Oregon said Obama stay away..so guess who's coming to Roseburg?

The actual PARENTS who speak out want reform of gun laws and like attention from the president. What a pile of Pubcrappe the OP is. And believe me there are plenty of quiet racists in rural E. Oregon- sounds just like WNY. Red areas are like that. Duh.
Nope. The actual parents do not want him there.

Have you asked the parents of murdered children how they feel about it?

Sandy Hook parent:

"I don't want (another law)," he said during the first of a series of meetings set up by a legislative task force assigned to review the state's gun laws.
"I think there's much more promise for a solution in identifying, researching and creating solutions along the lines of mental health."

There's a parent who isn't interested in gun laws. He recognizes these mass shootings are a result of turning depraved, mentally ill individuals loose on unarmed populations that ADVERTISE their vulnerability at the door.

"Connecticut's medical examiner said he was told that Lanza, 20, had Asperger's syndrome. Research has not shown a link between that condition and violence."

The Roseburg shooter ALSO was diagnosed with Asperger's, ALSO was a nutcase who had been hospitalized.

Lock these idiots up. And their crazy mothers with them.

Sandy Hook hearing reveals sharp divide on gun control - CNN.com

Seems Sandy Hook parents overwhelmingly support tougher gun laws. So much so, they pushed them through in their own state

I haven't seen you post a single statement from a Roseburg parent opposing gun control or Obamas visit

Give up already?
sandy hook crisis actors...it's all psyops...
“Since the announcement that President Obama may be in the Roseburg area on Friday to meet with the families that lost loved ones at Umpqua Community College, news outlets have been announcing that the President was not welcome in Roseburg,” the statement read. “These announcements have included alleged quotes from community leaders.

“... We wish to be clear that Mayor (Larry) Rich, City Council (Tom) Ryan and the Roseburg City Council welcome the President to Roseburg and will extend him every courtesy,” the statement said.

Seems they are not letting a few haters speak for them
Post 642
I'm good if they don't want to meet with him. I'm not sure I would want to. I would not think of the families no matter their decision.

From Obama's standpoint is is a photo-op, so he will go.

I agree. Why think of the families? It's not like they suffered any great loss or anything.

I feel for those families, the pain has got to be great. They aren't any different than those families that lost family in the crash in Seattle or those that die every week in Chicago violence.

That is why I think it's all politics with him.

Of course it's all political with him. He's already admitted it.

Ha,ha, you're confusing him with Kevin McCarthy........the one who outed the conservative nitwits in Congress with their fake Benghazi investigation....Obama isn't running for office, in case you didn't know it.

Just because Obama isn't running for office doesn't mean he can't do things for political reasons. :rolleyes:

This is a valid point.
They can decide..what? Whether or not they want his presence to befoul their town?

Interesting use of the word "dictate" there, loser. You obviously believe that this president may *dictate* and the rest must obey?


noun dic·ta·tor \ˈdik-ˌtā-tər, dik-ˈ\
: a person who rules a country with total authority and often in a cruel or brutal way.

dictator | a person who rules a country with total authority and often in a cruel or brutal way

You like that?

The rest of us aren't interested.

Kind of like you befoul USMB?
Because tea baggers are ignorant doesn't mean the entire state is a bunch of slugs.
And what does this asshole have in the situation. Nothing but his stupid opinion.

David Jaques, the publisher of the conservative newspaper the Roseburg Beacon, says he believes that President Obama would not be welcome to the town after making remarks politicizing the shooting that left nine dead and nine injured at Umpqua Community College on October 1. Jaques told Breitbart News that he believes officials of Douglas County would also not welcome the President using the tragedy to score political points for a gun control agenda.

So a Conservative says the President is not welcome to a site of a tragedy...

So this just proves there is a conservative in the world who is an asshole.
He's not the only one, trust me.

They don't want the stupid pig there.

Defend Roseburg - Deny barack 0bama | Facebook

This is how small and how petty the right has become.

Two thoughts:



Now, go fuck yourself, ****.


