure.
Is a business that has obtained a state business license considered private property?

Whose property is that business? Does it belong to the government, or to private individuals?

“No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.” — The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America​

If Government wants to dictate how a certain business is to be run, what goods and services it must offer, and to whom, then let government buy that business from its private owners, giving them just compensation for it. Until government does that, yes, that business is private property, subject to the will and rights of its private owners, and those parameters of how it is to be run are none of government's damn business.
They said they serve gays. They have the right to be served, just like everyone else. A hetero couple has no right to demand he make some cake he doesn't offer, whether it's against his religion or not. Neither do dykes.

Both the Oregon (Sweetcakes) and Colorado (Masterpiece) Public Accommodation laws require "full and equal" access to goods and services offerred, not a subset of goods and services.

The fact that they would be willing to sell other products isn't relevant to their refusal to sell Wedding Cakes when Wedding Cakes are a normal part of their business model.

They said they serve gays. They have the right to be served, just like everyone else. A hetero couple has no right to demand he make some cake he doesn't offer, whether it's against his religion or not. Neither do dykes.

Both the Oregon (Sweetcakes) and Colorado (Masterpiece) Public Accommodation laws require "full and equal" access to goods and services offerred, not a subset of goods and services.

The fact that they would be willing to sell other products isn't relevant to their refusal to sell Wedding Cakes when Wedding Cakes are a normal part of their business model.

Everyone...homos, heteros, and other...had equal access to all goods offered. They don't make gay wedding cakes for heteros, either.

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