Oregon said Obama stay away..so guess who's coming to Roseburg?

Ha,ha, you're confusing him with Kevin McCarthy........the one who outed the conservative nitwits in Congress with their fake Benghazi investigation....Obama isn't running for office, in case you didn't know it.
Benghazi is a real place. It's not fake. And yes a REAL ambassador was murdered there.

You are nothing but a stupid brain damaged fag.
Brainwashed bigot^^ lol. CIA STILL says that video was behind all the attacks across the ME that day. Except in Pub World.

OP- And what some whackjob editor says goes for all Oregon. GD N****R Obamama...

Troll again with your racism. You are disgusting and pathetic.
Pointing out racism is not racism, hater dupe Pubtroll. The only kind.
You're not pointing out racism. You are being racist and pretending you get a pass because you're "mocking" racists. Except the so called *racists* never said anything racist. You did, however. So really, you're just spouting racist commentary for fun. You are the racist.

What did this poster say that was racist?
Of course it's all political with him. He's already admitted it.

Ha,ha, you're confusing him with Kevin McCarthy........the one who outed the conservative nitwits in Congress with their fake Benghazi investigation....Obama isn't running for office, in case you didn't know it.
Benghazi is a real place. It's not fake. And yes a REAL ambassador was murdered there.

You are nothing but a stupid brain damaged fag.
Brainwashed bigot^^ lol. CIA STILL says that video was behind all the attacks across the ME that day. Except in Pub World.

OP- And what some whackjob editor says goes for all Oregon. GD N****R Obamama...

Troll again with your racism. You are disgusting and pathetic.
Pointing out racism is not racism, hater dupe Pubtroll. The only kind.
The only racism being illustrated here is the racism of the radical left.
It never ceases to amaze me about the hatred coming from the right

These are the same conservatives who will keep their children out of school if Obama is visiting

You would rather have this huh?


Oh, the horror!

you cant see the difference between that at a private camp VS singing praise to a false president in a public school?


He's not a false president.

You are insane.
I cant speak for the rest of the people in my neighborhood, but I for one would not welcome obama if it were my child. Wouldnt want him anywhere around. Nothing he could say would have any sincerity or value.
Im pretty sure the majority around here would feel the same, however like I said, I cant and wont speak for them.
The references to this article that I find are all one guy saying it for everyone. But I have not found any article that specifically has that opinion from all of those in question.

It is really a mixed bag. You want the world to stop and recognize your loss because the pain is so overwhelming. What happened in Seattle with the Ride the Duck seem so minimal. No President, no press, it seems to minimize the death of those just 10 days ago. Is their life any better or less?
Thats why I would not be so ignorant to speak for others. I personally would not welcome him. However do I have the right to make that decision for all of the others? I dont think so.
I would just stay home. Or I would go but leave as soon as he started speaking. If he just kept quiet and paid his respects, thats one thing. but he wont.

Agreed. If he makes a speech without one hint of politics or agenda, I'll say he did the right thing. But let's face it, this is the most party-first, country-second President we've ever had in our lifetime. In the past, Democrats have turned funerals into political rallies. These are people that have absolutely no integrity, and this is what that town is expecting. So am I.
The very same can easily be said about RW Republican conservatives and the entire GOP. Don't be such a hypocrite.

And you don't know what the town is expecting, so don't speak for people you don't know and don't know what they think. What a complete jackass to try to speak for an entire town, especially where you have never set foot. I grew up in Oregon. I have been to Roseburg. I spent years at university in southern Oregon. Based on my knowledge of the area and town, it is likely, as it is in pretty much every town and city and region of our country, that people will be pleased to have the President of the US come to their town and speak when a tragedy hits them. So, you are just showing what an ass you are to assume that they would not welcome him. Don't people like you know how to think at all????
Roseburg isn't pleased. Like all the rest of rural Oregon, they despise Obama, and progressives.

You have the right to speak for only one person: yourself.

