Oregon raises min wage

Does the people living there ever have a SAY in anything that goes on in their state?
or they now have a bunch of dictators they bow to. until the people speak up they will continue to steamroll over them

lol, yeah its totally a dictatorship :rolleyes:
Oregon raises min wage

The lowlife filth scum liberals in Oregon wouldn't have to raise the minimum wage if they weren't taxing the poor with a whopping 9% income tax OH SNAP!!

SNAP yourself, if you need it (giggle!), minimum wage/poor workers don't pay a 9% income tax, that is-----that is unless Oregon's minimum wage is equal to $249K and even that # may very well be an adjusted income.

Look dumb ass if you are single in Oregon and earn over just $8,400 you pay a whopping 9%. Since you are a moron I'll take pity on you and give you a link Oregon Income Tax Rates for 2016 Can someone tell me why are liberals so damn ignorant? Is it a birth defect or something?
The only ones who don't wanna help our struggling workers out, are the same ole greedy hateful white Republican dudes. And their numbers are dwindling. Their influence is waning.

Meanwhile who controls Congress?

They know their influence is waning. The pitchforks are out. They don't have the balls to stand up there and say they aren't willing to help struggling American Workers out. Like to see em try it though. We'll see what it gets em.

I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

The only ones who don't wanna help our struggling workers out, are the same ole greedy hateful white Republican dudes. And their numbers are dwindling. Their influence is waning.

Meanwhile who controls Congress?

They know their influence is waning. The pitchforks are out. They don't have the balls to stand up there and say they aren't willing to help struggling American Workers out. Like to see em try it though. We'll see what it gets em.

I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

The Minimum Wage issue will come to a head eventually. And i really don't think the greedy Republican folks in Congress have the balls to tell American Workers to go to hell. I would think they know better.

Let me fill you in on some information here:

Minimum wage workers in the US are about 3% of our workforce. Most of them are retirees looking for something to do or for extra money while others are under the voting age or in college earning extra money.

Nobody would be hurt in Congress by refusing to increase minimum wage. Much like your fantasy about Republicans nearing their end, it doesn't exist except in your mind.

I have to admit, i do want the Republican Party in its current form, to meet its end. It's a Party of angry warmongering greedy white dudes. It's a Fascist Party. I'm not sure why so many who call themselves Republicans, still live the delusion that it's a 'Small/Less Government' Party. It's anything but that. It's a Party that merely serves the Corporations and keeps us in a state of Permanent War. It truly doesn't care about the poor least fortunate among us.

Most Republicans i run into, usually do live up to the stereotype. They're angry white guys who are incredibly greedy and hateful. It's really sad, because most of em don't even realize they're only voting against their own interests. The Corporate Elites who own the Party don't give a shit about average hard working Americans. And they sure don't give a shit about America. I've voted Republican in many elections, but i'm out at this point. I won't return until i see significant changes. I don't want their miserable Police State and WWIII. I won't support that.
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They know their influence is waning. The pitchforks are out. They don't have the balls to stand up there and say they aren't willing to help struggling American Workers out. Like to see em try it though. We'll see what it gets em.

I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

We'll see. The Minimum Wage issue will come to a head eventually. And i doubt the greedy Republican folks in Congress will put up much a fight.
They know their influence is waning. The pitchforks are out. They don't have the balls to stand up there and say they aren't willing to help struggling American Workers out. Like to see em try it though. We'll see what it gets em.

I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

The Minimum Wage issue will come to a head eventually. And i really don't think the greedy Republican folks in Congress have the balls to tell American Workers to go to hell. I would think they know better.

More StinkProgress and MSNBC....the conservatives are going nowhere anytime soon, you're dreaming

What is Conservativism? Is it only about helping wealthy Corporate Elites who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves?

Wealthy corporate elites don't need help from anybody. Only those that insist government force employers to overpay employees that aren't worth a crap are the ones that need help.

