Oregon raises min wage

Does the people living there ever have a SAY in anything that goes on in their state?
or they now have a bunch of dictators they bow to. until the people speak up they will continue to steamroll over them
The people elected them...so obviously they want this.
Oregon lawmakers approve landmark minimum wage increase

I wonder if the same idiots that whine now about the min wage sound like the idiots that whined the apocalypse was going to happen when it was raised to its current wage.....anyways good for Oregon residents,maybe now they can make ends meet a little better.
Company's will start moving out of Oregon and reconsider moving there...
Yeah like happened in Seattle eh? LOL
No...They elected democrats. Blindly.
Does the people living there ever have a SAY in anything that goes on in their state?
or they now have a bunch of dictators they bow to. until the people speak up they will continue to steamroll over them
The people elected them...so obviously they want this.
Oregon lawmakers approve landmark minimum wage increase

I wonder if the same idiots that whine now about the min wage sound like the idiots that whined the apocalypse was going to happen when it was raised to its current wage.....anyways good for Oregon residents,maybe now they can make ends meet a little better.
Company's will start moving out of Oregon and reconsider moving there...
Yeah like happened in Seattle eh? LOL
Its happening now....Seattle has more time. As do LA and NYC. Their increases are being phased in.
Yeah, I've often said that I shudder when I hear repubs talking about social issues and shudder when I hear dems talking about fiscal issues. And I'll say the same, by no means is that an endorsement of the opposites.

It's funny though, two of my best friends are die hard dems, both work at universities. We agree on what the problems are 90-95% of the time, same with what we want for this country. On how to get there not so much.

I hear ya, very wise observations. I just can't go with where the Republican Party is these days. It's become such a hateful Fascist Party. All that pushing for a Police State and WWIII. All that hating on the poor least fortunate among us. I'm done with that. I won't support it. I've left the Party.
Again I don't see the dems as any better. They're doing a pretty solid job pushing for WWIII as we speak. And the far left gets more "fascist" by the day. I heard a women on NPR not to long ago say there are no liberals left. It's now the "rigid left".

I also understand some of the anger. We watch the dems refusing to enforce immigration laws and then find ourselves competing with companies hiring them. More than once I've heard small business people say the only way to compete in this country is to get rid of the americans. Tends to tick people off.

Can't really disagree with ya much. But this fanatical push for a Police State and WWIII seems to be coming from the Republican Party more so at this point. It alowed the Neocon (Nazi) religious zealots to hijack the Party. Those folks are madmen. They really do want their Police State and WWIII. I can't go along.

What can define more of a police state than the government forcing industry to pay people what they deem necessary? Shouldn't that be up to the business owner and not the government?
LOL. The government has the ability to control the economy, and they should. They are the ones that add dollars.
It is NOT the business of government to control the economy or do anything else but perform essential functions
I hear ya, very wise observations. I just can't go with where the Republican Party is these days. It's become such a hateful Fascist Party. All that pushing for a Police State and WWIII. All that hating on the poor least fortunate among us. I'm done with that. I won't support it. I've left the Party.
Again I don't see the dems as any better. They're doing a pretty solid job pushing for WWIII as we speak. And the far left gets more "fascist" by the day. I heard a women on NPR not to long ago say there are no liberals left. It's now the "rigid left".

I also understand some of the anger. We watch the dems refusing to enforce immigration laws and then find ourselves competing with companies hiring them. More than once I've heard small business people say the only way to compete in this country is to get rid of the americans. Tends to tick people off.

Can't really disagree with ya much. But this fanatical push for a Police State and WWIII seems to be coming from the Republican Party more so at this point. It alowed the Neocon (Nazi) religious zealots to hijack the Party. Those folks are madmen. They really do want their Police State and WWIII. I can't go along.

What can define more of a police state than the government forcing industry to pay people what they deem necessary? Shouldn't that be up to the business owner and not the government?
LOL. The government has the ability to control the economy, and they should. They are the ones that add dollars.
It is NOT the business of government to control the economy or do anything else but perform essential functions
News flash: The government adds dollars to the economy and has been controlling the market for decades. If you want to talk about some fantasy world that will never exist, be my guest.
I personally always use self check out lanes when available...
Same here. I also will not get gas at a station if I have to go inside to pay....I use self checkout. Always put the shopping cart back where it belongs. This is me helping to reduce labor costs which helps to control prices. Every little bit helps.
Again I don't see the dems as any better. They're doing a pretty solid job pushing for WWIII as we speak. And the far left gets more "fascist" by the day. I heard a women on NPR not to long ago say there are no liberals left. It's now the "rigid left".

