Oregon militia seen rifling through Native American artifacts at refuge


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Nothing that a few stinger missiles and drones can't fix , time to take the white trash out, or just let the native Americans take care of them

The militiamen stationed at a federal wildlife refuge in eastern Oregon are now rummaging through artifacts and documents of the Paiute tribe, sparking outrage among local Native Americans whose ancestors originally occupied the land.
LaVoy Finicum, one of the leaders of the armed protesters occupying the Malheur national wildlife refuge, posted a video of himself inside a government building looking through cardboard boxes of papers and other items associated with the local tribe – and inviting Paiute leaders to meet with the militia and reclaim their belongings.

“We want to make sure these things are returned to their rightful owner,” said Finicum, who recently helped destroy a US Fish and Wildlife Service fence and remove cameras that he claimed the government was using for surveillance.
The rightwing militia, led by Ammon Bundy, took over the headquarters of the wildlife sanctuary on 2 January to protest the government’s land-use regulations in rural Harney County. They have demanded that local ranchers have control of public lands – not the federal government.
But days after the occupation began, leaders of the federally recognized Paiute Indian tribe in Burns, the town closest to the refuge, decried the armed occupation, pointing out that the out-of-state militiamen were trying to claim sacred lands that are part of the tribe’s ancestral territory.

Oregon militia seen rifling through Native American artifacts at refuge
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Tribe outraged after Oregon militia rifle through Native American artifacts

In the three-minute YouTube video uploaded Wednesday by LaVoy Finicum, one of the men responsible for leading the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns since Jan. 2, Finicum and several other men are shown leafing through boxes of documents belonging to the Paiute tribe.

Tribe outraged over video showing Oregon militia handling artifacts
News reports today confirm human shields being used by the terrorist at the refuge. At least one couple at the refuge has had their young daughters with them since the beginning. Any attempts at arresting them at the refuge or removing the criminals would put the children in danger.
Ammon Bundy and his militia goons should all be arrested and made to pay large fines.

If they want to be patriotic let them go to Iraq, (I heard someone on TV say that, and I agreed with them).
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News reports today confirm human shields being used by the terrorist at the refuge. At least one couple at the refuge has had their young daughters with them since the beginning. Any attempts at arresting them at the refuge or removing the criminals would put the children in danger.

the vermin are taking a page of the koresh book , the good news is, now unlike then pin point drones can be used
News reports today confirm human shields being used by the terrorist at the refuge. At least one couple at the refuge has had their young daughters with them since the beginning. Any attempts at arresting them at the refuge or removing the criminals would put the children in danger.

the vermin are taking a page of the koresh book , the good news is, now unlike then pin point drones can be used
We do not need to give them martyrs. That is what they want. Nor should we lower ourselves into committing atrocities on American citizens to escape more difficult task of negotiating and using sensible means or arresting people if at all possible.
This must be one of those "therapy through hilarity threads". I hope it works. Still, you're going to need a lot more before the end of this year. Good luck!
In a 1976 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court confronted the point Bundy is trying to assert. New Mexico state officials tried to keep wild burros that they had seized from federal land. The officials claimed what the Oregon occupiers claim – that the Constitution strictly limits what property the federal government can own or control.

State officials argued in Kleppe vs. New Mexico that Congress had no power over public lands without state consent. "This argument is without merit," the Supreme Court ruled.

State officials confused a constitutional provision focused more narrowly on how the federal government oversees land it acquires from a state with the unlimited powers granted to the federal government under the Constitution's Property Clause, the court said.

That clause trumps all, the court ruled.
Demands by Oregon standoff leaders defy logic and law, authorities say
Our home grown white christian terrorists must be dealt with the same as we any other terrorists

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(Oregon Public Broadcasting) The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service confirmed Thursday that not only is the road built last week by the occupiers new, but it is also within an archaeological site important to the Burns Paiute Tribe.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service assistant director of external affairs, Jason Holm, condemned the militants last week for what he called “disgusting, ghoulish behavior.
Nothing that a few stinger missiles and drones can't fix , time to take the white trash out, or just let the native Americans take care of them

The militiamen stationed at a federal wildlife refuge in eastern Oregon are now rummaging through artifacts and documents of the Paiute tribe, sparking outrage among local Native Americans whose ancestors originally occupied the land.
LaVoy Finicum, one of the leaders of the armed protesters occupying the Malheur national wildlife refuge, posted a video of himself inside a government building looking through cardboard boxes of papers and other items associated with the local tribe – and inviting Paiute leaders to meet with the militia and reclaim their belongings.

“We want to make sure these things are returned to their rightful owner,” said Finicum, who recently helped destroy a US Fish and Wildlife Service fence and remove cameras that he claimed the government was using for surveillance.
The rightwing militia, led by Ammon Bundy, took over the headquarters of the wildlife sanctuary on 2 January to protest the government’s land-use regulations in rural Harney County. They have demanded that local ranchers have control of public lands – not the federal government.
But days after the occupation began, leaders of the federally recognized Paiute Indian tribe in Burns, the town closest to the refuge, decried the armed occupation, pointing out that the out-of-state militiamen were trying to claim sacred lands that are part of the tribe’s ancestral territory.

Oregon militia seen rifling through Native American artifacts at refuge
What else can one expect from right winger high brows..??? And please allow polichic to let you know, there is no far right in the USA, only Oregon...
Tribe outraged after Oregon militia rifle through Native American artifacts

In the three-minute YouTube video uploaded Wednesday by LaVoy Finicum, one of the men responsible for leading the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns since Jan. 2, Finicum and several other men are shown leafing through boxes of documents belonging to the Paiute tribe.

Tribe outraged over video showing Oregon militia handling artifacts

Didnt watch the video did you?
They offered them to the Indians and they turned them down,,,,,if they are so concerned why didnt they go get them and then give them back to Uncle Sam..........or keep em........

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