You serve a Party that only serves the Corporate Elite. It doesn't give a shit about struggling Americans. And it certainly doesn't give a shit about America. That's what you're voting for. Remember that on Election Day.
Oregon lawmakers approve landmark minimum wage increase

I wonder if the same idiots that whine now about the min wage sound like the idiots that whined the apocalypse was going to happen when it was raised to its current wage.....anyways good for Oregon residents,maybe now they can make ends meet a little better.
The "employee" residents may have a bit more money.....but what about that guy who owns the local stationary store? Local Bagel store? Local convenience store? You know, those places where you don't make millions....but make a decent living and employ people while doing it?

You guys put no thought into reality. Not every business owner with 5 employees is making millions. Most are middle class and happy with their small business of 5 or 6 people.
And to answer the OP's question... Yes, the usual suspects will screech the same 'Sky is Falling' Bullshite they've always screeched when it's proposed we take care of our struggling workers a little better.

And as usual, the sky won't fall. Oregon took a bold step here. Oregonians should be very proud. Now it's time for the rest of the country to follow suit.

Not so fast. Give it about five to ten years to see the ramifications of this huge increase. Then decide if that's what we want all across the country. Why do you think they phase these increases slowly? If it's so great, why not just increase minimum wage all at once?

I'll leave you to think about that one for a while.

Why wait "five to ten years to see the ramifications" many states have had a higher minimum wage for years and years...
If you ever wondered why Southern States' economies are worse than the rest of the country, the below map exposes one of the reasons.


It's a formula. Big Businesses often move to the South because much of their populations are uneducated and not very intelligent. They move there so they can have their slaves. They'll do the same jobs for $9 an hr that paid at least $25 30-40yrs ago.

They'll gladly accept their degradation. They just don't know any better. But hopefully the the rest of the country will follow Oregon's lead. It'll make it harder for the Corporate Elites to have their slaves. Oregonians really should be proud.
Meanwhile who controls Congress?

They know their influence is waning. The pitchforks are out. They don't have the balls to stand up there and say they aren't willing to help struggling American Workers out. Like to see em try it though. We'll see what it gets em.

I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

Meanwhile who controls Congress?

They know their influence is waning. The pitchforks are out. They don't have the balls to stand up there and say they aren't willing to help struggling American Workers out. Like to see em try it though. We'll see what it gets em.

I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

The Minimum Wage issue will come to a head eventually. And i really don't think the greedy Republican folks in Congress have the balls to tell American Workers to go to hell. I would think they know better.

Let me fill you in on some information here:

Minimum wage workers in the US are about 3% of our workforce. Most of them are retirees looking for something to do or for extra money while others are under the voting age or in college earning extra money.

Nobody would be hurt in Congress by refusing to increase minimum wage. Much like your fantasy about Republicans nearing their end, it doesn't exist except in your mind.

I have to admit, i do want the Republican Party in its current form, to meet its end. It's a Party of angry warmongering greedy white dudes. It's a Fascist Party. I'm not sure why so many who call themselves Republicans, still live the delusion that it's a 'Small/Less' Government Party. It's anything but that. It's a Party that merely serves the Corporations and keeps us in a state of Permanent War. It truly doesn't care about the poor least fortunate among us.

Most Republicans i run into, usually do live up to the stereotype. They're angry white guys who are incredibly greedy and hateful. It's really sad, because most of em don't even realize they're only voting against their own interests. The Corporate Elites who own the Party don't give a shit about average hard working Americans. And they sure don't give a shit about America. I've voted Republican in many elections, but i'm out at this point. I won't return until i see significant changes. I don't want their miserable Police State and WWIII. I won't support that.
While I don't consider myself a repub, I do tend to vote that way, not because I like the repubs but because from my point of view the dems do more damage.

Like the vast majority of business owners in this country I'm not mega-rich and don't have politicians in my back pocket. That's the problem with most dems in this country, they get mad at wall street and the fortune 500 but the dem politicians are just as tied to big money as the repubs are. I've said it for years the left gets mad at wall street and ends up taking it out on main street.

