Oregon Gov Goes Full George Wallace

They need to protect us from maurauding gardeners, nannies and maids
Those are all jobs that Americans could have had.

Plus the "maurauding gardeners, nannies and maids" pick our economy's pocket for $138 Billion/year in remittances$$$
Oregon governor: No way will I authorize our National Guard to carry out Trump’s border security plan.

Sorry, dude. Put the pot down for a second and listen.

You don't have any say so.
Yes, she does. It is under control of the state governors. With illegal immigration down to the lowest levels since the 70’s Trump is going to have a tough time making a convincing argument for the expense which is paid for by the states.
Not completely but yes.
I am sure it will all work out though. Unless you think states wont give them up for trump like they did everyone else :eek:
If they don’t for Trump it is because the situation doesn’t merit it. To even request is ridiculous and a burden on already pinched state budgets. Why on earth are the needed given the extremely low rates of illegal crossings. What is the emergency?

From the Los Angeles Times today:

The Border Patrol arrested 37,393 people in March, a 37% increase from February and more than double the number from March of last year, according to statistics released Thursday by the Department of Homeland Security.

Of course, they rush on to "remind" one that the arrest numbers are historically low, but one must keep in mind that for every illegal arrested, there are more that aren't caught.

I guess whether or not that's an emergency depends on 1) whether or not one thinks people entering our country illegally is a bad thing, and 2) whether or not one is on the border, or relaxing in their easy chair, secure in the knowledge that they're nowhere near it.

For the record, your fellow citizens living in border states find it to be a bit of a problem, and really appreciate your effusive concern for our well-being and show of solidarity with us. Thanks. :11_2_1043:
Do you have so much disrespect for these people that u would use them as frivolous pawns?

Not to mention the expense .
Liberal definition of our armed forces defending our territory >. "frivolous pawns"

We are not at war wh Mexico. Oh, and we have a BORDER PATROL agency that has that job.

Why do we need to activate the military !?? What reason ?
Easy withholding money to States.
KKKalifonria is experiencing that joy right now.
Why should the states have to pay for Trumps fantasies?
Illegal Immigration Costs California $30.3 Billion A Year ..

Any other questions?

Made up stats .
Oh, do tell us how much of our taxes are being spent with free education, welfare, law breaking, and food stamps, dufus liar.

Illegals can’t get welfare . School is school, those costs are there with or without illegals . Or would u rather have those kids running the streets all day? Yeah that’d be a good idea .

You righties are so dim that you never see the big picture .
Moron. Illegals are getting free welfare, healthcare, education, food stamps, etc etc etc.

LA made $1.3B in illegal immigrant welfare payouts in just 2 years

Cashing in: Illegal immigrants get $1,261 more welfare than American families, $5,692 vs. $4,431

Aaron Bandler - California’s Generosity to Illegals Is Crippling the State

California gives immigrants here illegally unprecedented rights, benefits, protections
Do you have so much disrespect for these people that u would use them as frivolous pawns?

Not to mention the expense .
Liberal definition of our armed forces defending our territory >. "frivolous pawns"

We are not at war wh Mexico. Oh, and we have a BORDER PATROL agency that has that job.

Why do we need to activate the military !?? What reason ?
Love how you freaks think you will win elections pushing for open borders.
She does unless the white house can prove its a public emergency.
I think congress might have a say so. Maybe trump has to prove it to them? I cant remember.
Trump just needs to Federalize them and it's a done deal.

Easy case showing our unsecure borders are a threat to national security, let alone allowing a black child to enter school.
Then...let him federalize them.
Oregon governor: No way will I authorize our National Guard to carry out Trump’s border security plan.

Sorry, dude. Put the pot down for a second and listen.

You don't have any say so.
Yes, she does. It is under control of the state governors. With illegal immigration down to the lowest levels since the 70’s Trump is going to have a tough time making a convincing argument for the expense which is paid for by the states.
Not completely but yes.
I am sure it will all work out though. Unless you think states wont give them up for trump like they did everyone else :eek:
If they don’t for Trump it is because the situation doesn’t merit it. To even request is ridiculous and a burden on already pinched state budgets. Why on earth are the needed given the extremely low rates of illegal crossings. What is the emergency?
What planet are you on? California has over one million illegals just with drivers licenses.
So you say....I want to see proof of that besides a shady "news" source.
These men and women in the guard have jobs and families . They are supposed to be there for state emergencies .

Why the F should they go out to the southwest desert to play border guard ? For a plotical statement ?

For the states on the border, it IS an emergency.

There are huge swaths of the border corridor with no federal presence whatsoever. Arizona, I can tell you, has ranchers - taxpaying US citizens - who are essentially besieged and living in a state of war on their own property due to the government's refusal to secure the border. It isn't just illegals sashaying over to avail themselves of our social services; the Mexican drug cartels treat our border as though it were a set of batwing doors on an Old West saloon, because it's just about that secure.

If the National Guard doesn't exist to protect the lives and property of US citizens inside our own damned borders, what the fuck ARE they good for?
We are not at war wh Mexico. Oh, and we have a BORDER PATROL agency that has that job.

