Oregon raises min wage

And to answer the OP's question... Yes, the usual suspects will screech the same 'Sky is Falling' Bullshite they've always screeched when it's proposed we take care of our struggling workers a little better.

And as usual, the sky won't fall. Oregon took a bold step here. Oregonians should be very proud. Now it's time for the rest of the country to follow suit.

Not so fast. Give it about five to ten years to see the ramifications of this huge increase. Then decide if that's what we want all across the country. Why do you think they phase these increases slowly? If it's so great, why not just increase minimum wage all at once?

I'll leave you to think about that one for a while.
What ramifications? People drastically increasing their spending and benefiting the economy? Less people collecting federal benefits?

The only way to stop people from collecting federal benefits is to reduce the threshold for which one can collect--not increasing minimum wage.

The ramifications will be the loss of businesses and expansion of businesses in those areas. Again......this will take time to evaluate as no state has businesses flocking to them every single day. It's a slow process and needs to be evaluated in due time.

That's why I said give it five to ten years so a pattern can be noted. But ask yourself: if you were a business owner, wanted to expand your operations, would you choose a city or state that would require you to spend tens of thousands more, or a place where you can save that money for yourself and your business? It's a very simple calculation.
I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

The Minimum Wage issue will come to a head eventually. And i really don't think the greedy Republican folks in Congress have the balls to tell American Workers to go to hell. I would think they know better.

Let me fill you in on some information here:

Minimum wage workers in the US are about 3% of our workforce. Most of them are retirees looking for something to do or for extra money while others are under the voting age or in college earning extra money.

Nobody would be hurt in Congress by refusing to increase minimum wage. Much like your fantasy about Republicans nearing their end, it doesn't exist except in your mind.
That 3% workforce statistic refers to those at the bare minimum of $7.25 if I'm not mistaken. It doesn't include people at $7.45, $8.50, etc.. All who will benefit greatly. Most are not retirees and students, You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Even if they were, so what? Giving students and retirees more spending power helps the economy, especially when demand is low.

Low-wage Workers Are Older Than You Think: 88 Percent of Workers Who Would Benefit From a Higher Minimum Wage Are Older Than 20, One Third Are Over 40

Do you think that higher minimum wages come out of the sky? Think again.

In order to accommodate higher minimum wage, somebody has to pay for that, and in most cases, that somebody will be the consumer.

So the hammer, nails and saw at my hardware story cost more because of this minimum wage increase. Because of that, I can only afford the hammer and nails. The saw will have to come at another time.

This is nothing more than transference of wealth if you look at the reality of it. True, minimum wage workers will have more buying power, but consumers not affected by minimum wage will have less buying power and will buy less. It's a zero sum gain.

If you knew what you were talking about, you would understand that brick and mortar stores are losing business to internet competition. Walmart cited this when they closed hundreds of their stores. People will always flock to lower prices, and when brick and mortar stores have to increase their prices for whatever reason, more and more Americans will be buying products off of their computer than the store. It's less work, more convenient, and you don't have to warm up the car and use gasoline to purchase your products. Just move the mouse, click, and provide credit information. Then it's delivered right to your doorstep in one or two days.
Do you think that higher minimum wages come out of the sky? Think again.
Where did I say this?
In order to accommodate higher minimum wage, somebody has to pay for that, and in most cases, that somebody will be the consumer.
Yes, consumers deal with a small price increase that balances off as time goes on, this has been the case with other MW increases.
So the hammer, nails and saw at my hardware story cost more because of this minimum wage increase. Because of that, I can only afford the hammer and nails. The saw will have to come at another time.
Silly example.
This is nothing more than transference of wealth if you look at the reality of it.
True, minimum wage workers will have more buying power, but consumers not affected by minimum wage will have less buying power and will buy less.
Hilariously false. Show me when this has happened, with evidence, in regards to our historical record of increasing the federal minimum.

It's right in front of you if you care to look.

Walmart is the number one store in America. Why? Because Walmart has the lowest prices and in many cases, the most selection.

People bypass the mom-and-pop shops to purchase their items at Walmart. At Walmart, you can buy 10 items for $60.00 compared to buying 7 items at the mom-and-pop shop for the same money.

So this minimum wage law goes into place at your local store. You need to buy a widget. You have two choices: Purchase your widget for $25.00 at your local hardware store and support this new minimum wage, or order it online for $15.00.