Now, go suck an egg, ****.
What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday

You don't get to dictate what Obama does, and neither does that Republican rag of a newspaper. If the family members of the victims don't want to meet with him, they won't.

It wasn't only the newspaper that doesn't want him there.

David Jacques and community leaders, including Douglas County commissioners, the police chief and local sheriff,do not want Obama to come grandstand in Roseburg for political purposes.

Now, there is a Facebook protest page set up to protest Obama in Roseburg.
They rolled out their “Unwelcome Mat.”

Roseburg, OR Residents Organize Protest Against Obama's Visit: "Defend Roseburg - Deny Barack Obama" - The Gateway Pundit

LOL @ The Gateway Pundit.

Hint: They don't get to dictate what the President of the UNITED STATES does either!

Hint: The are not dictating anything to Obama, merely telling him he is not welcome there.

Well that's just tough shit. For the umpteenth time, if the family members don't want to meet with him, they won't.

Wait, you were going to explain how our president is allowed to "dictate" to people whether or not they will be burdened with his presence...where is the law that states that the president can force people to welcome the prez?
It is really a mixed bag. You want the world to stop and recognize your loss because the pain is so overwhelming. What happened in Seattle with the Ride the Duck seem so minimal. No President, no press, it seems to minimize the death of those just 10 days ago. Is their life any better or less?
Thats why I would not be so ignorant to speak for others. I personally would not welcome him. However do I have the right to make that decision for all of the others? I dont think so.
I would just stay home. Or I would go but leave as soon as he started speaking. If he just kept quiet and paid his respects, thats one thing. but he wont.

Agreed. If he makes a speech without one hint of politics or agenda, I'll say he did the right thing. But let's face it, this is the most party-first, country-second President we've ever had in our lifetime. In the past, Democrats have turned funerals into political rallies. These are people that have absolutely no integrity, and this is what that town is expecting. So am I.
The very same can easily be said about RW Republican conservatives and the entire GOP. Don't be such a hypocrite.

And you don't know what the town is expecting, so don't speak for people you don't know and don't know what they think. What a complete jackass to try to speak for an entire town, especially where you have never set foot. I grew up in Oregon. I have been to Roseburg. I spent years at university in southern Oregon. Based on my knowledge of the area and town, it is likely, as it is in pretty much every town and city and region of our country, that people will be pleased to have the President of the US come to their town and speak when a tragedy hits them. So, you are just showing what an ass you are to assume that they would not welcome him. Don't people like you know how to think at all????
Roseburg isn't pleased. Like all the rest of rural Oregon, they despise Obama, and progressives.

You have the right to speak for only one person: yourself.

Now, go suck an egg, ****.

Roseburg to Obama: Don’t ‘Stand on the Corpses of Our Loved Ones’

Roseburg to Obama: Don't 'Stand on Our Corpses
You don't get to dictate what Obama does, and neither does that Republican rag of a newspaper. If the family members of the victims don't want to meet with him, they won't.

It wasn't only the newspaper that doesn't want him there.

David Jacques and community leaders, including Douglas County commissioners, the police chief and local sheriff,do not want Obama to come grandstand in Roseburg for political purposes.

Now, there is a Facebook protest page set up to protest Obama in Roseburg.
They rolled out their “Unwelcome Mat.”

Roseburg, OR Residents Organize Protest Against Obama's Visit: "Defend Roseburg - Deny Barack Obama" - The Gateway Pundit

LOL @ The Gateway Pundit.

Hint: They don't get to dictate what the President of the UNITED STATES does either!

Hint: The are not dictating anything to Obama, merely telling him he is not welcome there.

Well that's just tough shit. For the umpteenth time, if the family members don't want to meet with him, they won't.

Wait, you were going to explain how our president is allowed to "dictate" to people whether or not they will be burdened with his presence...where is the law that states that the president can force people to welcome the prez?

