Oregon Bakers: You get to pay 135,000 for being radical religious morons, Judge so orders!

Best thing to have done is just pull their business license.....but Oregon followed the law as written just as they did in the case about the dentist who discriminated against his christian employee and was fined TWICE as much as this couple.

The First Amendment is the law, and as part of the Constitution, it is a higher law than any state-level legislation or even federal legislation.

Oregon broke the law, by enacting and enforcing lesser laws that violate the Klein's rights which are explicitly affirmed and protected under the First Amendment.

It is funny when those of you on the left wrong pay empty lip service to the rule of law, in overt defense and advocacy of abject lawlessness and corruption. This aspect of LIbEral behavior is almost straight out of Orwell, reminiscent of his infamous “War is Peace!” triplet.
They make laws against churches using cannabis..
I'm sure there are threads on those subjects. Use the search function to find them
This is one. It's regarding the moral refusal to follow federal law.

Should you be able to refuse a woman from buying gas if your religion says she shouldn't drive? What if the religion opposed interracial marriages, or even mixing of races as they eat? At what point does your religion over ride the law?
Yes. Yes. Always.
Fascinating....so if your so-called religion says you don't have to follow safety/health laws with your business, you should still be granted a business license?
The government grants business licenses. That would be their call.

But since we're speculating, let's say the dykes want to pave their driveway. They go to buy gravel and want a special gay gravel. Should the gravel guy be forced to produce this gay gravel for them? He doesn't sell gay gravel to anybody. He doesn't sell gay gravel at all. Force him to?

Yep, you're nuts. You've been trying really hard to hide it, but that post gave you away.
This is one. It's regarding the moral refusal to follow federal law.

Should you be able to refuse a woman from buying gas if your religion says she shouldn't drive? What if the religion opposed interracial marriages, or even mixing of races as they eat? At what point does your religion over ride the law?
Yes. Yes. Always.
Fascinating....so if your so-called religion says you don't have to follow safety/health laws with your business, you should still be granted a business license?
The government grants business licenses. That would be their call.

But since we're speculating, let's say the dykes want to pave their driveway. They go to buy gravel and want a special gay gravel. Should the gravel guy be forced to produce this gay gravel for them? He doesn't sell gay gravel to anybody. He doesn't sell gay gravel at all. Force him to?

Yep, you're nuts. You've been trying really hard to hide it, but that post gave you away.
Don't answer the very pertinent and direct question. This is why you lose. :)
Should you be able to refuse a woman from buying gas if your religion says she shouldn't drive? What if the religion opposed interracial marriages, or even mixing of races as they eat? At what point does your religion over ride the law?
Yes. Yes. Always.
Fascinating....so if your so-called religion says you don't have to follow safety/health laws with your business, you should still be granted a business license?
The government grants business licenses. That would be their call.

But since we're speculating, let's say the dykes want to pave their driveway. They go to buy gravel and want a special gay gravel. Should the gravel guy be forced to produce this gay gravel for them? He doesn't sell gay gravel to anybody. He doesn't sell gay gravel at all. Force him to?

Yep, you're nuts. You've been trying really hard to hide it, but that post gave you away.
Don't answer the very pertinent and direct question. This is why you lose. :)

Sorry. I don't know how to respond to a question about gay gravel. I don't think any sane person would.
Everyone...homos, heteros, and other...had equal access to all goods offered. They don't make gay wedding cakes for heteros, either.

There is no difference in the production of a Wedding Cake for same-sex or different-sex couples. The ingredients and process are the same - the only difference is the customers.

That's like saying Piggie Park BBQ make white BBQ and black BBQ and their is a difference in the BBQ. (BTW - Piggie Park Enterprises lost their Public Accommodation case when they claimed it was against their religion to service black people.)


Of course they were offered the cake. The artist would not supply the art. His blank canvas was simply artistic license.
OMG You people are something else, wishing death on everybody. You do realize that wanting people to die because you disagree with them isn't Christian? Or American? Or anything you pretend to value?
Neither is sing people cause they won’t make you a cake!
That's hardly the same thing as wishing peoples' death.
Wishing ain’t getting, but setting out to ruin a person’s livelihood is vile.
It's only your opinion they wanted to ruin someone's life. If we all believed filing suit against someone meant trying to ruin their life, the USA would not be such a litigious country.

As far as wishing people's death, it is non-Christian and un-American. It's what Satan's followers would do.
Of course they wanted to ruin them. If they wished not to ruin them they would have done what most folks do and that is to find a bakery to accommodate them. It’s all about sticking it to the Christian.
It's all about standing up for your civil rights. You are all for having civil rights, for yourself though, not for people you don't like. What they did was truly American. They way you think is not American at all. For you everyone isn't created equal. Only those you decide are okay and equal to you; everyone is less than equal and has no equal civil rights at all. You're anti-American.
Yes. Yes. Always.
Fascinating....so if your so-called religion says you don't have to follow safety/health laws with your business, you should still be granted a business license?
The government grants business licenses. That would be their call.