As far as perpetual war and the police state, you may want to take a closer look at the current adm. They're doing a pretty good job expanding both.
They know their influence is waning. The pitchforks are out. They don't have the balls to stand up there and say they aren't willing to help struggling American Workers out. Like to see em try it though. We'll see what it gets em.

I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

They know their influence is waning. The pitchforks are out. They don't have the balls to stand up there and say they aren't willing to help struggling American Workers out. Like to see em try it though. We'll see what it gets em.

I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

The Minimum Wage issue will come to a head eventually. And i really don't think the greedy Republican folks in Congress have the balls to tell American Workers to go to hell. I would think they know better.

Let me fill you in on some information here:

Minimum wage workers in the US are about 3% of our workforce. Most of them are retirees looking for something to do or for extra money while others are under the voting age or in college earning extra money.

Nobody would be hurt in Congress by refusing to increase minimum wage. Much like your fantasy about Republicans nearing their end, it doesn't exist except in your mind.

I have to admit, i do want the Republican Party in its current form, to meet its end. It's a Party of angry warmongering greedy white dudes. It's a Fascist Party. I'm not sure why so many who call themselves Republicans, still live the delusion that it's a 'Small/Less' Government Party. It's anything but that. It's a Party that merely serves the Corporations and keeps us in a state of Permanent War. It truly doesn't care about the poor least fortunate among us.

Most Republicans i run into, usually do live up to the stereotype. They're angry white guys who are incredibly greedy and hateful. It's really sad, because most of em don't even realize they're only voting against their own interests. The Corporate Elites who own the Party don't give a shit about average hard working Americans. And they sure don't give a shit about America. I've voted Republican in many elections, but i'm out at this point. I won't return until i see significant changes. I don't want their miserable Police State and WWIII. I won't support that.
While I don't consider myself a repub, I do tend to vote that way, not because I like the repubs but because from my point of view the dems do more damage.

Like the vast majority of business owners in this country I'm not mega-rich and don't have politicians in my back pocket. That's the problem with most dems in this country, they get mad at wall street and the fortune 500 but the dem politicians are just as tied to big money as the repubs are. I've said it for years the left gets mad at wall street and ends up taking it out on main street.

As far as perpetual war and the police state, you may want to take a closer look at the current adm. They're doing a pretty good job expanding both.

Oh, not going along with the Fascist Republican Party, by no means is an endorsement of the Communist Democratic Party. I now view the sad situation this way...

Republican Party = Nazi Party

Democrat Party = Communist Party

Sadly, those are the choices for Americans. It is what it is.
I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

The Minimum Wage issue will come to a head eventually. And i really don't think the greedy Republican folks in Congress have the balls to tell American Workers to go to hell. I would think they know better.

Let me fill you in on some information here:

Minimum wage workers in the US are about 3% of our workforce. Most of them are retirees looking for something to do or for extra money while others are under the voting age or in college earning extra money.

Nobody would be hurt in Congress by refusing to increase minimum wage. Much like your fantasy about Republicans nearing their end, it doesn't exist except in your mind.

I have to admit, i do want the Republican Party in its current form, to meet its end. It's a Party of angry warmongering greedy white dudes. It's a Fascist Party. I'm not sure why so many who call themselves Republicans, still live the delusion that it's a 'Small/Less' Government Party. It's anything but that. It's a Party that merely serves the Corporations and keeps us in a state of Permanent War. It truly doesn't care about the poor least fortunate among us.

Most Republicans i run into, usually do live up to the stereotype. They're angry white guys who are incredibly greedy and hateful. It's really sad, because most of em don't even realize they're only voting against their own interests. The Corporate Elites who own the Party don't give a shit about average hard working Americans. And they sure don't give a shit about America. I've voted Republican in many elections, but i'm out at this point. I won't return until i see significant changes. I don't want their miserable Police State and WWIII. I won't support that.
While I don't consider myself a repub, I do tend to vote that way, not because I like the repubs but because from my point of view the dems do more damage.

