Oregon decriminalizes hard drugs, legalizes magic mushrooms

Addiction treated as a medical issue in legalized states is absurd as f.u.c.k.i.n.g. to end love.
when it is treated as a medical issue addicts have better success staying sober than when they are thrown in jail and have to white knuckle it for a couple months only to get released and start using again
Should change the license plate motto to:

'The Drug Addict State"

Yep, you nailed that one.
When Portugal did the same thing they saw incidents of overdose deaths decrease and overall drug use decreased as well.

More people entered rehab and crime went down.

Do you think drug users in Portugal are any different than American drug users?

I think like anything else, if you take away the penalties, drug use will increase.
The penalties haven't decreased drug use.

All the money spent on the failed war on drugs did not result in a lowering of drug use. We have wasted hundreds of billions of dollars and the lives of tens of thousands of people and did not see any results.

And like I said in countries that have decriminalized drugs there is less crime, addiction decreases because it is treated as a medical issue. The countries save money by unclogging the courts and the cops are freed up to try to prevent more serious crimes.
China did it perfectly. No police or courts or wasteful trials. A drug test is all.

That wouldn't work with some of our addicts. For most of them it would.
you want to be like China?

What other civil rights do you want to get rid of?
No Einstein, you take the power into your own hands, not the legislative mafia. If you don't do drugs, you have already won and need no pimps of law. Musicians take psilocybin because it enhances hearing, though with what they think is an added benefit: the psychedelic cartoon.
No Einstein, you take the power into your own hands, not the legislative mafia. If you don't do drugs, you have already won and need no pimps of law. Musicians take psilocybin because it enhances hearing, though with what they think is an added benefit: the psychedelic cartoon.
I like to use drugs on occasion.

I enjoy a little hashish or marijuana on occasion I also like a nice glass of bourbon.

In case you forgot alcohol is a drug that has destroyed more lives than any other drug
#104: Since drugs are too unwieldy in a sexual yoga situation, we'll pass on the occasional offer and stick to developing full-body orgasm in human males. There are such entities as drug-free champions.
We should be more just. Yes, occasional, though age matters. When one approaches the Big Sleep, many distractions fall by the wayside, and a more focused trajectory may ensue. As always, drugs are external, substances which can be controlled by the media, the pimp, public opinion, peer pressure coercion, etc.

Sexual yoga generates pleasure only from two sources: the mind and the body, although considering one's partner while they consider you, if there is a seat of consciousness, it certainly does not reside in the cerebral cortex.
Yes, post # 101. That's how badger kicked tobacco. Set calmly for three days. After 72 hours, the shit is not in your system. From then on, it's a head trip.

Holy shit?! Thanks for the most off topic change of subject I have ever seen on here, that has absolutely nothing to do with this post.

WTF is the matter with you? TDS has literally broken you "people".

I put people in quotations..because you aren't acting like human beings, but instead behave like unthinking NPC robots programmed by MSM/DNC to act as retarded as possible..

You TDS afflicted turds cannot discuss anything without bringing up Trump..even when he has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. Trump living rent free in that empty head of yours.. :dev3:

Get a fucking grip..then learn to stay on topic, shithead
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Should change the license plate motto to:

'The Drug Addict State"

Yep, you nailed that one.
When Portugal did the same thing they saw incidents of overdose deaths decrease and overall drug use decreased as well.

More people entered rehab and crime went down.

Do you think drug users in Portugal are any different than American drug users?

I think like anything else, if you take away the penalties, drug use will increase.
The penalties haven't decreased drug use.

All the money spent on the failed war on drugs did not result in a lowering of drug use. We have wasted hundreds of billions of dollars and the lives of tens of thousands of people and did not see any results.

And like I said in countries that have decriminalized drugs there is less crime, addiction decreases because it is treated as a medical issue. The countries save money by unclogging the courts and the cops are freed up to try to prevent more serious crimes.
China did it perfectly. No police or courts or wasteful trials. A drug test is all.

That wouldn't work with some of our addicts. For most of them it would.
you want to be like China?

What other civil rights do you want to get rid of?
You want to get police and courts out of it. You want addiction treated as a medical issue. There it is, medical issue. Now you don't like it.
I didn't put a link in my response to you

but here's one

Over the last nearly two decades, the number of heroin users in Portugal has been cut by two thirds and drug-related deaths have plummeted from more than one a day in 1999 to 30 in all of 2016. The fall in new drug-related HIV infections has been even more striking, with 18 recorded in 2016, according to a 2019 report by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, compared with 907 in 2000.

Okay man..I hate HuffPo, but just for you..
I thought I would give it a read to see if it shows STATISTICS ON A DECREASE IN DRUG RELATED, OR INVOLVED CRIMES that coincided with legalization of heroin and other hard drugs.