I also understand some of the anger. We watch the dems refusing to enforce immigration laws and then find ourselves competing with companies hiring them. More than once I've heard small business people say the only way to compete in this country is to get rid of the americans. Tends to tick people off.

Can't really disagree with ya much. But this fanatical push for a Police State and WWIII seems to be coming from the Republican Party more so at this point. It alowed the Neocon (Nazi) religious zealots to hijack the Party. Those folks are madmen. They really do want their Police State and WWIII. I can't go along.

What can define more of a police state than the government forcing industry to pay people what they deem necessary? Shouldn't that be up to the business owner and not the government?
LOL. The government has the ability to control the economy, and they should. They are the ones that add dollars.
It is NOT the business of government to control the economy or do anything else but perform essential functions
News flash: The government adds dollars to the economy and has been controlling the market for decades. If you want to talk about some fantasy world that will never exist, be my guest.
What the hell are you talking about?
Hey genius. We have here a free market economy....The private sector controls the economy....The government simply regulates it intheory to prevent a repeat of the laissez faire tactics seen in the latter half of the 19th C and the early part of the 20th C....
BTW, sunshine...When the government adds dollars( currency) to the money supply, the currency traders sell off US Dollars and buy other major currencies. That is done because by printing money and placing it into circulation, the government has devalued the currency.
Government creates NOTHING. It only consumes. When government acts, wealth is removed from the economy in the form of taxes and fees reducing the purchasing and investing power of the private sector. Less spending and investing means lower revenue streams. Pretty simple stuff.
Taxation and regulation ARE necessary to maintain an open yet just economy. A balance.
You knuckleheads have this silly idea that all wealth and earnings in a perfect world would be confiscated by government for redistribution as it sees fit....
From each according to their abilities. To each according to their needs. Is that your idea of good government? A benevolent dictatorship?
Does the people living there ever have a SAY in anything that goes on in their state?
or they now have a bunch of dictators they bow to. until the people speak up they will continue to steamroll over them

They speak up by voting, you nitwit. That's how they have their say. Are you retarded?
And if you don't think this move will not have an adverse effect in Oregon's economy, and the ability of younger less skilled workers to obtain employment, you are not living in the real world
Does the people living there ever have a SAY in anything that goes on in their state?
or they now have a bunch of dictators they bow to. until the people speak up they will continue to steamroll over them
why do you care, do you live there ? you should keep your nose out of their business
Oh shut up.....How come your first post did not refer to the race card?
I live here in Oregon, and this is just the latest reason why if I were looking to start a new business, I wouldn't do it here. Especially in the Portland or Eugene area. If their regulations haven't killed your business already, this latest salvo might do it.
Because you have to pay a worker a wage you would want to live with? Wow heck of a person you are....guess we can thank goodness you won't be starting a business then.
Umm, the money HAS to come from somewhere.....
Can't really disagree with ya much. But this fanatical push for a Police State and WWIII seems to be coming from the Republican Party more so at this point. It alowed the Neocon (Nazi) religious zealots to hijack the Party. Those folks are madmen. They really do want their Police State and WWIII. I can't go along.