No one says they have to welcome him, dingbat. They can all stay home and lock their doors, and hide their fucking guns.
What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday

How many threads would we get if he didn't go?
We could make a sweater for Shaq

And in what universe did that make any sense at all?

It was meant to lighten things up.

You seem pretty irritated lately. I hope things are going well in your life.


I too hope that all is well with you.

Thank you for the kind words.

The publisher of a local conservative paper said.................................. Enough said.
It's a conservative community
Enough said.

Would you be happier if Putin came?
He would be more sincere

I know there are no conservatives who would complain if Putin went to Roseburg

Are you sure? Because yesterday he was their man and could do no wrong........today the clowns in the clown van are not too happy with him. Or, it could be they are fair-weather fans?

Something about Vladimir Putin makes Republicans in the U.S. presidential race see red.
No leader abroad draws more Republican criticism than Putin does. The candidates' message is clear: If any of them are elected president, U.S. relations with Russia will turn even more negative.

With eye on U.S. election, Republicans assail Russia's Putin

Briebart is famous for stretching facts......besides.....Oregon voted for Obama, so KKgrl is just confused....she thinks her trailer park speaks for the entire state.


Last 10 Elections (
State voted with the overall winning candidate)







Yepp. Oregon is a 7 for 7 D state. At least it does that right.
Ha,ha, you're confusing him with Kevin McCarthy........the one who outed the conservative nitwits in Congress with their fake Benghazi investigation....Obama isn't running for office, in case you didn't know it.
Benghazi is a real place. It's not fake. And yes a REAL ambassador was murdered there.

You are nothing but a stupid brain damaged fag.
Brainwashed bigot^^ lol. CIA STILL says that video was behind all the attacks across the ME that day. Except in Pub World.

OP- And what some whackjob editor says goes for all Oregon. GD N****R Obamama...

Troll again with your racism. You are disgusting and pathetic.
Pointing out racism is not racism, hater dupe Pubtroll. The only kind.
The only racism being illustrated here is the racism of the radical left.

LOL! Now that is rich.
It's a conservative community
Enough said.

Would you be happier if Putin came?
He would be more sincere

I know there are no conservatives who would complain if Putin went to Roseburg

Are you sure? Because yesterday he was their man and could do no wrong........today the clowns in the clown van are not too happy with him. Or, it could be they are fair-weather fans?

Something about Vladimir Putin makes Republicans in the U.S. presidential race see red.
No leader abroad draws more Republican criticism than Putin does. The candidates' message is clear: If any of them are elected president, U.S. relations with Russia will turn even more negative.

With eye on U.S. election, Republicans assail Russia's Putin

Briebart is famous for stretching facts......besides.....Oregon voted for Obama, so KKgrl is just confused....she thinks her trailer park speaks for the entire state.


Last 10 Elections (
State voted with the overall winning candidate)







Yepp. Oregon is a 7 for 7 D state. At least it does that right.

"Rural Oregonians in general and Eastern Oregonians in particular are growing increasingly dismayed by the manner in which Oregon’s legislature and Oregon’s urban dwellers have marginalized their values, demonized their lifestyle, villainized their resource-based livelihoods, and have classified them as second class citizens at best. All the while they cover Oregon’s most fertile and well-watered farm ground with urban sprawl, gangs, illegal aliens, homeless camps, welfare tramps, and touchy-feely politics that add little or no value to rural lifestyles. Meanwhile Oregon’s rural residents carve out a resource-based living on marginal farm ground and the leftovers of Oregon’s economic growth, infrastructure and technological innovation.
"The Portland metro area is home to 47 percent of Oregon’s voters and covers a mere 3776.41 square miles of Oregon’s 98,466 square miles — that’s less than 4 percent of its land mass, 3.83 percent to be exact.
"Five of Oregon’s 36 counties now control 100 percent of Oregon’s legislative activity. None are rural. None are east of the Cascades. None are outside the Willamette valley.
"It would appear to any rural resident or outside observer that most of Oregon’s urbanites view Oregon’s rural residents as nothing more than third world inhabitants occupying their weekend and vacation playgrounds in what they advertise to the world as Oregon’s unique diversity. The political diversity in this state is becoming unpalatable."