You are correct at one thing, and that is some places will see little price increase because of a huge minimum wage increase. McDonald's for example can slightly increase the price of their hamburgers only a few cents because they sell thousands of hamburgers every single day. But your car wash doesn't wash thousands of cars every day, therefore the labor costs are divided by less consumers because of volume. The price of your car wash will increase much more than the price of your hamburger.
Great move OR... now the STUPID BURGER FLIPPING CLASS of people in your state will make more money than most people graduating college, great move, I'm sure businesses will be flocking to OR any time now...

Let me know when McDonalds pulls out of Oregon.
Don't think for a second most employers of low skill workers haven't been working on plans to combat this or get around the law.
They will .
BTW, prices WILL rise....They must. Employers are not going to sit idly by while their profit margins are gobbled up by overly benevolent government

Prices will rise, not by much, a couple cents for a burger, bfd, maybe you can't afford it. Then again if you can't then maybe you should move to Oregon for an automatic raise.

Are you saying McDonalds is working on a plan to get out of Oregon?
Meanwhile who controls Congress?

They know their influence is waning. The pitchforks are out. They don't have the balls to stand up there and say they aren't willing to help struggling American Workers out. Like to see em try it though. We'll see what it gets em.

I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

Meanwhile who controls Congress?

They know their influence is waning. The pitchforks are out. They don't have the balls to stand up there and say they aren't willing to help struggling American Workers out. Like to see em try it though. We'll see what it gets em.

I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

The Minimum Wage issue will come to a head eventually. And i really don't think the greedy Republican folks in Congress have the balls to tell American Workers to go to hell. I would think they know better.

Let me fill you in on some information here:

Minimum wage workers in the US are about 3% of our workforce. Most of them are retirees looking for something to do or for extra money while others are under the voting age or in college earning extra money.

Nobody would be hurt in Congress by refusing to increase minimum wage. Much like your fantasy about Republicans nearing their end, it doesn't exist except in your mind.
That 3% workforce statistic refers to those at the bare minimum of $7.25 if I'm not mistaken. It doesn't include people at $7.45, $8.50, etc.. All who will benefit greatly. Most are not retirees and students, You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Even if they were, so what? Giving students and retirees more spending power helps the economy, especially when demand is low.

Low-wage Workers Are Older Than You Think: 88 Percent of Workers Who Would Benefit From a Higher Minimum Wage Are Older Than 20, One Third Are Over 40

Nice try, but greedy white Republican dude wants the poor and elderly to go away and be disappeared. They would be very comfortable with them being locked away in cages or placed in work camps. You're dealing with some very nasty people. The Republican Party is currently run by greedy Nazis. So you won't get through to em. But again, nice try.
Americans making a livable wage will contribute more to the economy. It will benefit us all in the end. The Corporate Elites are gonna get angry, but they'll get over it. As a nation, we can't only do what's best for the Elites. We have to look out for the least fortunate among us as well. If we do that, we can truly be proud of our nation.
I hear ya, very wise observations. I just can't go with where the Republican Party is these days. It's become such a hateful Fascist Party. All that pushing for a Police State and WWIII. All that hating on the poor least fortunate among us. I'm done with that. I won't support it. I've left the Party.
Again I don't see the dems as any better. They're doing a pretty solid job pushing for WWIII as we speak. And the far left gets more "fascist" by the day. I heard a women on NPR not to long ago say there are no liberals left. It's now the "rigid left".

I also understand some of the anger. We watch the dems refusing to enforce immigration laws and then find ourselves competing with companies hiring them. More than once I've heard small business people say the only way to compete in this country is to get rid of the americans. Tends to tick people off.

Can't really disagree with ya much. But this fanatical push for a Police State and WWIII seems to be coming from the Republican Party more so at this point. It alowed the Neocon (Nazi) religious zealots to hijack the Party. Those folks are madmen. They really do want their Police State and WWIII. I can't go along.

What can define more of a police state than the government forcing industry to pay people what they deem necessary? Shouldn't that be up to the business owner and not the government?
LOL. The government has the ability to control the economy, and they should. They are the ones that add dollars.
It is NOT the business of government to control the economy or do anything else but perform essential functions

Ha, you Neocons (Nazis) helped waved bye bye to that concept a long time ago. You guys have proven to be anything but 'Small/Less Government' folks. You're only that if you see personal gain in it. Just a matter of convenience for y'all.
Can't really disagree with ya much. But this fanatical push for a Police State and WWIII seems to be coming from the Republican Party more so at this point. It alowed the Neocon (Nazi) religious zealots to hijack the Party. Those folks are madmen. They really do want their Police State and WWIII. I can't go along.

