Oregon decriminalizes hard drugs, legalizes magic mushrooms

The opioid crisis has affected all countries regardless of their drug laws.

The question is how did it affect Portugal relative to the effects of other places.

If it was no worse then one cannot blame the drug laws if it was better once could say that the services Portugal put into place after decriminalizing drugs might have lessened the severity of the opioid crisis.

The 5 years after decriminalization saw a drop in overdose deaths.

Read the article.
I did
Well..if Oregon wants to go full shithole like California (San Francisco)..Who cares? Portland is already fucked.

Drug addicts commit crimes to get drugs, while doing next to nothing contributing to society.

Unless the state government is going to give away free heroin and crack, expect to see an uptick in crimes, and homelessness that will coincide with the increased number of addicts legalization will cause.
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The opioid crisis has affected all countries regardless of their drug laws.

The question is how did it affect Portugal relative to the effects of other places.

If it was no worse then one cannot blame the drug laws if it was better once could say that the services Portugal put into place after decriminalizing drugs might have lessened the severity of the opioid crisis.

The 5 years after decriminalization saw a drop in overdose deaths.

Read the article.
I did

Then why ask questions that are answered in the article?
Several threads of thought on this one. First. Every single study has shown that treatment provides better results far more cheaply than incarceration. This is but one.

So if you are a fiscal conservative than saving money and getting better results is obviously preferred. If you are determined to get people off drugs than treatment is more effective. But why worry about effective? I mean it just feels good to send them to prison right?

Then there is the libertarian view. As long as you aren’t hurting anyone else. Do whatever you want. That is the literal definition of freedom. So if you are pro Freedom, you would support it right? Or not. Fuck Freedom. Obey the law.

So what is the argument in favor of putting people in jail for drugs. It isn’t efficacy. We know that. It isn’t freedom. We know that. So what is your reason? Drugs are bad for the user? So is fast food. We must criminalize it. Ban red meat. Alcohol is also bad for us. We banned that. It did not work out so well. Exhaust from many sources creates pollution. That is bad for us. Coal smoke is bad for us. And only people who hate America want to ban it. Radiation is bad for us but we demand the right to put radioactive sights on our weapons.

So it being bad for you is not the reason. So what is the reason?
Treatment is completely ineffective. Rehab never works. The entire point of treatment is to put money in the pockets of those giving the treatment
The best outcome of this law will be druggies leaving their states and going to Oregon. Police departments across the country will be paying for bus tickets.
If it is legalized, obviously more people will feel comfortable with doing those drugs.

If more people do those drugs, demand will increase.

If demand increases, there will be more criminal activity involved in the supply. probably involving cartels.

Cartels bring corruption.

Corruption results in the decay of society

Anyone who thinks this is a good thing is probably a drug addict or a cartel boss.
The opioid crisis has affected all countries regardless of their drug laws.

The question is how did it affect Portugal relative to the effects of other places.

If it was no worse then one cannot blame the drug laws if it was better once could say that the services Portugal put into place after decriminalizing drugs might have lessened the severity of the opioid crisis.

The 5 years after decriminalization saw a drop in overdose deaths.

Read the article.
I did

Then why ask questions that are answered in the article?
The opioid crisis has affected all countries regardless of their drug laws.

The question is how did it affect Portugal relative to the effects of other places.

If it was no worse then one cannot blame the drug laws if it was better once could say that the services Portugal put into place after decriminalizing drugs might have lessened the severity of the opioid crisis.

The 5 years after decriminalization saw a drop in overdose deaths.

Read the article.
I did

Then why ask questions that are answered in the article?
There was no mention of how Portugal compared to other countries in the rise of overdoses
And it’s just a matter of time before they’re selling this crap at 7-11s to your kids!
Well..if Oregon wants to go full shithole like California (San Francisco)..Who cares? Portland is already fucked.

Drug addicts commit crimes to get drugs, while doing next to nothing contributing to society.

Unless the state government is going to give away free heroin and crack, expect to see an uptick in crimes, and homelessness that will coincide with the increased number of addicts legalization will cause.

violent crimes also tend to drop when drugs are legal.