What can define more of a police state than the government forcing industry to pay people what they deem necessary? Shouldn't that be up to the business owner and not the government?
LOL. The government has the ability to control the economy, and they should. They are the ones that add dollars.
It is NOT the business of government to control the economy or do anything else but perform essential functions
News flash: The government adds dollars to the economy and has been controlling the market for decades. If you want to talk about some fantasy world that will never exist, be my guest.
What the hell are you talking about?
Hey genius. We have here a free market economy....The private sector controls the economy....The government simply regulates it intheory to prevent a repeat of the laissez faire tactics seen in the latter half of the 19th C and the early part of the 20th C....
BTW, sunshine...When the government adds dollars( currency) to the money supply, the currency traders sell off US Dollars and buy other major currencies. That is done because by printing money and placing it into circulation, the government has devalued the currency.
Government creates NOTHING. It only consumes. When government acts, wealth is removed from the economy in the form of taxes and fees reducing the purchasing and investing power of the private sector. Less spending and investing means lower revenue streams. Pretty simple stuff.
Taxation and regulation ARE necessary to maintain an open yet just economy. A balance.
You knuckleheads have this silly idea that all wealth and earnings in a perfect world would be confiscated by government for redistribution as it sees fit....
From each according to their abilities. To each according to their needs. Is that your idea of good government? A benevolent dictatorship?
There is no "free market." The market is at the mercy of the government, that has the power to remove dollars or add them.
The government creates dollars from thin air.
When government acts, wealth is removed from the economy in the form of taxes and fees reducing the purchasing and investing power of the private sector. Less spending and investing means lower revenue streams. Pretty simple stuff.
So you lower government spending and wealth is added to the economy? Wow, truly delusional.
Government spending DIRECTLY adds to the economy, deficit spending is how dollars are added to the economy. Taxes do indeed remove dollars, usually to make room for more spending. Operationally, taxes are not needed/used to "fund" anything so drop that silliness. The private sector loses purchasing/investing power when SPENDING IS CUT. Jesus, are you silly? Let's look at the recent surplus:
Does the people living there ever have a SAY in anything that goes on in their state?
or they now have a bunch of dictators they bow to. until the people speak up they will continue to steamroll over them
The people elected them...so obviously they want this.
Oregon lawmakers approve landmark minimum wage increase

I wonder if the same idiots that whine now about the min wage sound like the idiots that whined the apocalypse was going to happen when it was raised to its current wage.....anyways good for Oregon residents,maybe now they can make ends meet a little better.
Company's will start moving out of Oregon and reconsider moving there...
Yeah like happened in Seattle eh? LOL

Gene Balk
May 22, 2014
Census: Seattle is the fastest-growing big city in the U.S.

If Minimum Wage has any effect at all on whether or not companies will be leaving... the effect will be the opposite of what labor haters say it will be...
And?....Do you really believe people are headed to Seattle for the great min wage pay?
What can define more of a police state than the government forcing industry to pay people what they deem necessary? Shouldn't that be up to the business owner and not the government?
LOL. The government has the ability to control the economy, and they should. They are the ones that add dollars.
It is NOT the business of government to control the economy or do anything else but perform essential functions
News flash: The government adds dollars to the economy and has been controlling the market for decades. If you want to talk about some fantasy world that will never exist, be my guest.
What the hell are you talking about?
Hey genius. We have here a free market economy....The private sector controls the economy....The government simply regulates it intheory to prevent a repeat of the laissez faire tactics seen in the latter half of the 19th C and the early part of the 20th C....
BTW, sunshine...When the government adds dollars( currency) to the money supply, the currency traders sell off US Dollars and buy other major currencies. That is done because by printing money and placing it into circulation, the government has devalued the currency.
Government creates NOTHING. It only consumes. When government acts, wealth is removed from the economy in the form of taxes and fees reducing the purchasing and investing power of the private sector. Less spending and investing means lower revenue streams. Pretty simple stuff.
Taxation and regulation ARE necessary to maintain an open yet just economy. A balance.
You knuckleheads have this silly idea that all wealth and earnings in a perfect world would be confiscated by government for redistribution as it sees fit....
From each according to their abilities. To each according to their needs. Is that your idea of good government? A benevolent dictatorship?
There is no "free market." The market is at the mercy of the government, that has the power to remove dollars or add them.
The government creates dollars from thin air.
When government acts, wealth is removed from the economy in the form of taxes and fees reducing the purchasing and investing power of the private sector. Less spending and investing means lower revenue streams. Pretty simple stuff.
So you lower government spending and wealth is added to the economy? Wow, truly delusional.
Government spending DIRECTLY adds to the economy, deficit spending is how dollars are added to the economy. Taxes do indeed remove dollars, usually to make room for more spending. Operationally, taxes are not needed/used to "fund" anything so drop that silliness. The private sector loses purchasing/investing power when SPENDING IS CUT. Jesus, are you silly? Let's look at the recent surplus:
Based on your logic the tax rate should be 100%.....Christ....
BTW, where is the link to this chart?.....
Ok here's a good one....Taxes are not needed to fund government?....Is that a fact. So from where does the funding originate?
look, you are a true believing card carry far left wing socialist.....We're done.
Meanwhile who controls Congress?

They know their influence is waning. The pitchforks are out. They don't have the balls to stand up there and say they aren't willing to help struggling American Workers out. Like to see em try it though. We'll see what it gets em.

I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

Meanwhile who controls Congress?