What can define more of a police state than the government forcing industry to pay people what they deem necessary? Shouldn't that be up to the business owner and not the government?
LOL. The government has the ability to control the economy, and they should. They are the ones that add dollars.
It is NOT the business of government to control the economy or do anything else but perform essential functions
News flash: The government adds dollars to the economy and has been controlling the market for decades. If you want to talk about some fantasy world that will never exist, be my guest.
What the hell are you talking about?
Hey genius. We have here a free market economy....The private sector controls the economy....The government simply regulates it intheory to prevent a repeat of the laissez faire tactics seen in the latter half of the 19th C and the early part of the 20th C....
BTW, sunshine...When the government adds dollars( currency) to the money supply, the currency traders sell off US Dollars and buy other major currencies. That is done because by printing money and placing it into circulation, the government has devalued the currency.
Government creates NOTHING. It only consumes. When government acts, wealth is removed from the economy in the form of taxes and fees reducing the purchasing and investing power of the private sector. Less spending and investing means lower revenue streams. Pretty simple stuff.
Taxation and regulation ARE necessary to maintain an open yet just economy. A balance.
You knuckleheads have this silly idea that all wealth and earnings in a perfect world would be confiscated by government for redistribution as it sees fit....
From each according to their abilities. To each according to their needs. Is that your idea of good government? A benevolent dictatorship?

Ha, there's nothing 'free' about our market. It's completey controlled and manipulated by the few Elites in Government and Big Business.
They know their influence is waning. The pitchforks are out. They don't have the balls to stand up there and say they aren't willing to help struggling American Workers out. Like to see em try it though. We'll see what it gets em.

I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

They know their influence is waning. The pitchforks are out. They don't have the balls to stand up there and say they aren't willing to help struggling American Workers out. Like to see em try it though. We'll see what it gets em.

I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

The Minimum Wage issue will come to a head eventually. And i really don't think the greedy Republican folks in Congress have the balls to tell American Workers to go to hell. I would think they know better.

Let me fill you in on some information here:

Minimum wage workers in the US are about 3% of our workforce. Most of them are retirees looking for something to do or for extra money while others are under the voting age or in college earning extra money.

Nobody would be hurt in Congress by refusing to increase minimum wage. Much like your fantasy about Republicans nearing their end, it doesn't exist except in your mind.
That 3% workforce statistic refers to those at the bare minimum of $7.25 if I'm not mistaken. It doesn't include people at $7.45, $8.50, etc.. All who will benefit greatly. Most are not retirees and students, You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Even if they were, so what? Giving students and retirees more spending power helps the economy, especially when demand is low.

Low-wage Workers Are Older Than You Think: 88 Percent of Workers Who Would Benefit From a Higher Minimum Wage Are Older Than 20, One Third Are Over 40

Do you think that higher minimum wages come out of the sky? Think again.

In order to accommodate higher minimum wage, somebody has to pay for that, and in most cases, that somebody will be the consumer.

So the hammer, nails and saw at my hardware story cost more because of this minimum wage increase. Because of that, I can only afford the hammer and nails. The saw will have to come at another time.

This is nothing more than transference of wealth if you look at the reality of it. True, minimum wage workers will have more buying power, but consumers not affected by minimum wage will have less buying power and will buy less. It's a zero sum gain.

If you knew what you were talking about, you would understand that brick and mortar stores are losing business to internet competition. Walmart cited this when they closed hundreds of their stores. People will always flock to lower prices, and when brick and mortar stores have to increase their prices for whatever reason, more and more Americans will be buying products off of their computer than the store. It's less work, more convenient, and you don't have to warm up the car and use gasoline to purchase your products. Just move the mouse, click, and provide credit information. Then it's delivered right to your doorstep in one or two days.

Somehow i think we'll survive struggling American Workers making a little more money. The sky won't fall. So no need to panic there greedy white Republican dude. It's gonna be ok.
I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

I've been hearing that shit since I've been on forums, roughly 11 years, get some new material and stop listening to MSNBC and reading StinkProgress

The Minimum Wage issue will come to a head eventually. And i really don't think the greedy Republican folks in Congress have the balls to tell American Workers to go to hell. I would think they know better.

Let me fill you in on some information here:

Minimum wage workers in the US are about 3% of our workforce. Most of them are retirees looking for something to do or for extra money while others are under the voting age or in college earning extra money.

Nobody would be hurt in Congress by refusing to increase minimum wage. Much like your fantasy about Republicans nearing their end, it doesn't exist except in your mind.
That 3% workforce statistic refers to those at the bare minimum of $7.25 if I'm not mistaken. It doesn't include people at $7.45, $8.50, etc.. All who will benefit greatly. Most are not retirees and students, You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Even if they were, so what? Giving students and retirees more spending power helps the economy, especially when demand is low.