(I do love that 1st amendment!!!)
Would you be happier if Putin came?
He would be more sincere

I know there are no conservatives who would complain if Putin went to Roseburg

Are you sure? Because yesterday he was their man and could do no wrong........today the clowns in the clown van are not too happy with him. Or, it could be they are fair-weather fans?

Something about Vladimir Putin makes Republicans in the U.S. presidential race see red.
No leader abroad draws more Republican criticism than Putin does. The candidates' message is clear: If any of them are elected president, U.S. relations with Russia will turn even more negative.

With eye on U.S. election, Republicans assail Russia's Putin

Briebart is famous for stretching facts......besides.....Oregon voted for Obama, so KKgrl is just confused....she thinks her trailer park speaks for the entire state.


Last 10 Elections (
State voted with the overall winning candidate)







Yepp. Oregon is a 7 for 7 D state. At least it does that right.

"Rural Oregonians in general and Eastern Oregonians in particular are growing increasingly dismayed by the manner in which Oregon’s legislature and Oregon’s urban dwellers have marginalized their values, demonized their lifestyle, villainized their resource-based livelihoods, and have classified them as second class citizens at best. All the while they cover Oregon’s most fertile and well-watered farm ground with urban sprawl, gangs, illegal aliens, homeless camps, welfare tramps, and touchy-feely politics that add little or no value to rural lifestyles. Meanwhile Oregon’s rural residents carve out a resource-based living on marginal farm ground and the leftovers of Oregon’s economic growth, infrastructure and technological innovation.
"The Portland metro area is home to 47 percent of Oregon’s voters and covers a mere 3776.41 square miles of Oregon’s 98,466 square miles — that’s less than 4 percent of its land mass, 3.83 percent to be exact.
"Five of Oregon’s 36 counties now control 100 percent of Oregon’s legislative activity. None are rural. None are east of the Cascades. None are outside the Willamette valley.
"It would appear to any rural resident or outside observer that most of Oregon’s urbanites view Oregon’s rural residents as nothing more than third world inhabitants occupying their weekend and vacation playgrounds in what they advertise to the world as Oregon’s unique diversity. The political diversity in this state is becoming unpalatable."

LETTER: Rural Oregon should seriously consider secession

Oh, by all means, do try to seceed.

“Since the announcement that President Obama may be in the Roseburg area on Friday to meet with the families that lost loved ones at Umpqua Community College, news outlets have been announcing that the President was not welcome in Roseburg. These announcements have included alleged quotes from community leaders.

“Unfortunately, individuals have been claiming to be speaking on behalf of the City of Roseburg. Please be advised that any statements made by individuals other than our elected City of Roseburg officials or our appointed City Manager (Lance) Colley and Police Chief (Jim) Burge are misrepresentations.

“We wish to be clear that Mayor Rich, City Council President (Tom) Ryan and the Roseburg City Council welcome the President to Roseburg and will extend him every courtesy.

“Please keep the families of the victims and those impacted by this tragedy in your thoughts and prayers.”
City of Roseburg releases statement welcoming President Obama | NRToday.com

2015-10-006 Roseburg OR welcomes President Obama.png
Is Chicago and Baltimore on the schedule for Obama?....
They have a few gun problems there it seems as well....

Obama won't visit places like that, they have some of the toughest gun laws in the country. No agenda for him there.
The actual PARENTS who speak out want reform of gun laws and like attention from the president. What a pile of Pubcrappe the OP is. And believe me there are plenty of quiet racists in rural E. Oregon- sounds just like WNY. Red areas are like that. Duh.
Nope. The actual parents do not want him there.


You are absolutely full of shit, as usual.

And I plan to come back after Friday and throw this in your face, too.

2015-10-006 Roseburg OR welcomes President Obama 002.png

2015-10-006 Roseburg OR welcomes President Obama 002.png

2015-10-006 Roseburg OR welcomes President Obama 002.png

2015-10-006 Roseburg OR welcomes President Obama 002.png

2015-10-006 Roseburg OR welcomes President Obama 002.png

2015-10-006 Roseburg OR welcomes President Obama 002.png

2015-10-006 Roseburg OR welcomes President Obama 002.png

2015-10-006 Roseburg OR welcomes President Obama 002.png
It's a conservative community
Enough said.