They know their influence is waning. The pitchforks are out. They don't have the balls to stand up there and say they aren't willing to help struggling American Workers out. Like to see em try it though. We'll see what it gets em.

I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

The Minimum Wage issue will come to a head eventually. And i really don't think the greedy Republican folks in Congress have the balls to tell American Workers to go to hell. I would think they know better.

Let me fill you in on some information here:

Minimum wage workers in the US are about 3% of our workforce. Most of them are retirees looking for something to do or for extra money while others are under the voting age or in college earning extra money.

Nobody would be hurt in Congress by refusing to increase minimum wage. Much like your fantasy about Republicans nearing their end, it doesn't exist except in your mind.
That 3% workforce statistic refers to those at the bare minimum of $7.25 if I'm not mistaken. It doesn't include people at $7.45, $8.50, etc.. All who will benefit greatly. Most are not retirees and students, You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Even if they were, so what? Giving students and retirees more spending power helps the economy, especially when demand is low.

Low-wage Workers Are Older Than You Think: 88 Percent of Workers Who Would Benefit From a Higher Minimum Wage Are Older Than 20, One Third Are Over 40

Do you think that higher minimum wages come out of the sky? Think again.

In order to accommodate higher minimum wage, somebody has to pay for that, and in most cases, that somebody will be the consumer.

So the hammer, nails and saw at my hardware story cost more because of this minimum wage increase. Because of that, I can only afford the hammer and nails. The saw will have to come at another time.

This is nothing more than transference of wealth if you look at the reality of it. True, minimum wage workers will have more buying power, but consumers not affected by minimum wage will have less buying power and will buy less. It's a zero sum gain.

If you knew what you were talking about, you would understand that brick and mortar stores are losing business to internet competition. Walmart cited this when they closed hundreds of their stores. People will always flock to lower prices, and when brick and mortar stores have to increase their prices for whatever reason, more and more Americans will be buying products off of their computer than the store. It's less work, more convenient, and you don't have to warm up the car and use gasoline to purchase your products. Just move the mouse, click, and provide credit information. Then it's delivered right to your doorstep in one or two days.
LOL. The government has the ability to control the economy, and they should. They are the ones that add dollars.
It is NOT the business of government to control the economy or do anything else but perform essential functions
News flash: The government adds dollars to the economy and has been controlling the market for decades. If you want to talk about some fantasy world that will never exist, be my guest.
What the hell are you talking about?
Hey genius. We have here a free market economy....The private sector controls the economy....The government simply regulates it intheory to prevent a repeat of the laissez faire tactics seen in the latter half of the 19th C and the early part of the 20th C....
BTW, sunshine...When the government adds dollars( currency) to the money supply, the currency traders sell off US Dollars and buy other major currencies. That is done because by printing money and placing it into circulation, the government has devalued the currency.
Government creates NOTHING. It only consumes. When government acts, wealth is removed from the economy in the form of taxes and fees reducing the purchasing and investing power of the private sector. Less spending and investing means lower revenue streams. Pretty simple stuff.
Taxation and regulation ARE necessary to maintain an open yet just economy. A balance.
You knuckleheads have this silly idea that all wealth and earnings in a perfect world would be confiscated by government for redistribution as it sees fit....
From each according to their abilities. To each according to their needs. Is that your idea of good government? A benevolent dictatorship?
There is no "free market." The market is at the mercy of the government, that has the power to remove dollars or add them.
The government creates dollars from thin air.
When government acts, wealth is removed from the economy in the form of taxes and fees reducing the purchasing and investing power of the private sector. Less spending and investing means lower revenue streams. Pretty simple stuff.
So you lower government spending and wealth is added to the economy? Wow, truly delusional.
Government spending DIRECTLY adds to the economy, deficit spending is how dollars are added to the economy. Taxes do indeed remove dollars, usually to make room for more spending. Operationally, taxes are not needed/used to "fund" anything so drop that silliness. The private sector loses purchasing/investing power when SPENDING IS CUT. Jesus, are you silly? Let's look at the recent surplus:
Based on your logic the tax rate should be 100%.....Christ....
BTW, where is the link to this chart?.....
Ok here's a good one....Taxes are not needed to fund government?....Is that a fact. So from where does the funding originate?
look, you are a true believing card carry far left wing socialist.....We're done.
What? I am in favor of reducing taxes. Where did you get the idea that I want higher taxes?
The link to the chart?
You can grab links for images from the website you know.
The government, operationally, creates dollars from nothing and spends. That's literally how it works. Been that way for some time.
I am not far left at all, I support tax cuts, pumping up the private sector when it needs help, lowering the corporate tax rate...
They know their influence is waning. The pitchforks are out. They don't have the balls to stand up there and say they aren't willing to help struggling American Workers out. Like to see em try it though. We'll see what it gets em.

