Oregon Gunman: Conservative Republican

I've yet to see a mass murderer who identified as a Liberal Democrat.



You mean except for the Gabby Giffords shooter, the gay black guy who shot the reporters, the gay guy who attacked the family research council……and on and on…..
Neither one of them identified as Liberals.

If they did, you would be ready with a link instead of talking out your ass. Again.
(posted 21 mins ago)

Oregon gunman despised organized religion, idolized IRA and Nazi's

"Oregon gunman despised organized religion, idolized IRA and Nazi’s

Chris Harper-Mercer, the gunman who went on Thursday’s rampage at an Oregon college, idolized the Nazis and the IRA, despised organized religion — and talked of how killing could bring a person fame.

“I have noticed that so many people like [Vester Lee Flanagan] are alone and unknown, yet when they spill a little blood, the whole world knows who they are,” Harper-Mercer wrote in a blog post, referring to the man who in August murdered a reporter and a cameraman on live TV in Virginia, according to CBS News.

“A man who was known by no one is now known by everyone. His face splashed across every screen, his name across the lips of every person on the planet, all in the course of one day. Seems like the more people you kill, the more you’re in the limelight.”

He also showed interest in the Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook school shootings, having recently shared documentaries about the massacres with people online.

A profile on an online dating site, Spiritual Passions, shows Harper-Mercer “doesn’t like organized religion.”

On his MySpace page, he posted a number of pictures related to the Irish Republican Army."

more at link

Nothing indicating any Islamic affiliation as of this.

If he idolized nazis he was a left winger…a socialist….
^^^ Fucking idiot doesn't know that Fascism is a Right-Wing ideology.
But go ahead, try to spin this into being somehow representative of GOP/Conservative values.
I posted his own dating profile, that he wrote, and in which he said he was a conservative Republican.

But I'm the one spinning it?

Just wanted to let you know that for some totally extra-terrestrial reason, IBD/TIPP decided to also poll Paul Ryan for the GOP nomination. The results were just published this morning. Your man Ryan comes in at 3%!!!

Unfortunately the solution is going to be along the same lines of a personal trainer talking to an obese woman; "You didn't get this way overnight and you won't correct your self overnight." It will take a generation or two., blah blah blah
Taxing or otherwise artificially increasing the cost the exercise of a right with the intent to limit the exercise of same violates the constitution.
Every time.

Point to where it says that in the constitution
Nice to see you admit to being a liberal.

Why wouldn't i?
...because it's an embarrassing thing to have to admit. I commend you for your courage.
Only to a retard like yourself.
If you think there isnt a negative connotation to the word "liberal", youre in denial. Most people in this country dont define themselves as such, and they are annoyed by them.
I'm a liberal and proud of it. I don't know where you got your credential to determine who doesn't like to be called a liberal...but I think you earned it under false pretenses.
Nice to see you admit to being a liberal.

Why wouldn't i?
...because it's an embarrassing thing to have to admit. I commend you for your courage.
Only to a retard like yourself.
If you think there isnt a negative connotation to the word "liberal", youre in denial. Most people in this country dont define themselves as such, and they are annoyed by them.
I'm a liberal and proud of it. I don't know where you got your credential to determine who doesn't like to be called a liberal...but I think you earned it under false pretenses.
I just wanted you to be aware that most people are annoyed by liberals. You guys are super douchey. You are just as awful those on the hardcore right.
Obama should tend to his own house first before wadding in the deep end of the pool... Black on black crime.

It's a second admendment thing... He just doesn't understand.
Just goes to show politics and it's zealots are pathetic.
(For those of you who aren't smart enough to get it I'm NOT talking about the shooter.......)
Why wouldn't i?
...because it's an embarrassing thing to have to admit. I commend you for your courage.
Only to a retard like yourself.
If you think there isnt a negative connotation to the word "liberal", youre in denial. Most people in this country dont define themselves as such, and they are annoyed by them.
I'm a liberal and proud of it. I don't know where you got your credential to determine who doesn't like to be called a liberal...but I think you earned it under false pretenses.
I just wanted you to be aware that most people are annoyed by liberals. You guys are super douchey. You are just as awful those on the hardcore right.
Oh? Where did you get that stat from?
Obama should tend to his own house first before wadding in the deep end of the pool... Black on black crime.