Low-wage Workers Are Older Than You Think: 88 Percent of Workers Who Would Benefit From a Higher Minimum Wage Are Older Than 20, One Third Are Over 40

Do you think that higher minimum wages come out of the sky? Think again.

In order to accommodate higher minimum wage, somebody has to pay for that, and in most cases, that somebody will be the consumer.

So the hammer, nails and saw at my hardware story cost more because of this minimum wage increase. Because of that, I can only afford the hammer and nails. The saw will have to come at another time.

This is nothing more than transference of wealth if you look at the reality of it. True, minimum wage workers will have more buying power, but consumers not affected by minimum wage will have less buying power and will buy less. It's a zero sum gain.

If you knew what you were talking about, you would understand that brick and mortar stores are losing business to internet competition. Walmart cited this when they closed hundreds of their stores. People will always flock to lower prices, and when brick and mortar stores have to increase their prices for whatever reason, more and more Americans will be buying products off of their computer than the store. It's less work, more convenient, and you don't have to warm up the car and use gasoline to purchase your products. Just move the mouse, click, and provide credit information. Then it's delivered right to your doorstep in one or two days.
Do you think that higher minimum wages come out of the sky? Think again.
Where did I say this?
In order to accommodate higher minimum wage, somebody has to pay for that, and in most cases, that somebody will be the consumer.
Yes, consumers deal with a small price increase that balances off as time goes on, this has been the case with other MW increases.
So the hammer, nails and saw at my hardware story cost more because of this minimum wage increase. Because of that, I can only afford the hammer and nails. The saw will have to come at another time.
Silly example.
This is nothing more than transference of wealth if you look at the reality of it.
True, minimum wage workers will have more buying power, but consumers not affected by minimum wage will have less buying power and will buy less.
Hilariously false. Show me when this has happened, with evidence, in regards to our historical record of increasing the federal minimum.

It's never happened. I've tried to explain that to greedy white Republican dude for years. But he can't help but begin screeching more 'Sky is Falling' Bullshite. There is no evidence whatsover showing the U.S. Economy has ever suffered an economic downturn due to raising the Minimum Wage. It just hasn't happened. The reality is, the Corporate Elites will bitch & moan for a bit, and then they'll get over it. The Economy won't collapse and life will go on.
Americans making a livable wage will contribute more to the economy. It will benefit us all in the end. The Corporate Elites are gonna get angry, but they'll get over it. As a nation, we can't only do what's best for the Elites. We have to look out for the least fortunate among us as well. If we do that, we can truly be proud of our nation.
This makes no sense. This isn't "new" money entering the system. It's something people on the left can't seem to understand. If you take $10 from me, there isn't $10 new dollars in the system.

Corporate Elites? The "corporate elites" don't employ minimum wage earners. The vast majority are employed by small businesses. All you're doing is moving money from one person trying to keep a roof over his to another person trying to keep a roof over his head. Did you know that upwards of 98% of american businesses employ less than 100 people? Hardly the "corporate elites".
The Minimum Wage issue will come to a head eventually. And i really don't think the greedy Republican folks in Congress have the balls to tell American Workers to go to hell. I would think they know better.

Let me fill you in on some information here:

Minimum wage workers in the US are about 3% of our workforce. Most of them are retirees looking for something to do or for extra money while others are under the voting age or in college earning extra money.

Nobody would be hurt in Congress by refusing to increase minimum wage. Much like your fantasy about Republicans nearing their end, it doesn't exist except in your mind.
That 3% workforce statistic refers to those at the bare minimum of $7.25 if I'm not mistaken. It doesn't include people at $7.45, $8.50, etc.. All who will benefit greatly. Most are not retirees and students, You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Even if they were, so what? Giving students and retirees more spending power helps the economy, especially when demand is low.

Low-wage Workers Are Older Than You Think: 88 Percent of Workers Who Would Benefit From a Higher Minimum Wage Are Older Than 20, One Third Are Over 40

Do you think that higher minimum wages come out of the sky? Think again.

In order to accommodate higher minimum wage, somebody has to pay for that, and in most cases, that somebody will be the consumer.

So the hammer, nails and saw at my hardware story cost more because of this minimum wage increase. Because of that, I can only afford the hammer and nails. The saw will have to come at another time.

This is nothing more than transference of wealth if you look at the reality of it. True, minimum wage workers will have more buying power, but consumers not affected by minimum wage will have less buying power and will buy less. It's a zero sum gain.