I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

They know their influence is waning. The pitchforks are out. They don't have the balls to stand up there and say they aren't willing to help struggling American Workers out. Like to see em try it though. We'll see what it gets em.

I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

The Minimum Wage issue will come to a head eventually. And i really don't think the greedy Republican folks in Congress have the balls to tell American Workers to go to hell. I would think they know better.

Let me fill you in on some information here:

Minimum wage workers in the US are about 3% of our workforce. Most of them are retirees looking for something to do or for extra money while others are under the voting age or in college earning extra money.

Nobody would be hurt in Congress by refusing to increase minimum wage. Much like your fantasy about Republicans nearing their end, it doesn't exist except in your mind.
That 3% workforce statistic refers to those at the bare minimum of $7.25 if I'm not mistaken. It doesn't include people at $7.45, $8.50, etc.. All who will benefit greatly. Most are not retirees and students, You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Even if they were, so what? Giving students and retirees more spending power helps the economy, especially when demand is low.

Low-wage Workers Are Older Than You Think: 88 Percent of Workers Who Would Benefit From a Higher Minimum Wage Are Older Than 20, One Third Are Over 40

Do you think that higher minimum wages come out of the sky? Think again.

In order to accommodate higher minimum wage, somebody has to pay for that, and in most cases, that somebody will be the consumer.

So the hammer, nails and saw at my hardware story cost more because of this minimum wage increase. Because of that, I can only afford the hammer and nails. The saw will have to come at another time.

This is nothing more than transference of wealth if you look at the reality of it. True, minimum wage workers will have more buying power, but consumers not affected by minimum wage will have less buying power and will buy less. It's a zero sum gain.

If you knew what you were talking about, you would understand that brick and mortar stores are losing business to internet competition. Walmart cited this when they closed hundreds of their stores. People will always flock to lower prices, and when brick and mortar stores have to increase their prices for whatever reason, more and more Americans will be buying products off of their computer than the store. It's less work, more convenient, and you don't have to warm up the car and use gasoline to purchase your products. Just move the mouse, click, and provide credit information. Then it's delivered right to your doorstep in one or two days.
Do you think that higher minimum wages come out of the sky? Think again.
Where did I say this?
In order to accommodate higher minimum wage, somebody has to pay for that, and in most cases, that somebody will be the consumer.
Yes, consumers deal with a small price increase that balances off as time goes on, this has been the case with other MW increases.
So the hammer, nails and saw at my hardware story cost more because of this minimum wage increase. Because of that, I can only afford the hammer and nails. The saw will have to come at another time.
Silly example.
This is nothing more than transference of wealth if you look at the reality of it.
True, minimum wage workers will have more buying power, but consumers not affected by minimum wage will have less buying power and will buy less.
Hilariously false. Show me when this has happened, with evidence, in regards to our historical record of increasing the federal minimum.
Oregon lawmakers approve landmark minimum wage increase

I wonder if the same idiots that whine now about the min wage sound like the idiots that whined the apocalypse was going to happen when it was raised to its current wage.....anyways good for Oregon residents,maybe now they can make ends meet a little better.
I'm sure it's been pointed out, but if not, they voted to raise the min wage - by 2020.
Which means even the left don't believe it needs to be raised right now.
Oregon lawmakers approve landmark minimum wage increase

I wonder if the same idiots that whine now about the min wage sound like the idiots that whined the apocalypse was going to happen when it was raised to its current wage.....anyways good for Oregon residents,maybe now they can make ends meet a little better.
I'm sure it's been pointed out, but if not, they voted to raise the min wage - by 2020.
Which means even the left don't believe it needs to be raised right now.
Well, people on the left do tend to be right when it comes to economics.
And to answer the OP's question... Yes, the usual suspects will screech the same 'Sky is Falling' Bullshite they've always screeched when it's proposed we take care of our struggling workers a little better.

And as usual, the sky won't fall. Oregon took a bold step here. Oregonians should be very proud. Now it's time for the rest of the country to follow suit.