It's a second admendment thing... He just doesn't understand.
If black leaders are responsible for cleaning up black on crime....does that mean that white leaders are responsible for cleaning up white on white crime?
We need more guns... Call for universal background checks...

Hope and change
Obama the best gun salesman in history... Making bank
And yet you liberals here and elsewhere do nothing to deal with the problem all you ever do is complain about onservatives and the NRA and make general comments about stricter gun laws but never propose a single change change to current laws or offer any news ones that would prevent these type of shootings.

Uhh...I just proposed a change to current gun laws and offered new ones. In the post right before yours.
Maybe you should try proposing something that would actually make a difference and could be implemented while it's a very nice long post the content is totally unrealistic the cost alone to do all you suggested makes all that dead in the water. I see now I should have said common sense solutions.

Incarcerating people for the entire length of their sentence is "unrealistic"? Please tell me another joke. Or drop your pants and show us one.

Markets have proven:

  • If the supply decreases, and the demand remains the same, there will be a shortage, and the price will increase.
Increased prices means fewer weapons on the streets. You won't see many Ferrari's on the street today. Is the demand there? Sure. The price is prohibitive thus you're going to have to approach a Honda Accord when you go pan handling.

Anyway, you increase the price and you drive out demand. Manufacturers produce fewer driving up the demand even more.

All of this is science so, obviously, you're way out of your depth.
The leftist mentality, put gun manufactures out of business
Anyone who wants a gun can still get one. Patently false.

take guns away from law abiding citizens,
Nothing I suggested does that.

and create as large black market for firearms ..
The black market, I thought, was already there. This actually cleans it up by incarcerating people who violate the law for the full length of their term.

You want limit guns for everyone. You leftist also cry about our incarceration rate, as you say incarcerate them ..Hypocrite
More guns less crime... Fact

Common sense thing.... You would not understand
Uhh...I just proposed a change to current gun laws and offered new ones. In the post right before yours.
Maybe you should try proposing something that would actually make a difference and could be implemented while it's a very nice long post the content is totally unrealistic the cost alone to do all you suggested makes all that dead in the water. I see now I should have said common sense solutions.

Incarcerating people for the entire length of their sentence is "unrealistic"? Please tell me another joke. Or drop your pants and show us one.

Markets have proven:

  • If the supply decreases, and the demand remains the same, there will be a shortage, and the price will increase.
Increased prices means fewer weapons on the streets. You won't see many Ferrari's on the street today. Is the demand there? Sure. The price is prohibitive thus you're going to have to approach a Honda Accord when you go pan handling.

Anyway, you increase the price and you drive out demand. Manufacturers produce fewer driving up the demand even more.

All of this is science so, obviously, you're way out of your depth.
The leftist mentality, put gun manufactures out of business
Anyone who wants a gun can still get one. Patently false.

take guns away from law abiding citizens,
Nothing I suggested does that.

and create as large black market for firearms ..
The black market, I thought, was already there. This actually cleans it up by incarcerating people who violate the law for the full length of their term.

You want limit guns for everyone. You leftist also cry about our incarceration rate, as you say incarcerate them ..Hypocrite

He he he....you're the one bitching about it. I say decriminalize victimless petty offenses and lock up those who use guns improperly.
I doubt if this kook even knows what a conservative or Republican is. The rest of his profile indicate he's a liberal.
Naw, Liberals don't obsess over guns and love them more than anything else. Liberals are less likely to kill than Conservatives. Just look at the posts on these boards...Most Conservatives have mentioned on more than one occasion that they are ready to shoot and kill. Most all of them frequently train to hone shooting skills. Liberals don't do that. That is why this guy, Chris had to be a conservative republican. Shooting multiple people takes skill and practice. This guy was as much a republican conservative killing machine as any US marine is; and, like a good Marine, he was well indoctrinated in the use of his weapons.

Liberals are less likely to kill than Conservatives.

Your proof is the Conservative enclaves on the Westside and Southside of Chicago. Durr.

As if these gang-bangers have an political leaning.
I'd bet half of them have Obama posters on their walls.
Black man shoots up a bunch of whites in Oregon. Where is the outcry about hate crime and racism?

Maybe Blacks are still trying to figure how this so-called white looking "Black guy" professed a hatred for Blacks. It is hard to telll the difference anymore... could this be another Rachel Dolezal
copycat? You tell me! He sho' looked White to me!

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