Like the vast majority of business owners in this country I'm not mega-rich and don't have politicians in my back pocket. That's the problem with most dems in this country, they get mad at wall street and the fortune 500 but the dem politicians are just as tied to big money as the repubs are. I've said it for years the left gets mad at wall street and ends up taking it out on main street.

As far as perpetual war and the police state, you may want to take a closer look at the current adm. They're doing a pretty good job expanding both.

Oh, not going along with the Fascist Republican Party, by no means is an endorsement of the Communist Democratic Party. I now view the sad situation this way...

Republican Party = Nazi Party

Democrat Party = Communist Party

Sadly, those are the choices for Americans. It is what it is.
Yeah, I've often said that I shudder when I hear repubs talking about social issues and shudder when I hear dems talking about fiscal issues. And I'll say the same, by no means is that an endorsement of the opposites.

It's funny though, two of my best friends are die hard dems, both work at universities. We agree on what the problems are 90-95% of the time, same with what we want for this country. On how to get there not so much.
The Minimum Wage issue will come to a head eventually. And i really don't think the greedy Republican folks in Congress have the balls to tell American Workers to go to hell. I would think they know better.

Let me fill you in on some information here:

Minimum wage workers in the US are about 3% of our workforce. Most of them are retirees looking for something to do or for extra money while others are under the voting age or in college earning extra money.

Nobody would be hurt in Congress by refusing to increase minimum wage. Much like your fantasy about Republicans nearing their end, it doesn't exist except in your mind.

I have to admit, i do want the Republican Party in its current form, to meet its end. It's a Party of angry warmongering greedy white dudes. It's a Fascist Party. I'm not sure why so many who call themselves Republicans, still live the delusion that it's a 'Small/Less' Government Party. It's anything but that. It's a Party that merely serves the Corporations and keeps us in a state of Permanent War. It truly doesn't care about the poor least fortunate among us.

Most Republicans i run into, usually do live up to the stereotype. They're angry white guys who are incredibly greedy and hateful. It's really sad, because most of em don't even realize they're only voting against their own interests. The Corporate Elites who own the Party don't give a shit about average hard working Americans. And they sure don't give a shit about America. I've voted Republican in many elections, but i'm out at this point. I won't return until i see significant changes. I don't want their miserable Police State and WWIII. I won't support that.
While I don't consider myself a repub, I do tend to vote that way, not because I like the repubs but because from my point of view the dems do more damage.

Like the vast majority of business owners in this country I'm not mega-rich and don't have politicians in my back pocket. That's the problem with most dems in this country, they get mad at wall street and the fortune 500 but the dem politicians are just as tied to big money as the repubs are. I've said it for years the left gets mad at wall street and ends up taking it out on main street.

As far as perpetual war and the police state, you may want to take a closer look at the current adm. They're doing a pretty good job expanding both.

Oh, not going along with the Fascist Republican Party, by no means is an endorsement of the Communist Democratic Party. I now view the sad situation this way...

Republican Party = Nazi Party

Democrat Party = Communist Party

Sadly, those are the choices for Americans. It is what it is.
Yeah, I've often said that I shudder when I hear repubs talking about social issues and shudder when I hear dems talking about fiscal issues. And I'll say the same, by no means is that an endorsement of the opposites.

It's funny though, two of my best friends are die hard dems, both work at universities. We agree on what the problems are 90-95% of the time, same with what we want for this country. On how to get there not so much.

I hear ya, very wise observations. I just can't go with where the Republican Party is these days. It's become such a hateful Fascist Party. All that pushing for a Police State and WWIII. All that hating on the poor least fortunate among us. I'm done with that. I won't support it. I've left the Party.
Let me fill you in on some information here:

Minimum wage workers in the US are about 3% of our workforce. Most of them are retirees looking for something to do or for extra money while others are under the voting age or in college earning extra money.

