Oregon raises min wage

Great move OR... now the STUPID BURGER FLIPPING CLASS of people in your state will make more money than most people graduating college, great move, I'm sure businesses will be flocking to OR any time now...

Let me know when McDonalds pulls out of Oregon.

McDonald's is not going anywhere, they are busy creating automated restaurants that will allow them to reduce their workforce.

With or without a raise in the minimum wage.
Does the people living there ever have a SAY in anything that goes on in their state?
or they now have a bunch of dictators they bow to. until the people speak up they will continue to steamroll over them

The majority here vote for Dimocrats, and they get exactly what they vote for.
Great move OR... now the STUPID BURGER FLIPPING CLASS of people in your state will make more money than most people graduating college, great move, I'm sure businesses will be flocking to OR any time now...

Let me know when McDonalds pulls out of Oregon.

McDonald's is not going anywhere, they are busy creating automated restaurants that will allow them to reduce their workforce.

With or without a raise in the minimum wage.

I'm certain they would be automating anyway, but now they have even more incentive to do so.
Does the people living there ever have a SAY in anything that goes on in their state?
or they now have a bunch of dictators they bow to. until the people speak up they will continue to steamroll over them
The people elected them...so obviously they want this.
Oregon lawmakers approve landmark minimum wage increase

I wonder if the same idiots that whine now about the min wage sound like the idiots that whined the apocalypse was going to happen when it was raised to its current wage.....anyways good for Oregon residents,maybe now they can make ends meet a little better.
Company's will start moving out of Oregon and reconsider moving there...
Yeah like happened in Seattle eh? LOL

Gene Balk
May 22, 2014
Census: Seattle is the fastest-growing big city in the U.S.

If Minimum Wage has any effect at all on whether or not companies will be leaving... the effect will be the opposite of what labor haters say it will be...
Great move OR... now the STUPID BURGER FLIPPING CLASS of people in your state will make more money than most people graduating college, great move, I'm sure businesses will be flocking to OR any time now...

Let me know when McDonalds pulls out of Oregon.

McDonald's is not going anywhere, they are busy creating automated restaurants that will allow them to reduce their workforce.

With or without a raise in the minimum wage.

I'm certain they would be automating anyway, but now they have even more incentive to do so.

I see, so you really don't have a point.
Odium thinks this is funny:

Lookie here, an automated McDonald's machine up and running without a raise to the minimum wage.

They've been testing the equipment in preparation.

So, your point is they've been creating and testing self serve fast food kiosks due to the possibility of a raise in the minimum wage, even though I just replied to another post of yours where you completely contradict that point.
Company's will start moving out of Oregon and reconsider moving there...

No they won't. Employers are making so much money today they need a third hand. They will bitch about having to give a very small percentage to the people that made them all of their monies.
I live here in Oregon, and this is just the latest reason why if I were looking to start a new business, I wouldn't do it here. Especially in the Portland or Eugene area. If their regulations haven't killed your business already, this latest salvo might do it.
Because you have to pay a worker a wage you would want to live with? Wow heck of a person you are....guess we can thank goodness you won't be starting a business then.

Maybe, but many others do want to start a business and will surly avoid that state. Who can blame them? Why do you think we lost most of our manufacturing to foreign entities? That's right, wages and regulations.

So I own Ray's Widget company, and I'm looking to expand my operations in the US. I am going to employ about 500 people. Do I move to a state where they use the federal minimum wage, or do I move to a place like Oregon where it's going to cost me an extra couple of million for wages and benefits?

The choice is pretty simple, especially if I have stock holders to keep happy.
McDonald's is not going anywhere, they are busy creating automated restaurants that will allow them to reduce their workforce.

McDonalds would be better off developing robots to eat that shit they make.

Or making a better product that people will want to eat.

Dont mean to insult you if you eat there. I gave up on MacDonalds a long long time ago. Nasty stuff.
Good on ya Oregon. Treating your poor and less fortunate with respect and dignity. That's exactly what our nation is supposed to be about. While $11-$12 still isn't enough to survive on, it's a good start in the right direction. The rest of the nation needs to follow your lead. Thank you.
And to answer the OP's question... Yes, the usual suspects will screech the same 'Sky is Falling' Bullshite they've always screeched when it's proposed we take care of our struggling workers a little better.

And as usual, the sky won't fall. Oregon took a bold step here. Oregonians should be very proud. Now it's time for the rest of the country to follow suit.
And to answer the OP's question... Yes, the usual suspects will screech the same 'Sky is Falling' Bullshite they've always screeched when it's proposed we take care of our struggling workers a little better.

And as usual, the sky won't fall. Oregon took a bold step here. Oregonians should be very proud. Now it's time for the rest of the country to follow suit.

Not so fast. Give it about five to ten years to see the ramifications of this huge increase. Then decide if that's what we want all across the country. Why do you think they phase these increases slowly? If it's so great, why not just increase minimum wage all at once?

I'll leave you to think about that one for a while.
Does the people living there ever have a SAY in anything that goes on in their state?
or they now have a bunch of dictators they bow to. until the people speak up they will continue to steamroll over them

They vote, same as you could if you had the will to get off the couch and out of your housecoat.
And to answer the OP's question... Yes, the usual suspects will screech the same 'Sky is Falling' Bullshite they've always screeched when it's proposed we take care of our struggling workers a little better.

And as usual, the sky won't fall. Oregon took a bold step here. Oregonians should be very proud. Now it's time for the rest of the country to follow suit.

Not so fast. Give it about five to ten years to see the ramifications of this huge increase. Then decide if that's what we want all across the country. Why do you think they phase these increases slowly? If it's so great, why not just increase minimum wage all at once?

I'll leave you to think about that one for a while.

The only ones who don't wanna help our struggling workers out, are the same ole greedy hateful white Republican dudes. And their numbers are dwindling. Their influence is waning.

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