But since we're speculating, let's say the dykes want to pave their driveway. They go to buy gravel and want a special gay gravel. Should the gravel guy be forced to produce this gay gravel for them? He doesn't sell gay gravel to anybody. He doesn't sell gay gravel at all. Force him to?

Yep, you're nuts. You've been trying really hard to hide it, but that post gave you away.
Don't answer the very pertinent and direct question. This is why you lose. :)

Sorry. I don't know how to respond to a question about gay gravel. I don't think any sane person would.
Try responding to the question about being forced to produce something that you don't.

One thing for sure, Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer now have $135,000 reasons to celebrate the new year. Good for them.
Actually, they don't get the money...it's a state fine....a misconception....just like it's a misconception to say they sued. They never did.
Neither is sing people cause they won’t make you a cake!
That's hardly the same thing as wishing peoples' death.
Wishing ain’t getting, but setting out to ruin a person’s livelihood is vile.
It's only your opinion they wanted to ruin someone's life. If we all believed filing suit against someone meant trying to ruin their life, the USA would not be such a litigious country.

As far as wishing people's death, it is non-Christian and un-American. It's what Satan's followers would do.
Of course they wanted to ruin them. If they wished not to ruin them they would have done what most folks do and that is to find a bakery to accommodate them. It’s all about sticking it to the Christian.
It's all about standing up for your civil rights. You are all for having civil rights, for yourself though, not for people you don't like. What they did was truly American. They way you think is not American at all. For you everyone isn't created equal. Only those you decide are okay and equal to you; everyone is less than equal and has no equal civil rights at all. You're anti-American.
Do not presume to think or speak for me. I have had many occasions in which I could have sued people but chose not to. Remember the damn man who sued the shit out of the Chinese laundry people for the horrendous act of losing his pants? That’s a fucking libtard for you. Even though you CAN CO A THING DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU SHOULD DO IT. this lesbian couple could have chosen not to single out Christian bakers, could have chosen not to sue them. Could have found another baker, but no, they sued them to ruin them. They are and always will be assholes.
I'm sure there are threads on those subjects. Use the search function to find them
This is one. It's regarding the moral refusal to follow federal law.

Should you be able to refuse a woman from buying gas if your religion says she shouldn't drive? What if the religion opposed interracial marriages, or even mixing of races as they eat? At what point does your religion over ride the law?
Yes. Yes. Always.

Always? Some religions call for human sacrifice. You all for sacrificing a virgin for a good crop?
Which religions call for human sacrifices?
What religion's canon calls for not baking wedding cakes?
This is one. It's regarding the moral refusal to follow federal law.

Should you be able to refuse a woman from buying gas if your religion says she shouldn't drive? What if the religion opposed interracial marriages, or even mixing of races as they eat? At what point does your religion over ride the law?
Yes. Yes. Always.

Always? Some religions call for human sacrifice. You all for sacrificing a virgin for a good crop?
Which religions call for human sacrifices?
What religion's canon calls for not baking wedding cakes?
They made wedding cakes. The dykes were offered everything the bakers made.
God slaughered cities of people because some of them wanted to have butt sex.

Yet, these idiots think they have the moral high ground? lol

What a bunch of monsters.
Actually, fantasy Sodom was destroyed because the citizens were inhospitable....according to the very bible that so-called christians like to quote.
I bleeb dats fo de coat to decide. The case has yet to be adjudicated. False charges, hardship, etc. The poor man was forced to close his business and pick up garbage.

The bakers will own Oregon.

Except it wasn't his business, it was his wife's that he ruined.

And what caused their business to go under wasn't the fines, it was the community turning on them for being bigots.
God slaughered cities of people because some of them wanted to have butt sex.

Yet, these idiots think they have the moral high ground? lol

What a bunch of monsters.
Actually, fantasy Sodom was destroyed because the citizens were inhospitable....according to the very bible that so-called christians like to quote.
Hahaha....you're an idiot or a liar, which is it?
I bleeb dats fo de coat to decide. The case has yet to be adjudicated. False charges, hardship, etc. The poor man was forced to close his business and pick up garbage.

The bakers will own Oregon.

Except it wasn't his business, it was his wife's that he ruined.

And what caused their business to go under wasn't the fines, it was the community turning on them for being bigots.
Let's pretend it's all true.

Now let's force him to open a bakery and work for free because we can force him to do what we want him to do.

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