If you knew what you were talking about, you would understand that brick and mortar stores are losing business to internet competition. Walmart cited this when they closed hundreds of their stores. People will always flock to lower prices, and when brick and mortar stores have to increase their prices for whatever reason, more and more Americans will be buying products off of their computer than the store. It's less work, more convenient, and you don't have to warm up the car and use gasoline to purchase your products. Just move the mouse, click, and provide credit information. Then it's delivered right to your doorstep in one or two days.
Do you think that higher minimum wages come out of the sky? Think again.
Where did I say this?
In order to accommodate higher minimum wage, somebody has to pay for that, and in most cases, that somebody will be the consumer.
Yes, consumers deal with a small price increase that balances off as time goes on, this has been the case with other MW increases.
So the hammer, nails and saw at my hardware story cost more because of this minimum wage increase. Because of that, I can only afford the hammer and nails. The saw will have to come at another time.
Silly example.
This is nothing more than transference of wealth if you look at the reality of it.
True, minimum wage workers will have more buying power, but consumers not affected by minimum wage will have less buying power and will buy less.
Hilariously false. Show me when this has happened, with evidence, in regards to our historical record of increasing the federal minimum.
All of the OP's points are easily immortalized in previous actions by government where it took it upon itself to manipulate the economy.....
Wage and price controls equal economic disaster.

The Government in tandem with Big Business, is and always will manipulate the Economy. You're living a bizarre fantasy if you think otherwise.
Americans making a livable wage will contribute more to the economy. It will benefit us all in the end. The Corporate Elites are gonna get angry, but they'll get over it. As a nation, we can't only do what's best for the Elites. We have to look out for the least fortunate among us as well. If we do that, we can truly be proud of our nation.
This makes no sense. This isn't "new" money entering the system. It's something people on the left can't seem to understand. If you take $10 from me, there isn't $10 new dollars in the system.

Corporate Elites? The "corporate elites" don't employ minimum wage earners. The vast majority are employed by small businesses. All you're doing is moving money from one person trying to keep a roof over his to another person trying to keep a roof over his head. Did you know that upwards of 98% of american businesses employ less than 100 people? Hardly the "corporate elites".

The problem with you greedy white Republican dudes is that you're only willing to do what's best for the Corporate Elites and most fortunate among us. You've been brainwashed on the concept that our poor and elderly should be ignored and forgotten.

You feel if you don't see or think about them, the misery doesn't exist. But guess what? It does exist. And we as a nation need to look out for them. It isn't only about what's best for the Corporate Elites and most fotunate among us. A nation should be judged on how much it helps its least fortunate Citizens.
Let me fill you in on some information here:

Minimum wage workers in the US are about 3% of our workforce. Most of them are retirees looking for something to do or for extra money while others are under the voting age or in college earning extra money.

Nobody would be hurt in Congress by refusing to increase minimum wage. Much like your fantasy about Republicans nearing their end, it doesn't exist except in your mind.
That 3% workforce statistic refers to those at the bare minimum of $7.25 if I'm not mistaken. It doesn't include people at $7.45, $8.50, etc.. All who will benefit greatly. Most are not retirees and students, You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Even if they were, so what? Giving students and retirees more spending power helps the economy, especially when demand is low.

Low-wage Workers Are Older Than You Think: 88 Percent of Workers Who Would Benefit From a Higher Minimum Wage Are Older Than 20, One Third Are Over 40

Do you think that higher minimum wages come out of the sky? Think again.

In order to accommodate higher minimum wage, somebody has to pay for that, and in most cases, that somebody will be the consumer.

So the hammer, nails and saw at my hardware story cost more because of this minimum wage increase. Because of that, I can only afford the hammer and nails. The saw will have to come at another time.

This is nothing more than transference of wealth if you look at the reality of it. True, minimum wage workers will have more buying power, but consumers not affected by minimum wage will have less buying power and will buy less. It's a zero sum gain.

If you knew what you were talking about, you would understand that brick and mortar stores are losing business to internet competition. Walmart cited this when they closed hundreds of their stores. People will always flock to lower prices, and when brick and mortar stores have to increase their prices for whatever reason, more and more Americans will be buying products off of their computer than the store. It's less work, more convenient, and you don't have to warm up the car and use gasoline to purchase your products. Just move the mouse, click, and provide credit information. Then it's delivered right to your doorstep in one or two days.
Do you think that higher minimum wages come out of the sky? Think again.
Where did I say this?
In order to accommodate higher minimum wage, somebody has to pay for that, and in most cases, that somebody will be the consumer.
Yes, consumers deal with a small price increase that balances off as time goes on, this has been the case with other MW increases.
So the hammer, nails and saw at my hardware story cost more because of this minimum wage increase. Because of that, I can only afford the hammer and nails. The saw will have to come at another time.
Silly example.
This is nothing more than transference of wealth if you look at the reality of it.
True, minimum wage workers will have more buying power, but consumers not affected by minimum wage will have less buying power and will buy less.
Hilariously false. Show me when this has happened, with evidence, in regards to our historical record of increasing the federal minimum.
All of the OP's points are easily immortalized in previous actions by government where it took it upon itself to manipulate the economy.....
Wage and price controls equal economic disaster.