Nobody would be hurt in Congress by refusing to increase minimum wage. Much like your fantasy about Republicans nearing their end, it doesn't exist except in your mind.

I have to admit, i do want the Republican Party in its current form, to meet its end. It's a Party of angry warmongering greedy white dudes. It's a Fascist Party. I'm not sure why so many who call themselves Republicans, still live the delusion that it's a 'Small/Less' Government Party. It's anything but that. It's a Party that merely serves the Corporations and keeps us in a state of Permanent War. It truly doesn't care about the poor least fortunate among us.

Most Republicans i run into, usually do live up to the stereotype. They're angry white guys who are incredibly greedy and hateful. It's really sad, because most of em don't even realize they're only voting against their own interests. The Corporate Elites who own the Party don't give a shit about average hard working Americans. And they sure don't give a shit about America. I've voted Republican in many elections, but i'm out at this point. I won't return until i see significant changes. I don't want their miserable Police State and WWIII. I won't support that.
While I don't consider myself a repub, I do tend to vote that way, not because I like the repubs but because from my point of view the dems do more damage.

Like the vast majority of business owners in this country I'm not mega-rich and don't have politicians in my back pocket. That's the problem with most dems in this country, they get mad at wall street and the fortune 500 but the dem politicians are just as tied to big money as the repubs are. I've said it for years the left gets mad at wall street and ends up taking it out on main street.

As far as perpetual war and the police state, you may want to take a closer look at the current adm. They're doing a pretty good job expanding both.

Oh, not going along with the Fascist Republican Party, by no means is an endorsement of the Communist Democratic Party. I now view the sad situation this way...

Republican Party = Nazi Party

Democrat Party = Communist Party

Sadly, those are the choices for Americans. It is what it is.
Yeah, I've often said that I shudder when I hear repubs talking about social issues and shudder when I hear dems talking about fiscal issues. And I'll say the same, by no means is that an endorsement of the opposites.

It's funny though, two of my best friends are die hard dems, both work at universities. We agree on what the problems are 90-95% of the time, same with what we want for this country. On how to get there not so much.

I hear ya, very wise observations. I just can't go with where the Republican Party is these days. It's become such a hateful Fascist Party. All that pushing for a Police State and WWIII. All that hating on the poor least fortunate among us. I'm done with that. I won't support it. I've left the Party.
Again I don't see the dems as any better. They're doing a pretty solid job pushing for WWIII as we speak. And the far left gets more "fascist" by the day. I heard a women on NPR not to long ago say there are no liberals left. It's now the "rigid left".

I also understand some of the anger. We watch the dems refusing to enforce immigration laws and then find ourselves competing with companies hiring them. More than once I've heard small business people say the only way to compete in this country is to get rid of the americans. Tends to tick people off.
I have to admit, i do want the Republican Party in its current form, to meet its end. It's a Party of angry warmongering greedy white dudes. It's a Fascist Party. I'm not sure why so many who call themselves Republicans, still live the delusion that it's a 'Small/Less' Government Party. It's anything but that. It's a Party that merely serves the Corporations and keeps us in a state of Permanent War. It truly doesn't care about the poor least fortunate among us.

Most Republicans i run into, usually do live up to the stereotype. They're angry white guys who are incredibly greedy and hateful. It's really sad, because most of em don't even realize they're only voting against their own interests. The Corporate Elites who own the Party don't give a shit about average hard working Americans. And they sure don't give a shit about America. I've voted Republican in many elections, but i'm out at this point. I won't return until i see significant changes. I don't want their miserable Police State and WWIII. I won't support that.
While I don't consider myself a repub, I do tend to vote that way, not because I like the repubs but because from my point of view the dems do more damage.