Most of the violence is not perpetrated by the user but by the dealers and suppliers.

Your scenario of increasing crime rates and increasing addiction doesn't play out in countries that have decriminalized drugs.

In fact what ends up happening is that the courts aren't clogged with minor drug cases, the cops don't have to waste time busting people for simple possession, addiction rates decrease and more people get help to get off drugs.
And it’s just a matter of time before they’re selling this crap at 7-11s to your kids.
I hate to tell you this but your kids can already get drugs.

If you legitimize it then it can be controlled.

Do you worry about your kids buying booze at 7/11?
Several threads of thought on this one. First. Every single study has shown that treatment provides better results far more cheaply than incarceration. This is but one.

So if you are a fiscal conservative than saving money and getting better results is obviously preferred. If you are determined to get people off drugs than treatment is more effective. But why worry about effective? I mean it just feels good to send them to prison right?

Then there is the libertarian view. As long as you aren’t hurting anyone else. Do whatever you want. That is the literal definition of freedom. So if you are pro Freedom, you would support it right? Or not. Fuck Freedom. Obey the law.

So what is the argument in favor of putting people in jail for drugs. It isn’t efficacy. We know that. It isn’t freedom. We know that. So what is your reason? Drugs are bad for the user? So is fast food. We must criminalize it. Ban red meat. Alcohol is also bad for us. We banned that. It did not work out so well. Exhaust from many sources creates pollution. That is bad for us. Coal smoke is bad for us. And only people who hate America want to ban it. Radiation is bad for us but we demand the right to put radioactive sights on our weapons.

So it being bad for you is not the reason. So what is the reason?
Treatment is completely ineffective. Rehab never works. The entire point of treatment is to put money in the pockets of those giving the treatment

Ok. Quote the study that backs up your assertion. I posted one for mine. Here is another.

They say substance abuse treatment is essentially vital. But what does Durga use dot gov know?

What we do know is that incarceration is not doing anything to the problem. We moved Pskudophederine behind the counter to stop Crystal Meth. Instead production of Crystal Meth increased more than 800%. At least according to the DEA. They just seized more than 700 pounds of it in Savannah Georgia.

The reason? Instead of some redneck cooking it in his trailer. They created factories like on Breakibg Bad and produced it by the ton.

If they seized 700 pounds. Then honestly you have to admit the dealers for ten times that through. At least ten times that much.
Should change the license plate motto to:

'The Drug Addict State"

Yep, you nailed that one.
When Portugal did the same thing they saw incidents of overdose deaths decrease and overall drug use decreased as well.

More people entered rehab and crime went down.

Do you think drug users in Portugal are any different than American drug users?

I think like anything else, if you take away the penalties, drug use will increase.
Should change the license plate motto to:

'The Drug Addict State"

Yep, you nailed that one.
When Portugal did the same thing they saw incidents of overdose deaths decrease and overall drug use decreased as well.

More people entered rehab and crime went down.

Do you think drug users in Portugal are any different than American drug users?

I think like anything else, if you take away the penalties, drug use will increase.
The penalties haven't decreased drug use.

All the money spent on the failed war on drugs did not result in a lowering of drug use. We have wasted hundreds of billions of dollars and the lives of tens of thousands of people and did not see any results.

And like I said in countries that have decriminalized drugs there is less crime, addiction decreases because it is treated as a medical issue. The countries save money by unclogging the courts and the cops are freed up to try to prevent more serious crimes.
This is great news! Treatment is a better course than prison for addicts unless they committed a crime such as robbery.

Oregon also approved psilocybin for therapy under a controlled setting. This has proven to be incredibly effective for a variety of mental issues.

Oregon’s Measure 109 will give legal access to psilocybin, the main active ingredient in “magic mushrooms,” for mental health treatment in supervised settings. As of Wednesday at about 6 a.m. ET, the measure was passing with 55.8% support and over 2 million votes cast, according to Oregon’s Secretary of State.


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