The Government in tandem with Big Business, is and always will manipulate the Economy. You're living a bizarre fantasy if you think otherwise.

It's not the govt and big business, it's the govt and big finance. This is so typical, the left is mad at wall street, so some guy running a pizza shop will pay the price.
That 3% workforce statistic refers to those at the bare minimum of $7.25 if I'm not mistaken. It doesn't include people at $7.45, $8.50, etc.. All who will benefit greatly. Most are not retirees and students, You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Even if they were, so what? Giving students and retirees more spending power helps the economy, especially when demand is low.

Low-wage Workers Are Older Than You Think: 88 Percent of Workers Who Would Benefit From a Higher Minimum Wage Are Older Than 20, One Third Are Over 40

Do you think that higher minimum wages come out of the sky? Think again.

In order to accommodate higher minimum wage, somebody has to pay for that, and in most cases, that somebody will be the consumer.

So the hammer, nails and saw at my hardware story cost more because of this minimum wage increase. Because of that, I can only afford the hammer and nails. The saw will have to come at another time.

This is nothing more than transference of wealth if you look at the reality of it. True, minimum wage workers will have more buying power, but consumers not affected by minimum wage will have less buying power and will buy less. It's a zero sum gain.

If you knew what you were talking about, you would understand that brick and mortar stores are losing business to internet competition. Walmart cited this when they closed hundreds of their stores. People will always flock to lower prices, and when brick and mortar stores have to increase their prices for whatever reason, more and more Americans will be buying products off of their computer than the store. It's less work, more convenient, and you don't have to warm up the car and use gasoline to purchase your products. Just move the mouse, click, and provide credit information. Then it's delivered right to your doorstep in one or two days.
Do you think that higher minimum wages come out of the sky? Think again.
Where did I say this?
In order to accommodate higher minimum wage, somebody has to pay for that, and in most cases, that somebody will be the consumer.
Yes, consumers deal with a small price increase that balances off as time goes on, this has been the case with other MW increases.
So the hammer, nails and saw at my hardware story cost more because of this minimum wage increase. Because of that, I can only afford the hammer and nails. The saw will have to come at another time.
Silly example.
This is nothing more than transference of wealth if you look at the reality of it.
True, minimum wage workers will have more buying power, but consumers not affected by minimum wage will have less buying power and will buy less.
Hilariously false. Show me when this has happened, with evidence, in regards to our historical record of increasing the federal minimum.
All of the OP's points are easily immortalized in previous actions by government where it took it upon itself to manipulate the economy.....
Wage and price controls equal economic disaster.

The Government in tandem with Big Business, is and always will manipulate the Economy. You're living a bizarre fantasy if you think otherwise.

It's not the govt and big business, it's the govt and big finance. This is so typical, the left is mad at wall street, so some guy running a pizza shop will pay the price.

Big Banks are Big Business, and how much Taxpayer cash did they receive in the last economic collapse? How much cash are they making today fucking Americans over? Doing pretty good, huh? Most Republicans fully supported bailing them out. But see, it's not always about helping the Corporate Elites. We have to help our least fortunate Citizens as well.
Do you think that higher minimum wages come out of the sky? Think again.

In order to accommodate higher minimum wage, somebody has to pay for that, and in most cases, that somebody will be the consumer.

So the hammer, nails and saw at my hardware story cost more because of this minimum wage increase. Because of that, I can only afford the hammer and nails. The saw will have to come at another time.

This is nothing more than transference of wealth if you look at the reality of it. True, minimum wage workers will have more buying power, but consumers not affected by minimum wage will have less buying power and will buy less. It's a zero sum gain.