Like the vast majority of business owners in this country I'm not mega-rich and don't have politicians in my back pocket. That's the problem with most dems in this country, they get mad at wall street and the fortune 500 but the dem politicians are just as tied to big money as the repubs are. I've said it for years the left gets mad at wall street and ends up taking it out on main street.

As far as perpetual war and the police state, you may want to take a closer look at the current adm. They're doing a pretty good job expanding both.

Oh, not going along with the Fascist Republican Party, by no means is an endorsement of the Communist Democratic Party. I now view the sad situation this way...

Republican Party = Nazi Party

Democrat Party = Communist Party

Sadly, those are the choices for Americans. It is what it is.
Yeah, I've often said that I shudder when I hear repubs talking about social issues and shudder when I hear dems talking about fiscal issues. And I'll say the same, by no means is that an endorsement of the opposites.

It's funny though, two of my best friends are die hard dems, both work at universities. We agree on what the problems are 90-95% of the time, same with what we want for this country. On how to get there not so much.

I hear ya, very wise observations. I just can't go with where the Republican Party is these days. It's become such a hateful Fascist Party. All that pushing for a Police State and WWIII. All that hating on the poor least fortunate among us. I'm done with that. I won't support it. I've left the Party.
Again I don't see the dems as any better. They're doing a pretty solid job pushing for WWIII as we speak. And the far left gets more "fascist" by the day. I heard a women on NPR not to long ago say there are no liberals left. It's now the "rigid left".

I also understand some of the anger. We watch the dems refusing to enforce immigration laws and then find ourselves competing with companies hiring them. More than once I've heard small business people say the only way to compete in this country is to get rid of the americans. Tends to tick people off.

Can't really disagree with ya much. But this fanatical push for a Police State and WWIII seems to be coming from the Republican Party more so at this point. It alowed the Neocon (Nazi) religious zealots to hijack the Party. Those folks are madmen. They really do want their Police State and WWIII. I can't go along.
I'm already noticing it in a lot of industries. Laws never stopped commerce. They simply find innovative ways around them that is why we have automated cashiers now. In the long run it probably won't hurt anything but any business that has to pay $15 per hour for an employee may want a lot in return.
While I don't consider myself a repub, I do tend to vote that way, not because I like the repubs but because from my point of view the dems do more damage.

Like the vast majority of business owners in this country I'm not mega-rich and don't have politicians in my back pocket. That's the problem with most dems in this country, they get mad at wall street and the fortune 500 but the dem politicians are just as tied to big money as the repubs are. I've said it for years the left gets mad at wall street and ends up taking it out on main street.

As far as perpetual war and the police state, you may want to take a closer look at the current adm. They're doing a pretty good job expanding both.

Oh, not going along with the Fascist Republican Party, by no means is an endorsement of the Communist Democratic Party. I now view the sad situation this way...

Republican Party = Nazi Party

Democrat Party = Communist Party

Sadly, those are the choices for Americans. It is what it is.
Yeah, I've often said that I shudder when I hear repubs talking about social issues and shudder when I hear dems talking about fiscal issues. And I'll say the same, by no means is that an endorsement of the opposites.

It's funny though, two of my best friends are die hard dems, both work at universities. We agree on what the problems are 90-95% of the time, same with what we want for this country. On how to get there not so much.

I hear ya, very wise observations. I just can't go with where the Republican Party is these days. It's become such a hateful Fascist Party. All that pushing for a Police State and WWIII. All that hating on the poor least fortunate among us. I'm done with that. I won't support it. I've left the Party.
Again I don't see the dems as any better. They're doing a pretty solid job pushing for WWIII as we speak. And the far left gets more "fascist" by the day. I heard a women on NPR not to long ago say there are no liberals left. It's now the "rigid left".

I also understand some of the anger. We watch the dems refusing to enforce immigration laws and then find ourselves competing with companies hiring them. More than once I've heard small business people say the only way to compete in this country is to get rid of the americans. Tends to tick people off.