Would you be happier if Putin came?
He would be more sincere

I know there are no conservatives who would complain if Putin went to Roseburg

Are you sure? Because yesterday he was their man and could do no wrong........today the clowns in the clown van are not too happy with him. Or, it could be they are fair-weather fans?

Something about Vladimir Putin makes Republicans in the U.S. presidential race see red.
No leader abroad draws more Republican criticism than Putin does. The candidates' message is clear: If any of them are elected president, U.S. relations with Russia will turn even more negative.

With eye on U.S. election, Republicans assail Russia's Putin

Briebart is famous for stretching facts......besides.....Oregon voted for Obama, so KKgrl is just confused....she thinks her trailer park speaks for the entire state.


Last 10 Elections (
State voted with the overall winning candidate)







Yepp. Oregon is a 7 for 7 D state. At least it does that right.

Maybe Obama will change that this week.
Post 9-11, Bush had unprecedented support from Democrats. He was given free reign to do whatever he thought necessary

I doubt if Obama would have been given the same support from the right. In fact, I think if 9-11 happened on Obamas watch, he would have been impeached

If 911 happened under DumBama, he probably would have told the world we need to find out why those people are mad at us.
And call for universal background checks for airline passengers.

Why are loopholes in the background check laws so important to preserve?
There are no loopholes. It is illegal to sell or transfer a weapon to a felon or an insane person.

Do you need to do a background check when you sell a car?

You lie.
No, I don't; ever. There is no requirement for the private sale of a firearm. Licensed dealers must conduct a background check. No loop hole, just another law you would like to change that would do absolutely nothing to stop deranged nutjobs from shooting up schools.
I bet Willy calls the F.B.I. a hundred times a day. I bet they have his number blocked lol.
Happy to burst your bubble, I am.
I have never called any law on anyone.
Don't need to .
They monitor every forum on the Internet and the computers scan every word typed anywhere on the net.

Remember after the debates how in just a few minutes they had charts about whose name was being typed on twitter / facebook the most?

The only possible way to do that is to be monitoring every word typed.
I bet Willy calls the F.B.I. a hundred times a day. I bet they have his number blocked lol.
Happy to burst your bubble, I am.
I have never called any law on anyone.
Don't need to .
They monitor every forum on the Internet and the computers scan every word typed anywhere on the net.

Remember after the debates how in just a few minutes they had charts about whose name was being typed on twitter / facebook the most?

The only possible way to do that is to be monitoring every word typed.

Let me run that by our resident agent for accuracy.
Post 9-11, Bush had unprecedented support from Democrats. He was given free reign to do whatever he thought necessary

I doubt if Obama would have been given the same support from the right. In fact, I think if 9-11 happened on Obamas watch, he would have been impeached

If 911 happened under DumBama, he probably would have told the world we need to find out why those people are mad at us.
And call for universal background checks for airline passengers.

Why are loopholes in the background check laws so important to preserve?
There are no loopholes. It is illegal to sell or transfer a weapon to a felon or an insane person.

Do you need to do a background check when you sell a car?

Can you sell me a gun without a background check?
No, I can't, because I know you to be insane.
Ha,ha, you're confusing him with Kevin McCarthy........the one who outed the conservative nitwits in Congress with their fake Benghazi investigation....Obama isn't running for office, in case you didn't know it.
Benghazi is a real place. It's not fake. And yes a REAL ambassador was murdered there.

You are nothing but a stupid brain damaged fag.
Brainwashed bigot^^ lol. CIA STILL says that video was behind all the attacks across the ME that day. Except in Pub World.

OP- And what some whackjob editor says goes for all Oregon. GD N****R Obamama...

Troll again with your racism. You are disgusting and pathetic.
Pointing out racism is not racism, hater dupe Pubtroll. The only kind.
The only racism being illustrated here is the racism of the radical left.
You're simply lying.

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