If you knew what you were talking about, you would understand that brick and mortar stores are losing business to internet competition. Walmart cited this when they closed hundreds of their stores. People will always flock to lower prices, and when brick and mortar stores have to increase their prices for whatever reason, more and more Americans will be buying products off of their computer than the store. It's less work, more convenient, and you don't have to warm up the car and use gasoline to purchase your products. Just move the mouse, click, and provide credit information. Then it's delivered right to your doorstep in one or two days.
Do you think that higher minimum wages come out of the sky? Think again.
Where did I say this?
In order to accommodate higher minimum wage, somebody has to pay for that, and in most cases, that somebody will be the consumer.
Yes, consumers deal with a small price increase that balances off as time goes on, this has been the case with other MW increases.
So the hammer, nails and saw at my hardware story cost more because of this minimum wage increase. Because of that, I can only afford the hammer and nails. The saw will have to come at another time.
Silly example.
This is nothing more than transference of wealth if you look at the reality of it.
True, minimum wage workers will have more buying power, but consumers not affected by minimum wage will have less buying power and will buy less.
Hilariously false. Show me when this has happened, with evidence, in regards to our historical record of increasing the federal minimum.
All of the OP's points are easily immortalized in previous actions by government where it took it upon itself to manipulate the economy.....
Wage and price controls equal economic disaster.

The Government in tandem with Big Business, is and always will manipulate the Economy. You're living a bizarre fantasy if you think otherwise.

It's not the govt and big business, it's the govt and big finance. This is so typical, the left is mad at wall street, so some guy running a pizza shop will pay the price.

Big Banks are Big Business, and how much Taxpayer cash did they receive in the last economic collapse? How much cash are they making today fucking Americans over? Most Republicans fully supported bailing them out. But see, it's not always about helping the Corporate Elites. We have to help our least fortunate Citizens as well.

Many, Many trillions. Not in direct taxpayer dollars but in newly created govt obligations that we're responsible for.

It's been the fed under a dem adm that has pumped trillions into those banks.

The dems fully supported this as well.

If you want to help the less fortunate quit beating the hell out of small business and let us create jobs. Small business in this country has always been the primary jobs creators. Quit dreaming up new ways to kick us in the teeth because you're mad at wall street.
Where did I say this?
Yes, consumers deal with a small price increase that balances off as time goes on, this has been the case with other MW increases.
Silly example.
Hilariously false. Show me when this has happened, with evidence, in regards to our historical record of increasing the federal minimum.
All of the OP's points are easily immortalized in previous actions by government where it took it upon itself to manipulate the economy.....
Wage and price controls equal economic disaster.

The Government in tandem with Big Business, is and always will manipulate the Economy. You're living a bizarre fantasy if you think otherwise.

It's not the govt and big business, it's the govt and big finance. This is so typical, the left is mad at wall street, so some guy running a pizza shop will pay the price.

Big Banks are Big Business, and how much Taxpayer cash did they receive in the last economic collapse? How much cash are they making today fucking Americans over? Most Republicans fully supported bailing them out. But see, it's not always about helping the Corporate Elites. We have to help our least fortunate Citizens as well.

Many, Many trillions. Not in direct taxpayer dollars but in newly created govt obligations that we're responsible for.

It's been the fed under a dem adm that has pumped trillions into those banks.

The dems fully supported this as well.

If you want to help the less fortunate quit beating the hell out of small business and let us create jobs. Small business in this country has always been the primary jobs creators. Quit dreaming up new ways to kick us in the teeth because you're mad at wall street.

We help the Corporate Elite $Billionaires, we can help our least fortunate Citizens too. You can't push 'Small/Less Government' only when you see personal gain in it. We're a big, really Big Government now. There is no turning back. It is what it is.
All of the OP's points are easily immortalized in previous actions by government where it took it upon itself to manipulate the economy.....
Wage and price controls equal economic disaster.

The Government in tandem with Big Business, is and always will manipulate the Economy. You're living a bizarre fantasy if you think otherwise.

It's not the govt and big business, it's the govt and big finance. This is so typical, the left is mad at wall street, so some guy running a pizza shop will pay the price.

Big Banks are Big Business, and how much Taxpayer cash did they receive in the last economic collapse? How much cash are they making today fucking Americans over? Most Republicans fully supported bailing them out. But see, it's not always about helping the Corporate Elites. We have to help our least fortunate Citizens as well.

Many, Many trillions. Not in direct taxpayer dollars but in newly created govt obligations that we're responsible for.

It's been the fed under a dem adm that has pumped trillions into those banks.

The dems fully supported this as well.

If you want to help the less fortunate quit beating the hell out of small business and let us create jobs. Small business in this country has always been the primary jobs creators. Quit dreaming up new ways to kick us in the teeth because you're mad at wall street.

We help the Corporate Elite $Billionaires, we can help our least fortunate Citizens too. You can't push 'Small/Less Government' only when you see personal gain in it. We're a big, really Big Government now. There is no turning back. It is what it is.
Again, if you want to help people make a better living, quit beating the hell out of small business. I've run a small business for 27 years. The biggest obstacle to my people being paid more is you.
The Government in tandem with Big Business, is and always will manipulate the Economy. You're living a bizarre fantasy if you think otherwise.