Can't really disagree with ya much. But this fanatical push for a Police State and WWIII seems to be coming from the Republican Party more so at this point. It alowed the Neocon (Nazi) religious zealots to hijack the Party. Those folks are madmen. They really do want their Police State and WWIII. I can't go along.

What can define more of a police state than the government forcing industry to pay people what they deem necessary? Shouldn't that be up to the business owner and not the government?
And to answer the OP's question... Yes, the usual suspects will screech the same 'Sky is Falling' Bullshite they've always screeched when it's proposed we take care of our struggling workers a little better.

And as usual, the sky won't fall. Oregon took a bold step here. Oregonians should be very proud. Now it's time for the rest of the country to follow suit.

Not so fast. Give it about five to ten years to see the ramifications of this huge increase. Then decide if that's what we want all across the country. Why do you think they phase these increases slowly? If it's so great, why not just increase minimum wage all at once?

I'll leave you to think about that one for a while.

Why wait "five to ten years to see the ramifications" many states have had a higher minimum wage for years and years...
If you ever wondered why Southern States' economies are worse than the rest of the country, the below map exposes one of the reasons.


It's a formula. Big Businesses often move to the South because much of their populations are uneducated and not very intelligent. They move there so they can have their slaves. They'll do the same jobs for $9 an hr that paid at least $25 30-40yrs ago.

They'll gladly accept their degradation. They just don't know any better. But hopefully the the rest of the country will follow Oregon's lead. It'll make it harder for the Corporate Elites to have their slaves. Oregonians really should be proud.

Yep, that's the solution: Make it harder on corporate elites to have "slaves" in the US so they are forced to have machines built to take the place of those slaves, or go to where the slaves are in China and Vietnam.
Odium thinks this is funny:

Lookie here, an automated McDonald's machine up and running without a raise to the minimum wage.
and a raise to the minimum wage will make such a device more cost effective.
Won't be too cost effective when people stop using your business. :) I REFUSE to use the piece of shit machines at Wal Mart or the grocery store they are a pain in the ass.

I agree, but eventually that will be the only way to shop in the future because they will eliminate employees--especially ones that are overpaid because of government mandate.

I went to my clinic a few months back. As I walked up to the desk I normally check into, nobody was behind the desk and the lights in the office space behind the desk were out. So I looked to the right, and a woman was there to escort me a few steps to the Kiosk. I told her I didn't want to use the stupid machine; I didn't even bring my reading glasses with me. She told me if I want to see my doctor, I'll just have to learn to like them because that will be the only way to check in from that point on.
I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

We'll see. The Minimum Wage issue will come to a head eventually. And i doubt the greedy Republican folks in Congress will put up much a fight.
I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

The Minimum Wage issue will come to a head eventually. And i really don't think the greedy Republican folks in Congress have the balls to tell American Workers to go to hell. I would think they know better.

More StinkProgress and MSNBC....the conservatives are going nowhere anytime soon, you're dreaming

What is Conservativism? Is it only about helping wealthy Corporate Elites who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves?

Wealthy corporate elites don't need help from anybody. Only those that insist government force employers to overpay employees that aren't worth a crap are the ones that need help.

You serve a Party that only serves the Corporate Elite. It doesn't give a shit about struggling Americans. And it certainly doesn't give a shit about America. That's what you're voting for. Remember that on Election Day.

What I will remember on election day is the price of a pack of cigarettes that greatly increased thanks to DumBama. What I will remember on election day is what it costs me to transfer the balance on my credit card from one card to another. What I will remember on election day is what I now have to pay for healthcare insurance that before Democrats, I had from my employer for free.

That's what I'm going to remember.
Does the people living there ever have a SAY in anything that goes on in their state?
or they now have a bunch of dictators they bow to. until the people speak up they will continue to steamroll over them
why do you care, do you live there ? you should keep your nose out of their business
Oh shut the fuck up. You are a tiresome little man.

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