Not so fast. Give it about five to ten years to see the ramifications of this huge increase. Then decide if that's what we want all across the country. Why do you think they phase these increases slowly? If it's so great, why not just increase minimum wage all at once?

I'll leave you to think about that one for a while.

The only ones who don't wanna help our struggling workers out, are the same ole greedy hateful white Republican dudes. And their numbers are dwindling. Their influence is waning.

Only in your mind. I guess you must have fallen asleep when the Republicans first took over Congress, then later expanded their majority while at the same time, taking over the Senate and Governorships across the country.

Politicians are not supposed to help the struggling worker out. Politicians are supposed to govern. The people that are supposed to help the struggling worker out are the struggling workers. It is they that need to learn a skill or get an education. It is they that need to try harder at the job they have. It is they who have to stop having children before they can afford them.

When minimum wage goes up drastically, all wages increase. Then those people you supposedly helped are right back where they started from because yes, they are making more money, but everything else around them costs more as well. Within a few years, it's a zero sum gain.

I just don't get how you people can't understand this simple concept. It's the same thing that happened during the big union days. Now where are jobs today? They are in foreign countries.
Politicians are not supposed to help the struggling worker out. Politicians are supposed to govern.
What do you think "governing" is?

Governing is the act of regulating the state, country or even the city. Governing is creating laws, passing taxation and spending money appropriately.

Governing is not forcing industry to overpay employees. That's dictatorship--not governing. It also falls under the category of fascism.

Wages are determined by the ability of an employee to labor in order to make a profit for the employer--not what your local or federal government thinks is nice-nice.
I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

The Minimum Wage issue will come to a head eventually. And i really don't think the greedy Republican folks in Congress have the balls to tell American Workers to go to hell. I would think they know better.

Let me fill you in on some information here:

Minimum wage workers in the US are about 3% of our workforce. Most of them are retirees looking for something to do or for extra money while others are under the voting age or in college earning extra money.

Nobody would be hurt in Congress by refusing to increase minimum wage. Much like your fantasy about Republicans nearing their end, it doesn't exist except in your mind.
That 3% workforce statistic refers to those at the bare minimum of $7.25 if I'm not mistaken. It doesn't include people at $7.45, $8.50, etc.. All who will benefit greatly. Most are not retirees and students, You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Even if they were, so what? Giving students and retirees more spending power helps the economy, especially when demand is low.

Low-wage Workers Are Older Than You Think: 88 Percent of Workers Who Would Benefit From a Higher Minimum Wage Are Older Than 20, One Third Are Over 40

Do you think that higher minimum wages come out of the sky? Think again.

In order to accommodate higher minimum wage, somebody has to pay for that, and in most cases, that somebody will be the consumer.

So the hammer, nails and saw at my hardware story cost more because of this minimum wage increase. Because of that, I can only afford the hammer and nails. The saw will have to come at another time.

This is nothing more than transference of wealth if you look at the reality of it. True, minimum wage workers will have more buying power, but consumers not affected by minimum wage will have less buying power and will buy less. It's a zero sum gain.

If you knew what you were talking about, you would understand that brick and mortar stores are losing business to internet competition. Walmart cited this when they closed hundreds of their stores. People will always flock to lower prices, and when brick and mortar stores have to increase their prices for whatever reason, more and more Americans will be buying products off of their computer than the store. It's less work, more convenient, and you don't have to warm up the car and use gasoline to purchase your products. Just move the mouse, click, and provide credit information. Then it's delivered right to your doorstep in one or two days.
Do you think that higher minimum wages come out of the sky? Think again.
Where did I say this?
In order to accommodate higher minimum wage, somebody has to pay for that, and in most cases, that somebody will be the consumer.
Yes, consumers deal with a small price increase that balances off as time goes on, this has been the case with other MW increases.
So the hammer, nails and saw at my hardware story cost more because of this minimum wage increase. Because of that, I can only afford the hammer and nails. The saw will have to come at another time.
Silly example.
This is nothing more than transference of wealth if you look at the reality of it.
True, minimum wage workers will have more buying power, but consumers not affected by minimum wage will have less buying power and will buy less.
Hilariously false. Show me when this has happened, with evidence, in regards to our historical record of increasing the federal minimum.
All of the OP's points are easily immortalized in previous actions by government where it took it upon itself to manipulate the economy.....
Wage and price controls equal economic disaster.

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