It's not the govt and big business, it's the govt and big finance. This is so typical, the left is mad at wall street, so some guy running a pizza shop will pay the price.

Big Banks are Big Business, and how much Taxpayer cash did they receive in the last economic collapse? How much cash are they making today fucking Americans over? Most Republicans fully supported bailing them out. But see, it's not always about helping the Corporate Elites. We have to help our least fortunate Citizens as well.

Many, Many trillions. Not in direct taxpayer dollars but in newly created govt obligations that we're responsible for.

It's been the fed under a dem adm that has pumped trillions into those banks.

The dems fully supported this as well.

If you want to help the less fortunate quit beating the hell out of small business and let us create jobs. Small business in this country has always been the primary jobs creators. Quit dreaming up new ways to kick us in the teeth because you're mad at wall street.

We help the Corporate Elite $Billionaires, we can help our least fortunate Citizens too. You can't push 'Small/Less Government' only when you see personal gain in it. We're a big, really Big Government now. There is no turning back. It is what it is.
Again, if you want to help people make a better living, quit beating the hell out of small business. I've run a small business for 27 years. The biggest obstacle to my people being paid more is you.

Big/Small Businesses have their hands out all the time. They're always looking for Government help. And most of the time they get it. So, there's nothing wrong with helping our less fortunate as well. Let em make a livable wage. We'll all benefit in the end.
It's not the govt and big business, it's the govt and big finance. This is so typical, the left is mad at wall street, so some guy running a pizza shop will pay the price.

Big Banks are Big Business, and how much Taxpayer cash did they receive in the last economic collapse? How much cash are they making today fucking Americans over? Most Republicans fully supported bailing them out. But see, it's not always about helping the Corporate Elites. We have to help our least fortunate Citizens as well.

Many, Many trillions. Not in direct taxpayer dollars but in newly created govt obligations that we're responsible for.

It's been the fed under a dem adm that has pumped trillions into those banks.

The dems fully supported this as well.

If you want to help the less fortunate quit beating the hell out of small business and let us create jobs. Small business in this country has always been the primary jobs creators. Quit dreaming up new ways to kick us in the teeth because you're mad at wall street.

We help the Corporate Elite $Billionaires, we can help our least fortunate Citizens too. You can't push 'Small/Less Government' only when you see personal gain in it. We're a big, really Big Government now. There is no turning back. It is what it is.
Again, if you want to help people make a better living, quit beating the hell out of small business. I've run a small business for 27 years. The biggest obstacle to my people being paid more is you.

Big/Small Businesses have their hands out all the time. They're always looking for Government help. And most of the time they get it. So, there's nothing wrong with helping our less fortunate as well. Let em make a livable wage. We'll all benefit in the end.
By all means tell me what handouts I get from govt. Me or any other small business. You don't understand it, I and many of my cohorts look at the govt as the enemy, it's govts job to make my job as difficult as possible.

I can't pay them more. I spend too much money paying lawyers and ex-govt officials to protect myself from current govt officials.
It's not the govt and big business, it's the govt and big finance. This is so typical, the left is mad at wall street, so some guy running a pizza shop will pay the price.

Big Banks are Big Business, and how much Taxpayer cash did they receive in the last economic collapse? How much cash are they making today fucking Americans over? Most Republicans fully supported bailing them out. But see, it's not always about helping the Corporate Elites. We have to help our least fortunate Citizens as well.

Many, Many trillions. Not in direct taxpayer dollars but in newly created govt obligations that we're responsible for.

It's been the fed under a dem adm that has pumped trillions into those banks.

The dems fully supported this as well.

If you want to help the less fortunate quit beating the hell out of small business and let us create jobs. Small business in this country has always been the primary jobs creators. Quit dreaming up new ways to kick us in the teeth because you're mad at wall street.

We help the Corporate Elite $Billionaires, we can help our least fortunate Citizens too. You can't push 'Small/Less Government' only when you see personal gain in it. We're a big, really Big Government now. There is no turning back. It is what it is.
Again, if you want to help people make a better living, quit beating the hell out of small business. I've run a small business for 27 years. The biggest obstacle to my people being paid more is you.

Big/Small Businesses have their hands out all the time. They're always looking for Government help. And most of the time they get it. So, there's nothing wrong with helping our less fortunate as well. Let em make a livable wage. We'll all benefit in the end.

How would anybody benefit from job losses, paying higher prices for goods, and paying higher prices for services?

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