LETTER: Rural Oregon should seriously consider secession
I'm good if they don't want to meet with him. I'm not sure I would want to. I would not think of the families no matter their decision.

From Obama's standpoint is is a photo-op, so he will go.

I agree. Why think of the families? It's not like they suffered any great loss or anything.

I feel for those families, the pain has got to be great. They aren't any different than those families that lost family in the crash in Seattle or those that die every week in Chicago violence.

That is why I think it's all politics with him.

Of course it's all political with him. He's already admitted it.

Ha,ha, you're confusing him with Kevin McCarthy........the one who outed the conservative nitwits in Congress with their fake Benghazi investigation....Obama isn't running for office, in case you didn't know it.
Benghazi is a real place. It's not fake. And yes a REAL ambassador was murdered there.

You are nothing but a stupid brain damaged fag.
I know....terrorists suck don't they?
Would you be happier if Putin came?
He would be more sincere

I know there are no conservatives who would complain if Putin went to Roseburg

Are you sure? Because yesterday he was their man and could do no wrong........today the clowns in the clown van are not too happy with him. Or, it could be they are fair-weather fans?

Something about Vladimir Putin makes Republicans in the U.S. presidential race see red.
No leader abroad draws more Republican criticism than Putin does. The candidates' message is clear: If any of them are elected president, U.S. relations with Russia will turn even more negative.

With eye on U.S. election, Republicans assail Russia's Putin

Briebart is famous for stretching facts......besides.....Oregon voted for Obama, so KKgrl is just confused....she thinks her trailer park speaks for the entire state.


Last 10 Elections (
State voted with the overall winning candidate)







Yepp. Oregon is a 7 for 7 D state. At least it does that right.

"Rural Oregonians in general and Eastern Oregonians in particular are growing increasingly dismayed by the manner in which Oregon’s legislature and Oregon’s urban dwellers have marginalized their values, demonized their lifestyle, villainized their resource-based livelihoods, and have classified them as second class citizens at best. All the while they cover Oregon’s most fertile and well-watered farm ground with urban sprawl, gangs, illegal aliens, homeless camps, welfare tramps, and touchy-feely politics that add little or no value to rural lifestyles. Meanwhile Oregon’s rural residents carve out a resource-based living on marginal farm ground and the leftovers of Oregon’s economic growth, infrastructure and technological innovation.
"The Portland metro area is home to 47 percent of Oregon’s voters and covers a mere 3776.41 square miles of Oregon’s 98,466 square miles — that’s less than 4 percent of its land mass, 3.83 percent to be exact.
"Five of Oregon’s 36 counties now control 100 percent of Oregon’s legislative activity. None are rural. None are east of the Cascades. None are outside the Willamette valley.
"It would appear to any rural resident or outside observer that most of Oregon’s urbanites view Oregon’s rural residents as nothing more than third world inhabitants occupying their weekend and vacation playgrounds in what they advertise to the world as Oregon’s unique diversity. The political diversity in this state is becoming unpalatable."

LETTER: Rural Oregon should seriously consider secession

just heard the editor on the radio...You were right...the people don't want obama there...they mentioned that he was on tv making political comments before they even finished taking the bodies out...and the sheriff sounds just fine...he refuses to enforce anything unconstitutional...they both sound like good people.
What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday

How many threads would we get if he didn't go?
We could make a sweater for Shaq

And in what universe did that make any sense at all?
Numerous threads to make a sweater....

Sheesh, it's no fun when ya gotta explain it

Humor me.
I shall award thee richly for it.
I agree. Why think of the families? It's not like they suffered any great loss or anything.