Why do we need to activate the military !?? What reason ?
Because Mexico has been at war with us, for 70 years. Every year our economy is raided by Mexican imperialism, in remittances$$ (last reported $28 Billion/year) + tens of billions more in welfare to Mexicans living inside the US (us paying Mexico's poverty bill)

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2016

Mexico is our # 1 enemy in the world, at war with us, for my whole life. Even Iran and North Korea have not had the people entering out territory, stealing our jobs and plundering our wealth like Mexico routinely does.

Traitors like Clinton, GW Bush, and Obama have made Mexico seem neutral. That is insanity.
Oregon governor: No way will I authorize our National Guard to carry out Trump’s border security plan.

Sorry, dude. Put the pot down for a second and listen.

You don't have any say so.
Yes, she does. It is under control of the state governors. With illegal immigration down to the lowest levels since the 70’s Trump is going to have a tough time making a convincing argument for the expense which is paid for by the states.
Not completely but yes.
I am sure it will all work out though. Unless you think states wont give them up for trump like they did everyone else :eek:
If they don’t for Trump it is because the situation doesn’t merit it. To even request is ridiculous and a burden on already pinched state budgets. Why on earth are the needed given the extremely low rates of illegal crossings. What is the emergency?
What planet are you on? California has over one million illegals just with drivers licenses.
So you say....I want to see proof of that besides a shady "news" source.
I'm sure all the lefty papers are now RW Trump followers to you now, dufus.

More than a million undocumented immigrants have received California driver's licenses
Do you have so much disrespect for these people that u would use them as frivolous pawns?

Not to mention the expense .
Liberal definition of our armed forces defending our territory >. "frivolous pawns"

We are not at war wh Mexico. Oh, and we have a BORDER PATROL agency that has that job.

Why do we need to activate the military !?? What reason ?
Love how you freaks think you will win elections pushing for open borders.
Who's pushing for open borders? Who has said "I am for open borders"? Name names.

I’m going to send troops to the border and the states are going to pay for it
Easy withholding money to States.
KKKalifonria is experiencing that joy right now.
Why should the states have to pay for Trumps fantasies?
Illegal Immigration Costs California $30.3 Billion A Year ..

Any other questions?
How much does California get in services and in sales taxes from these supposed millions of illegals?
Do you have so much disrespect for these people that u would use them as frivolous pawns?

Not to mention the expense .
Liberal definition of our armed forces defending our territory >. "frivolous pawns"

We are not at war wh Mexico. Oh, and we have a BORDER PATROL agency that has that job.

Why do we need to activate the military !?? What reason ?
Love how you freaks think you will win elections pushing for open borders.
Who's pushing for open borders? Who has said "I am for open borders"? Name names.
Like you freaks are not trying to grab guns.
While you bitch about guns needing to be grabbed.

You leftards are clueless.

I’m going to send troops to the border and the states are going to pay for it
Easy withholding money to States.
KKKalifonria is experiencing that joy right now.
Why should the states have to pay for Trumps fantasies?
Illegal Immigration Costs California $30.3 Billion A Year ..

Any other questions?
How much does California get in services and in sales taxes from these supposed millions of illegals?
Ah, the old 1864 slavery argument again. Nice.
Easy withholding money to States.
KKKalifonria is experiencing that joy right now.
Why should the states have to pay for Trumps fantasies?
Illegal Immigration Costs California $30.3 Billion A Year ..

Any other questions?

Made up stats .
Oh, do tell us how much of our taxes are being spent with free education, welfare, law breaking, and food stamps, dufus liar.

Illegals can’t get welfare . School is school, those costs are there with or without illegals . Or would u rather have those kids running the streets all day? Yeah that’d be a good idea .

You righties are so dim that you never see the big picture .

My God, you will just literally swallow any talking point you're handed, without even asking for catsup and mustard.

Welfare Use by Immigrant and Native Households

This study is the first in recent years to examine immigrant (legal and illegal) and native welfare use using the Census Bureau's Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). While its complexity makes it difficult to use, the survey is widely regarded as providing the most accurate picture of welfare participation. The SIPP shows immigrant households use welfare at significantly higher rates than native households, even higher than indicated by other Census surveys.

  • Most new legal immigrants are barred from welfare programs when they first arrive, and illegal immigrants are barred as well. But the ban applies to only some programs; most legal immigrants have been in the country long enough to qualify for at least some programs and the bar often does not apply to children; states often provide welfare to new immigrants on their own; naturalizing makes immigrants eligible for all programs; and, most important, immigrants (including illegal immigrants) can receive benefits on behalf of their U.S.-born children who are awarded U.S. citizenship at birth.
As for "would you rather have those kids running the streets all day", I would actually rather they go the fuck back to their home country. And they aren't gonna do that as long as we make it cushy and easy to stay here via our tax dollars.
Yes, she does. It is under control of the state governors. With illegal immigration down to the lowest levels since the 70’s Trump is going to have a tough time making a convincing argument for the expense which is paid for by the states.
Not completely but yes.
I am sure it will all work out though. Unless you think states wont give them up for trump like they did everyone else :eek:
If they don’t for Trump it is because the situation doesn’t merit it. To even request is ridiculous and a burden on already pinched state budgets. Why on earth are the needed given the extremely low rates of illegal crossings. What is the emergency?
What planet are you on? California has over one million illegals just with drivers licenses.
So? How is the national guard going to effect that?
From another million having drivers licenses next year, dufus.
You keep saying that....prove it with a reliable, not shady, source.

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