And guess what, guy? It doesn't. Classic HuffPo..all fluff, no substance.

Also, I don't trust any information coming out of these countries that have done this, and are vested in showing that it works.

An independent study of the statistics done by another group outside of Portugal would carry more weight.

I also draw into question the way the Portuguese are reporting whether a crime is drug related or not..

Because if the Portuguese law enforcement isn't charging people for drug possession than it reasons they aren't reporting the presence of drugs, or substance abuse addiction as a cause in relation to the crimes being committed.

In some of these countries they're actually giving heroin to addicts to hopefully eventually wean them off the drug.

I don't understand that? Essentially what they have now done is created a demographic of lifelong government funded drug addicts.

Again the studies reported from these countries say that there has been a decrease in drug related crimes, but I am not finding any links to the statistical data proving that assertion.

Holy shit?! Thanks for the most off topic change of subject I have ever seen on here, that has absolutely nothing to do with this post.

WTF is the matter with you? TDS has literally broken you "people".

I put people in quotations..because you aren't acting like human beings, but instead behave like unthinking NPC robots programmed by MSM/DNC to act as retarded as possible..

You TDS afflicted turds cannot discuss anything without bringing up Trump..even when he has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. Trump living rent free in that empty head of yours.. :dev3:

Get a fucking grip..then learn to stay on topic, shithead

My point is you are very particular in what crimes you want to condemn.
For a grand total of 49 overdose deaths. Which means the previous year was 38 overdose deaths.

That would equate to 1568 overdose deaths in the US. We should be so lucky.


Drug overdose deaths in the United States rose 4.6% in 2019 to 70,980, including 50,042 involving opioids, according to preliminary data released yesterday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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In Wisconsin, Tony Robinson was apparently playing in traffic high on psilocybin. The cops were called, Robinson was shot dead. Go Oregon!
I guess you didn't see the words "in a controlled setting".
Should change the license plate motto to:

'The Drug Addict State"

Yep, you nailed that one.
When Portugal did the same thing they saw incidents of overdose deaths decrease and overall drug use decreased as well.

More people entered rehab and crime went down.

Do you think drug users in Portugal are any different than American drug users?

I think like anything else, if you take away the penalties, drug use will increase.
The penalties haven't decreased drug use.

All the money spent on the failed war on drugs did not result in a lowering of drug use. We have wasted hundreds of billions of dollars and the lives of tens of thousands of people and did not see any results.

And like I said in countries that have decriminalized drugs there is less crime, addiction decreases because it is treated as a medical issue. The countries save money by unclogging the courts and the cops are freed up to try to prevent more serious crimes.
China did it perfectly. No police or courts or wasteful trials. A drug test is all.

That wouldn't work with some of our addicts. For most of them it would.
you want to be like China?

What other civil rights do you want to get rid of?
You want to get police and courts out of it. You want addiction treated as a medical issue. There it is, medical issue. Now you don't like it.
You didn't say anything about China's policy.

Why do I have the feeling in China that they don't bother with trials in general?
I didn't put a link in my response to you

but here's one

Over the last nearly two decades, the number of heroin users in Portugal has been cut by two thirds and drug-related deaths have plummeted from more than one a day in 1999 to 30 in all of 2016. The fall in new drug-related HIV infections has been even more striking, with 18 recorded in 2016, according to a 2019 report by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, compared with 907 in 2000.

Okay man..I hate HuffPo, but just for you..
I thought I would give it a read to see if it shows STATISTICS ON A DECREASE IN DRUG RELATED, OR INVOLVED CRIMES that coincided with legalization of heroin and other hard drugs.

And guess what, guy? It doesn't. Classic HuffPo..all fluff, no substance.

Also, I don't trust any information coming out of these countries that have done this, and are vested in showing that it works.

An independent study of the statistics done by another group outside of Portugal would carry more weight.

I also draw into question the way the Portuguese are reporting whether a crime is drug related or not..

Because if the Portuguese law enforcement isn't charging people for drug possession than it reasons they aren't reporting the presence of drugs, or substance abuse addiction as a cause in relation to the crimes being committed.

In some of these countries they're actually giving heroin to addicts to hopefully eventually wean them off the drug.

I don't understand that? Essentially what they have now done is created a demographic of lifelong government funded drug addicts.

Again the studies reported from these countries say that there has been a decrease in drug related crimes, but I am not finding any links to the statistical data proving that assertion.
I see you conveniently missed the part where the article said that Overdose deaths went from nearly one a day to 30 in a year.

But if you don't like Huffington here you go

Do you need more?

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