I feel for those families, the pain has got to be great. They aren't any different than those families that lost family in the crash in Seattle or those that die every week in Chicago violence.

That is why I think it's all politics with him.

Of course it's all political with him. He's already admitted it.

Ha,ha, you're confusing him with Kevin McCarthy........the one who outed the conservative nitwits in Congress with their fake Benghazi investigation....Obama isn't running for office, in case you didn't know it.
Benghazi is a real place. It's not fake. And yes a REAL ambassador was murdered there.

You are nothing but a stupid brain damaged fag.
I know....terrorists suck don't they?
Which is why we should imprison the terrorists in our own government.
The very same can easily be said about RW Republican conservatives and the entire GOP. Don't be such a hypocrite.

And you don't know what the town is expecting, so don't speak for people you don't know and don't know what they think. What a complete jackass to try to speak for an entire town, especially where you have never set foot. I grew up in Oregon. I have been to Roseburg. I spent years at university in southern Oregon. Based on my knowledge of the area and town, it is likely, as it is in pretty much every town and city and region of our country, that people will be pleased to have the President of the US come to their town and speak when a tragedy hits them. So, you are just showing what an ass you are to assume that they would not welcome him. Don't people like you know how to think at all????
Roseburg isn't pleased. Like all the rest of rural Oregon, they despise Obama, and progressives.

A nitwit on a forum speaks for the whole town.

It's obvious you don't understand the state politics in Oregon.

They voted for Obama twice. :)
Rural communities in Oregon have no voice. National elections in our state are stolen by Eugene and Portland.

Oh, that's real simple: one person (or in your case, one extra-terrestrial), one vote.
No one steals your elections, you full-idiot.

Would you be happier if Putin came?
He would be more sincere

I know there are no conservatives who would complain if Putin went to Roseburg

Are you sure? Because yesterday he was their man and could do no wrong........today the clowns in the clown van are not too happy with him. Or, it could be they are fair-weather fans?

Something about Vladimir Putin makes Republicans in the U.S. presidential race see red.
No leader abroad draws more Republican criticism than Putin does. The candidates' message is clear: If any of them are elected president, U.S. relations with Russia will turn even more negative.

With eye on U.S. election, Republicans assail Russia's Putin

Briebart is famous for stretching facts......besides.....Oregon voted for Obama, so KKgrl is just confused....she thinks her trailer park speaks for the entire state.


Last 10 Elections (
State voted with the overall winning candidate)







Yepp. Oregon is a 7 for 7 D state. At least it does that right.

"Rural Oregonians in general and Eastern Oregonians in particular are growing increasingly dismayed by the manner in which Oregon’s legislature and Oregon’s urban dwellers have marginalized their values, demonized their lifestyle, villainized their resource-based livelihoods, and have classified them as second class citizens at best. All the while they cover Oregon’s most fertile and well-watered farm ground with urban sprawl, gangs, illegal aliens, homeless camps, welfare tramps, and touchy-feely politics that add little or no value to rural lifestyles. Meanwhile Oregon’s rural residents carve out a resource-based living on marginal farm ground and the leftovers of Oregon’s economic growth, infrastructure and technological innovation.
"The Portland metro area is home to 47 percent of Oregon’s voters and covers a mere 3776.41 square miles of Oregon’s 98,466 square miles — that’s less than 4 percent of its land mass, 3.83 percent to be exact.
"Five of Oregon’s 36 counties now control 100 percent of Oregon’s legislative activity. None are rural. None are east of the Cascades. None are outside the Willamette valley.
"It would appear to any rural resident or outside observer that most of Oregon’s urbanites view Oregon’s rural residents as nothing more than third world inhabitants occupying their weekend and vacation playgrounds in what they advertise to the world as Oregon’s unique diversity. The political diversity in this state is becoming unpalatable."

LETTER: Rural Oregon should seriously consider secession

secession will happen if patriots can't get this country under control again.....and once it starts it'll be a tidal wave, too.

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

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